[MF] Reality-Disconnect

M wants me to write about a night we had about a week ago… a reminder of how connected I am to this man, and the control he has. Honestly; it’s freaking petrifying sometimes. But the same trust and care that creates the situation, that allows this weirdness, is the same trust and care that calms me after it happens. Thank god!

A thumb was all it took. That’s all.

So, I know that I have a hair-trigger when it comes to orgasming, but it’s truly only with someone I have a connection with and I trust. A random person can create nothing in me. And in turn, it’s only the people who want to push the limits that get to see any potential magnitude. I don’t offer the knowledge; honestly, it’s much more fun to watch a partner discover it and play, without any prompting from me! Much more fun…

The main portion of that night I remember is me on my back and M between my legs, licking and gently playing with me. Then he places a thumb on my clit and starts to gently stroke me, quickly pushing me into an orgasm, causing me to grab the metal rails of the bed head and arch my back with pleasure. Then… again. And again. And again. All up… he made me come about 20 times maybe? Please don’t ask me to count… maths is great, but pleasure is greater.

It’s not a simple fact of, ‘oh, cool, a dude just make me come with a thumb ON MY FREAKING BACK’. It’s that you become completely overwhelmed by the reality-disconnect of it, and what you perceive as the ‘power’ he has over you FREAKS YOU THE FUCK OUT. That’s where that trust and connection comes in… you have the ability to make the choice to NOT freak out and roll with it. Because you know that trust and connection was the cause of it. Because it’s RIDICULOUS but kind of cool..

So after we take a break I’m close against him, skin on skin, enjoying feeling my breasts pushed against him and his arm stroking my back. I’m floating; I’m in that post-orgasmic space where you can float along happily for ages if you don’t rip yourself out of it. That mid-space where you want to soak up the pleasure and continue to ride the endorphins, though no stimulation continues.

Then I feel his thumb, one thumb, pressing on the small of my back with the same pressure/rhythm he’d been using on my clit. It makes my breath hitch, and I warn him off (at least in my head I do) by asking what he’s doing. No answer.

He continues and I make the choice to sink into it, and just let my body do what it wants to. And as soon as I let go of any self-consciousness or thought about what he’s doing, my body sinks into it and an orgasm rolls over me. The crazy thing? It’s the same level/intensity as what he’d caused by that same thumb on my clit. He does it again. And again. And i can’t… it just completely throws me and I curl up into his chest and close my eyes and try to wrap my head around it all.

It’s not a simply fact of, ‘oh, cool, a dude just make me come with a thumb ON MY FREAKING BACK’. It’s that you become completely overwhelmed by the reality-disconnect of it, and what you perceive as the ‘power’ he has over you FREAKS YOU THE FUCK OUT. That’s where that trust and connection comes in… you have the ability to make the choice to NOT freak out and roll with it. Because you know that trust and connection was the cause of it. Because it’s RIDICULOUS but kind of cool.

A thumb. Fucking hell.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/etqthf/mf_realitydisconnect

1 comment

  1. I love your submission to me Panda and that I have complete control over you.

    A gift, so rare and precious it will ALWAYS be respected!

    I doubt I can ever control anyone else the same way, but willing to try?

    You will always be my Panda

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