The Anniversary- Part 1

Ann sat at the makeup table in her spacious bedroom, applying a few finishing touches to her face. Earlier in the afternoon her husband had called and wished her a happy anniversary.

“I can’t talk right now. I’m working hard to get home on time but get ready. I’m taking you out to dinner. We’re going to get drunk, and then I am going to bring you home and fuck your brains out. Be ready by 8:00. Wear that black dress. Love you.”

So, she showered. She shaved. She thought about their last few years together. She had resigned herself to the possibility of maybe not being able to have children. For their first several years together, she had blamed him for being childless. How he didn’t want to get married. How she had thought that maybe he had been unfaithful, or uncommitted.

But after six years tings had steadied. Cedric became more present. He made more of an effort and she accepted the fact that he was a workaholic. He was faithful. He made good money, and he supported her when she made the decision to go back to school. He was more and more attractive to her, the more time that they spent together.

As she showered, she began to touch herself as she thought about him. She envisioned him throwing her onto their bed, and sliding his slacks down his thighs. She could feel his hard, fat cock in her hand. In her mouth. She could feel his hands on her hips, on her breasts, and griping her hips as he thrust into her.

Cedric loved teasing her. He loved to alter the pace of fucking her. To slide his cock out of her completely, and slide gently back into her. He loved to fuck her furiously only to stop abruptly and rub the head of his cock against her clit, to prod at her ass. He loved to drive her mad and make her beg.

Ann had put on the black dress– the dress that drove him mad. She was of average height, and curvy. She had large, pert breasts. Wide hips. A plump, round ass. The dress snugged at her waist and formed her body into sleek hourglass shape.

She decided to wear the lacy black bra that peaked, barely, above the hem of the dress. She decided to forgoe any other undergarments.

It was just after 7:30, and Ann was applying the last of the eyeliner when there was an electronic beeping sound from the intercom of security speaker on the wall from across the bedroom. It was a sound she had never heard before. She paused for a moment and rose from the table to switch on the television and view their security cameras.

When she switched to the monitors, the television told her that there was no signal.


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