The Nerdy Tinder Girl | Teen, Geek, Nerd, Blowjob, Creampie.

**A bit different from my usual stuff, but this is based off my IRL experiences with Tinder. I do like the character of Hannah though… maybe I’ll still write a rape-kink with her as the star.**


‘I’ll see you on Monday, mate.’ Ethan shouted to Jacob as he turned the street corner away from the high-rise flats.

Jacob raised his hand and waved. They had been studying late in the university library, and the sun had started to set on the city. *Ethan better move fast or he’s gonna miss his bus.* He lived on the outskirts of town and the last bus was in five minutes. Jacob opened the door and entered the small reception area of his building. *I guess he could always stay at mine if he does miss it.* He pressed a button on the wall and heard the quiet hum of the elevator descending.

The dirty metal doors slid open, he stepped into the graffiti-ridden metal box that would carry him to his flat. *Rents due tomorrow.* He pushed a glowing button with the number *7* printed on. *I should have enough in my bank account to cover it.* He closed his eyes, listening to the rumbling the of the cables dragging him up. *I need to move. This building is a shithole.*

The doors opened, revealing a dimly lit corridor. His flat was the last one on the left, as he walked to it he could hear muffled shouts coming from one of his neighbour’s flats. *Mr and Mrs Baxter again. Always arguing.* He got his key from his pocket and turned the lock to his flat.

He forced the door open, it was always jamming. *Gotta get that fixed.* The flat was completely dark, he could just make out the silhouette of his furniture. He flicked a light switch. A warm light appeared, revealing his modest size living room and kitchen. Unlike the building outside, the flat was nice. Clean and minimalistic. *Only ‘cos the building is disgusting doesn’t mean my flat has to be as well.*

Jacob pulled the strap of his messenger bag over his head and dropped it at the wall next to him. He shut the door and locked it.

He removed his denim jacket and threw it over the coat hook, moved into the kitchen. He flipped the kettle on. A minute later he had a steaming cup of tea in his hand. He sat down on his leather couch, in front of a big flat-screen TV with every video games console underneath. He sat the tea down on a table next to him.

He got his phone out and switched it on, *should check my messages, Mum probably wants to discuss dinner next Thursday.* He went to tap the Facebook app, but stopped himself, looking at the app adjacent to it. A dating app that he’d downloaded a few months ago, he’d used it a couple of times, but nothing had ever come from it.

*Why not? Not like I’ve got anything else to do.* He tapped the app. He was greeted by a picture of a blonde girl. She was pretty, but not his type. Her bio said she liked to party and go to clubs. *Not for me.* He swiped left.

Jacob swiped for next half an hour, mostly swiping left. He didn’t know what he was looking for, a relationship? Something more casual? He couldn’t imagine himself hooking up with a girl for sex. He’d always been awkward with the opposite sex, he had friends who were girls and he got along relatively well with them, but he’d never met a girl that he’d truly *connected* with.

He continued swiping through images of girls, all blending into one. The phone’s clock read 10:47 PM. *Shit, I’ve been doing longer than I thought. Okay. Last one.* He swiped left on a girl wearing a skimpy red bikini, *No chance with her.*

He stopped at the next image. A cute, pale face was looking out the screen at him. Jet black hair with a streak of neon green down the side. Hannah was 18, and it was the first profile Jacob had looked for longer than 10 seconds. He scrolled down and read a profile shockingly similar to his own. She was into books, comics, video games, films, all the geeky hobbies that he was into. She was studying English, like him, at the same university that he attended. *Must be in her first year. I’ve never noticed her on the campus. If I had seen her, I would have remembered.* He examined her profile a few seconds longer, losing himself in her big, dark blue eyes. He swiped right.

His phone buzzed and a notification sound rang out.

He had matched with her, meaning that she had previously swiped right on him. Jacob went to message, but didn’t. He was apprehensive, nerves bubbling in his stomach. *Just message her you, idiot. She looks nice, has similar hobbies. She swiped on you, meaning she must like you.* He calmed himself, and tapped on the message block.

**Jacob:** hi! ive not seen u on campus before?

*That was shit. You’ve fucked your chances already.* He got up, tried to forget about it, *If she doesn’t reply, so what?* He went into his bedroom and undressed, throwing his clothes on his double bed. He stretched and entered his bathroom. It was a small room attached to his bedroom, with a basic shower, sink, and toilet. He stepped in the shower and turned it on. The water was ice-cold. It jolted Jacob awake. He rubbed shampoo into his brown hair, he closed his eyes. Images of Hannah swirled in his head, like a kite in a hurricane. *Stop it. She may not even reply.* He forced the images out, but couldn’t help himself getting aroused thinking about her. He cock twitched slightly, he touched his shaft. *No. Not yet.*

He washed the shampoo out of his hair and turned the shower off. He stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist, entered his bedroom. His phone had a notification light flashing. He picked it up and switched it on. She had replied to him. The butterflies in his stomach felt like they were trying to burst out. He tapped the profile and read it.

**Hannah:** hey x! I only just started studying here.

The message was a minute old.

**Jacob:** how r u enjoying it so far?

**Hannah:** its great, I love the city but Im missing home

**Jacob:** where are you from?

**Hannah:** Ireland, originally.

**Jacob:** Cool, some of my family live in Ireland.

He thought for a second. *May as well get it over with.*

**Jacob:** So what are u looking for on here?

It took longer for her to reply. *Do I look like a creep?*

**Hannah:** I don’t really know… I don’t really know anyone around here, looking for friends

*Make a move you idiot. Just say it.*

**Jacob:** do you want to meet for a coffee tomorrow? There’s a nice place on campus.

*Too soon? She’s gonna unmatch with me, isn’t she?*

**Hannah:** Yes I know it xx, that be great. 3:30 pm?

Jacob breathed out for the first time since he’d started messaging.

**Jacob:** good, i’ll meet you there tomorrow. Look forward to it!

Jacob turned the screen off and lay back on his bed. His heart was beating. *Okay. First date in…. forever.* He closed his eyes, Hannah was still in his mind. He thought about her pictures, couldn’t help but imagine her nude. Again, his cock twitched, pushing the bath towel up. He fought with the impulse to slip his hand under and start stroking himself.

*Not yet.*

Jacob spent the next day trying to study. He sat at his desk, looking at his half-finished essay. He couldn’t focus. He checked the time on his phone, 1:55 PM.

He shut his computer off and went for another shower, still refusing to touch his cock. He finished washing and went to his wardrobe. *What to wear?* He opened the doors, *Something nice, but not too fancy.* He pulled out a pair of jeans, *these’ll do.* Next, he grabbed a plain, light blue shirt. *Good. Smart and casual.* He got dressed and checked his phone again. 2:39 PM. *Better get going.*

His bus arrived at the campus just before 3:20 PM. The coffee place was called *Riley’s.* Jacob spent a lot of time studying and meeting friends there, he was fond of the chocolate cake that they baked here.

*Riley’s* was relatively busy. Not bustling, there were plenty of seats, but they were disappearing quickly. He went over to the counter and ordered a large cappuccino. He sat down near the window, giving him a good view of the constantly moving campus. He sipped his coffee.

The bell rang as the door opened. Hannah stood in the doorway, she was fidgeting slightly, as if she felt out of place. In real life, Jacob could get a better look at her. She was small, must of have only been 5”1”, and was petite, her arms and legs were gorgeous and slim. She wore a T-shirt with a rock bands name printed on the front, a band that Jacob also happened to like. Her jeans were skinny to her legs, he couldn’t help but stare at her round ass.

Hannah looked over the café. She spotted Jacob, smiled slightly, and walked over. He stood up, nearly spilling his coffee.

‘Hey…’ *Handshake? Hug? Kiss?* Jacob pointed at her shirt. ‘Love the shirt.’

Hannah grinned, ‘You’re a fan of them? All my friends hate their music.’ She placed her bag on the chair across from him.

‘Yeah, I saw them in London a couple of years ago.’

‘Damn, I’d love to see them live.’ She looked over to the counter, ‘I’ll just go order a drink, would you watch my bag?’

‘Of course, go ahead.’ Jacob sat back down, watched Hannah step up to the counter. She moved like a feather, using light steps to make her way past the busying café. He looked at her bag, the front and the strap were adorned with pin badges of video games. *Don’t screw this up.*

Hannah came back holding a frothy latte. She placed it on the table and sat down across from Jacob. Her face was perfect, no makeup, just exquisite, pale skin. He was so lost in her looks that he nearly forgot to speak.

‘So it’s your first year here?’

‘Yeah.’ *Her accent is beautiful. Belfast?* She took a sip from her coffee, ‘You?’

‘Year 2. Creative Writing.’

She gave a cute smile, ‘Me too.’

‘Are you looking forward to the *dozens* of job opportunities that our degree will give us?’

They both laughed, and Hannah said, ‘I’ll think I’ll be on the streets, probably begging.’

‘Don’t worry, I’ll be joining you.’ Jacob grinned, ‘How do you find writing? I find I have to be in the right mindset, or my brain blocks all my creativity.’

‘Same here.’ She glanced out the window, ‘I find that once I’ve finished writing something, I read through it and hate it. I end up deleting it.’

A moment passed, ‘I’ve not graduated yet, so I’m no expert, but if you want someone to read through your work… I’m always free.’

She smiled again, beautifully, ‘Yeah. I’d like that.’

A few coffee’s later, and it had started to get dark and the café was slowing down. Jacob and Hannah had talked non-stop. Hannah had grown up on a farm outside of Belfast, she talked about it like the farm was a paradise. Jacob got the idea that she greatly missed home. They talked about bands that they liked, videogames that they played, upcoming films they were looking forward to. The conversation now had turned to books.

‘Are you reading anything good at the moment?’ Jacob asked, finishing his third coffee.

‘Yeah,’ She said, ‘You’ve heard of Cormac McCarthy, I’m reading *The Road.*’

‘I love his books.’ *She is actually perfect.*

‘Yeah, he’s great, a bit grim at times, but he’s a genius.’

‘I read *The Road* ages ago, I’d like to reread it, don’t know where my copy is though.’

‘I have a copy at my place. I accidentally ordered two copies.’ She waited for a beat, ‘Do you wanna have it, you can come to get it now?’

‘Really, thanks.’ *Is this an in? Or just she actually just lending me a book?* ‘Where do you live? Student accommodation?’

‘Yeah, in halls. My roommate moved out last month, so I’ve got a room to myself.’

*Is that another hint? Or is my dick thinking for me?* ‘Yeah, that’s better than sharing.’

‘Well, let me just finish this and we’ll head to my place.’

Student halls were only a five-minute walk from *Riley’s.* On the way there they talked about writing, giving each other tips and talking about their favourite authors.

The halls were a massive complex of buildings, Hannah was on the ground floor, Jacob followed her into a reception room. They went through a communal living space, it was a mess. Pots and dishes piled high, wrappers and trash everywhere. *Yeah. Students definitely live here.*

‘Here it is.’ Hannah said, unlocking a wooden door with the number “8” etched on the side. ‘Sorry, if it’s a bit messy.’

‘Don’t worry about it.’ Jacob said, walking in after her. The room was moderately sized, for student accommodation. Against the left wall was a single bed with a pink duvet. Opposite from the bed was a long desk with a PC and multiple games consoles on top. There was a small but full bookshelf on the far side of the desk.

‘I’ll go grab the book.’ Hannah went over to the bookshelf, knelt down and started looking through her collection. Jacob walked deeper into the room, over to the bed.

‘And, here it is.’ She grabbed the book and turned around. ‘Here.’ She held it out to Jacob. He took a step closer. ‘You can keep it.’ She added with a smile.

‘Thanks…’ Jacob reached out to and to take the book. Hannah let it fall from her grip, it hit the carpet. Jacob went to lean down, ‘I’ll get it.’

‘No. I’ve got it.’ Hannah winked and bent down. Her black and green hair brushed against Jacob’s crotch. He jumped. *Oh fuck.* He looked down, Hannah hadn’t come back up yet. She was looking up at him with a big grin across her face. ‘I think you’re getting a bit excited.’ She was mere inches away from his groin, and a bulge was starting to appear.

‘I… erm…’ Jacob stuttered. His face had turned red.

‘It’s okay.’ She said, her warm hand moving up his thigh. ‘You really think that I brought you back here just to give you a book?’ Her hand brushed across his cock.

‘I guess not.’ He said, thinking, *I’m glad I didn’t wank last night.* She unzipped his jeans, let them fall to his ankles. She rubbed his cock over his boxers.

‘You’re already so hard.’ She giggled, and brought his boxers down, letting his cock spring free. He could feel her warm breath on the tip, she kissed his head gently, he let out a soft moan. She wrapped her hand round his shaft, started to stroke up and down slowly. A drip of pre-cum leaked out, Hannah stuck her tongue out and licked his cock from top to bottom, catching the cum on the way up.

‘Fuck…’ Jacob couldn’t get any other words out. She parted her lips, and slowly started to suck and kiss his cock. He placed his hands on the back of her head, lightly pushing her head down further on to him. She let out a soft moan, the sound vibrating the top of his shaft.

He heard the sound of a zip. Looking down he saw that Hannah had slid her hand down the front of her jeans and was caressing herself. She continued to moan as she slurped over Jacob’s dick. Jacob threw his head back. *She’s good at this.*

He pushed her head deeper, making her gag a little. She carried on devouring his cock. He went deeper still, he could feel his tip touch the back of her throat. Hannah looked at him, her big blue eyes watering with a hint of kitten-like playfulness. Jacob started to move his hips, thrusting in between her lips. Hannah kept her tongue stuck out, so as he went deeper he could feel her wet tongue lapping at his balls.

He was going to cum. Jacob pulled out with popping sound. His breathing had become heavy, he stepped out of the jeans that were at his ankles. Hannah stood up, wiped the spit and pre-cum from her mouth.

Jacob came forward and held her head in his hands. He leaned in and kissed her hard on the lips, tasting himself on her tongue. He moved his hands down and under her T-shirt, she broke the kiss and raised her arms. He pulled the shirt off and started to kiss her again. He began to fidget with her bra, finally unhooking it. It felt to the ground and revealed a pair of perfect tits. Round and perky, not big, not small, just perfect.

The two stumbled over to the bed, entangled in each other. Hannah started to undo the buttons on Jacob’s shirt, her hands felt nice against his fast-beating chest. He dropped his shirt to the floor, as Hannah fell back onto the bed. He grabbed the legs of her jeans and easily pulled them off her. He clambered on to the bed, spreading her legs with his knees.

Jacob leant down and massaged her over panties. A damp stain had appeared over the pink fabric. He pulled the warm underwear off, leaving them both naked.

‘I… don’t have any condoms.’ He said, stroking his eager cock.

Hannah smiled with an air of cockiness. ‘It’s fine. I want to feel *all* of you anyway.’

That’s all Jacob needed to hear. He moved closer and mounted himself on top of her, kissing her neck and caressing her tits. He angled his cock, and slowly entered her dripping pussy. They both released moans of euphoria, Hannah closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. She wrapped her slender arms around her heaving chest, pulling him closer and deeper into her.

Jacob slowly buried himself into her, her warmth and wetness wrapping his throbbing cock in frenzied pleasure. He looked at her, their faces inches away. She was beautiful, he kissed her on the lips as he pulled himself out of her, then forcefully drove himself back in, making her squeal and jump.

‘Fuck me…’ She whimpered, ‘Fuck me, daddy.’

Jacob smiled. He wasn’t expecting this from her, but he did as he was asked.

He started to pound her pussy. With every thrust, he could feel her stretching to accommodate his cock. The small bed’s headboard started to bounce off the wall. *What if someone hears? Fuck it. Who cares?* Jacob carried on mercilessly fucking her, every movement made Hannah cry out in glee. *She’s loving it.* He felt her legs wrap around his back. Now clinging on to him she dug her nails to him.

Jacob let out a pained moan and stammered, ‘I’m gonna cum.’

‘Don’t pull out, daddy.’ Hannah pleaded.

*No condom, you idiot.*

‘Please cum inside me.’ Hannah howled into his ear.

‘Ah, fuck.’ Jacob exhaled, as he exploded inside of her.

*You idiot.*

Jacob didn’t listen to the warnings in his mind and continued to pump his erupting dick into her clenching cunt. It felt amazing, his massive load filling her up. Overflowing out of her on to her pink bedsheets.

They both went limp.

A few seconds later, ‘That was fantastic.’ Hannah whispered his ear, stroking his head.

He turned, looked at her, ‘I, erm… came inside you.’

She laughed, ‘I noticed.’ She curled his hair around her finger. ‘Don’t worry about it. I felt great. I’ll nip to the pharmacy tomorrow morning.’ They lay there for a few minutes longer. ‘You can stay here tonight if you want?’ He didn’t reply, she looked down at him. ‘I said you can…’

Jacob was fast asleep.
