Oh baby.
Picture this your in a bar minding you own business when a strange man smelling of baby powder and hard boiled eggs approaches you. He introduces himself as Keith. Say one thing for him. He’s got swagger, he woos you with stories about his job at the K-mart and seems to always know how to keep a conversation going. He buys you a drink (Busch light) and asks you about yourself and you tell him things that you would never tell someone you’d just met. Both the good and the bad you tell him how your dad walked out on you as a kid and your mom always paid more attention to your hot older brother Gavin. Keith listens as if he fully understood where you were coming from rather than just another random man hitting on you.
You’re not gay but find yourself oddly attracted to this strange man. You let him take you home, upon entering his apartment you find that he has no furniture and just has like 3 or 4 pet beds kinda laid out on the living room floor and you begin to wonder if you’ve made a mistake but before you can pull away from the intamacy you’ve been craving Keith grabs you by the hand and leads you to his den. He kisses you gently on the lips and you both begin ripping each others clothes off like animals but in a loving way. When Keith finally gets out of his 2 sizes to small skinny jeans you see it. You expected a massive cock but are met with nothing at all, no vaginus nothing just flat skin. It all makes sense now this is a smooth Keith. That’s why he was so easy to talk to because he’s functionally retarded.
Despite not being what you initially thought you find yourself oddly accepting of Keith in and of himself. You lube Keith’s bussy with your wet thumb and stick it deep deep deep, you penetrate his tight bussy and pound until your about to orgasm. At this point you pull your benis out if Keith’s boi pussy and proceed to go up on him a bit, Keith loves it and moans with the vigor of an elderly man stretching as he uses the urinal. You finish giving Keith a frosty Jim and you both lie on his dumb excuse for a bed exhausted and filled with hope. You realize that because you fucked a smooth Keith you’re now functionally a virgin again. You cringe a little bit at the though of your hot brother Gavin making fun of you but also realize that this is what you always wanted. You can now save yourself for marriage like the good young Christian lad, you had been before you were molested by the mall Santa always intended.
Keith kisses you goodnight and you leave his apartment and head back home. Its double xp weekend and your mom isn’t home tonight.
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/epwnam/keith_seduced_me_mt
A masterpiece.