(Fantasy erotica) (m/f) (anal/submission) (oral)

This is a chapter in my new book available [here.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0844KQTMF)

Given the proportions of her lover thus revealed, the kept woman immediately regretted offering up her anus in an effort to charm her lord with a novel alternative to the cunt. 

—Unknown, “The Lay of Mayda, Love Hostage of King Mannaz” 

Meanwhile, as the night deepened and the relentless winds began to wane, Harold made his way through the deep snow from off his lookout post on the southern wall of the hill fort. He held a torch high in front of him to light his way. Chainmail jingled and footsteps fell with a crunching cadence. Harold’s mind was troubled as he thought about the shadowy shapes he’d seen from up in his tower, prowling beneath the black clouds on the edge of the forest. His mind was clear. He’d had no ale to dull his wits while on duty. His heart beat fast as he considered how best to deliver his report to the king. It was Yeol, after all, and Wade would likely be drunk.

Harold arrived at the great mead-hall, pride of Wade’s vast wealth and reputation. The White Boar that lofty house was called, and it stood renowned throughout the kingdom for the endless feasting and pleasures within. So high were its gables that the light of a torch would not reach the top of the soaring roof, and so the boar’s head carving could not be seen in the darkness of a winter’s night. Two large braziers of coal burned on each side of the oak doors, beautifully carven and colored with the image of the hunt that gave the name to the mighty hall, and so there was no mistaking this building for any others.

The torch was placed carefully in a vacant sconce, and Harold paused to breath in a lungful of ice-cold air before pushing open the doors and stepping inside. He was greeted by the sight and sound of music and merriment, the savory smell of meat smoked to perfection, and the hearty hail of his comrades that he passed within.

“Oye, here comes our dauntless captain, come to join in the fun and feasting!” Eomer erupted with laughter from his seat, overjoyed to see his friend. He lifted his beer mug to salute Harold and a round of wassail went up at the table following his lead.

“Drink hail,” Harold replied.

Ignoring the brunette head that bobbed up and down in Eomer’s lap, Harold approached the table where his friend was sat. A feast was spread out on plates. Several hale and hearty fellows were gathered around in merriment, talking, boasting, and a few distracted souls squeezed the soft breasts and thighs of comforting women.

“How can I help you, brother?” Eomer questioned as he placed an encouraging hand on the soft head of the cocksucker between his legs.

“Have you seen the king?” He questioned nervously, thumbing the hilt of his sword.

“No. I can’t say I have.” He sucked a sharp hiss in through his teeth. “Just like that, love,” he spoke to his whore. He looked back up to Harold. “I try to forget that I’ve a king to honor and duties to keep on nights like this, so I’ve not been looking for him.”

“I wish I could be as blithe as you, brother.” Harold gave a half chuckle. Creases showed at his eyes and the corners of his mouth as his distracted gaze darted around the hall.

“What burdens you?”

“Nothing, really. I just have a message the king needs to hear. And preferably sooner rather than later.”

“Aye.” Eomer acknowledged his captain. “Oye, listen up lads. Who’s seen the King?” He hollered through hands cupped around his mouth.

The brunette lifted off Eomer’s cock and went to speak, but before she could get words out, Eomer forced her head back down. She resumed her steady slurping.

Gazes passed from man to man, but no one knew the king’s whereabouts.

“No one, eh?”

Again, the serving lady took her lips off the cock she nursed. “uff.” She gagged as Eomer stabbed the back of her throat. “Who said you were done, lass,” he groaned.

“Sorry, Harold. Don’t think anyone’s seen’em in a while. Probably passed out drunk.” He peeled off a slice of ham from off a plate on the table. “Eat, friend, and drink hail.” he proffered. “It’s Yeoltide and your mustache looks dry!”

Harold took his duties as Wade’s highest-ranking thane seriously, and so he would forsake ale when on watch, but he’d gladly accept a juicy slice of swine flesh.

“No worries. I’ll find him.” He thanked his friend and continued through the crowd.

Elsewhere in the hall a harp was plucked and a bard sang songs of memorable tales. The tune caught Harold’s ear and so he sought its source. He paused to listen, letting his mind idle in the sound of the voice. A fire burned nearby, one of many that roared all night, and he took a moment to let his bones warm from his lengthy stay outside as lookout.

“M’lord.” A woman beckoned him back from his mental wandering.

Harold turned around to see a comely brunette. There was a small white runnel on her chin, and when she saw that he noticed, she reached up and wiped it away, blushing from shame.

“What do you want?”

“I heard that you were looking for the king. Myself and a few of the other serving women saw the king running thither and yon just a short while ago. He looked wild and was wearing only his hose,” she wavered. Her cheeks began to redden.


“He was stiff as a broom handle.” She held up her hands in an attempt to approximate the size of the king’s hardon, and continued telling her tale. “He nearly ran us through with his pointed pants in his mad dash through here, desperately searching…”

“For who?” Harold knew that the king wouldn’t let a cold night like this pass without a woman to warm him, and Princess Sevi was back at home.

“Matilda, m’lord. He took her by the wrist and led her to his private room.” She pointed to the door behind the king’s high seat.

Harold knew Matilda well. A fiery, redheaded youth all of the men desire. He’d even had lustful thoughts for her, but kept his cock to himself knowing Wade wanted her. He thanked the brunette and she bowed her head and departed.

*Maybe I will have just one more mug of ale,* he thought. He judged that Wade would forgive a drunk more than a sober man, come bearing bad news while he’s bedswiving his mistress.

•(==]>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wyrd bið ful aræd <<<<<<<<<<<<<[==)•

Matilda withdrew from Wade and acted, for a moment, as though she would refuse her king’s advances. She was secretly very pleased that the king wanted her as his mistress, but that didn’t stop her from playing coy. Besides, what sport would she be for a conquerer like Wade if she just hoisted her dress above her waist at the first demanding tug?

Matilda went with grace over to the king’s bed and sat down on the edge. She skimmed a hand over the eiderdown blanket that covered its surface. She had never had the privilege of stroking a finer fabric, and now here she was, about to make love to the king on the most elegant bedding in all the land.

“What about the princess, lord? What does she think of you trying to alight upon every beautiful blossom that you find attractive?” Matilda tried desperately to keep her green eyes off of the impressive tumefaction that threatened to breach the king’s trousers. She feared it would tear free at any moment with an audible rip. “Besides,” she turned up her nose, “is not the princess alone yours to pollinate?”

Wade was growing increasingly horny and his codsack was heavy with the need for a release. Matilda’s evasiveness only served to inspire further persistence.

“Matilda, sweet honeycomb, a bee that’s worth his sting does not suckle from one flower out of a wide meadow that is available to him.” He stepped closer to Matilda, his protrusion a hard sight to ignore. “He bends as many fair blossoms as he needs in order to satisfy his hunger.” Wade pushed apart her creamy thighs and stood right between her legs, looking down at her with a grin on his heavily bearded face.

Matilda leaned back and pressed her hands down on the bed for support, her eyes gleaming with lewd invitation as she starred up at the king. His concealed phallus towered above her, but she knew it wouldn’t remain covered for very long. She swallowed thickly, but said nothing. Her heart was racing; its hammering heard by the king, the sound of which betrayed her anxious mood.

“Alas, the princess busies herself with her tapestries at the house, and I will not be left to spill my seed on the ground like a churl sowing his crop in the fields.” Wade held Matilda’s chin and stared deeply into her with hungry eyes, and smiled charmingly. “I am your king, and I claim my right to have you as my mistress. You know you won’t refuse me.” His words sliced with a sharp edge of impatience.

Of course Matilda wasn’t going to refuse Wade’s demands. She knew that the king’s kept women were treated well and spoiled with gifts. She smiled sweetly at him. “Yes, m’lord. I will gladly offer you comfort…and more, if you require it,” she said with butterflies in her eyes. “It is Yeoltide, after all.” She giggled.

“Go down on your knees.” The king stepped back and Matilda kneeled obediently.

Wade jerked down his pants, revealing the hard flesh that Matilda tried so bashfully to ignore. Her eyelids fluttered and her head swam. She bit her bottom lip to hold back the smile that was tugging her cheeks.

Matilda barely had time to admire the sight before the king grabbed the back of her head with both hands and dragged her towards his crotch. Her mouth opened wide and Wade fed her the musky flesh. His head tilted back and his eyes closed tight. He grunted with enjoyment, slowly pumping his hips, sinking deeper down Matilda’s throat until she gagged and tears formed.

Matilda quite enjoyed sucking a man off, the salty, sweet tastes that greeted her tongue always came as a thrilling surprise, fanning wanton flames, but the king’s cock proved to be her most challenging yet. She was nearly choked by every hard, unguided thrust down her throat, and as her saliva flowed, she felt a strong urge to grab and pump along with her sucking. With a single massaging hand wrapped loosely over his length, she had greater control over the rhythm and depth of her sucking. She slurped back sharply, swallowing the mess, and hummed her satisfaction as she dragged her lips along the smooth girth.

“Mmm…You are truly one of my most resourceful serving women.” Wade slowly pumped his hip, seeking to match the wonderful rhythm that Matilda had found. He groaned long and deep.

She tilted her head and let his fat cockhead press repeatedly against the inside of her cheek, each thrust bugling the side of her mouth, and then she slurped him back down. Wade’s ballsack hung low and swayed underneath his driving shaft, begging for attention. So Matilda brought a second hand into play – one expertly stroked his length while the other lifted the soft orbs and palmed their heated weight.

“You honor your king with your lewd craft.” Wade chuckled indulgently. “I’ve not had a mouth of your equal on my cock in many days.”

Matilda pulled Wade’s brine-hose from her mouth with a pop and a slurp, and she angled him up so that she could see underneath the mushroom. She flattened her tongue and dragged it along his length from the root all the way to the taut, purple swelling of his cockhead. When her tongue arrived at the tip she pressed a kiss softly against it and giggled playfully.

“Its so big and warm,” she smiled as she held his corpulent flesh closely.

“How do you know how to suck a man off so well?”

“My stepmother taught me.” Her eyes darted shamefully away from the king as she responded. “After she learned that more coin was to be made from a skillful mouth whored out to horny tradesmen and seafarers than in the selling of wool alone.”

“Stand up…Let me see your naked body.” Wade demanded in a low and sex-graveled voice. “I want you undressed, now.”

“A servant does her master’s bidding.” She mewled seductively and dipped her eyes. Then she brushed saliva away from her lips and rose to her feet.

The king deftly unpinned the dull, grey brooches holding up her woolen peplos and let it slump to the floor. Matilda lifted her arms as Wade peeled off her linen dress and flung it aside, revealing at last her slender, naked body for the king to behold.

Wade drew forth and pulled her hands away from her thighs, exposing the lush, triangular patch of red hair that she shamefully tried to cover; the primordial cold joining a realm of red-hot fire between ice-white thighs. He reached down and touched her there, running his fingers gently through the heavenly curls. “You’re softer than a dormouse, sweet Matilda.” He said as he took great joy in the silky texture that met his touch. “Are you still pure, or did your stepmother sell your cunt as well?” He questioned as his seeking fingers wormed just inside her soaking wet cleft.

A small shudder rippled through her. “No my king… Father killed her after he found out she’d made me a whore.” Matilda lowered her eyes. She swallowed hard, her mouth suddenly dry.

“You are a fair prize indeed…not a common whore.” The king could utter words to make even the most experienced woman blush and soften to him, and Matilda was no different. He would please her with his touch as well as with appraisals of her beauty.

Wade took one step backwards and paused to admire Matilda’s milklithe body from head to toe. She made another coy attempt to conceal her sex, and her breasts plumped out into an impressive cleavage inside her elbows. He took her wrists and set them sternly aside once more. “Don’t hide such a magnificent sight.” His approving gaze swept her tense belly, the subtle lines of muscle just barely visible in the landscape of her slender stomach. His vision fell even further, lured by the contrast of color nested below her abdomen. 

Suddenly his hands moved to the small of her back, and one dropped to grab hold of her plump, youthful ass, pulling her hips towards him. Her heart fluttered as she felt the king’s hot phallus push between her thighs, setting her helplessly adrift in a puthery haze of lust.

“I want to be inside of you,” he grunted, “is that what you want?” He said as he gave her asscheek a squeeze.

Matilda drew in her lower lip and let out a soft, stifled moan, smiling flirtatiously with bright green eyes. She managed to slip a slender hand between their bodies and take a hold of his rock hard length. She gasped as she reckoned that he was as big in girth as her wrist, and her stomach tightened with the realization that he would be inside of her body soon.

*Gods, he’s as thick as a horse*.

“Ah.. You have a persuasive touch.” The king said as he looked down at Matilda’s delicate fingers wrapped around his cock. “Let us appease the appetites of nature.” His voice was a sultry lure.

Matilda’s curves went suddenly soft all at once as Wade’s seeking mouth brushed over hers, sweeping his tongue across her full lower lip, capturing her completely in a kiss so devouring that it was if they starved. His mouth moved to her throat, where he bit down softly before dropping to the swell of her breasts. Small chill bumps erupted down her slender arms as his beard tickled over her cleavage. Her nipples instantly stiffened as the king covered each blueberry sized bump with a hot suck.

“Mmm,” she moaned, closing her eyes and instinctively arching towards him. Her red hair fell like fire down a mountain along her back. A hand moved from off of her waist, skimmed quickly up her ribs and cupped the bottom curve of a perky little breast, lifting the mound to the king’s greedy mouth. He kissed and sucked the supple surface, leaving behind barely visible bruising wherever his mouth went. Wade dropped her little tit and it wobbled gently as it settled.

Matilda hissed through her teeth at the continued siege on her most sensitive spots. Her eyes rolled with pleasure as she surrendered herself to the king’s ravenous appetite.

“I am ready for you, my lord.” She managed to whimper softly. “I am wet.” She cooed as her gaze met with his.

“Get on,” he pointed with his beard towards the bed. He bared his teeth in a wolfish smile.

Matilda climbed onto the richly made bed and arched up like a lynx preparing to pounce, offering her shapely bottom to the king. He quickly joined her, grabbing the heart shape and lowering his face to the glistening pink center that spread open like a fresh spring bloom. His eyes lidded as he pushed his tongue inside. There he tasted sweat, heat, and the toil of servitude. He brushed his tongue up over her asshole and pressed it against the muscular ring, his tongue stiffened to a point and it pierced her. There he took joy in the musk and the tang that met his taste. Her scent stirred him, like an animal in rut.

“Emm…I have never been touched there.” She pressed her ass against his mouth.

Wade only managed an approving grunt from behind her as he moistened both of her holes. Then he took two fingers and pressed them slowly into her sex, churning out the slippery essence that welled within her.

Matilda bit her lip and gave stifled whimpers and ratifying moans. “Take me, my king. I am ready for your seed,” she said. “Gods willing, I will give you the son you need,” she swore. A wanton smile beamed wide on her innocent, youthful face. Wade pulled out, his fingers dripping wet, and he smeared them up to her unswiven asshole. And as he rubbed the wetness into the muscular little wink he said, “Sweet girl, the divines do not grant sons from whence I plan to empty my seed tonight.” Wade smiled wolfishly and chuckled.

Matilda’s eyes went wide with confusion. She turned back to him and begged his meaning. He said nothing as he got himself into position behind her.

Wade pushed his fat cockhead firmly against Matilda’s plump pussy lips and he spit where their bodies joined, stroking the mess along his length to slicken his surface.

“Reach back and spread your ass, Matilda, so that I may take you more easily,” Wade demanded. She pulled her ass open with one hand, as the king asked, and gathered a pillow close with the other and held it for comfort. She whimpered.

Wade couldn’t have heard the prayers she whispered under her breath, but it seemed to her that he sensed the exact moment when she realized that there was going to be pain before pleasure in bed with the king.

“I will go slow.. and I’ve loosened you enough already,” he said reassuringly.

He dragged his fat cock through silky, wet folds up to her bright pucker. Matilda gathered the pillow close and tight, squeezed her eyes shut, and held her breath in anticipation.

Coming bluntly to the tight pink seal, Wade began to press against the muscular ring. His ass cheeks flexed as he pushed forward. She flinched, lurching as Wade followed through and breached her.

“Ahh,” she screamed into the bed. “Ouch…Its too big!” Her legs began to flail as she felt herself opening unnaturally. Tears started to fall.

“Shhh.” The king guided his cock with one hand and held the curve of her bottom with the other. “Yes, that’s it… good girl,” he grunted. He watched with a smile as he sank inchmeal inside of her wombless tunnel, delighting in the girl squirming helplessly beneath him. She was unbelievably tight, such that the king thought it nearly impossible to fit himself all the way inside of her.

She clenched her teeth and stifled moans. She could feel him tunneled through her insides and pressed hard against her stomach. Then he began to thrust, slowly in and out. Her asshole flexed with each driving push and pull, yielding to his brutal cock, the pressure inside of her anus growing more intense. She buried her face deeper into the bed and screamed into the darkness.

*What have I gotten myself into,* She silently questioned as she sobbed in pain. Matilda had barely managed to slip an entire finger inside of her pussy whenever she would play with herself at night, and now here she was, impaled up the rump by a man as endowed as a horse. “You are so hard..and big,” she managed between choked cries.

“Mmm,” he hummed with telling delight. “Em… And you are so fucking tight.” He returned. Wade couldn’t believe how soft, warm, and snug Matilda’s anal lumen was, and he could already sense his end building.

The king’s shaft slid smoothly, steadily churning, deeper and deeper, as Matilda started to adjust to his size. Then Wade began to thrust more eagerly into her ass, bumping his hard pelvis against her downy bottom, sending little ripples out across the heart shaped flesh like a stone cast into quiet waters. He grunted roughly from above her, wildness roaming freely within him.

Suddenly a rapid series of knocks told loudly through the great room’s wooden doors, and before a response could be given, they were powerfully flung wide open. Matilda screamed as Harold stepped hastily inside the room. “My lord! I come with news of surreptitious behavior outside our walls!” He slurred slightly. “There are men among the shadows…”

“By Woden’s fucking eye!” King Wade interrupted in a booming voice. Do you not see, Harold…I am in the middle of surreptitious activity of my own among these damned sheets?” He gestured toward the subservient, heart-shaped buttocks pressed tight against his thighs. “I am lance-deep in this woman’s ass!” 

Harold’s eyes went tall, “oh, indeed you are!” He said as he stood there watching with astonished red eyes.

Matilda buried her face in shame. *Could this night get any stranger?* She thought silently as she felt the walls of her wombless tunnel trying to close down on the idle object inside of her.

Wade leapt quickly from the bed, and Matilda cried out as his cock was yanked sharply out of her, leaving her asshole darkly gaping. His skin-spear still hard and pointing, he hurried Harold back outside and slammed the door, leaving his thane standing in the hall and staring at a closed door.

“I was nearly ready to loose myself when you came barging in! Now I shall have to start all over!”

*Oh no… again!* Matilda worried as she crumpled herself into a pillow. She reached back to feel the yawning state the king had left her in; she could slide three fingers inside of herself without touching the walls. “Ugh…gods.”

He continued to scold Harold for the interruption through the closed door. “I thought you were my wife, come to catch me in violation of my oath of fidelity!”

“No, my lord. Sevi is at home, but I do have concerns for her safety. Shall I bring her here?” As the door stood between them, the king could hear naught but muffled words.

“No!” Wade’s brow rimpled. Wade cracked the door just enough to peer though and give his orders clearly. “There will be no need for that.” He said.

Harold leaned forward, as though he sought to slither his way back into the kings room. “Apologies, lord.” He said into the narrow space allotted him.

Wade took a deep breath. “Gather the Ealdormen and tell them to make ready for a Thyng. We will convene after I have had this woman in a way the God’s did not create us to behave.” He raised one eye and chuckled.

“Aye, lord.”

“Oh, Harold. Speak no word of what you have seen here.”


Wade pushed the door closed, this time taking care to latch it, and then turned to heed Matilda. “Now, where where we?” He said as he climbed back into the bed. He reached forward and skimmed his hand along her calf, and once again took possession of her.

“Lord, can we just make love the natural way? I am untouched, as you know.” Matilda begged.

“When I raided the warm coasts far to the south,” he started, “I heard that Roman women enjoy this sort of thing… Some even prefer it to natural lovemaking. They say that climax is doubled in strength.”

“It’s too much!” exclaimed Matilda. “My asshole is wider than the front gates!”

“Then you will welcome my triumphant return more easily,” Wade chuckled.

Matilda once again positioned herself over a eiderdown pillow, and offered herself unnaturally for the kings pleasure. He sheathed himself inside of her wet butthole with such ease that she did not even wince this time.

“Emm, you are stretched really wide.”

“Truly?” Matilda worried out loud. “Is it ever going to go back the way it was?”

“Yes. Don’t be silly.” Wade grunted as he hunched his shaft into her. Balanced thusly upon his powerful legs, battle-hardened muscles ridged and rippling, Wade began to hump Matilda so hard that the slapping of flesh sounded more like a fight than lovemaking.

Matilda let out a series of choked cries and gasps as the strange pressure seared through her. Her breath ran fast and ragged; her heart hammered strong. Taut breasts jiggled and shook as she endured her lord’s lusty repetition.  

Kneading and squeezing Matilda’s downy ass cheeks in his hands, Wade pulled out and pushed back in again, smiling at the sight of his flesh being swallowed whole by her ass. 

While the king was enjoying himself, something very strange began to happen throughout Matilda’s blushing body. She noticed that she had become suddenly less tense, inside and out, and that she had allowed herself to breathe again. Her tiny pucker no longer burned from that wicked breaching; instead, she felt arousal kindling in the depths of her guts from the steady friction. Frenzy had taken hold of her, and she noticed that her soft cunt was wet, agreeing undeniably with the placement of the king’s cock.

Matilda quickly found herself mirthfully lost in the unusual mixture of pleasure and pain, and feeling strangely compelled to vocalize, she began to scream and moan. This time there was delight in the sound of her voice. “Gods! Please don’t stop!” She urged loudly.

“Good girl. I knew you would enjoy a good buggering.” He groaned in response.

“Deeper…It feels so good.”

Wade drove his pillar deeper and deeper, hilting inside of Matilda over and over again. His thick balls pounded rhythmically against her body in loud, meaty smacks, and bulged obscenely under the pressure of their sexual impact with each repetition.  

“More..Please, more.” She panted harshly. Matilda’s body had begun calling in the way that it does whenever she would play with herself at night, begging for her own special touch. She reached beneath herself, cupped and squeezed at her horny little breasts, and rolled a turgid nipple between her thumb and forefinger, pinching and pulling. So strongly had Matilda begun to yearn for release that she had all but forgotten how she’d silently cursed the king only moments ago for imposing himself on her anus.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she chanted. Matilda relaxed her spine, arched deeply, and gave herself away completely to pleasure as that unyielding object spread through her guts.

The king began to tremble at the approach of the storm growing inside of him. He was overjoyed by the sounds of a woman in pleasure coming from beneath him.

Matilda’s gushing sex began to thrum desperately for attention, so her hand released her breast to heed the call. She brushed through her soft muff, found her flesh to be swollen and radiating a pleasant heat, and she began to stroke her middle finger inside her humid folds. Then she began to masturbate furiously, rubbing her fingers in tight little circles over that spot which every woman knows brings rapture. The dull pain of that unusual breaching and the pleasure of her own masturbation blended and billowed.

The king pumped feverishly, inching toward his own blissful release. He gripped the curve of Matilda’s youthful hips and drove himself deep inside of the forbidden penetralia, and delighted in how the tight, muscular walls squeezed around his giant phallic. Veins swelled in his arms, and his biceps flexed as he rutted wildly. The king’s breathing soon deepened; his strokes soon slowed, and his powerful body started to quake.

“Agghh!” The king’s roar echoed. Surely it was heard out in the hall among the merry-makers.

Matilda’s moans stifled her breathing. She could feel something powerful kindling in her core, threatening to burst into flame and burn through her. Nearly the very moment her masturbating fingertips brushed her bud, orgasm was ignited. Matilda’s eyes slammed shut, but she could see every pulsing red wave of bliss as she experienced a climax more powerful than anything she’d ever conjured alone.

Wade’s quivering cock swelled, and her tight, round muscle gripped down ever tighter. “Ahhh..yeah..” The king’s approbations were hardly intelligible as he groaned and gasped through his final thrusts. Matilda could feel spurt after spurt of burning fluid spreading quickly inside of her, sluicing the walls of her anus.

“Mmm..yeah.” Matilda cooed softly, pushing her bottom against the king’s lap so that he didn’t slip out of her. She wanted to hold on to the warmth inside of her for as long as she could.

“Matilda, dear girl, you will have to give me your ass more often.” Wade spoke with ragged, breathless words, and gave her rump a few firm pats. “I see now why the Roman’s speak so highly of the un-natural act… It is like knowing an innocent virgin each and every time.” He coughed. “And they call us barbarians!” Wade withdrew himself from Matilda’s ass, and like a tree that has been tapped for its sap, thick gobs of white seed leaked out of the vacant hole.

Matilda gathered a pillow against her breasts for comfort, and kept her butt arched. “My lord, I am a virgin… a fresh furrow for your seed.” She looked back at Wade with kittenish eyes and purred, thick red locks framing her fair face.

When the king saw her shapely buttocks swaying seductively, and her downy cunt lips pressed beautifully between her inner thighs, he felt his cock begin to stir again. Then he remembered the interruption, the ill tidings that Harold had brought to his attention, and the matter weighed more heavily on him at that moment than the temptations of a virgin.

“My sweet mistress, your delicate flower will have to wait for another time to be plucked…Alas, my kingdom calls.” Once his soft composure returned, he hung himself over the chamber pot and pissed. “Go and see yourself cleaned.” He motioned towards a big silver bowl of water resting in a wooden stand. “You must return to your duties…Same as I.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/eu5j6x/fantasy_erotica_mf_analsubmission_oral

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