The back of a crowded room [FF]

I went to one of those places where the music is so loud you can’t hear yourself think. The lights are dim, the place is packed, and everyone is drunk. I didn’t know why I decided to go, this wasn’t really my scene.

I sat at the corner table alone; my drink before me, half-empty and kind of sad. I nursed it slowly as I watched people come and go. Nobody really approached me and I didn’t mind. I don’t know what I was looking for when I decided to come here. Maybe I wasn’t looking for anything at all.

I turned my head to get a look at the other half of the room, and that’s when her eyes caught mine. We stared straight at each other for what felt like an eternity. Neither of us really smiled or reacted, we just stared. After a moment I got embarrassed and my eyes flickered away from her gaze.

I could feel my face flush. She was stunning. Tall, legs up to her shoulders, long black hair, and blue eyes that completely transfixed me. I looked down at my drink and stirred it slowly as I tried to work to get the pink off of my cheeks. I wasn’t very good at hiding my emotions. Especially arousal.

Another few minutes passed, when suddenly a waitress approached my table with a shot glass full of something, and a lime. Tequila. She placed it on the table.

“For you,” the waitress said with a smile.

“I didn’t order a shot,” I said, kind of puzzled.

“No, she did.” The waitress gave me a cute little smirk and walked off.

I felt my heart leap into my throat as I looked over and caught her eyes once again. This time she gave me a little smile, and raised her glass in a “Cheers!” fashion. I smiled back and then looked down at the tequila. It sat there next to the lime, and I fought with myself as to whether or not I should go for it.

“Fuck it,” I said to myself. I threw back the tequila and followed with the lime. My eyes closed for a minute while I let the drink set in. I tried to work up the courage to get up and approach her. A million different scenarios and consequences ran through my head.

Before I knew it my feet hit the floor and I was walking across the room. I knew I was wearing heels, but the music was so loud I couldn’t hear them. All I could hear was the bass. Or maybe that was my pulse echoing in my ears.

She was talking and laughing with someone. I felt awkward and stupid walking up to her, like the quiet shy kid trying to talk to one of the popular girls. She was an inch or two taller than me, which I discovered once I approached her side.

“Hi,” I tried to say through the music.

She turned and smiled. A surprised, intrigued, devilish smile. “Hi there.”

“Thank you for the drink.”

“You’re welcome…” She continued saying something, but I couldn’t hear it.

“I’m so sorry, I can’t hear anything,” I shouted, and then let out an awkward laugh.

She leaned in, pressed her side against mine, and held her lips just beside my ear. “I said, you seemed kind of uncomfortable by yourself over there, thought some liquid courage would help you.”

A shiver ran up and down my spine. She smelled amazing, her perfume was dark and sexy but floral and light all at the same time. It was intoxicating.

“Am I that obvious?”

She laughed and ours eyes locked once again. “It’s cute.”

“What’s your name?” I asked, trying to initiate that awkward small talk we all hate.

“Does it matter?”

I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. That was both the sexiest and most dangerous answer I could have hoped for. I smiled a stupid little smile and slowly shook my head. She held out her hand to me, like a gentleman. I looked at her hand and back to her eyes.

And I took it.

She squeezed down on my hand and led me to the back of the room. We weaved through throngs of people who couldn’t have cared less about who we were or what we were doing.

We finally reached the wall and she had me stand up against it. She stood before me and placed her hands on the wall on either side of my shoulders.

She leaned in again, with her lips even closer to my ear this time. “Have you been with a woman before?”

I responded, “Yes,” quickly, because I had. I’d absolutely been with other women before.

“But not like this,” she said with a smirk.

Oh damn. She caught me.

“No, not like this.”

“Stop me at any time if you need to, okay?”

I gave her my undivided eye contact and nodded. Her lips grazed past my ear and moved down to my neck. She began kissing it slowly, but it got faster and heavier as she continued. I could feel myself moan, but I couldn’t hear it. I don’t think she could either, but she knew.

I suddenly felt her hand on my upper thigh, and I gasped. She moved her lips to my mouth and kissed me deeply, passionately. I could taste her and feel her tongue, but still smell that intoxicating perfume.

Her hand continued up my thigh, under my dress, until she reached my hip. I felt fingertips sliding underneath my panties, and I thought my heart would burst from my chest. She continued down until her fingers were right between my legs.

She parted my delicate lips with her fingers and let out a soft moan into my ear. “I’m glad to know I’m not the only one,” she said as she ran her fingers over my wet pussy. I could feel how wet my panties were. Now she could, too.

I turned my face towards hers and kissed her again. This time I felt her let out a little whimper. She started rubbing my clit and I could feel my knees buckle. I pressed my hand softly against her face before running my fingers through her hair.

Before I knew it, I gently bit down on her lower lip. I felt a growl escape from deep within her, and she pushed her fingers deep inside of me.

I broke the kiss to let out a moan. A very loud moan. So loud that some people probably noticed us, but I didn’t care. She had me completely, and I wasn’t going anywhere.

She started to finger me faster and deeper, and my moans turned into heated panting. I was slowly losing myself to her, the crowd, the music, the alcohol. She pressed her lips against my cheek, and I could feel her smile as I got hotter and wetter. She knew exactly what she was doing to me.

All of my senses heightened, and I could feel my body give in. “You’re going to make me cum,” I said next to her ear. She kissed me very suddenly, and then dropped to her knees. Before I knew it she had pulled down my panties and started sucking on my clit as she continued to finger me.

I had to hold myself up against the wall to stop my knees from giving out. My face felt hot and pink; I was trying to hold back my moans to avoid a scene. It didn’t matter though, people had noticed us. I held my hand over my mouth as I began to cum. Every muscle within me convulsed before letting go to pure pleasure.

My sight started to go black and white, and I felt myself get lightheaded. She stood up and held me, all the while kissing me.

I broke the kiss and stared at her. “Can I repay the favor?”

She smiled and laughed. “Next time.” She grabbed a pen from a nearby table. In all capital letters, she wrote her Instagram handle on my arm. And above that, in beautiful cursive, the name “Emma.”

“Emma?” I asked.

“My name is Emma. You asked.”

She kissed me once more, and then she was gone.

I found a chair, sat down, and just smiled.

“Next time…”



  1. I absolutely love this story! Short, sweet and hot. The instagram handle and the name made me smile and giggle haha. Thanks for posting!

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