You’ll Have Fun, It’s Just a Party | Rape, Gang Rape, Non-Con, Blowjob, Creampie, Anal, Teen, Virgin

**This was a great suggestion from ANON. Was super fun to write. If any of you guys have any suggestions or story ideas, comment or message me.**

**I think this will be a the only part of this story, as I quite like the ending… but if any you think that I should continue it, comment or message me and tell me where you think it should go next.**


‘I think that you should wear these.’ Margot threw a pair of short denim cut-offs on to the bed.

‘What?’ Emily said, ‘Look how short they are.’ She was standing in her underwear, feeling awkward. *I don’t even want to go to this stupid party.*

‘Emily, babe.’ Margot stretched her arms, showing off her athletic body. ‘You’ve got a great arse. Don’t be afraid to show it off.’ Emily looked back at the mirror. Her ass was pretty big, not too big, but large enough that the cut-offs would definitely show more than she was comfortable with. ‘I’d kill for your ass and tits.’ Margot added.

*She always says this shit,* Emily thought, *She’s a cheerleader for fuck’s sake. She has a perfect body. Why would she want my body?* She picked the denim cut-offs up, held them against her body. ‘Fine.’ She conceded.

‘And, something showing off your midriff for a top.’ Margot went back into the pile of clothes she’d carelessly strewn across Emily’s bedroom floor. ‘Show off that gorgeous olive skin.’ *There she goes again. Talking about me like I’m attractive.* Emily moved a strand of her curly brown hair from her face. She’d never been one for going to parties, and hated socializing with guys. If it was up to her she’d be spending her Friday date in her bed playing *The Sims* or reading. But somehow, Margot had convinced her to say yes.

“You’ll have fun, it’s just a party.” She had said, “You need to get out more.” *She only wants to go ‘cos that stupid Aaron will be there. What does she see in him?*

‘Here.’ Margot said, holding a white crop-top up. ‘This’ll go perfect with the shorts.’ She chucked it at Emily. ‘And don’t wear a bra. Your tits will look great.’ *No bra?!*

‘Margot, I don’t think-’

‘It’ll be *fine.*’ Margot came over to her and held the outfit up against bronze skin. ‘You are gonna look so fuckin’ hot.’

They arrived at the party at 9:46 PM. The bus journey had been horrible. Emily could feel all the perverts sitting around her gawking and undressing her in their mind. Margot was the opposite, she loved the attention. She had chosen to wear a green bikini top and a *very* short mini skirt. Emily noticed when she sat down next to her and Margot crossed her legs, that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. *What’s she doing? Does she know everyone can see her pussy? What am I saying? She knows, and she loves it.*

Emily and Margot walked up the drive to the front door. Margot knocked twice. Emily caught a glimpse of her reflection in the window. Before they had left Margot had done her makeup, dark red lipstick and black eyeshadow. *I look like a hooker.*

The door opened, a muscular guy stood holding a bottle of beer. He had a trimmed beard and slicked-back hair.

‘Hello, Aaron.’ Margot said. Emily noted that her friend had changed her voice to sound flirty.

‘Margot, hey.’ Aaron leaned down and kissed Margot on the cheek, he put his arm around her, quite obviously touching her ass over the mini skirt. He looked at Emily, or Emily’s tits to be exact. ‘Who’s your friend?’

‘Emily.’ Margot said, ‘I told you about her last week.’

‘Hey.’ Emily said, looking past Aaron. She could hear terrible pop music coming from inside.

‘Well, come on in. Make yourselves at home.’ Aaron moved to the side and let Emily walk past. Margot stayed with him, his arm tight around her hip.

There were a couple of dozen people in the house. The large open plan kitchen leading into a dining room and living room. *Aaron’s parents must be loaded.* The house was buzzing. Music was playing and people were dancing, empty bottles and cans of beer were scattered over the house. Light smoke was pluming from the far corner of the living room. *Weed.* Emily tried not to breathe the second-hand cannabis smoke in but started coughing anyway.

She turned. ‘Margot-’

Aaron and Margot had gone.

*Great.* Emily looked around the party. She couldn’t spot them. *Where is she? She can’t drag me here and then abandon me.* She walked deeper into the party, bumping into the drunk dancers. Her short jean cut-offs were uncomfortable, and she knew that everyone could see way more of her ass than she was okay with. A guy leaving the group bumped into her, slurred something under his breath and carried on towards the kitchen. Everyone here was the type of person Emily hated. They type of person who would have bullied her back in high school. Popular kids with nothing in their heads except for partying and sex, strangely though, Emily noticed a couple of older people in the corner. An old man in his 60s looked at her and smiled. *Aaron’s uncle, perhaps?*

A redheaded girl was standing against a far wall. *She looks okay.* Emily made her way over to her, nearly knocking a bottle of beer over with her foot.

‘Hey.’ Emily said to her girl. ‘Have you seen my friend? She was with Aaron.’

The redhead smirked. ‘The slutty looking blonde? Yeah, she and Aaron went that way.’ She pointed into the dark corridor behind her.

‘Thanks.’ Emily was going to argue with the redhead about the slutty comment, but it was hard to deny that Margot did look like a whore. She went down the long corridor.

It was dark, with lots of doors on each side. *There must be at least half a dozen bedrooms and bathrooms.* As she went past an ajar door, she caught a glimpse of two girls lying on a bed. They were naked and caressing each other’s breasts. Emily tried not to look, pretending that it didn’t excite her slightly. *It’s just sex. You’ve watched porn… you know what’s like.* It was different seeing it in real life though, being so close to it. Emily had next to no experience when it came to sex. *I’m nerdy and awkward. No one wants to fuck me.* She continued down the corridor, she heard Aaron’s voice.

‘Yeah, that’s good.’ He sounded out of breath. It was coming from one of the bathrooms. Emily tiptoed to the door and gazed in. It was a small room with a shower, toilet and sink. The ceiling light was a horrid bright white. Aaron was leaning back against the sink, his trousers and boxers around his ankles. A slim, athletic, figure was in front of him. The blonde hair and firm ass told Emily that is was Margot. She was on her knees, her head bobbing down on Aaron’s crotch, making a slurping sound.

Aaron looked at the door, noticed Emily. *I’m fucked. I’m gonna be known as a pervert.* Aaron didn’t say anything. Just continued to watch Emily. He placed his hand on Margot’s head and forced himself deeper into her mouth, he started to thrust, not breaking eye contact with Emily. He grunted a couple of times, thrusting hard. A moment later Margot moved her head back and wiped her mouth. *Did she just swallow his load?* She’d never imaged Margot doing this, she knew her friend was popular with the guys, but they hardly ever talked about sex when they were together.

Margot stood up, Emily took a step back into the corridor. She felt something, deep in her mind. Anger? A little bit maybe? No.

Jealousy. *Why am I jealous? And of who?* She hated to admit it, but she found Aaron hot, but stranger still, the image of her friend on her knees, turned her on. She’d always found girls and guys attractive, she’s just never had a chance to experiment with her bisexuality.

She walked back into the living room, confused at the feelings in her heart. On the kitchen island, there was a collection of drinks. Beers, spirits, ciders. She’d never been much of a drinker, but suddenly she was dying for a drink of something strong. She went for a bottle of whiskey, the dark brown liquid swirled in the bottle as she picked it up. She poured a couple of measures into a paper cup and drank.

It tasted horrible. Like a mix of petrol and dishwater. It burned her throat as it went down. *Eugh!* Despite her dislike of alcohol, she had already very nearly finished the cup. She poured more and drank.

There was a leather couch against a wall beside her, it was empty. She wandered over, taking the bottle with her, and sat down. She drank from the cup again. The effects of the whiskey were already emerging, the room suddenly had a slight tilt to it, and terrible music sounded somewhat better.

She hadn’t noticed the two guys sit down next to her. Both muscular, both looked like assholes. *Great. Aaron’s friends.* The one closest to her, a black guy, was wearing a vest and tracksuit bottoms.

‘Hey, you look lonely.’ He said. ‘I’m Dylan.’ He put his arm on the back of the couch.

‘Emily.’ She didn’t hide the disdain in her voice. *I already hate him. He’s cocky.* In the corner of her eye, she saw Margot and Aaron walk into the living room. The guy next to Dylan nudged him, pointed at them. ‘Ha. You thinking what I’m thinking, Mace?’ *Mace? Stupid name.* ‘I’m thinking Aaron and that blonde bitch just fucked.’

‘Me too.’ Mace laughed. ‘Look at his stupid grin.’

Aaron noticed Dylan and Mace, he walked over with Margot. ‘Hey, guys. Good to see you.’ Margot came over to Emily.

‘Hey, babes.’ She sat on the arm of the couch. Margot’s lipstick was smudged slightly. The image of Aaron’s cock going in and out of her mouth appeared every time Margot spoke.

Over the next hour, Aaron, Dylan, Mace, and Margot, laughed and drank. Emily, meanwhile, just drank. She was tipsy, but not tipsy enough that she hadn’t noticed Dylan move closer to her.

Mace was telling the story of when he went hiking in the Lake District. ‘It was pissing all day. It was muddy and slippery, but it was fun for the most part.’

‘Didn’t you go with Hanna Dunn?’ Aaron said, ‘Yeah, I bet it was fun.’

Dylan laughed, ‘Yeah, he showed me the pictures she sent him on his phone.’

Mace reached into his pocket, ‘Here, let me show you.’

Emily looked at Margot, she was on her own phone, not paying any attention. Mace got his phone out, tapped it a few times and showed it to Aaron.

‘Damn. You were fucking lucky.’ He said, leaning in. Mace turned the phone and showed Dylan again, Emily caught a glance at the screen. A picture of a nude brunette. *What kind of dicks share nudes? And Margot doesn’t even seem to care.*

Instead of saying anything, Emily downed her drink. She had gotten used to the whiskey and it no longer burned her throat.

Suddenly, her head started to spin. *Oh, no.* She closed and opened her eyes. *I’ve had way too much.* She tried to stand up but failed. Margot noticed.

‘You okay, hun?’

‘Yeah.’ Emily couldn’t find the right words. ‘I… er… I don’t feel too good.’ She felt sick. ‘I think… I’ve…’

‘You’ve drunk too much.’ Margot giggled.

‘It’s not funny.’ Emily snapped, letting out some of her anger.

‘It’s okay, it’s okay.’ Margot said. ‘Why don’t you go lie down?’ She looked at Aaron. ‘It’s okay if Emily goes and lies down in one of the beds, right?’

‘Sure, no problem.’ He pointed to the corridor. ‘Down there, last room on the right. My sister’s old room.’

Margot helped Emily up. She guided her through the crowd, Emily felt bad for snapping at her. She like the feeling of Margot holding her, she felt happy.

They stumbled down the corridor, Emily nearly falling down. Margot opened the door. It was a medium-sized bedroom with a big double bed.

‘Here you go.’ Margot lay Emily down. ‘You just relax.’ Emily closed her eyes, she sensed Margot leaving the room.

‘Love you, Margot.’

‘Love you too, babes. Get some rest.’ Margot shut the door. She hadn’t heard the genuine passion in Emily’s voice.

Emily stirred awake when she heard the bedroom door open. How long had she been asleep? The music was still playing, and the sound of talking was still there, so the party was still going on.

‘Margot, is that you?’ No reply, she heard the door shut.

‘Mace, lock the door.’ *Dylan?* ‘Don’t let anyone in. Not yet’

Emily opened her eyes. Two figures at the end of the bed. Dylan and Mace were looking at her like two hyenas. Mace locked the door, Dylan pulled down his tracksuit bottoms, revealing a massive, semi-erect cock. He stroked it slightly.

‘Guys… no.’ Emily tried to muster the strength to speak.

Dylan kicked his tracksuit bottoms off and crawled onto the bed. He roughly turned Emily on to her back and pulled her down to him, he started caressing her belly, massaging the beautiful olive skin. His hands went up under her crop top. He smiled.

‘See, not even wearing a bra. I told you she was a slut.’ He stroked and twirled his fingers around her sensitive nipples. He slid his hands back down to her denim shorts. Pulled the zipper down.

‘No… don’t.’ Emily stuttered. ‘I don’t want to.’

Dylan pulled her shorts down, managed to get them off her legs. ‘It’s okay. It’s gonna feel good.’

‘No…’ Emily said, attempting to squirm away.

Dylan rubbed his hand over her panties. ‘Let’s get these off.’ He grabbed the panties in each hand and pulled apart. They ripped apart easily. He chucked the tattered underwear to the side.

Mace chuckled, moving around the side of the bed. ‘Nice.’ He said, looking at Emily’s exposed pussy.

Dylan stroked his cock, all eight inches was throbbing slightly. He angled it at her pussy, he slowly let his head enter her… then he thrust.

Emily let out a blood-curdling shriek. Her arms shot up and punched Dylan in the jaw.

‘Fuckin’ bitch.’ He pulled out and held his jaw. Emily struggled under his weight. He looked down, there was a small patch of blood on the bedsheet and his cock. He laughed. ‘So you’re a virgin. Even better.’ He gestured to Mace. ‘Hold her arms down.’

Mace nodded, a bulge in his own trousers. He climbed on next to Emily’s head, he forced both of her arms above her head and tightened his grip. His hands were like vices, stopping Emily from moving.

Dylan angled himself for a second time, again letting his tip find its way inside her virgin pussy. He thrust his pulsating cock into her.

Emily screamed, her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She squirmed and struggled under the pressure of her two attackers but was pinned down. He started driving his cock into her, it felt like a metal rod, tearing her up.

‘STOP… please…’ Emily begged, tears welling then falling from her eyes.

Dylan looked her in the eyes. ‘You want this. If you didn’t want to be fucked tonight you wouldn’t have dressed like such a fucking whore.’ He pounded her hard, his big balls slapped her ass cheeks. Every thrust Emily let out a scream or cry. *Can’t anyone hear what’s going on?*

‘Help!’ She screamed.

‘Mace.’ Dylan said, his breathing heavy, ‘Shut her up would you?’

‘Of course.’ Mace let one of his hands go off her arms, though she still couldn’t move. He unzipped his trousers and let his cock slip out through the fly. It wasn’t as big as Dylan’s monster, but still large, and thick. Mace shuffled closer, rubbed his cock on Emily’s cheek. She felt the pre-cum leaking out of his tip sticking to her face. He pressed against her red lips. She clenched her jaw tight shut.

‘Open your mouth. Come on.’ He slapped her across the face. Once, twice… the third hit was the hardest, making Emily cry out. ‘Open your mouth.’

Emily did it. She timidly parted her lips, the sticky pre-cum tasting terrible. Mace forced himself in while Dylan continued to pulverize her. Mace’s cock reached the back of her throat, triggering her gag reflex.

‘Don’t you dare bite me.’ He spat at her, ‘Keep that mouth open wide.’ Mace grabbed a handful of her curly hair and violently started to move her head up and down. He groaned ecstatically, Emily could feel his balls bouncing off of her chin.

Dylan’s breathing had got hard and coarse, his dick was twitching inside Emily’s ruined pussy.

‘I’m gonna cum.’ He said, ‘I’m gonna…’ Dylan let out a loud moan. Holly felt him explode inside of her, his warm sticky load felt foreign inside her cunt. He pulled his giant cock out of her, Mace’s continued to fuck her face. Dylan rubbed his dick on her thick thighs. It left a smear of blood and cum.

‘Are you nearly done?’ He asked his friend.

‘Yeah.’ Mace pulled his cock out of Emily’s mouth. She choked and coughed up. ‘I’m gonna cum all over that pretty face.’ He held his cock out over Emily, furiously rubbing it. She was in too much pain to move. He let out a moan as the first rope of cum pelleted on to Emily’s face, hitting her on the lips. More seed shot out, one ribbon hit her dead in the eye, the next went straight on to her forehead, and slid down her face. He let out a breath. He moved closer and grabbed a handful of her delicate curls. He wiped his wet cock in her hair and laughed. ‘I love doing that.’

Emily stayed silent, breathing thickly. Dylan and Mace stood up and got dressed. *I’ve got to call the police. And get to the hospital. He… he… he came inside me.*

The door opened. The party was still going on. Aaron was standing in the doorway. *Thank god. He can call the police.* Emily opened her mouth to speak.

‘You two have fun?’ Aaron said first and laughed.

‘Yeah.’ Mace said, leaving the room.

Dylan walked past Aaron. ‘This is why we come to your parties, bro.’

Dylan high fived Aaron as he walked out past him. Aaron stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

‘Aaron… you’ve got to call the police. The… they just raped me.’ She said as she forced herself to a sitting position.

‘Rape?’ Aaron laughed, ‘I didn’t see any rape. Just a girl dressed like a slut.’

‘No.’ Emily said, ‘They forced themselves on me…’

‘I don’t think they did. And, there’s a party full of people out there who didn’t see a rape either.’ He moved closer to her. ‘They just a see a whore who had sex with three different guys in one night?’


Dylan saw the confusing look in her eyes. ‘Oh, yes that’s why I’m here. I’m gonna fuck you in the ass.’

He lunged at her. She was too exhausted to dodge out of the way. He grabbed her, his big arms being too strong to fight against, he managed to flip her on to her belly. She struggled and kicked and punched, but her defence was futile. She heard him unzip his jeans, and he positioned himself behind her.

‘Fuck me.’ He said, ‘Margot said you had a great ass.’ He slapped her ass, hard enough that she jumped bolted forward. He kept her in place. *Why would Margot be talking to him about my ass?* He dug his elbow into her back, pinning her down to the bed. He pulled his cock out, it was already rock hard. He spat onto his palm and rubbed down his shaft, he slid it between her cheeks.

‘This is probably gonna hurt.’ He whispered in her ear. She felt his tip touch her asshole. *No… no… no… no…* He pressed into her. Emily shrieked in pain, she dug her fingernails in the mattress, tears fell like waterfalls from her eyes, her black mascara running and streaking down her face. He started to thrust, stretching her asshole wide, defiling her already abused body. He brought his hand around to her neck, and squeezed her throat, choking her. His savage pounding of her ass shook the bed, the wood battering against the wall, her screams echoing through the house. No one came to help.

He growled like a wild animal as his hips slapped against her bouncing ass. The pain was becoming unbearable, like a cattle prod being turned on and off inside her.

The door to the bedroom opened. A slender figure stood in the light.

*Margot!* Emily screamed, ‘Help.’

Her best friend had a bottle of beer in her hands, she took a pull from it and looked examined the violent attack happening in front of her.

Aaron leaned down, spoke in Emily’s ear, ‘She’s not gonna help you. It was her plan in the first place.’

*What? Margot… why?*

He continued to pulverize her whole. Margot took a step inside, outside the door Emily saw a strange sight. A line of people outside the door. Queuing. Waiting.

Margot came and knelt down next to Emily. ‘Hey, babes.’ She caressed her cheek cum covered cheek. ‘Having fun?’

‘Why-’ Emily let out a pained scream as Aaron sodomized her.

‘Why?’ Margot chuckled. ‘Why do you think? Money, of course.’ She pointed at the queue of people outside. ‘Do you know how many creeps there are on the internet willing to pay to fuck a young virgin like you?’ She drank from her bottle. ‘All those guests out there have paid me and Aaron a shit ton of cash to be here tonight. All so they could have a turn fucking *you.*’

Aaron growled. He erupted in Emily’s ass hole. Cum leaked out on to the now stained mattress. He thrust hard a couple more times for good measure, than lifted himself up.

‘Was it good, honey?’ Margot asked Aaron as he clambered off the bed.

‘Yeah.’ He got dressed. ‘Tightest ass I’ve ever fucked.’

Margot looked back at the people outside, then back at Emily. ‘They pay me. I bring you here. And they can do whatever the hell they want to you. The only catch is that Aaron here got first go on your ass.’

Margot stood up. Emily’s whole body felt like a demolished building. Aaron left the room, making his way past the crowd.

Margot pointed at the people waiting. ‘You…’ A moment passed, ‘And you. It’s your turn.’ She turned back to Emily. ‘Have fun, babes.’

As Margot left the room, two new people entered. The old, chubby man, in his 60s, stroking his cock. And next to him, the redhead girl from the party. She was naked except for a twelve-inch, purple strap-on. They slowly walked over to the bed.

Accepting her fate, Emily closed her eyes.



  1. I think redhead girl needs a turn.

    I’d love to find a party like that. Set up some cameras, stream live to cops, prep a few Mossberg shockwaves with non-lethal rounds. Better yet, mp5sd2 or other heavily suppressed pdw loaded with subsonic rubber bullets. Even better if I can get a 3 round burst one and an extended mag

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