Medical exam for a study [MF, slow burn, vulnerability, no sex]

The nurse popped in to let me know the next patient was already in the exam room, waiting. I made a few last minute notes in my office on the study progress before grabbing my clipboard and heading down the hall to the latest patient.

At the exam room door I knocked – standard procedure – and heard a mumbled “come in”…in that awkward response way of patients who somehow feel like it’s their room, but not at all their room. I get that. I’ve been a patient, too.

After cursory introductions I told her we’re doing a full exam of female bodies as part of a longitudinal study on female sexuality. The first of its kind. Just an assessment exam, but thorough. Did I mention it’s thorough? It’s thorough.

I began the exam asking her to sit up while slid my cold stethoscope on her back, first somewhat high , then lower. I felt her wince and giggle, which punched my ears. I asked her to take deep breaths. Everything sounded fantastic, and I let her know. I moved to stand in front of her as she sat on the exam table, assessing her face and jawline – I gently palpated below her jaw, down her neck, along her collar bone. I felt her breathe deep and relax as she closed her eyes. I have a gently touch, something I pride myself in as part of my overall bedside manner.

Her skin was soft and I noticed the pleasant smell of a kind of basic lotion. I sighed inside.

No tenderness though in her lymph glands, good. Nothing exceptional.

I went to the next phase and conducted examination for any skin anomalies, starting with her upper torso. I let her know she needed to remove the paper robe from her shoulders and slide it down to her waist and she complied, but looked down at herself self consciously. I assured her I see countless bodies all day and it’s nothing, as I moved to stand so I could see her back fully.

I examined her back, sliding my fingertips in the classic left-right scanning technique they teach in medical school. Like an old printer, left right, move lower, left right, shift lower. I looked for moles, freckles, and scars that would raise my eyebrow. Each small mole I zeroed in on and gently used my fingertips to circle, slowly. No issues. I moved to stand in front of her again and said I would touch her sides, armpits, and breasts for nodules or anything out of the ordinary.

I put my hands on her shoulders, heavy at first, then moved my thumbs under her armpits, making circular motions. I noticed her breasts move with my firm skin manipulations of the area. I then traced my hands down her sides and up around the bottom of her breasts, no issues.

As part of the study, I asked about the sensitivity of her breasts. Then in her own words, to tell me about her nipples in aroused and not aroused states. I made notes while she spoke. I gently touched her aureolas, noting attributes. Hers were medium sized, with strong edges, colored dark pink, and otherwise unremarkable. I finished this part of the data collection, and asked how often she gives herself a basic breast exam at home…gently chided her for not doing it more often, as recommended.

I checked in on her comfort level with the exam and she had no issues. We needed to move on to the heart of the study with data from the pelvic region. I asked her to stand up and disrobe completely and then lie down on the exam table. I asked her to tell me at any time if she was in any discomfort. I noted her pubic hair attributes – medium thickness, auburn, and grew in basic unremarkable distribution area. I gently traced the hairline around her mons as I asked the questions. My fingertips slid slowly down the outside edge of her labia majora, feeling for anything out of the ordinary.

I made notes for the study about general appearance. I took notes on her shape, color, texture, and symmetry. Her labia minora were slightly protruding in an unaroused state, which is not exceptional. There was lack of symmetry which is also more common than not. As I conducted measurements, I did notice that her clitoral hood was larger that average, so I asked if she ever had irritation. On the contrary, she said it was something she liked about her body. Good for her. I finished basic measurements of the overall length of her labia – length, thickness, width, noting that she was well within normal ranges.

The next assessment was the clitoral hood “coverage index” (CI), a simple 1-10 scale. Somewhat subjective, but still valuable when used as meta-data. A 1 means there is total coverage and the clitoris cannot be exposed with normal manipulation, a 10 means the clitoris protrudes from the hood in an unaroused state. I used my fingertips to very, very gently slide the skin surrounding her clitoris up and away, exposing the head of her clit, which glistened slightly and was pink-white. I let the skin return, then again, exposed the clit. I assessed her CI rating as 7. It required less movement to expose and was fairly prominent. But again, well within normal ranges.

Lastly, I took a minute to examine vaginal lubrication. I asked the standard questions about dryness, ability to maintain lubrication during sexual activity, and if there were any concerns. During the questions I gently spread her outer lips and noted the mild lubrication present. Color, consistancy were both within normal ranges.

But what about…taste…

(to be continued)
