Fraternization [FM]

I was a Specialist at the time. My MOS was 68W, or *Health Care Specialist* as the Army likes to name it. Basically a Combat Medic, but I hadn’t deployed at all at the time.

Our NCOIC, Staff Sergeant, was a guy in his late thirties, about 5’11” to my 5’4″, body made for running and lifting, which is what he made our section do every morning instead of PT on the battalion footprint.

He just couldn’t make the tie right on his dress blues.

Me, being a high-speed low-drag go-getter trying to make points, had that stuff on lock.

I’d met him and his wife at the cookouts he’d throw, inviting our little section of four Joes and two other E-5s that bickered constantly about how to fill up our supply room.

She was a good woman. Polite and just the best fucking host I’ve ever seen, no snarky shit that a lot of the wives would give me when they saw me working with their husbands.

Three day weekend comes. Three day for me, at least, since two of the other medics were on hospital duty. Lucky me, since I got to stay in my barracks room, order some chicken wings, and play some For Honor.

That was the plan at least. I got a text from our SSG, real casual stuff as always, about needing help with his dress blues.

Sounds like a shitbag thing, I know. No self-respecting E-6 doesn’t know how to prepare his own shit for the promotion board. 

Well, he just wanted a second opinion, and I knew my shit. *Knew*.

So I drive over, off-post, meet him at his door and shoot the shit for a bit. He mentioned that his wife was out of town, sick mother, and he couldn’t leave since he had staff duty the next day.

I squared his medals and awards away on the suit, made the tie, had him put it on as I adjusted the damned thing over and over until I was satisfied…

But I looked up at him in that moment, and he looked down at me, and he leaned in while I let him. No lead up, just a spur of the moment that could’ve ended badly.

We fucked in his bed with our socks on, that weak and wobbly fucking bed frame slamming against his wall everytime he pushed into me, catching glimpses of his sweating body and little framed pictures on the bedstand next to us of him and his wife at his promotion ceremony.

Felt like an hour, but it was probably closer to ten minutes of some of the most perfect and regrettable sex I ever had.

Had to redo his dress blues before I left. All he had to do was put the damned thing on the coming Monday for his board, and I went back to the barracks.

That was the first time I ever had sex with him.



  1. Stories like this are the only reason I regret being in the Infantry. Thanks for sharing ?

  2. Yeah same here, infantry and then SF. I had my chances, at least I think I did, but for some dumbass reason I never seemed to take them. Oh yeah I was an officer and you know an officer would rather die than be with an enlisted woman. What a crock of crap. I much preferred the company of Soldiers than I did of officers, that is until they found out my rank, then everything changed.

    Life at Fort Bragg, gotta love it.

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