It had been a long time since Dan had enjoyed many aspects of being with a woman, the general warmth of one being one he missed the most. Although his dick was mostly flaccid, it still felt good having it snuggled just under his pet’s exceptional ass, and at the top her legs. Stretching a bit and flexing his dick to rub her, Dan said “OK pet, so I was thinking we would just order some Door Dash. I use several here in town, although I admit to a preference for Thai takeout.” They got up, & per their agreement Dan decided to dress Stephanie in a sexy Dark Green/Black satin bra and panties, with matching Black Garters and Hose. It was quite a fetching outfit, and it had a matching (though a bit short) robe. Dan enjoyed the look on the delivery guy’s face as he answered the door as she was very clearly in the background.
“So I want to know more our deal, after this weekend,” Stephanie said. She was clearly a bit annoyed that she had been placed so obviously in the background, & the leering grin on the kid that dropped off the food didn’t help.
“Well, here is what I had considered,” Dan replied, “I am aware that when school starts for you, your time is limited, especially with clinicals for your degree.” Seeing her nod, Dan continued, “So what I was thinking was this. We complete the weekend. Then, you come by about every 10 days/3 times per month, and a deposit will be made into the account that I provided you with. So basically in about 4+ months, if you add this weekend, you will have your entire year’s tuition sitting there. Sound fair?”
Stephanie was really stunned. Here was a guy only too happy to parade her in front of some damn delivery guy, then turns about and makes an incredibly generous offer? Seemed almost too good to be true, so she was equally shocked when she found herself saying “Ya know…” as she leaned in, “It kinda does…” and placed one hand on the inside of Dan’s thigh, stroking a growing bulge.
“Well someone sure appears OK with all this.” Dan told her, smiling, then added “pleasantly surprised you have been. And part of me shows I’m sure.” This caused her to grin. After all, the bulge was getting larger.
“there are parts of this I’m not too sure about, like the lingerie.” Stephanie said, giving Dan’s dick a small rub again. “I think it’s objectification. But I am going with it mostly because you aren’t otherwise treating me like an object. I’ve been the throwaway piece of meat before, & I won’t be that again.”
“Well I like lingerie. I think it looks neat, I like the satin and how it feels, and wow you look great in it. Now as to being treated like an object, I didn’t know that specifically, but I knew something was there.” Dan said “I want you to know that I never viewed you as that, and never will.” Dan liked the position of Stephanie’s hand, and was sure his bulge was really showing it. Dan was nobody’s fool, and he had no intention of allowing a simple hand job to give away his possible ideas for the weekend’s agenda, although this woman clearly seemed mentally willing, so he decided to explore it a bit more. “I look at you with respect always and as we move thru this weekend, there are a few things I want to try, more so than just clothing.” He ended the statement with a knowing, confident smile
Dan’s dick was now really taking shape. Stephanie could feel it in her hand and she had to admit, this was oddly going much better than she thought; this guy wasn’t just wanting to ‘hump & dump’ her. And for an older guy, he certainly understood how to use the equipment he had. That bulge in his underwear felt quite good, he was as big as she hoped and much thicker, and she was surprised at her orgasm earlier, and so she decided to hear him out. After all, she did have the next two days. “So Dan-n-n…” Stephanie said coyly, “What *exactly* are you referring to?”
Taking her by the hand, Dan moved her over to sit in his lap. “Oh We’ll get there,” he said, but right now, I want to simply enjoy…” Stretching his neck a bit, he was glad to see that she willingly accepted his kiss. He also liked that she held it there. Releasing, Dan moved to kiss the nape of her neck, and it felt every bit as nice as one would expect. “Steph….*kiss*….you know that you do enjoy this… *kiss* (he now added a squeeze of her breast)……All people have natural… *kiss* …(again a light squeeze thru her bra) submittance in them.” Moving back her mouth, Dan added “I want…kiss…you to consider embracing this…*kiss*(now lightly pinching her nipples too).
Men had never Stephanie’s breasts any attention, and while they weren’t large, the squeezes plus the whole nape-of-the-neck thing she was enjoying. The submittance?….jury was out, but for life of her, she couldn’t understand that it was being considered, yet oddly it was. “Dan-n-n…”she whispered, “that is n-i-i-i-c-e…”
The feel of her breasts thru the satin was damn-good….too good to unclasp her bra, but with the tug of a shoulder strap, the breast closest to his mouth was freed. Stephanie Robins must be part American Indian, and the combo of her Raven-black hair and skin tone made her nipples, which were small fairly dark, a wonderful sight. Dan liked the size, and it showed as he smiled big, happy to take the nipple full into his mouth. He lightly suckled it, used his tongue to toy with it the nipple against his teeth, then took it deep into his mouth. Dan guessed be her moan and slight arch to her back that his toy enjoyed it.
An involuntary moan escaped her lips as Stephanie felt her breast being pulled into his mouth. “Ahhh…” she responded. Instinctively, she reached back to unclasp the bra, only to have ‘him’ knock her hands away, and so she reluctantly obeyed. Just when she thought he would move lower as they all seemed to do, she was thrilled to have ‘him’ tug the other shoulder strap. Stephanie quickly obeyed, and the feeling of her other breast and nipple getting similar attention made her feel the dampness in her thighs. Moving with purpose, she shifted off ‘his’ lap and, standing and turning, Stephanie eagerly straddled Dan, anxious for ‘him’ to give her breasts more attention.
Dan liked how easily and quickly she took to not only being dressed in lingerie, but having him suckle her breasts. When Stephanie moved to shift position, there a pause just long enough for her to pull off his underwear, and now his erect cock sat right up. It gave them both a smile, but Dan needed to keep this going, so he made sure to have his pet tuck her knees either side of him as she mounted him. He gladly accepted her kiss and this time, he used his tongue to just break the seal between their lips. As he did so, he lightly kneaded each breast in his hands, and got an “*mmphhh*..” in response. Good. As their tongues met, Dan now caressed both nipples, and began to lightly tug and squeeze them. The effect was immediate.
The tongue was surprising but not unwelcome, but the feeling of her nipples being toyed with caused a part of Stephanie to simply melt. She moaned into ‘his’ mouth, wanting more. Her mind now began to question – who is this man to her exactly? At first he was a means to an end, but now….. The thought left her as ‘he’ was now even giving her breasts a squeeze and a twist too, the effect was wildly erotic and she found she had begun to involuntarily move and ‘hump’ her panty-clad hips in reaction. How was he doing this to her? She had thought being on top like this would give her control, but it was just the opposite, and she was liking it. At last the seal of their kiss broke, and she was anxious to obey his next request.