Our Changing Relationship [MF] [MMF]

This may be just part one because it is an ongoing relationship and requires a little backstory. Names are changed for privacy. It’s been a lot of changing for both me and my gf and I needed to get this off my chest!

Also this is a new account just for this so please excuse the newness. If the mods need me to, I can verify that this is all true although dialogue is not exactly word for word obviously.

I(22) We’ll call me James and my gf, we’ll call her Sarah (20 turning 21 this month) have been dating since just after high school graduation(both 18). We had a great summer together before going long distance for the first year of college in the same state. It was hard and we took a month long break but managed to survive the year. Sarah transferred to my college for our sophomore year which we were both really excited about.

A bit about us, Sarah is 5’4 with hazel eyes, brown hair and in good skinny, even though she is shy about her stomach because it’s not “perfect”. She is on the smaller side at 32b but has a very nice ass. It’s big especially for her size but not so big that it doesn’t fit her. She knows she has a great butt and it’s something I have always complemented her on.

I am tall at 6’2” but lanky and attractive.

Our sophomore year started out with her joining a sorority as I had joined a frat the year before. She ended up getting a bid at one of the top sororities and made it stick. Both freshman and sophomore year we both did a lot of growing up. Sarah was pretty shy(unless it was just friends) when we first started dating. The sorority really brought her out of her shell and she gained a noticeable confidence and a large friend group last year which has continued to now. She got a decent amount of attention from the guys that frequented the sorority house which did make me jealous.

Sexually, we were both our second fucks, but not prude at all in the bedroom. When we first started dating the sex was great like any other new love and stayed great for a while(or so I thought) until spring last year. We started fighting more and having sex less and less which I was okay with since we could recover. Around this time she started spending a lot of time with a new smaller friend group of two other girls and three guys from another fraternity. I hung with them sometimes but never really gelled and ended just letting that be Sarah’s time. I was very worried about her and one of the guys(Will). I was jealous and constantly asking if she had feelings for him to which she always denied. He also started dating another girl who just hated Sarah for some reason.

During summer break we got along great again and had a really fun summer although we would only have sex once or twice a week. That was much less than just months prior. I loved her and she loved me.

When we got back to school with all of our friends I decided to try and make a change within myself. I did not initiate sex most of the time in our relationship. So, I started to take an active role in initiating sex. Sarah leans toward submissive in bed so I thought this would bring the spark back but it is actually where things changed drastically. At first she was open to it, but after a month she basically shot me down every time and I mean every time. I was worried, jealous, and didn’t know how to act so we started fighting again. In late October we had sex for the first time in awhile and I was trying very hard to please her and fuck her hard which she really liked. After five minutes I had her doggy style and she just pulled her hips forward so I would slide out. I tried to pull her back and push back in but she stopped me quickly and turned around on the bed so we were facing each other. I asked her what was wrong and she got shy but I kept prying and prying until she got fed up and said she thinks we should break up or take a break.

I was shocked, but not totally surprised as she had been growing more distant. I wanted honesty and it was always hard to get it from her but this time she unloaded. She said she loved me as a friend but that she just wasn’t sexually attracted to me even as she reassured I was attractive. We had had drunk talks before where we were very honest and talked about sexual desires and fantasies which is important. I did not want to lose her and in the heat of the moment brought up us staying together but she can find a guy to fill her sexual needs. I had been realizing over time that I wasn’t your typical dominant male. I tried and it did not work. I also had a fantasy of sharing her with another guy that I had let slip out a few times.

Things changed right there for us when Sarah actually expressed interest. As we talked Sarah decided she wanted to try it as she loved me as a friend and considered me her “soul mate”. We cried and bonded like never before as we were finally being honest with each other. I wanted to know why we couldn’t work sexually and she unloaded.

She needs a dominant man in bed and repeatedly told me I have a small dick. I knew I did but I was in denial. At 4 inches on a good day I had trouble keeping it inside her as well as cumming way to fast. I was surprisingly very okay with everything and excited at the idea of her with another guy.

I gave her some space over the next few days but she actually texted me a lot. Once we hung out again I got enough to courage to ask who she wanted as her boyfriend or if she even had anyone in mind. She immediately answered Will from her little friend group. I was always jealous and worried about him because he seemed like the type I was worried Sarah wanted. I must have looked nervous because she immediately told me she needs my support through this which made me feel better. I asked when and she said they had drunkenly made out at the bar the night before and had been texting all day. It’s weird, but she looked so happy that I felt very at ease with it all.

That night Sarah went to Will’s house and spent the night with him. The next day she came over glowing and told me where she had spent the night. I rarely ever saw her this happy. She told me how long she had been wanting Will and how great it felt to be finally be fucked by him. It made me feel weird because I wasn’t mad or jealous I was just happy for Sarah. It was also a turn on for me which I didn’t understand. I started to get hard as we talked and once I knew it wasn’t going away, I told Sarah. She smiled saying “hearing about Will’s big dick turns you on?”.

It was a confusing feeling but it did turn me on. I asked her what I should do and she sternly told me to get soft or she was going to leave and we’d hang out another time. I didn’t want her to leave and after a little it went away. Hearing her continually gush about Will was easy because of how happy she clearly was. I started to realize that I needed to focus on being there for Sarah emotionally and as her best friend. As we talked Sarah started referring to me as a beta male which one of her girlfriends had told her I was. It seems crazy but I felt so much happier now.

It took a week or two to really comprehend my feelings. Sarah was spending every second with Will that he allowed. I had never thought of her as having a high sex drive but Will completely changed that. I saw Sarah for an hour or two almost every day and all she could talk about was how good Will fucked her. He is a stud and Sarah’s first Alpha Male. I began to really enjoy listening to her talk about his cock which made me feel weird but excited.

Will is her first big dick and before him the biggest was 6 inches she thinks and it was her first before me. Will says he is 8.5 inches and Sarah believes it 100%. I know guys tend to lie about size and didn’t believe her at first, until she finally showed me several pictures of Will both soft and hard. I had never felt like less of a man in my life. I’ve seen porn but his dick is the first one I have seen irl that big. When she showed me the first picture I was shocked at the thickness and especially how big the head of his cock is. I instantly felt very submissive and listened as Sarah bragged about how she can finally take all of his cock in her pussy. I was surprised because she has a very tight pussy but she told me about how wett she gets for him and how important that is.
I mentioned how she was rarely ever very wett with me unless I ate her out for a long time and even then it didn’t last long once I was inside her. That opened a flood gate that truly changed me. Sarah just plainly said that’s because I hated having sex with your small dick. I looked at her somewhat shocked but not mad at all. Before I could even realize what I was saying I muttered “thank you for the truth. I know I am small and I don’t know what to do”. I didn’t. I was always trying to be stereotypically manly and dominant but just did not fit that role. I looked into Sarah’s eyes and asked her how I could make her happy.
She thought for what felt like a week before saying
“I want you to stop being sexual. I don’t want to spend a lot of time with you because when I do you try to be like my boyfriend again and it gives me a bad feeling”.
I had tried to kiss her a few times and had told her when I had gotten a boner when we were together.

“I can stop, I think, I promise I won’t try to kiss you”. I said.

She was sitting on my bed looking at me sitting on a small couch only a few feet away. I caught a glimpse of her pink panties as she crossed her legs wearing short gym shorts.

“It’s that and you getting hard. I can’t stand the thought of your little penis being aroused by me James. I put up with it for so long and I can’t anymore”.

I quickly told her I won’t get hard around her but that it’s hard not to. I have always gotten boners very easily, but I rarely ever would get fully hard and they never lasted longer than a few minutes. Sarah knew this and in the beginning of our relationship she thought it was cute.

“You need to get control of your thoughts. You always to get hard at anything sexual and it’s annoying.”

I could feel my penis start to get a boner and tried to suppress it without being obvious. I had never tried to control my sexual urges and just let my self go with it. I didn’t like it happening all that much either as I could rarely ever stay hard.

“I’m sorry, I pleaded, I know I can stop them. I won’t let it happen around you Sarah. I’ll do anything”.

I sounded and felt so desperate. I did not want to lose Sarah and felt that in my bones. I could tell she didn’t believe me but also had a very I don’t care look and demeanor about her. She had Will now and his big cock awakened something in her that was a pleasant change. I just did not want to lose her.

“We need to set some boundaries to make this work. I know it’s only been a few weeks but I’ve changed a lot and realized a lot of things.”

I nodded and was going to respond when she quickly continued.

“I love you and don’t want to lose you. I want you to know that James. I have finally been able to speak my mind and do what I want and I love it. I’m happier than I have ever been”

I smiled “I love you more and need you to know I am so happy to see how happy you are. I’ve realized a lot to even though it hasn’t been that long and think we are both going through a lot of changes. I want to do it together and with you.”

To that Sarah sat straight up. “I want you to be happy but I am in a very selfish phase right now I’ve realized. I need things and boundaries if you want to be with me, you need to accept them.”

I sheepishly looked back at her. “I’m open to anything just be honest and tell me. I can take it.”

She checked her phone and smiled before sending a response text to whoever it was.

“Hey smiley who’s that?” I asked. She kept typing ignoring me until she finished.

“Will” she finally responded. She paused for a second forgetting what we were talking about I think. I repeated that I could handle her honesty. She perked up “oh right! I really really like Will. I have wanted him for so long and it wasn’t fair to you for me to hold in my feelings for so long. I never cheated on you. I started to realize we didn’t connect sexually even before I met him, so it’s not just because of Will. We were young and dumb when we first started dating and very inexperienced. I thought you would change over time or maybe I would but that didn’t happen.

“Like change how?” I interrupted. Sarah paused. “Ummm I thought that like maybe you would learn to be more dominant like that it would just happen naturally. And not just in bed, like just in general. I always was the one initiating sex and you always just wanted me to ride you. I didn’t mind at first but I realized and noticed more and more that you just don’t have that side to you. That’s why I stopped wanting to be sexual with you. You tried, I know, but that made it even worse because it made it even more obvious how bad you are in bed.”

“I wanted to be better for you but I just didn’t know how to be”. I said

“I know but there is nothing you can do. I don’t want to be mean, but you just can’t do a lot with your size penis. You asked for honesty.” I nodded agreeing. “It’s not your fault. I just lost my sexual attraction to you once I realized that you couldn’t be dominant at all and that you have a very small dick. I did fight it, but it was just like a natural feeling. I focused on our relationship as non sexual and fought through the few times I did let you in sexually. I’m SO glad we can be honest about this and that that is over. You I think get very frustrated sexually because you try to hard to be something you’re not.”

“I actually completely agree with that. I have always felt like nervous about sex.”

“Mmmhmm I think it’s because you do try so hard please in bed. You tried and you did learn how to eat me out like I wanted, but you kept trying to fuck me. Again I don’t want to be mean but it gives me worst feeling in my stomach when I think that you have been inside me. I can’t help that feeling but it’s there. It’s gotten much worse ever since Will started fucking me. Like when you get a boner around me and tell me it just reminds me that you were inside me before and gives me that feeling. I need that as a boundary for us to continue”

“What as a boundary?”

“That you will won’t be sexual anymore.”

“I promise I won’t be around you anymore. I think I can control it”. I pleaded.

“No, she said, I think it would be best for you to just stop being sexual all the time for a little bit. I need a best friend right now more than ever and you know me better than anyone. I just can’t let you be that for me if I know you are getting little boners around me or thinking of me when I’m not here. You never had a very high sex drive to start with and I honestly think you might be happier this way. It will be less stressful for you.”

I stared at her thinking. “Like I can’t jerk off or anything?”.

She laughed. “No, not if you are actually committed. I think you should try it for a few weeks and see how you feel. You need some control over yourself”.

“I do and I want to try it, I do. I just am worried I’ll still feel sexual things. I have been feeling different since we opened ourselves and our relationship up. I don’t necessarily feel like sexually attracted to you as much. I know Will is giving you everything you need sexually and I accept that fully. I didn’t know what to feel at first because it was so new, but I accept that I can not please you sexually. I’ve thought that for a long time.” I said trying to sound confident.

“I don’t want you to be sexually attracted to me at all to be honest. You need to understand that for us to make this work you need to accept your new place”. She said sternly.

“I want to but I need help.”

I did need help. Sarah was right about everything but I feared going completely non sexual because I didn’t know how that would make me feel. I had not jerked off or cum in more than a week already but actually trying not to felt different.

“It will be easy once you start to accept it. You can barely keep your penis hard for longer than five minutes already. You also like have a lot of trouble cumming, I mean you did with me at least.”

I’m stopping here for now! Thank you for reading and it feels good to get this off my chest. This is only the beginning, but I’ll update it faster if people are actually interested, so lmk!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/etr9sx/our_changing_relationship_mf_mmf

1 comment

  1. Your ex gf sounds really selfish and mean. Move on. There’s someone out there for everyone. You’ll find someone who wants you to be happy and actually finds you attractive. Just being her friend that she talks to about her boyfriend and not wanting you to be sexual at all while she fucks this other guy non stop is not fair to you. I suggest you move on.

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