Star Wars : Dark Secrets – Chapter 3+4 – MFF, Secret Sith, Sith Lord, Deception, Creampie, Double Blowjob, Rough, Redhead, Jedi, SWTOR

Xau and Kelsa were dashing down a corridor on the Pulsar station. The station was amongst the worse in the sector as far as cleanliness and safety for Jedi but today it seemed quite decidedly hostile. The two Jedi had been deployed to the station to investigate an underground arms trafficking business. It was reported that a devious arms dealer named 74-KA or Forke as the droid liked to be called, was somehow smuggling the military components to modify standard blaster weapons with disruptor capabilities. Such an obvious threat needed to be pursued quickly given that both the Jedi and Sith alike as well as all of their troops, could be turned into ashes by the powerful weapon that was generally only allowed within special forces units and minimal at that. But somehow, either a plant or an entire planet was starting to flood the black market with the weapons and the arms dealer droid was their only lead.

Operating under the guise of a pompous aristocrat looking to purchase weapons for his own elite guard Xau was dressed in a regal black and blue combat uniform complete with fake rankings and medals that his alter ego had received for his ‘ceremonial’ bravery. Kelsa was dressed in a skin-tight black bodysuit with exposed cuts along her arms, legs and bust to pose as Armand Tisor’s bodyguard/sex slave. She even had a false cheek and hand tattoo applied to complete the ensemble that her master had insisted upon. But now both of them were rushing along back towards the ship with numerous cuts and blaster burns over their clothes and body. Fortunately for them, as they rounded a corner and saw that it was momentarily empty, they still had not been hit by any disruptor bursts. All the deadly orange beams had to do was touch you and then it was over. Their momentary feelings of safety vanished when more blaster fire laced up the area behind them.

“Go Kelsa, I’ll be right behind you,” Xau said as he ignited his orange blade and continued to run after pushing his apprentice forward. He could feel the presence of the enemy behind them but he knew that they still had a few moments before he’d be forced to engage them in a delaying action. The hairs on his back stood up and he felt the disturbance in the Force not far off. Looking on ahead his blue eyes flashed with the sudden realization a moment before a trio of Forke’s goons rounded the corner. Two held regular blaster rifles while the other one readied a disruptor rifle. The one with the disruptor had the heavy battery pack slung over his shoulder to ensure he had multiple charges.

“Kelsa!” Xau shouted out as his apprentice light up her emerald blade. “Deal with the two blasters. I’ll handle the disruptor!” He ordered his apprentice and without even the slightest word, he felt her acknowledgment through the Force. So powerful was their bond also before they began joining that they were able to quickly realize each other’s actions before they had to say anything at all. His blonde-haired apprentice hopped to the bulkhead wall that lined the main corridors of the station right as the new combatants opened fire. Green and red laser fire smashed into the area where Kelsa had just been in as she continually bounced back and forth between each wall with increasing speed as she closed the distance between the two blaster jockeys.

Closing in behind her Xau was still able to hear the powerful whirring sound coming from the power pack of the heavy weapons specialist as he charged up his disruptor. The Sith infiltrator held his weapon to the side as he stormed forward and then reached out a hand towards his target. The barrel of the disruptor weapon was snapped back violently in the hands of the arms dealer’s goon. The man had barely an instant to realize what was happening before Xau’s lips curled into a smile and he applied pressure on the trigger. As Kelsa fell on his compatriot’s the former gunman’s form was still dissolving away as the brilliant and deadly expanding flame scorched down his body. Xau held no sympathy for the gunmen. To use any weapon is to expose yourself to the pain you intend to cause others. His smile gave way to keen awareness as he watched Kelsa quickly dispatch the two other gunmen. He nodded to her and she smiled at him back before they ducked into the access corridor the kill team had arrived from.

“Master, I sense something through the Force; more than the men behind us.” She said; her tone rushed and breathy. For a moment, it Xau’s mind thought back to the last time he had heard such a sound but he did not have time to reminisce. More disruptor shooters would likely be on the scene soon enough and right now, their only choice was flight.

He answered as they both reactivated their sabers as a squad of Forke’s droids showed up from two access doors on either side of the corridor. Both Force users sprung into action; Xau went high and Kelsa went low barreling towards the knot of droids as her master leaped forward. By the time she had slashed through the arm and chest of one droid, Xau had kicked both with a split kick before turning as he fell and cut off another droid’s head. The rest fell easily enough but by then, the group who had been hunting them from the rear was upon them. Xau turned to his apprentice and then nodded towards one of the open doors.

“We split up. Meet back at the safe house. Go now.” He instructed his apprentice. Fortunately she did not hesitate and immediately went for the door after deactivating her green saber. She cast one last look of worry onto her master before disappearing. When he felt she was a good enough distance away Xau turned towards the squad coming down the corridor. Two had disruptor cannons and packs and another six carried blasters and vibroblades. The Sith infiltrator closed his eyes and stretched out his fingers after placing his lightsaber back on its clip. His fingers curled once again as he started to let the Force flow through him while he focused on the dark energy that was his to wield.

‘Through passion, I gain strength.’ The Sith lord’s lips curled into a smile as the thugs on the arms dealer payroll got closer. The thought of every moment that he spent with his cock engulfed in Kelsa’s tiny teen cunt.

‘Through strength, I gain power.’ The soldiers were about thirty feet from him now. They never stopped at the sight of an unarmed query. Never thought to consider the jaws slowly being lowered upon them. But by the time that Xau felt his real power flowing through his veins and out from his body, he knew it was too late. His dark blue eyes glowed with pulsing power that was his heritage by right. The soldiers raised their weapons and then suddenly the entire corridor became a hell of blue storms. Arms extended tendrils of blinding white and blue light crackled through the air between Sith and mercenaries. The soldiers saw their fate fast approaching and could nothing but turn before the Force lightning was upon them. Xau’s grins spread as the screams started.

There was no escape from the power flowing through him and in an instant three of the eight soldiers were reduced to crisps corpses stuck in stricken poses. Seconds after the lightning scorched into the powerpacks of the disruptors wielders. The mechanisms instantly misfired and in an instant the same destructive energy that they wanted to unleash upon the Sith. The soldiers did not even have time to scream as their brothers did as they were enveloped in a brilliant wash of disruptor rays before they vanished. Soon enough as the lingering souls tried to recover Xau was in the middle of them. He felt that in that instant, he was quiet as a wraith as he dispatched his own brand of justice; only the hum of his lightsaber and the occasional frantic discharge of a blaster disturbed the startled cries and screams as the surviving members of the kill squad were removed. In the end obliterating the entire squad with the assistance of the dark side barely took more than a minute.

Standing over the bodies, Xau was surprised to feel his heart racing. He looked around as his thumb reached for the switch to turn off his lightsaber. But he paused at the last moment when he felt the same hard chill that he had felt earlier. His blue eyes raced to the other open door, the opposite of the one that the door that Kelsa had taken. The Sith infiltrator knew that there were two of them before they swept into the door. Both were dressed in black robes and silver and dark red armor. Each wore a mask, intricately designed by master armorers from Dromund Kass or some other Sith world. It did not matter to Xau; for the instant that the Sith saw his face, he knew that they would die, or they would kill him.

“Foul traitor..” The taller one said as they swept forward into the room. Their saber activated and they held it in a loose right-handed grip as they strode forward. Xau was not impressed but as the second more slender figure arrived in a near-matching set of Sith armor the infiltrator started to feel that the jaws of another trap were closing in around him at that moment. He held his orange blade up and it cast shadows across his face right before another red saber joined the mix.

“I’m just a simple Jedi investigating an arms dealer Sith. Killing me serves no purpose other than your own lust for ill-gotten power.” He replied back coolly as his dark blue eyes remained focused on the pair.

“No games, Darth Violator… I am Darth Kases and with your death I shall take your holdings in the Kingdom of Mecco. You’ve abandoned our empire and the Emperor.” The leader said before he rushed in and started up the duel with a sweeping side-strike. Xau’s blade immediately intercepted the blow with a high guard before he shoved his hand out forward to try to slam the Sith away. The infiltrator underestimated his opponent’s power however and his strike with the Force rolled off of the masked foe like water on a rock. The engaging Sith lunged forward and caught Xau off guard and the dark-haired warrior cried out as the red saber cut into Xau’s side.

The Sith buckled forward onto one knee and then his eyes looked up to see a second crimson blade rushing forward to end the fight and severe his own connection to his head.

“Mragghh.” He grunted as he let his weight fall forward and onto his knee as he rolled off to the side and swung his blade. The first attacker jumped while the other took the strike in the knee. To his frustrating dismay, Xau watched as his orange blade scattered and sparked against the armor and he realized it had to have crotosis reinforcement. His lightsaber became a useless hilt in his hand as he moved into a crouch. The two Sith were almost on him with the slender and faster individual raising their blade over their head to split him in half.

Using his arm like a huttball champion Xau hurled the useless saber right for the figure’s mask. With a new application of the Force the hilt raced forward through the short space and smacked against the figure’s armored mask with a hard satisfying crunch of metal. Xau’s respite was brief and he had to back away from another slash from the first Sith that caught him in the arm. He howled in pain and held his left forearm before his right hand made a reach for his sole remaining weapon, a powerful blaster pistol at his side. But his hand never made it.

Instead, he felt a crippling force holding his throat as before being plucked up like a ragdoll from the ground. The Sith infiltrator chocked and clawed at his neck. He was trying to focus on sending one last burst of energy against his enemy. But the power in his opponent was overwhelming. Xau had not expected to come across his kind on Pulsar station and now he was paying for his carelessness. He never gave into fear; it was unworthy of him even as he struggled to breathe. He was Darth Violator, a herald of deception and destruction and would not die here. But even with the Force as his ally, all the dark-haired man could do was struggle as his gasping breaths became shorter and raspier.

“Yearrghh…” The Sith choking him hissed and Xau was surprised to see a crimson blade stabbing forth from the black and silver armor of the Sith holding him afloat. With a crunch, Xau landed and immediately groaned out as he held his burned side. Looking up he watched in growing amusement when suddenly the Sith standing before him lost his own head. Xau coughed and closed his eyes as he focused the Force on healing the burn in his side.

“Such a great day. I dispense with my Master and a traitor to the Empire in one swift night.” Xau’s brow raised as he noticed that the figure’s mask had been abandoned. Now with no artificial augmentation to the figure’s voice, he could tell she was female, even if he couldn’t see her face due to the darkness of her hood.

“You’re lucky that I let you linger this long Xau. I had thought to make you my slave only cause my body remembers those feelings you gave me all those years back. Unfortunately earning a piece of a kingdom is just too tempting.” The Sith said as she crept closer to him with her lightsaber at the ready. Unlike her, Xau did not waste additional time by taunting his opponents before he killed them. Instead, the heavy blaster pistol at his holster snapped free and into his grip. She saw his weapon and hissed as she raised her saber once again but his finger was already on the trigger before she even pulled back her hands to strike. A single blaster bolt shot off in the dark space and the Sith girl hissed aloud as he caught her right on the back of her hand. Moving swiftly he plucked her fallen saber from the air and then swept the saber back to bring the crimson blade perilously close to her neck. He knew she could feel the heat rolling off her own weapon and he could sense her heart racing as her ample breasts rose and fell against her steely armor as she stared back at him with fire in her eyes. Eyes he had seen before on Taanab the first time he had met her.

“Valiria Degrass. Can’t say it’s a pleasure my dear.” Xau said as he smiled coolly back at her as he held her saber to her throat and kept the blaster primed on her head. His neck and side roared in pain but he was already using his skill in the Force to help stop the damage to his body even as he held his fellow Sith to within a millimeter of her life.

“Well, you know how it is Xau. Finding a moment to kill the man who took me from my parents fourteen years ago seems to makes the blood pump so ferociously…” The beautiful sharp-faced redhead said as she gave Xau a sultry smile as she kicked the headless corpse of the other Sith with an armored boot.

“I would never have really hurt you. There are only so few cocks in the galaxy that can fill me like yours…” She said and he had an idea that if he hadn’t been holding her off her hands would be running over his chest or trying to strangle him; one always had to be smart around Val.

“Subtlety was never your strong suit. But I suppose I do have to thank you for your actions all the same. Kases utter scum. Even letting one person know how deep my cover is constitutes a big risk. I trust if I were to let you live that you know the price of breaking your silence.” He said as he moved his body an inch closer to Val which brought the saber even closer to her bare throat. The girl’s breathing grew even more rapid as she nodded her chin slowly.

“Of course. It could be damaging to the Empire as well. I doubt he thought about that after he heard you. He just wanted a crown and never cared about the cost. But he’s dead and I think I’ll be enjoying my own Darth title soon enough for such an achievement. Hmmm.. Darth Sintrex… I think that has a nice tune, don’t you think.” She asked him with a flicker of her dark red eyes.

Xau nearly scoffed. “Perhaps Darth Slut would be more appropriate. She was about to say more when suddenly a blaster shot rang into the corridor near where both of them stood. Xau snarled as he pulled back and shot a few bolts down the hall to scare off this new wave of interlopers. With a casual flick of his wrist, he gave Val’s saber back to her and summoned his own. It was still useless but he wasn’t about to abandon it. One more grab through the Force and he captured the dead Sithlord’s saber as well along with his mask and then he sprinted into the corridor that Kelsa had taken with Val in quick pursuit.

“Come on! I don’t feel like waiting around for some other familiar face to drop by. I think it’s time you met my apprentice.” Xau said as the two Sith raced through the dark durasteel halls of the Pulsar station as the squad of hired goons remained in hot pursuit.

“This is my apprentice Kelsa. Kelsa this is Val. Val is a smuggler I used to work with.” Xau said as he looked at the redhead Sith. Her dark eyes gave him a questioning look as she folded her arms around her enlarged bust. He grinned knowing she didn’t care for such a lowly cover identity but he didn’t much care what the Sith bitch wanted. She was getting away with enough as it is.

“Hello Val. It’s nice to meet another friend of Master Xau.” Kelsa said and offered up her hand to Val. Val looked at it as if she was going to slink back but a quick glare from Xau brought her under control.

“Of course it is my dear. Xau tells me that you’ve just learned all about the secret joining trick.” Val moved even closer and Kelsa got a good look at the exposed cleavage of the other young girl’s breasts through the whole in her armor.

“Did Xau tell you how the more people there are in a joining… the better it is.” Val said in her sultry dark voice. The Sith infiltrator watched the devious redhead for a moment before smiling in growing appreciation of her total lack of restraint. She knew that she needed to keep him alive and it appeared that she wasn’t above having a little fun with him and his apprentice. As Val said it was going to be just like old time’s sake but Xau had other ideas.


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