Let’s Make A Bet – Ch. 3 [BDSM] [M/f] [Spanking, Control, Discipline]

I sat, stewing in embarrassment. I had hoped to regain some power over the guy that had turned my brain to mush in the gallery but I had underestimated him. And underestimated how strong a hold he seemed to have over me. I took a gulp of my drink, waiting for the adrenaline to subside so that I could leave without stumbling, my legs still shaking.

“Shit!” Horrified, I realized that I was still sitting there exposed with my stockings around my knees hidden only by the table. He had left before I even had a chance to cover myself. No longer emboldened by his presence, I felt as if the eyes of every guest and staff were on me. But I had to admit, amongst the expected unsettling anxiety was a new sense of arousal. Despite myself, I closed my eyes and began to imagine him sitting there, smiling mischievously as I pleasured myself below the table. Hidden to everyone but the two of us.

I shook my head as if that would shake the thoughts away. I had to get a grip. As inconspicuously as possible I managed to pull up my tights and wipe up the mess I had left of the seat. Feeling confident that I was about to get away with the whole ordeal, I began to scoot myself to the edge of the booth only to catch my eye on the room key.

“Would it be so crazy?” Some part of me was trying to justify going to his room. I paused for a moment to soak up the last of my drink, grateful for the numbing effect it had on my nerves. The moment I placed the empty glass back on the table, the waiter approached me.

“Miss?” he asked formally.

I jumped. Being spoken to at the scene of our indiscretion was more than I could handle at that moment. All I could do was nod.

“Your cab has arrived. It’s waiting for you out front.” He informed.

“My cab? I haven’t ordered…” My voice trailed off.

“No, Miss. Mr. Hearst saw to that. He mentioned that you weren’t feeling yourself and needed to go home to rest? It’s available at the front entrance, whenever you’re ready.” He tipped his head and left the words to sink in.

“Did he just use a waiter and a taxi cab to call me a chicken?” I felt my face redden but this time it was from anger. Something about that presumptuous posh son-of-a-bitch trying to get under my skin and admittedly succeeding was too much to take. It was obvious I had gotten turned on, there’s no denying that. So, why not explore? And use it as an opportunity to get even. My mind was made up. With newfound confidence and resolve I quickly exited the booth, grabbing the room key on my way.

Following the golden etched signs, I began to search for his room. But the number on his key was not listed anywhere. After a moment, I pulled aside one of the many employees and asked them to direct me to room 1099.

The young female attendant must’ve been new because she stared for a moment as if confused. “That’s Mr. Hearst’s penthouse suite.” She searched my face for a moment but I had nothing to offer her. “You need to take the private elevator.” She pointed to a set of glass double doors a several feet away.

I nodded and mumbled a thanks as I made my way to the elevator. “He really goes all out.” I thought to myself as I tentatively activated the elevator with the room key but I was too distracted to think clearly. All I could do was feel the excitement grow in me with each passing floor until a delicate ‘ding’ alerted me to the end of the ride. The doors opened and I stepped out into a short hallway, simply decorated, that led to yet another set of impressive double doors.

Face to face with the entrance, I hesitated briefly, but curiously had made me fearless. I’m not sure if I sought revenge or physical relief more but either way, I was ready for him.

Stepping in, I had to admit that the room was spectacular. It looked more like an extravagant apartment than a hotel room, with oak furniture, marble fixtures, and a large winding terrace that overlooked the city. I dropped my bag near the door and made my way to the open patio door, drinking in the city lights.

“Make yourself at home.” That familiar deep voice dripping with sarcasm. I turned around and saw him standing there, gently nudging my bag with his foot, hands casually in his pockets, eye brow raised. “Do you normally enter a room that isn’t yours without knocking?” He asked me with a dry tone.

“Only when I’ve been invited and then given a key.” I said tossing it on the nearby table. I was glad to have a bit of my old self back.

He smirked. “I think you need to be taught manners.” He eyed me from across the room, that same sort of focused look as if he had begun to enter my mind.

“Perhaps.” I mused “But I seriously doubt that stuck up, entitled, narcissists are qualified to dole out lessons in etiquette.”

He grinned and I could see that I had an edge on him here, he seemed more vulnerable to my annoyances in his personal space. I quietly celebrated to myself. He must have thought that he had left me a little puddle down in the restaurant.

Eager to keep the irritate him as much as possible I continued to stroll around the suite, stretching a bit before exaggeratedly
kicking off my shoes to the side of some fancy looking vase. I waited a few moments, enjoying the view a bit more before looking to see his expression. The tension was palpable but he was also clearly amused. He stood there, tall and undeniably handsome in his suit, his hands still in his pockets and his eyes fixed onto me. I grinned at him to show I wasn’t intimidated.

“I vaguely recall being told by someone that staring was rude.” I teased. He smiled but I felt him tense. I was finally able to get under his skin a little. His guard was down. His top button was undone and his hair was a bit messy but even his casual side felt controlled, precise. I allowed myself to step forward towards him, aching to penetrate the invisible barrier we silently agreed to, as if crossing it would lead to a chaotic and passionate attack on the other, something we were each still trying to keep contained. But the proximity was killing me. Being able to breathe in his cologne brought me back to our public indiscretion, his warm thick fingers inside of me, expertly reading my body until I ached for him. My lids grew heavy as I lost myself in the memory which must have been apparent to him. He could read my expression. He knew how badly I wanted him and he enjoyed it.

“Well you seem to have gained some confidence,” He began walking to a nearby bar and pouring himself a drink, “let’s see if you can manage to answer a few questions without getting flustered.” He had laid it out as a challenge. And it was an appropriate one. We both knew being direct about my attraction had thrown me the last time. I eyed his drink, envious of its calming effect but had more or less expected this behavior to be repeated.

He began, “Why are you here?”

“You really need me to spell it out for you? You seemed to have a good grasp of things in the restaurant.” I continued to walk throughout his suite, making sure to invade his space by picking up and inspecting objects. Defiant and unfazed by the dark expression he wore.

“I think you’re missing the point.” He seemed disappointed by my return to deflection. “I want you to say it.”

I faced him squarely, eager to take another shot at him, “You need me to tell you that I want to sleep with you? You should be able to recognize how fragile that makes your ego .”

He shook his head and stepped pointedly towards me, “You aren’t listening. I want to hear you say it, or more specifically how you say it.” His tone had changed and it made me stop wandering around the room. He was still sizing me up. I looked him directly in the eye, defying any timid inclinations and said to him in my silkiest most confident voice, “I want you to fuck me. Properly.”

I saw his eyes brighten, those cool blue eyes drinking me in. He really did seem to appreciate it when I was direct.

“Good.” He took another sip of his drink before settling into a chair and placing it gingerly on the nearby table. “In that case, let’s establish a few things.”

“Do you always approach sex as if it were a contract?” I said, still feeling brazen, finally gaining some ground.

His eyes narrowed and I felt my heart leap. It was clear he was doing his best to remain collected but I could feel his frustration. His fingers tapped on the arm of the chair, expelling as much energy as he could while still keeping his cool. It was my turn to read his mind and it was easy to do in that moment, as if he were plainly speaking to me. He hated me unrestrained, casually picking through his belongings. He wanted to hold me down like he had in the booth, he wanted to force me to behave as he wanted. And so, it was delicious to prod him, watching his emotions run across his face against his will.

“Let’s just say I’m a big fan of direct communication and clear expectations.” He said finally. He continued clearly and with authority, “If you plan on staying here, there are rules.”

I laughed, “What rules?” I tried to remain casual but something about his tone excited me.

“There are plenty.” He smiled, “But the bottom line is that I expect you to behave in a specific way.”

My eyebrow rose incredulously. “Okay, first impression is that you’re probably going to be disappointed.”

“Fair enough.” He said without breaking his gaze. “I expect you’d need some,” He hesitated. “…convincing, initially. But those are the conditions.”

“What exactly are you describing?” I questioned, imaging rigidly exhausting etiquette. “I’m not a big fan of pointless rules.”

“I know what you’re like.” He said calmly.

“…Then you ought to know you’ve chosen poorly…” My voice trailed off, feeling like this didn’t need to be explained.

I couldn’t tell if he was amused or a little bit annoyed that he needed to break things down for me.

“Kat,” he stopped at my startled expression. Hearing my name come out of his mouth, especially considering I never gave it to him, took me off guard. “Your name is Kat, isn’t it?” I nodded mutely. He proceeded, “Kat, I think we’ve both gotten an adequate impression of each other by now, no?”

I shrugged, “Sure, well enough.”

“Fine.” He leaned forward towards me, “What’s your impression of me, then?”

I smirked, “You’re setting me up, right?”

He smiled. “Speak freely, but truthfully.” Another challenge.

I began counting off of my fingers, “Arrogant, stuck-up, nursing a hidden inferiority complex…” His didn’t seem bothered by any of the things I listed, opting to wait patiently for me to finish.

“Go on.” He encouraged. I started to feel the humor wear thin. He was waiting for me to finish my barrage of insults and get serious. I felt a familiar lump in my throat as I became very aware of the spot light I was under. But I was also a fan of being direct. We were adults. We knew why I was there, why not be blunt?

I looked him up and down. “Confident. Direct…” My voice diminished.

“Need help?”

I gave him an annoyed look but said nothing else.

“Demanding?” He offered

“Demanding.” I repeated as the direction he gave started to sink in. “Assertive, controlling…”

“Dominating.” He said, his eyes burrowing into my head. It was as if I felt him inside of me, browsing through my thoughts with ease.

A sort of lightbulb went off. It was incredibly obvious, wasn’t it? In fact, I’m sure I knew it from the beginning but it was in that moment that it truly clicked.

“I see.” I said more to myself than him. He leaned back into his chair, watching me consider my newfound realization. I was surprised at the lack of alarm, so this strange man whom I’d followed to a hotel intended to try and dominate me?

I let myself fall into one of the other overstuffed seats. “I still don’t understand,” I told him, a mix of anxiety and surprisingly some excitement. “That’s clearly not my speed.”

His eyes narrowed again, as if to challenge that statement. A fair point considering everything that had happened already. “What is it that you think I’m looking for?” He stood up and smoothed his suit. “An air headed, compliant puppy?” He strode towards me, all of his features dark but those brilliantly bright blue eyes were fixed onto mine. “What fun is that?”

I felt my nails dig into the arms of the chair. The lump in my throat grew larger as his impressive form grew larger. “I like that you’re impetuous, impolite,” he reached down and took my chin in his hand, running his thumb softly over my lips, “and mouthy.” My face reddened and he grinned. “I consider it a personal challenge.” He straightened. “And not to blow my own horn but, I’d say I have a knack for…inspiring a change of heart.”

I attempted to scoff but it came out more like a soft exhale. I had gotten lost in that aura of his. He was radiating a confidence – no, confidence wasn’t quite the right word, but before I had a chance to ponder the situation any more, he spoke.

“I don’t expect you to give in right away. What I want to know is whether or not you’re interested?”

“Look,” I managed to find my voice, “obviously, there’s some kind of attraction. But I have no interest in bowing down to you and your massive sense of self-importance.”

Hearst walked back towards his chair and lifted his drink. “I would be willing to bet that you’re wrong about that.” He chuckled.

I stiffened. Having him tell me what I was like and what I would enjoy made me sting with irritation. He turned to look at me and my teeth clenched.

“You really get wound up easily, don’t you?” He laughed and moved toward the bar where he fixed another drink. He approached me again but this time with less menace. The proximity still made my head swim and my heart rate increase but along with that was the familiar attraction. Without realizing it, felt myself leaning towards him until he stretched out his arm, offering me the drink.

“Relax, hm? If you aren’t interested then no hard feelings. Enjoy the drink and head home. We won’t ever need to see each other again.”

The thought occurred to me then. Of course, I could leave at any point but he was right, we’d probably never see each other again. I felt a gentle wave of panic hit me as I remembered what it had felt like in the gallery when I thought he was gone. Impulsively, I moved away from that feeling and I was swept back into this moment, immediately relishing where I was. Grateful to still be mixed up in whatever the hell this was. He was intoxicating. I wanted nothing more than to wipe the obnoxious smirk off of his face but just as present was an all-consuming haze of electricity. I was charged up, I could practically feel his voice wash over me every time he spoke. I felt myself sway a bit, tuned into my body, enjoying the sensation.

“So, this is like a game?” I said, finally. My voice clear for the first time in several minutes.

I saw a glint in his eye as he smiled, “A sort of game, sure.”

What did he mean by dominating? Holding me down? Did he want to tie me up? All I could think of was his strong hands firmly holding my arm behind my back as he touched my begging pussy in the restaurant.

“Alright.” I said, “I’m in.” It wasn’t a difficult decision. It was hardly a decision at all. We both knew that I was caught up in whatever this was.

He raised his eyebrow.

“I’m serious.” I assured him. “Call it a battle of wills. Or call it another bet. I’m curious to see if you’re really as charming as you think you are.” I smiled confidently.

He advanced towards me and spoke with a sincerity that surprised me, “You need to be sure.” His expression was serious. The sharp edges that had been there are night were certainly still present but I felt something new. It radiated off of him in warm rays of concern.

I looked back at him steadily and nodded, my mind was made up. “I’m sure.”

He smiled broadly. God damn he looked good when pleased. Without a word he strode over to his front door and flipped a switch. A subtle red light near the entrance that said ‘Do Not Disturb’ lit up and he turned back to face me.

I stood, still without shoes. in the center of his penthouse living room. When he turned to me, I could feel that the invisible barrier that had kept us separated had disappeared. For a brief moment I felt a pang of fear, he was larger than I was and clearly more experienced, not to mention a stranger. Who knew what he was capable of? But I inhaled his cologne once more and I felt something inside of me stir. I knew what I wanted, I needed this. If only to get him out of my system once and for all. Calmly, he walked towards me but this time he did not stop until his face was only a few inches from my own. His sudden nearness startled me and I felt myself step backwards. He matched each of my steps until I felt my back hit a wall.

“You can give up at any point, Kat.” He offered, his voice another deep comforting rumble. “But you must explicitly say so. And then there’s no going back, it’s over and you must leave.” I could feel the warmth of his body. I let myself stare at him, admiring how small I felt so close to his broad chest. I nodded, still trying to hide how lightheaded he made me.

“Say it, Kat.” His voice filled me and I quickly cleared my throat.


“Good.” And he smiled. I felt my body electrify as his hands touched my waist, holding me firmly against the wall. His fingers made their way up my sides as I felt his breath on my neck, raising goosebumps across my body. I closed my eyes to soak everything in while his hands continued upward, raising my hands over my head. I felt so exposed in that position. My arms had felt like some semblance of a barrier but now were high above me. My impulse was to bring them back down but his strong grasp secured them tightly. My eyes opened to his gaze, I opened my mouth to protest but before I could he shook his head, “Hm-mm.”

Out of pure objection at this point I tried to give another tug, testing to see how hard I would have to protest for him to surrender but he would not release them. A familiar feeling of defiance began to grow inside of me and I tried to quickly twist my wrist out of his grasp. He laughed and grabbed a wrist with each hand. To exhibit his control, he pulled my arms until they were outstretched as far as they could go above my head, like it was nothing. Then, as if he were creating a snow angel against the wall, he slid them from the top of my head down until they remained fixed at my side. I felt a wave of panic and then resolve.

“It’s easier to just do as I say.” He was still speaking in his low dangerous tone.

“Easier for who?” I argued, trying for one last tug before admitting I needed a different strategy.

Sensing my stillness, he spoke commandingly, “Spread your legs.” But I was eager to defy him and so I stood motionless, knees firmly together, glaring up at him.
He clicked his tongue and with surprising grace managed to pull me from the wall and flipped me over his shoulder, one arm firmly holding my legs in place.

“No! Put me down!” I hated the feeling of hanging precariously. But he ignored me and exited the living room making his way down a hallway. Another door and a sharp turn and I noticed the hardwood turned to carpet. As quickly as the first time, I felt him hurl me over his shoulder and with a solid thud as I was flipped back onto the edge of a bed.

“Last chance.” He warned but I responded with the same stubbornness. Reaching up to the top of the bedframe he pulled something down. I heard the gentle clink of metal just before feeling its cold touch against my wrist, and then a solid and definitive ‘click’.

“No!” I shouted angrily and to my surprise he stopped.

“Are you giving up?” He asked flatly. I shook my head. “Then you have a choice, Kat.” Ashamedly, I still shuddered with pleasure at the sound of my name from his lips. “You can relax and put your arm in the cuff,” His eyes darkened threateningly, “Or I will do it for you.”

My expression didn’t change and soon enough he had me turned towards the headboard and fastened securely to his bed. The chain was long enough so that I was able to lower my arms a little, though I couldn’t step very far from that spot. I looked around the room quickly and noticed it matched the rest of the suite in decadence, including a warm crackling fireplace beside the bed.

The reality of the whole thing was starting to set in and another surge of panic hit me. Feeling a bit like shit had gotten too real I seriously considered putting all my weight onto the chain in an attempt to break through the wooden bedframe. He saw me scheming and laughed to himself as he rested against a wall.

“It’s reinforced with metal.” He assured me, “The only thing you could do is chip the wood – which I would find annoying.” He gave me a look to convey that he wasn’t joking. He seemed in a good mood at the moment but I couldn’t help but imagine what would happen if he were to get upset at a time like this. If he was serious and this was the real deal, then this man obviously intended to live out some sick sexual fantasy with me. I couldn’t help but smile at that and my stomach leapt with unexpected excitement. All I could think of was his body on top of mine, his tongue expertly making it’s way down my chest and onto the aching mound between my legs. Just then I remembered his face, red with frustration as I had made myself at home in his space. It was a beautiful sight and all I wanted was more.

“What happens if you get annoyed?” I asked him sounding innocently enough

His attention went from casually soaking up my sorry state to fixing his eyes directly onto mine. I had hit some kind of nerve. He smiled and with a low voice asked me, “Would you like to find out?”

I managed to avoid the backfire with a scoff and by returning my attention to the chain. As intriguing as his temper might be, I was more inclined to gain some freedom, or at least some kind of leverage.

“You seem uncomfortable in those.” He said, and pushed himself from where he was leaning and began circling me, watching me from every angle.

I shrugged, trying to appear calm while my heart continued to race. I kept my eyes on the chain that was looped over the banister, trying to find a weak spot.

“Want to make a deal?” He offered after another moment.

I stopped fidgeting and turned to him. “What did you have in mind?”

“Promise to do as I say and I’ll uncuff you.”

My eyes narrowed. “God knows what that could entail.” But he ignored me and settled comfortably on the bed, back against the headboard. I was forced to stand before him at the foot of the bed, the chains preventing me from resting my arms comfortably at my sides.

I struggled for a few more moments while he waited patiently and then I realized that it was useless. Finally, I stopped. “Well?” I asked, my anxiety was obvious.

He finished his sip and then in a casual yet authoritative tone said simple, “Strip.”
My expression twisted. “Ha ha, hysterical.” I said dryly but his face didn’t change.

“Be a good girl and do what you’re told.” He said and he made a point of pulling a small brass key from his pocket and setting it on the bedside table. “Or I’ll do it for you and I guarantee you won’t be happy.”

I shot daggers at him but that only made him laugh more. I opened my mouth to tear him a new one but I thought better of it. This was a game, wasn’t it? So, I needed to strategize wisely. Give an inch, get a mile. All I have to do is undress in front of him and then I won’t be bound anymore. It would give me an opportunity to lower his defenses.

Resolved to surrender but not wanting to let him relish in it I decided to do as I was told as calmly as possibly. “You’ll stay where you are?” I asked tentatively. He gave that now familiar smile that was drenched in mischief and agreed, “I will stay here while you undress.”

Nodding, I outstretched my hand for the key. After releasing myself from his bed I moved to take a step towards the door.
“Ah, no moving from that spot.” He told me sternly.

Impulsively, I continued but thought better than to get restrained again, so I gave in. His face was smug, leaning back on his bed, drink in hand and waiting for me to remove my clothing for him. Part of me was willing to put up a bigger fight but my eye was on winning the whole experience. I wanted to sleep with him, sure but I wanted to show him that there was not a part of me that wanted to worship the ground he walked on.

Attempting to convey my displeasure I took a deep breath and removed my coat, hesitating before reaching for my blouse. Another moment of resolve and I began to bring my shirt above my head but once again, he interjected. “Look at me, pet.”

My spine straightened at the nickname. I wanted nothing more than to hurl anything I could get my hands on at him but at the same time I felt that new excitement in my body begin to stir. He smiled and motioned for me to continue. Rolling my eyes to try to lighten the mood I then locked eyes. Those cool dark blue eyes that had hypnotized me at the gallery, sitting there across the bed, enjoying my discomfort. Slowly, I lifted my shirt above my head, causing my long dark wavy hair to fall back over my bare shoulders. I felt his eyes wash over me, my sensitive curves and soft skin. I bit my lip, trying to distract myself from his blinding attention which made my nerves dance. My fingers felt thick and strange as I unclasped the skirt and, in an attempt to quicken the process, I hooked my fingers onto both the skirt and leggings, bringing them both down at the same time. I stood there, my skin exposed to the cool air and warm glow of the fire, covered only by my bra, panties and my nervously wrapped arms.

“You aren’t finished, yet.” He warned me, his face remained stern but I could see lust growing in his eyes.

“Come on.” I protested “This is a fair compromise.”

He leaned towards me. “I don’t think you understand what you’ve gotten yourself into.” The lust in his eyes remained but now anger had mixed in as well. Somehow his features became more defined, his strong jaw emphasized as his resolute expression.

But even if I did want to undress in front of him, I felt the need to object, on principle alone. He had forced me into the room, even chained me up for God’s sake. And now he was going to throw a fit because I refused to undress on command? I furrowed my brow. “Look, I don’t know who you think you are-” But that was as much as I got out. In what felt like an instant he was beside me, hand extended onto my arm. It seemed like it only took a second for him to seat himself on the edge of the bed and pull me over his knees.

In utter shock I couldn’t find the words, but he had pressed me so forcefully onto his knee that I struggled to catch my breath. All I felt was one of his hand on my neck, keeping me in place while the other slid underneath the backside of my panties. He began to slide them down my leg and then twisted and yanked until I heard the awful snapping sound of them being ripped away.

“Motherfuck-” The slap that he laid on my ass rang out across the room and muffled anything that could come out of my mouth. He gave me three more in quick succession Slap! Slap! Slap! I tried to twist off of him but his strong grasp kept me in place and all I managed was to earn three more strikes.

I gasped. The sudden explosion of stinging pain shocked me into silence. He signed deeply.
“Kat,” he kept one hand firmly on the back of my head but the second one began to stroke my tender rear end as he spoke, “this whole thing is a simple enough concept.” He continued to pet my ass, making his way down my legs until he was lightly stroking my thighs. “When you’re here, you do as I say – one way or another.” And with that he ran his fingers over my pussy lips, instantly causing them to swell with desire. With long gentle strokes he continued to touch the folds of my cunt until they were throbbing. All of the adrenaline that he had caused with his anger had suddenly been redirected into the most pleasurable touch I had ever experienced. All I could do was whimper softly.
“If you’re good,” he loosened his grip on my neck and hesitated to see if I would move, his other hand still running firmly between my legs. I did not move an inch, lost in his touch and baffled at the whole situation. Pleased, he stroked my head. “you get rewarded. If you disobey or upset me,” he returned his firm grip and before I could protest another three resounding strikes landing on my already tender behind, “you will suffer. Do you understand?”

I still couldn’t find my voice but I managed to nod my head. Finding it acceptable, he released me and I managed to stumble to my feet. I stood slightly behind a bedpost, as if it would offer some substantial barrier. My throat was tight, but after a few moments I managed to speak, “You swore you wouldn’t come towards me.”

He tilted his head, “I said I would stay put while you undressed.” A grin began to spread onto his face, “Should’ve kept undressing then, huh?”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/eq8hl8/lets_make_a_bet_ch_3_bdsm_mf_spanking_control