Late-Night Confessions [MF] [Old Friends][Orgasms][Male Perspective]

It’s been WAY too long since I’ve seen everyone. I mean WAY too long. Was it high school? I don’t even think we all had time between the semesters to see each other. Work and life in general caught up too fast, and I just wanted to chug through and graduate already.

I left the Kroger down the street and all but ran to the car to get home. I was getting the former crew back together. I knew through social media that Ellie and Milo finally got together. Cara, however. God, I shouldn’t be this excited to see Cara again. She was never one of those to use Facebook or anything all that often, so it got tough to keep in touch with her or what she was up to the last five or so years. Her profile picture is an old one she took in her dorm room from 2016, still to this day. We’d ask her about it, and she just would tell us she didn’t really like to take pictures of herself that much. She’d still comment here and there, she was one of the first to congratulate Ellie and Milo actually.

I loaded up the fridge with the beers I bought — I made sure to specifically find the hard apple cider we all used to get “sooooo wasted” on when we were still in high school actually. Let’s see, rum, and whisky too, and soda to mix it with. A man’s supposed to like whisky, at least, but I was never fond of the taste. So, a makeshift Long Island tea for me tonight. I know I was probably a little too wired, all I wanted to do was skitter around my apartment and make sure everything was tidied up and ready for everyone when they came in. Chicken dip? Check. Chips? Check. Pizza bites? Loaded and just pepperoni, check.

I heard the door, dear god someone was finally here. It had to have been the new couple. Okay, not “new,” they’ve been dating for a year or so now, but I finally get to see them in person. I swung the door open to—

“Hey, Spence.”

Cara, oh god oh god Cara came. Holy shit. “Hu- I uh, hey, Cara!” I squeaked out. I’m fairly certain she thought I just hit puberty again. Oh my god pull yourself together, dude. She always used to change her hair, practically Ramona Flowers. She had just let it grow out long, maybe to the middle of her back now, about half a really faded out bluish-green color and half her natural color, kind of like she had just been letting it grow out again. It’s been so long since I’ve seen it, she always had a different funky color when we hung out in high school. She had on a t-shirt dress thing with these knee-high combat boots. Never did grow out of your goth phase, huh? Still looked just as good in it now as she did—

Okay, wow. She might have a boyfriend or something. Reel it in, you might be coming off as creepy.

“Ah, sorry, it’s just, uh. I haven’t seen you guys in so long.” A nervous laugh left me.

“Same goes for you, man.” She brought me in for a hug. “How’ve you been? Just graduated, and I hear that you’ve got this big party for it?” I have her a squeeze back and let go before she did. She peered into my den, devoid of anyone but me and now, her. “Absolute banger, my good sir. Quite the crowd!”

“Ah, well, you know how it is.” I tried to brush her off. “I know Ellie and Milo‘re coming, too. Said they were on their way not long ago. Glad to get to see you guys again, its really been too long.”

She reclined onto a half of my old loveseat and tossed a pizza bite in her mouth with a grin, and shoved her hair back with a splayed hand. Her face underneath had the lightest amount of makeup on it. Just eyebrows and eyeliner were added to enhance her appearance. A dark wing above each eye just made those dark brown eyes shimmer. “Seriously man, like, I haven’t even gotten to meet up with any of you guys in so long. To think we wanted to make a band!”

She really hasn’t changed all that much. Still just as goofy as she always has been. And yeah, we did try the band thing I think every teenager considers at one point in time. I still have that old electric guitar around the apartment somewhere.

“Oh, yeah! Phantom Mink.” I giggled, fidgeting with my hands a bit. “We thought we were so cool with that name, too. Ugh…” I sat on the couch too, closed to the armrest. Was I trying to put space between us? I just didn’t want to come on too strong. She did hug me though.

Another knock cut my thoughts short. Cara stood up to get the door. All I could do was quietly panic to myself. Don’t think too hard about it, Spencer. Just don’t think too hard about it. You’ve known her and had a crush on her for years. Not gonna be any different now.

Giggling and muffled laughs from hugs erupted from my front door. I stood up to greet Ellie and Milo. Ellie was nowhere near the same person, her curly red hair now cut off to her shoulders, and Milo looked like a bodybuilder. Okay, maybe only in comparison to me — I was still struggling with my freshman 15. Maybe down to the freshman 5 now, but progress is progress.

“Jesus Christ, you two look good together! Didn’t realize college would make you guys change that much.” I walked to open the door up to greet them as well.

“Aw, it’s still us though!” Ellie chuckled.

“Yeah man! Shit, you’ve changed too, believe it or not. Haven’t seen your hair that short in ages.” Milo gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder after giving Cara a tight hug.

“Eh, had to clean it up for job interviews. Depending on which one I stick with, they may let me grow it out.” I pinched a messily-styled piece of bang hanging around my eyebrows. I think I still wanted to look like I could be in a band. At least that’s what I tell the hair stylist.

“Hey, Nice! You’ll get to rock the half-tail again!” Milo gave me a pap on the arm before bringing me into a hug again, Ellie close behind to wrap around both of us. Cara’s arms wrapped around all of us as much as she could.

“It’s so good to see you all again.” Ellie said, squeezing a bit.

They came in and circled around the table, Ellie and Milo taking the loveseat and Cara and I on opposite sides of the table.

“…alright. Drinks?” I offered, swigging my hand by my mouth with my thumb and pinky up.

“Uh, absolutely!” Cara said, rising to go to the kitchen. “Lemme go raid to see what you have to drink.”

“Absolutely, duderino. Help yourse—“

Milo rested his hand on my shoulder and cocked an eyebrow at me. “Duderino,” he whispered to me. “Really, man…?”

“What?” I whispered back.

“Man we all know. Ellie and I aren’t stupid.” I could feel my eyes widen even though I tried to hide it. “We all know you like her.”

“Pssh, wha— I, I mean, I don’t- nah, I—“ I felt like I lost any idea of how to speak normally. I didn’t want to tarnish the friendship we had. I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable or anything. “Dude I… I can’t, and you know I can’t say anything.”

“Spencer.” Ellie leaned in and whispered, even quieter somehow. “Grow a pair and tell her. I’m telling you,” she waggled her eyebrows at me. “Just. Do. It.” She mouthed the last three words to me before eyeballing the kitchen.

“Heh-hey, you found that old cider we used to drink?” She was leaning around the wall dividing the kitchen to the den holding the two four packs. “I haven’t seen this in so long! Didn’t your dad have to buy this for us?”

“Ah, yeah,” I chuckled. “Well, you guys know how he used to be.” I squared my shoulders and scrunched my face up so I could make a more gruff “deep man” voice. “Well, I’d rather you kids be safe here than to drive out somewhere and get hurt.” I giggled at my own imitation of my old man. I could hear Cara giggle across the room. Ellie rested her head into her palm and shook her head with a smile, and Milo just kind of laughed a sharp exhale out of his nose at me.

“Hey, where’s you’re bottle opener?” She yelled from the neighboring room.

“Oh, here, I gotcha.” I stood up and met her in the kitchen. “Here, it’s a bit of a mess, sorry.” I opened a drawer to pull it out. “Here, it even shoots the bottle caps!” I passed it over to her, and her finger grazed my own before I released it. Her hands were so soft. I could feel my ears heating up; I felt ridiculous being this embarrassed. She’s a friend. Just a friend. That’s all she—

Ow. That was a bottlecap.

“Oh god, Spence, that was not supposed to hit your cheek!” All I could do was laugh. “Oh god, I didn’t realize that thing shot so far!” She laughed heartily, leaning onto the counter. We just stood there giggling for a second. Good god, she just. Why does she give me so many butterflies? I mostly giggled just because I was so embarrassed about how much she flusters me.

The lovebirds turned the corner and asked what happened. “Here,” Cara went to open another one. She pointed it at Milo, aiming a bit lower than she must have with me. “I’ll show you!” She mimicked an evil villain with her tone before firing it out at Milo.

“Oogh! Urgh, direct hit!” Milo dramatically collapsed toward the floor. Ellie “caught” him, stifling her snickering and wailing before bursting into laughter with the rest of us.

We each opened one, toasted to each other, and necked it back, each taking a few gulps each. Ellie looked the label on the bottle over for a moment before commenting “ah, yep. It’s uh…not quite as good as I remember, honestly.” The corners of her mouth curled a bit. “…bleugh, haha!”

“Yeah this is-“ Cara’s face looked like she tried to eat a lemon whole. “Wow. Man, we used to love this back in high school.”

“Bleh, yeah.” I added. “Good memories with this though, not gonna lie.” It definitely tasted nothing like apple or cider. Kind of just carbonated blegh.

“Oh absolutely.” Milo took another gulp of his.

“Eugh, you like that, hon…?” Ellie looked up at her partner and recoiled.

“Mmhrph?” He asked with a mouthful of his drink, shrugging his shoulders and hands. She just shuddered, her hands shaking up close to her chest.

“Gross — you can finish mine then.” She giggled, sitting the bottle in front of him.

We each decided to dive into the booze I bought and whatever else I had in the fridge to mix it with. I found about a half of a jug of sweet tea I had made recently. Sweet tea and whisky wasn’t terrible tasting. Might have mixed it a bit strong though — Cara commented hers was a bit strong too. Maybe my former college roommate being in a fraternity wasn’t a terrible idea, it seemed to make the party fun with them.

We were in a match of Smash, and even though the games themselves had changed since the last time we had all played together, we were all still the same character. The air mattress finally got brought out at some point in the night. I think just the one loveseat was terrible for all of us to try to sit on together. We got to chat about the weird roommates Ellie had her first two years at college. Milo’s parents rented an apartment for him, so he just had some weird lady down the hall who tried way too hard to flirt with him. Cara had a guy in a handful of her classes who always wore one of those anime porn jackets. The whole group simultaneously recoiled at the thought of that, and claimed she won strangest individual of the year.

I felt myself starting to fall asleep, and upon looking at the clock, realized it was coming up on 4 AM.

“Oogh, I’m gon’ get ta bed,” I managed to get out. I think i was about five drinks in, probably close to the same for everyone else. I lost track, honestly. “Goo’night, guys.” I waved to the three of them. “Please make yourself comforbal. Comf… Comfortable.” I giggled.

I opened up my bedroom door, struggling to stay upright. I tried to change into my pajamas, and nearly stumbled onto the bed. I tried to brace myself against it all I could to change. C’mon, sleep pants, just get on this leg, and we can lay down.

The door opened quietly.

“Ah, hey, woah, hi there,” I stammered, yanking my pants up finally, resulting in me falling onto the edge of the bed. “What, uh. …Cara?”

“Dude, I’m…I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I… they’re makin’ googly eyes at each other. They’re doing a real shit job of hiding the fact that they’re probably gonna fuck while I’m out there.” She buried her head into her hand as she quietly shut the door behind her. “Don’ really feel like lis’ning to that all night. D’you mind if I sleep in here tonight?”

Holy shit, holy shit, she’s in my room. I’m shirtless. She might be pantsless, who knows— wait, no, I should not be thinking like that. I may be drunk but I’m not gone enough to think like that. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. No boners right now. Don’t make it awkward.

“I uh. I mean you can take the bed.” I gestured towards it, as though showing it off.

“Pssh, dude nah, itsh your bed.” She laughed quietly. “If anything, we can just share it. I don’t mind.”

We can what now?

“Yeah, like. You’re my friend, I trust you wouldn’t like, I’unno, rape me in your sleep or anything.” She flung her jazz hands up at the end of her statement, shrugging off her comment. I think I said my thought out loud accidentally. Damnit.

“Are you sure? I don’t wanna like…”

“Dude, c’mon, it’s fine.” She flopped back on my bed, scooting to the side against the corner wall. She pat the empty side of the bed right next to me. “C’mon. Whassa problem?”

“Cara, I…” I think if I don’t tell her now I might never. The silence was tangible.

“You…?” She sat up and reached for my arm to pull me onto the bed with. I yelped as quietly as I could manage, sort of landing sideways on top of her. Like two rag dolls landing together. “Spence, c’mon, you’ve been all but avoiding me. What’s goin’ on?”

“Whuh? No, no, I promise I’m not avoiding you. Dude, you’re like…you’re the coolest chick I know.” I turned, my shoulders now against her thighs and covered my face with a corner of my blanket. “Cara, I…I’ve had a huge crush on you for yeaaaaars. And it’s like, I don’t wanna make a wrong move and make shit weird, y’know…?” I probably could have cooked eggs on my face from how hot it had gotten. “And I’m a dumbass because I’m laying on your fuckin’ lap just like, ‘holy shit she’s in my fuckin’ bed,’ and like, man, I don’t know what to do right now.”

Great job, Socrates. Very eloquently put. If she didn’t hate you now, she might just be weirded out at the very least.

I felt the blanket being pulled away from my reddened face. She was looking right at me, as closely as I could see from the lights outside my window at least.

“Spencer, I, uh,” she tucked a lock of hair behind her ears and looked down at my bed, breaking eye contact. “I like you too, dude.” She propped herself against my pillow as I moved away from her lap to sit up and look at her.

“You. I uh.” As if English didn’t fail me before, it did now. “Wait, what? Really?” I quietly laughed, feeling ridiculous now for not doing anything. “Oh my god if I had just—“

She leaned to make herself face-to-face with me. The top of her nose touched the end of mine gently. I gulped, my mouth dry. I could smell the alcohol on her breath still, I could feel her nervousness come across her as well.

Should I make the move?

She leaned in just a bit more, pressing her lips against mine softly. I felt like I couldn’t get enough air in me, I gasped in as soon as her lips met mine. My eyes stayed open, I couldn’t move. I didn’t know what to do. I had girlfriends before, I knew how to make moves and how to make the magic happen; it just suddenly felt like rocket science to me.

She moved away, and my desire couldn’t be pushed down any longer. I could feel myself get harder and harder the longer I actually thought about what I wanted to do to her. I gripped the side of her face and yanked her to me, pulling her back in for a kiss. She sharply moaned against my lips, I guess surprised at my response, and gripped at my waist and cheek as well. I could still feel where she pegged me with the bottlecap earlier, but I was far too lost in thought at kissing essentially my dream girl. My lips wrapped around and danced along with hers, tasting the whisky and tea and the nasty cider from earlier on her tongue. Soft moans escaped her, gripping harder against my waist. Reflexes caused me to cry out from it.

“Shh..!” She chuckled against my lips. “We probably shouldn’t let them hear us in here.” Her hand moved from my cheek to twine it’s way through my hair. She somehow knew just how to make me putty in her hands. I completely forgot they were still here, shit.

“Cara, I don’ care. I…really don’t,” I moved closer to her, sitting against my wall now. I grabbed at her hips to pull her onto my lap, but as I went to tug, she shifted, one leg on either side of mine. “Are you trying to tell me something?” I looked up to meet her eyes, asking with a half a joke in my tone. I really hoped this wasn’t just some drunk stupor from her.

“I want you to fuck me.” She grabbed the sides of my face to make me look at her. “…please. I’ve wanted to for years.”

“For years, you say?” I slid a hand up her thigh towards her pussy. “I want to feel you for myself.” My hand moved past, wrapping around her ass. Did she actually have nothing on?

“I uh…I wanted to tell you tonight. I guess this isn’t a very subtle way to let you know though, huh..?” Her grip relaxed, tensing up for a quick moment with a gasp when I slapped my fingers against her asscheek. I did want to try to stay quiet.

“Take your clothes off,” I demanded, leaning to whisper into her ear.

“Only if you’ll take yours off, too.” Her new velvety tone filled my ears.

She shifted away from me quickly, and the moment she was off my lap, I all but tore out of my sleep pants and boxers. My dick sprung upright, already dribbling with precum at the sight before me. I had never been able to tell before, it was all only my horny teenage imagination — she was stunningly curvy. Her shirt and long hair must have hid the fact that she had no bra on either. She was easily a D cup, with such a slender waist, too. She had just a unique softness to her skin, like she glowed in the moonlight. I’m sure my still being drunk enhanced what I was seeing, but she really took my breath away.

I crawled over to her near the middle of my bed as her shirt went over her head. The removal of her shirt over her head slid her long hair out like a waterfall over her shoulders and breasts. I felt like an animal looking at its prey. Her eyes met mine, and I saw her eyebrows raise momentarily, as though I caught her by surprise. I splayed my fingers to press her chest and make her fall back onto the bed. She squealed upon actually colliding with the surface, quietly giggling as she looked through her lashes at me. My knees pried her legs wider with ease, I could tell just how ready she actually was for me. Each of my hands were on either side of her head now, practically closing her in, and her arms rested submissively above her head.

She slipped her leg up and down my hip and thigh, as if coercing me into sliding in. I couldn’t help but moan out — I could practically feel my pulse in my dick. She reached a hand between our bodies to stroke my shaft slowly.

“Haahh… Mmmph.” Moans burst out of my throat. Gotta stay quiet, gotta stay quiet. I propped up onto my elbow and shifted my other arm between her legs to feel her pussy lips for myself. I trailed kisses up her neck, ear, and jaw, before meeting her at her face. She wantonly looked up at me, her breathing rising rapidly. I glanced downward, slipping my middle finger around her swollen pussy, dripping with her juices. She gasped, shortly followed by gentle moaning. Her hand stopped moving, just gripping snugly for a moment while she took in the feelings. Her face flushed a bright pink as her eyes rolled back and lips parted. She bit down on her lip while I circled her clit, and shifted to grip around my head and neck when I slipped a finger inside her. Not that I’m massive, I’d think I’m pretty average, but how am I going to fit in her…?

Her whispers of moans filled my ears as she clutched me close to her, her hand stuttering to make consistent strokes up and down my shaft. I slid in, and out, and in, and out, my finger and palm growing stickier each time. I could hear how wet she was.

“Is that…because of me?” I managed to pant out into her ear.

“You- mmh! You have no idea…how horny I am…” I slipped in quickly to be coy and cut her off while she talked. Maybe it was a sneaky trick to just hear her moan, but it worked. Her fingers twined into the back of my hair, then closed to essentially tug on my hair. A mix of a gasp and a moan came from me. “Ah! Oh, oh fuck,” I loudly whispered, now tilted away from Cara’s ear.

“D’you like that, don’t you?” She simpered. “You kinky fuck, oh my god, I love it.” She pushed my head back down to permit my lips to meet hers once more.

“Y- mmmh. Fuck.” I couldn’t even get the words out. She started to actually jack me off now. My hand remained resting on her pussy, a single finger slipping inside her tight walls. My moans sharpened in pitch with each exhale, muffled by her lips. The thoughts of the other two in my den escaped me.

I reached up to grip her hand off my dick first, then her other hand out of my hair, pinning each down as they were removed. I was leaning down on both of her hands, holding them down tightly. I couldn’t last a whole lot longer, I knew I couldn’t. My panting turned practically to growling. “S-so. I—“

“It’s okay, I don’t care that you’re going raw. I just want to feel you in me. Please, Spence.” Her words were filled with desperation. As much as a part of me did just want to sit with her and admire her body, I wanted so much more to have her pussy clamp around my dick.

I released her wrists and held her hips up to mine with her help, putting her in sort of this collapsed bridge stance. “You sure?” I lined the head of my now raging erection between those juicy lips, making sure to rub her clit as I moved it up and down along her opening. Her head rolled back as she moaned once more. “I-if you keep that up, I might just cum…”

My brain shut off. I shifted and slipped in, feeling her tight warmth all around my dick. My breath shuddered as pleasure filled my body. To say absolute ecstasy is an understatement. Her moans matched mine as I shoved my full length into her. Her eyes rolled back as her head fell limp against the bed. I could practically feel the shivers run from head to toe all over her body as her pussy clamped down, threatening to squeeze me dry. I gripped harder on her ass, clenching her to me trying to bask in every jolt of movement her body gave me. Her arms rested limply shiver her head, and her hair was splayed out in all directions around her head. She was panting heavily.

“S…Spencer. Please don’t s-stop…” she breathily moaned to me, looking at me through half-closed eyes. She looked so starry-eyed. I adjusted myself to lean back down to meet her face, and held her face for another kiss as I withdrew to slide back in slowly. She purred against my lips before I slipped my tongue to wrap around and dance with hers once more. I picked up my pace a bit, hearing her wetness slap against me. Cara squeaked and panted beneath me, only further fueling my desire to her.

“Haahhh… Fuck, y-you feel…so good,” I grunted, picking up my pace further, now slamming into her harder. Cara moaned harder and louder yet, almost closer to a squeak with my thrusts.

“And so…do you…” she panted, her legs wrapping around my waist as I slapped against her harder and harder. I was getting close. I had to feel her cum again though. “S-Spence, I’m— Aahhn…!” Her nails dug into my shoulders as she grabbed onto me harder and her legs clenched around me tighter.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, can’t wait. I pushed her hips away enough to allow my dick to slip out of her, and rested back between her legs, falling to my elbows as a wave of pleasure washed over me, painting her stomach with my cum. I felt my dick pulse between myself and her as I wheezed out the last few moans. Her breathy moans filled my ears as she held onto me, riding out her orgasm.

I felt like a baby deer. I was so wobbly, but I knew we still needed to clean up. “You…okay?” I huffed, giggling a bit. “I’m…really sorry…about the mess.”

She lazily pat my back, I can only assume in an attempt to be reassuring. “It’s…hehe, issokay.” She sounded exhausted. “Do you, uh—“

“Towel, haha, yeah,” I sheepishly finished her thought, sitting back up. I wobbled to get her a clean hand towel from my dresser by my bed. She struggled to sit up, grunting as she shifted.

“Whoof. That was…good god, that felt so good,” she pushed her hair out of her face, and looked at me with a heavy-lidded, dreamy look in her eyes, and a smile that brightened her face. “I’d say thank you but I don’t really know if that’s, like, the right thing to say?”

“No, yeah, I, hehe,” I giggled back. “Thank you too then, I…suppose.” I wiped the remainder off of her, and tidied myself off and stood beside the bed to put my boxers and pants back on. “…so, I don’t, uh, want that to be a one time thing, if that’s not too much to ask,” I rubbed the nape of my neck.

“It won’t be, dude,” she lightly slapped my stomach. “I’d love to have you join me for bed though, if that’s not too much to ask.”

She still sounded winded. Glad to know we both had fun at least. “Honestly, I’d love nothing more.”

I laid down beside her on my back, and she slid herself to lay on her side right beside me. I wrapped an arm around her and rested my head against hers.

“Thanks for having me over. I’m really glad we finally got to get this off our chests. I kinda feel dumb for not saying something sooner, honestly,” she nestled into the crook of my neck and chest, embarrassed at her own comment.

“Same, honestly,” I chuckled. “Kinda wish I hadn’t waited.” I bumped my shoulder up to push her head up a bit, and she sat up. I tugged her back in for a kiss before I passed out. “…so, uh, what would this make us?”

She nestled back down onto me. “I’unno. We can discuss it t’morrow… But I’m not goin’ anywhere.”

My eyes were about to close, too. Til tomorrow, then.

“G’night, Cara. I uh. I love you?”

She giggled, basically a laugh just out of her nose from how tired she was. “I love you too, Spence.”



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