My Sister Lizzy Part 2 [MF] [MM] [BDSM]

 Lizzy told me she thought that cum would taste horrible, but she was wrong.
It tasted salty but wonderful, she especially liked the silky feel of cum in her mouth.

“I think Dave is going to be surprised next time we go out, and to think I denied myself and Dave this pleasure, I’m done being a “good girl.” ”

After we returned home I had to go into town to run some errands.
As I got into town I ran into Dave, we made some small talk about nothing at all.
Just before we parted Dave started asking me about Lizzy and what she thought about their relationship.

“Dave, I’m not in the best position to tell you what she thinks.
I will say that she likes you a lot and hasn’t said anything negative.
One other thing and if you tell her that I said this to you she will kill me and you know what kind of temper she has, the kind of temper that you never want to be on the receiving end of twice in your life.

I heard her talking to my mom that she was hoping and waiting for you to ask her to the fourth of July town party and dance, she is on pins and needles waiting to hear you ask her.”
Dave said.
“Well now that is good news, for some reason I thought that she was ready to break up with me.”

“Dave, never try to understand a woman.
The moment you think you do they pull the rug out from under you, it’s best just to go with the flow and do what you can to make them happy.” I told him.”
“AMEN”, to that he replied.
With that I said my good byes and headed home with the grocery’s I bought.

When I returned I meet Lizzy in the kitchen while I was putting away what I had bought.
“Guess who I ran into in town, Dave!”
Putting on an air of indifference she asked me what we talked about.
I told her that we just chatted about the ball game that was on TV last night and the local fishing news.

Lizzy had a crest fallen look on her face as she left the room
As she was going up the stairs I shouted after her “Oh yeah, he also said that he was going to call you tomorrow.” 
From the top of the stairs I heard “YES, it’s about fucking time.”

Well, she’s my sister and it’s the code of little brothers everywhere to tease and antagonize their older sisters. (lol)

Mom was working another late shift today so it was just Lizzy and I.
We were curled up on the couch watching one of the “Annabelle” movies.
Now I love scary movies, Lizzy, not so much.

As the movie became more intense Lizzy left the big EZ chair and joined me on the couch.  
I asked if she was afraid, no she said just cold so I wanted to share the blanket.
Well I knew a bullshit answer when I heard one, but it got her to snuggle up with me so I said nothing to call her bluff.

As the movie progressed Lizzy laid down and put her head in my lap.
This was a major distraction from the movie for me.
As she shifted around to get comfortable her head was rubbing against my cock.
At first I don’t think she realized what she was doing.
However the repeated contact caused the inevitable, I began to grow a hard-on.

When Lizzy felt this on the back of her head she turned to look up at me and smile.
Reaching behind her head she grabbed my cock through my shorts and began to lightly stroke me.
Forgetting about the movie she reached into the leg of my shorts and pulled my cock out, only the head was exposed.
Followed by her wrapping her lips around just the head she used her lips and tongue to drive me insane. 

She never took the whole of me into her mouth just the tip that was enough.
I shocked the hell out of Lizzy by pushing her away and standing up from the couch.
“What’s wrong?” She asked.
“Nothing, come with me.”

I grabbed her hand and in an aggressive manner, dragged he up to my bedroom.
She fought me for a moment, but not very hard.
She knew I would never really hurt her.

As I pulled her into my room I turned her around facing away from me and yanked down her shorts and underwear.
“What are you doing?” She demanded.
“What I should have done down at the lake!”
Pushing her down on the bed I grabbed her ankles and flipped her onto her back.
Pulling her to the edge of the bed, I spread her legs and began kissing up and down her thighs.

I kissed and nibbled all up and down her legs never once touching her “magic place”, her “Holy of Holy’s.
The results of this treatment was to have her writhing upon the bed while moaning up a storm.
“Oh my God, Oh my God” over and over again with “Oh Fuck” interspersed in between.
“Stop it, I can’t stand it any more.” She cried out.
“Really, try this.” I said.
With that I finally dove into her honey-pot.

If she was vocal before, she was totally insane now.
I had to wrap my arms under her hips and around her front just to hold her still to prevent me from getting bucked off.
It was then that I noticed that my arms and hands were soaking wet. 
Momentarily looking up at her I beheld a sight, she was coated with sweat, it was pouring off her body.

First one then two fingers found their way to her clit, one on ether side as my tongue was at work.
Seconds later she stiffened and let out a scream that would have caused the neighbors to call the cops to report a murder, had we had any neighbors.
Come to thing of it for a moment I thought that I had killed her.
She had passed out and was laying limp upon the bed for a moment.
When she caught her breath she said.
“Holy fuck that was amazing, that was the first time I ever had my pussy licked and eaten.

If that was the prelude to fucking I can’t wait to know what a hard cock feels like inside of me.
As soon as Lizzy regained her strength she looked at me with a wicked smile, followed by her reaching over and pulling off my shorts.
It didn’t take an Einstein to figure out what was coming next.

Lizzy pushed me onto my back while she began to play with my cock.
I hiked myself up on my elbows to watch her at work.
As Lizzy saw this she said.
“Oh no, that won’t do.”

Lizzy pushed me back and took one of the pillows from my bed and covered my face, telling me she didn’t want me to see what she was going to do, and if I peeked there would be hell to pay and I would suffer the consequences.
With that I felt the bed shift as Lizzy ran into her room.

Seconds later she returned and began to take control of my cock.
Teasing it with her fingertips and nails, followed by slow licks using just the tip of her tongue.
It only took me about three nanoseconds to gain full hardness. 
Once fully erect she started into practicing her deep throat technique.
For the next few minuets I was on the receiving end of heaven.

All at once in the middle of this she stopped
I felt her shifting on the bed and I just had to look to see what she was up to.
The moment I pulled the pillow away I saw Lizzy looking at me.
“I told you not to look, and I told you there would be consequences if you did.
Turn over on your stomach, put your face into the pillow and keep it there.”
As I did as I was told, Lizzy sat on my back facing my feet.

Suddenly I felt the bed move as Lizzy’s hand came down upon my bottom.
Holy shit Lizzy was spanking me!
Blow after blow landed on my bottom, first one cheek then the other.

Lizzy wasn’t holding back each hit was harder then the one before.
Over and over she spanked my bottom.
At first it wasn’t so bad, but in moments I felt the burn beginning, each blow only intensified the burn from the previous hit.
“Lizzy stop, I can’t take anymore.” I said.
“Oh does your bottom hurt? Here let’s try this.”

I felt her spreading the cheeks and playing with my bottom.
A moment later she was rubbing something slick into my ass, followed by her finger working it’s way into my bottom.
At first I protested this treatment, moments later I shut my mouth because it began to fell incredible.
This set me to moaning as I responded to her working first one then a second finger into my bottom.

I discovered that I was glad she was sitting on my back otherwise I wouldn’t be able to lay still.
As it was she had to press down to keep me in place.
Suddenly she withdrew her fingers and I figured that she was done, well I was wrong.
Again she used her hand to spread my cheeks wide apart.

The next thing I knew a telephone pole was being pressed into me, at least that’s what it felt like.
When Lizzy had left the room before she had gone to retrieve her dildo/vibrator.
“I was going to have you use this on me but now I found a better use for this. Don’t you think?” She said.
“Lizzy, it’s not going to fit!” 
“Oh, Oh, Oh”, I was moaning as she began to press inward, the closer she came to opening my bottom the louder my Oh’s became.
And then suddenly my bottom opened and in it went.

“Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck.”  I was howling.
Over and over she worked this device of pleasure and domination into me.
“Shall I make you my little bitch, is that what you want?” Lizzy asked. “No, I’m not your bitch!”
“No? Try this.”

Lizzy reached between my legs and pulled my cock and balls up between my legs and with her hand already lubed up from the dildo began to jerk my cock in time with her thrusting the dildo in and out of my ass.
When she felt I was getting close she slowed down her assault, only to pick up the pace again when I fell away from the brink.
Over and over again she repeated this, four, five, ten times she did this, until I could take no more.

“Now, cum for me my little bitch!”
Now she picked up the pace and began to pound the dildo into my ass as she gripped my cock harder she was furiously jerking my cock.
Then it happened I didn’t just cum a dam burst, cum poured out of my cock with such force I felt it spray down the length of my legs, coating the back of my calf’s.
It was my turn to pass out on the bed.

I was completely out of breath gasping for air and limp.
As I lay there Lizzy ran to the bathroom and brought a damp washcloth to my room.
She used it to wipe my face and body taking off the sweat and cum from my body as I lay there limp.

While she was doing this she kept asking me if I was OK, was I hurt?
When I could muster the strength I told her I was OK, just worn out.
“Your not mad at me, are you?”
“I know I got carried away but it felt just so natural to take control of you.”
“No, I’m not angry, at first I was worried what you were going to do but I knew that you would never really hurt me.

I will say this, what you did was mind blowing, I had no idea what was coming and what to expect when it did come.
That being said it was FUCKING INCREDABLE never had I cum like that, my body just wanted to keep pumping it out.” I said.

“I know, when you came it was a fountain, you sprayed all the way down your legs and if you look over at your dresser, you even managed to get a couple of shots to hit the middle drawer.”
As Lizzy finished wiping my body clean of sweat and cum I began to feel drowsy.
I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew Lizzy was waking me up for dinner.
“God I’m hungry.” I said.

Lizzy set before me a plate filled with lasagna, telling me she made it from scratch special for me.
My first bite surprised me Lizzy was a pretty good cook.

When I wet to bed that night Lizzy surprised me once again, as I pulled up the blanket Lizzy came into my room and kissed me on the cheek and wished me goodnight.
Well that’s a change I thought.

A couple of days later Lizzy and Dave had gone on a date and came back home around ten pm.
After an hour of TV, they went up to her room to play around.
About twenty minuets later I was hearing Lizzy making animal noises, grunts and groans followed be Oh’s and Ahh’s.

This was to good to miss, so I very quietly made my way into the bathroom and saw that the door was open just a crack.
Peeking through the crack I saw the two of them in a sixty-nine position.

While Lizzy was on top and working on Dave’s cock, Dave was giving as good as he got.
His mouth was working overtime.
I was told that to do the best job you
should lick the alphabet, this they tell me was the way to make a girl crazy.
Dave on the other hand was licking the alphabet but I think from Lizzy’s moans he was licking the Chinese alphabet!
Watching Lizzy work over Dave’s cock I began to study his cock, it was cut long and thick.
Even from here I could see some of the veins on his cock pulsing.

I had the sudden desire to take his cock in my mouth and give him a blow-job as good as Lizzy was giving him.
I have to admit at this point that I have always liked looking at other boys body’s.
When I was in the showers after gym class it would often times be difficult because sometimes I would get hard looking at the other guys and then have to turn my back so that no one would notice.  
Don’t get me wrong, I love girls as well.
I guess I’m just a hedonist.

While they were at it I was stroking myself into a frenzy watching them.
A few moments later Lizzy reached into the drawer of her nightstand and took out her dildo.
Dave hadn’t seen her do this and when she began to press it into his bottom Dave began to freak out.
He rolled out from under Lizzy and off the bed.
His cock had shrunk and he was looking pissed off.
“What the hell were you doing? Why would you try to put that thing in my ass?” He shouted.

“I just thought that you would like it, that it would heighten your experience.” Lizzy cried out.
“Well you thought wrong, I’m not gay and I don’t need to get fucked in the ass to have fun!”
With that Dave gathered his clothes, dressed and stormed out of her room and the house.
The whole time Lizzy just sat there stunned and looking like the proverbial deer in the headlight.

Moments after he left Lizzy broke down into sobs, the tears just pouring down her face.
Pulling up my shorts I ran into he room and asked her what was wrong.
“I think I just killed any chance for Dave and me to be together.”

“What happened, why was he so upset?” I asked, not wanting to let her know that I was watching.
“I was giving him a world class blow job and I wanted him to have an explosive orgasm, so I tried to do what we did the other day.

I took out my dildo and began to use it on him.
Just as I began to tease his bottom with it I figured that if it had such an effect on you it should make him go crazy, but he freaked out and went ape-shit on me.”

Now the sobs and tears began again.
Sitting down besides her I pulled her into my arms and held her tight.
Hugging her tightly I sat and rocked us back and forth telling her that everything would be OK.
Dave just needed a little time to think things through.
“I think you just caught him by surprise, he just didn’t know how to react and when he did it was with years of built up phobias.
Give it time, if he comes back the two of you need to sit down and get everything out in the open.

Sooner or later both of you will have to put all your kinks on the table or risk one or both of you having the same reaction that happened tonight happen again.”
“When did my little brother become so wise?” Lizzy asked between her tears. 
Sitting there with her in my arms felt so right, so natural, I never wanted to be separated from her.
I just wanted to protect her and keep her safe.

A couple of day later I was back in town to buy some feed for our chickens.
I wasn’t to happy to do this.
Dave worked at the general feed store, and the odds were pretty good that I was going to run into him.
Well my prediction was spot on, there he was loading bags into old man Watson’s pick up truck.
When he saw me he finished loading the truck and came over to see me.

“Hey Dave whats up?”
“You come for the feed your mom ordered?”
“Yeah, I did, is it ready?
“It’s in back, I’ll get it for you.” He said.
When the bags were loaded I took Dave aside and asked him to take a break and sit with me.

“I heard the argument you and Lizzy had the other night and I was worried about you and her.
I mean the two of you had been going out forever.
I would hate to see you guy’s breaking up over something so trivial.”
“Trivial! How can you say that you don’t know what happened, your sister is a freak.”

“Actually, I do know what happened Lizzy told me and I spent the rest of the night keeping her from falling completely apart.
I think your a fool if you walk away from her over that.” 
“You mean she told you what she did! 
Why would she tell you something so personal?”
“Dave Lizzy and I tell each other everything, there are no secrets between us.” I said.
“Shit, everything?” was his only response. 

“Dave, what she did she did to bring you pleasure, to make you happy.
There was never any harm intended and never did she think you were gay.
Who knows, if you tried it you just may like it and if you liked it, it just may bring a new dimension to your sex life.”
“How would you know what it’s like, have you ever had that done to you?” He asked.
“Dave would it make any difference if I said yes. 
But to tell you the truth yes, and I am trusting you with this information”
“How, when, I mean.”

Right there I cut him off and told him that I wasn’t going to tell him the details or who with.
However I told him the experience blew my mind!
With that I turned and left to head home and as I was leaving I saw Dave deep in thought.

After I got the feed put away I went inside and looked for Lizzy.
I found her downstairs doing the laundry.
“I ran into Dave in town today.”
“That’s wonderful, what did the asshole have to say?” Was her snide remark.

“Lizzy I think you should cut him some slack, after all you did kind of spring that on him out of the blue.
“When we talked I kind of ripped him a new one and told him he was a fool if he walked away from you and what the two of you have.”

As those last words left my lips Lizzy came up to me and put me into a bear hug that rearranged my spine. 
When she finally let me go I saw tears in he eyes.
“Did I ever tell you, your the best brother in the world.” 

That evening we were in my room playing video games when Lizzy told me to shut off the computer and come sit next to her on my bed.
“Look you know I’ve never gone all the way with anyone and I was hoping it would be Dave.
I don’t know if he will come back to me but that is besides the point.

I always thought that when I do it, it would be with someone I trusted and loved, someone I know in my heart would never ever hurt me.”
“After our argument the other day the only person who was there for me was you.
You have always been there for me and if I have never really told you, I’m going to tell you now.

I love you and I want my first time to be with you.”
Well I was floored by this news but I had to ask he if she was sure this is what she truly wanted.
Her answer came in the form of a full lip-lock kiss.
When she finally cut me loose and untangled our tongues, she said.

“Make love to me.”
I stepped up to her and began to undress her while looking deep into her eyes.
Starting with her top I lifted her arms and very slowly raised the shirt and removed it.
Leaning in for another kiss I undid her bra and she shook it off of her shoulders.








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    I welcome any feedback you may wish to send.
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    Thank you.

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