[FFM] Summer Trip to a Swedish Sauna [Part 2]

The first half of this story was quite popular, so as requested, here is the second half.

[If you missed it, here is the first half of my retelling.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/epn780/ffm_summer_trip_to_a_swedish_sauna/)


After a minute or so of her slowly sliding her tight wet self up and down the length of my cock, she sat down on my lap, leaving my erection lodged deep inside her, pulsing still. We were both drenched in sweat and condensation from the room, and as we sat there in the heavy heat, I felt as though we were melting into each other, one steaming form of wet hot sexuality.

Subtly, gently, and without lifting off of me, she began to tilt her hips back and forth. With each tilt, the front wall of her pussy, and then rear wall, pressed against the length of my dick. Front, then back, then front, then back, over and over, but still with a sensual subtlety. I was feeling all of her, and it seemed like that was what she wanted. Slowly but surely, the pace her pelvic tilting picked up, until she was properly grinding on my cock. Somehow, it felt as though I was going deeper still. I could now feel the tip of my dick grazing her cervix with each gyration, her perfectly round ass sliding around my slippery crotch and thighs.

After a particularly intense moment of contact with her cervix, she let out a yelp of pleasure, breaking the silence we had established. She instantly covered her mouth, but it was too late. Sara, who had been ignoring our little sauna session, looked back at us. She giggled, apparently amused by the sight of her small friend stuffed with what she knew from experience was a lengthy cock.

“Enjoying yourself Ally?” Embarrassed, but seemingly still somewhat lost in pleasure, Ally nodded. Being behind her, I couldn’t see her facial expression, but Sara laughed again, before slowly getting up from her bench. “Jesus, I wasn’t able to take the whole thing like that. How are you smaller than me and still able to fit that much?”

“Not gonna lie–” Ally paused, panting, surprisingly out of breath considering the slow pace of our fucking thus far. “–I don’t think anyone has ever been this deep inside me. Like it feels like you unlocked a new section of my pussy or something.”

I smiled, not wanting to ruin the moment with words, and pulled her down by her hips, further, hoping to ‘unlock’ even more. Upon doing so, I felt my dick head slip past something, it felt almost like I had entered a small new room with my cock. “Fucking– Jesus…” Ally fell backwards against me, limp from my final push into the unexplored depths of her pussy. “For four years of college I always noticed how you held yourself. So confident, yet quiet. Now I get.” Still limp, she reached back and stroked my cheek, the first moment of non-sexual intimacy. And yet, it was sexual still. At this point, everything in the room was.

Sara sat down facing us on the bench directly across from us. “Dude that’s literally why I made my move on him during the last week of senior year. I knew something was up, he was basically teasing us for four years.” I laughed.

“I definitely wasn’t trying to tease anyone.” I went on to confirm their assumptions on my sense of self. “But yes, I was a late bloomer, but after my first few sexual encounters, I knew my length was, *notable*, I guess. So it was easy to feel good about myself.”

Sara stared at us, clearly relaxed by the steam, unbothered by our decision to turn what was supposed to be a platonic outing, into a sexual event. Ally, still laying her slight body against me, spoke up. “If you’re thinking about trying to join in, just know there is no way I am letting this cock leave my body any time soon.”

Sara nodded with a smile. “I get that. I mean of course I was thinking about it but… I wasn’t necessarily going to ask.” Sara, still staring, bit her lip. “I might just…” She kneeled down and brought her head to my crotch. She leaned in and kissed my balls.

“I’ll allow it.” said Ally. Sara, apparently not satisfied, began licking my sack, slow long strokes of her tongue stimulated me in a way I had not felt in a long time, if ever. It was as if she was just doing it for the taste, savoring every lick. “Ok that’s it. Gonna lay back down now.” She said with a laugh. I watched as she got up, and even through the low hanging steam, I could see that her slit was moist, her inner lips just barely peeking out from her labia, glistening like a jewel. She looked down. She noticed too. She laid her back on the bench in front of us and closed her eyes, returning to the placid state she had been in before. I peered over Ally’s shoulder and watched as Sara laid her hand on her pussy and, almost imperceptibly, began touching herself. “Don’t mind me.” she said to us calmly.

I had to take a moment to appreciate the situation I was in. I was balls deep in this incredibly cute girl I had known since Freshman year. She was nearly disabled with pleasure, sitting on my lap like a soaking wet rag-doll. And on top of that, a few feet in front of me, was another girl, a friend, a past fuck, touching herself as a result of my already incredibly lucky encounter with our mutual friend. At that moment, I knew I would never forget a second of this day.

My thought was interrupted by a buzz from a clock on the wall that I hadn’t even noticed was there. Sara explained, “That means we have fifteen minutes left.”

“Might need to see if we can buy more time in here.” added Ally, coming back to life.

“I’ll see what I can do.” said Sara, as she got up and covered herself with one of the provided towels. She left the sauna and a gust of cold air rushed in, waking Ally and I up out of our heated sex induced haze.

“Shit, feel my nipples!” Ally said with a laugh. I reached forward and grabbed her right breast, perfectly cup-able. Her nipple was rock hard. Gently, I pinched her nipple, released, and then pinched again. “Mmmmm.” She liked it. But to my surprise, she began to lift herself off of me. “In case we really only have fifteen minutes left…” She turned around and bent over onto the bench next to me, before gesturing backwards with her head, “…can you just…” I caught her drift. I watched as literal drips of juices fell from her lips, fully exposed for me now, plump yet compact between her impossibly taut ass cheeks.

I stood up and positioned myself behind her. I don’t know if my cock had ever been so hard, and honestly, I don’t know if I will ever get there again. It looked bigger than I had ever seen it, I could make out every single vein. I grasped my cock by the bottom of the shaft, and guided my head to her entrance. I took my time as I slid back into place, it felt like I belonged in her pussy. Like I belonged *to* her pussy. When I reached the end, when I had the entirety of my cock inside this small girl…god. I felt at peace with the world.

She then began to lean forward, pulling her tightly gripping lips down the length of my cock, before sliding back as soon as she reached the engorged ridge of my dick head. “Insane.” She said. She repeated the pull off/push in motion. And again. And again. She picked up speed as she rode the length of my cock, bent over, her face lost in a dark forest of her sweaty black hair, which swung back and forth with each of her increasingly aggressive thrusts.

She was fucking me. She was fucking me *good.* Each envelopment of my cock felt better than the last. Her thrusting into me was at this point, so forceful, (surprisingly so, for girl with such a small frame) that I had to grab onto her ass cheeks for stability. She began to gyrate as she thrusted, using her tight pink slit to work my cock like a pro. I never would have guessed she could move like this.

She kept going and I kept growing harder and closer, closer and harder, my dick could have cut diamonds, but instead it was tearing into this tiny gap between the legs of my cute friend. She must have felt me growing closer, because she suddenly SLAMMED herself against me and held still, just gyrating. And shaking. Why is she shaking? And why does it feel so good? “Oh my– shi– I’m–” She couldn’t vocalize. Only moans escaped her mouth. Yelps, panting, then another final long drawn out moan. It was too much for me. I exploded inside her, my cock sending blast after blast after blast of warm cum into her depths. Then, silence. Stillness. We remained interlocked for what felt like two or three full minutes, just basking in our synchronized orgasms.

Just then, Sara entered the Sauna. She froze. Then laughed. “I was going to tell you guys we can’t stay, there’s a reservation after us. But looks like things are wrapping up.” She said with a final laugh. “I’m gonna head to the lockers.” And with that she left us alone once again.

I began to pull myself out of Ally, but she whipped her hand back and pulled me back in by my ass cheek. “Please, just a little bit longer.” I sat inside her, soaking up her juice as my erection calmed down. It was about a minute before she said, “Ok.” I slowly pulled out of her, and watched as my cum cascaded out of her slit and onto the wooden slats below us.

I grabbed a towel and mopped up the evidence of our impromptu fuck. I looked up and Ally was standing there, staring at me. “That was… really– that was amazing. I feel like I’m floating.”

I laughed. “I’ve felt that way for the past forty-five minutes, if I’m being honest with you.”

She smiled. I couldn’t help but admire the small, sexy girl in front of me. I felt like being inside her like that had pushed me onto a higher plane of existence or something. And by the look on her face, she seemed to feel similarly. “I know we’re supposed to part ways after Sweden, but you should consider coming with us to Berlin. Sara knows all the best spots.”

“Maybe, but I’m supposed to meet up with some friends in Prague, and then we’re heading to Budapest after. But I could potentially rearrange my itinerary.”

She shrugged. “Think about it.” And with a final smile, she grabbed a towel and left the room.

I looked at the clock. I knew it was time to leave, but I wanted to live in the moment I had just experienced, if only for a bit longer. I sat there with my eyes closed, letting the steam embrace me, as I replayed the last hour, hoping that I could remember it forever.


Thank you all for reading my story, I’ve had a lot of sex, and have more experiences to share, but this was truly one of the best moments of my life. Seeing as people are enjoying this, I would appreciate any advice regarding other outlets/sites where I can share. Maybe somewhere where I could keep track of a following or growing audience?

Also, if you are a female who enjoyed my story, and might want to share experiences/discuss, please DM or message me.

If you are a guy, I would also welcome any feedback or thoughts. My DM’s are open to all.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/epqkpo/ffm_summer_trip_to_a_swedish_sauna_part_2


  1. Thanks for part 2, definitely one of my favourite stories in this sub so far!

  2. Okay uhm Loved your writing style but hitting the cervix and entering a whole new room and the girl loves it? That’s bad women’s anatomy my dude. That’s so wrong on so many levels. My tip? Leave off of the hentai

  3. Thanks for part 2. Definitely one of my favourite stories I’ve read in this sub so far!

  4. Wow, you write like a proffessional writer bro! Story filled with every bits of the moment!

  5. Strongly agree with all the comments, the writing is very good and I thoroughly enjoyed your story.

  6. If this is real, you’re one of the luckiest men alive.
    If it isn’t, you’re an incredible writer.
    Either way, I don’t care, this is very very hot.
    Just curious as to why her name changed ?

  7. So hot! The girls had to have planned this beforehand. That was some fantastic sex with Abby/Ally, glad you got to go bare and finish inside her.

    The best sex of my life was also with a gorgeous Vietnamese girl who wasnt afraid to initiate.

  8. If you’re gonna make multiple references to your massive cock, the least you could do is post proof.

  9. Thanks for sharing part 2! Did you re-arrange your itinerary for more fun in Berlin?

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