The Literal Girl Next Door – Part II – Winter Vacation [FM]

These memories have been so fun to share! Per request — here is one of the final escapades (sex-capades? hah!) that Jeff and I shared together. Again typed up on my phone so apologies for grammar, poor formatting, and the like. Happy reading!

Skip to ————— if you want a shorter read. :)

Part II – Winter Vacation

I was home on winter break during my senior year of college. If you read Part 1 you probably already have a good sense of my looks but to recap I was 21 years old, petite build, 34D, dark shoulder length hair, green eyes, and pale complexion. We had just finished a late family breakfast and my sister and I were working together feverishly on a new puzzle from our holiday loot. The upper portion of the puzzle was a blue and white cloud scene that was driving us absolutely crazy, but we were having a blast trying to figure it out. My Mom was sipping on some tea on the couch, my Dad was reading the paper — the morning had a very “Americana” vibe. My phone started buzzing up a storm and my Dad quipped about the noise. I quickly made my way over to my purse and fished my phone out. There were a barrage of texts from my older, next door neighbor, Jeff. He had been traveling to visit his family for the holidays and had just made it back home. The texts started out innocent enough and then they took a very abrupt turn. He wanted me to come over immediately… I remember my cheeks flushed reading through them. I told my sister that I needed to take a quick break and walked away to find a private space to reply to him.

I texted him that as much as I wanted to come over (and I truly did after the long Winter Break!) that we had family plans to visit relatives soon. He said that he understood and he hoped that we could carve out a little time the following day before I left to travel back to school. I agreed and let him know that I was looking forward to seeing him. A couple minutes later I could hear my phone vibrating again. Apparently he couldn’t wait, haha. Jeff asked me to walk to the windows at the back of my home that overlooked a portion of his backyard. I was a little nervous about getting caught but 100% curious so I put my phone in my pocket and headed to the other side of the house. I peeked out and didn’t notice anything out of the norm. He texted me to be patient so I waited a little longer.

I was getting uncomfortable snooping out the window and was just about to head back to the living room when I remember seeing movement on the far side of his backyard. Jeff was outfitted in camouflaged military fatigues. His back was purposefully turned away from me while doing some kind of rigorous yard work. Lovely Redditors – I have a sweet spot for uniforms and Jeff was cashing in. He had served in the military before I knew him. Well, technically we were neighbors when he served but I just was a kid at the time so I had no recollection, hah. Over the past Summer when our secret fling began I told him of my uniform fetish and asked if he had had any left, but he had declined my request on grounds of saving them for a special occasion. Apparently that just meant keeping it in his back pocket for the horny Hail Mary moment that I was currently witnessing. :) I stood there like a gawking idiot, instantly wet, and completely falling for his ploy.

We were supposed to be leaving in a little over an hour for the family visit. How was I going to do this? It wasn’t as easy as just walking over to his house because neighborhood kids were out riding bikes and not to mention just trying to hide it from my own family. I stood at the window completely wet trying to brainstorm any variation of any haphazard plan. (Oh, the stupid things we do when we’re horny! Haha) I had just received a new pair of running shoes for Christmas. I told my parents and sister that I needed to stretch my legs and that I was going to try them out with a quick jog. My Mom wasn’t pleased with the timing but I promised her I’d be home with enough time to head to our relative’s house.

I texted Jeff that he was getting his way but that we were super short on time. He said he was still “working” in his backyard and would be ready whenever I was. I told him that he had 45 minutes total — no more, no less — and to pick me up at the jogging path just around the corner as soon as he could. I threw on my running gear, pulled my hair into a pony-tail, grabbed my headphones, and sailed out of the door. I quickly made it to the jogging path parking lot a little out of breath from my sprinting to get there. I saw Jeff‘s SUV approaching in the distance and I still remember that sly smile on his face as he pulled into a parking spot near me.

I walked around to open his passenger door but he kept it locked and was still smiling. What was he up to? I looked up at him and he pointed to the back of the SUV. The tailgate lifted and I walked around to see that he had folded down the back seats and just one lone blanket was splayed across the carpeted floor. I started to laugh in disbelief. I guess this was part of a game? Did he want to have sex in his car? I stood awkwardly under the open tailgate. “Jeff, we’re short on time. What do you have planned?” I asked. He kept his head facing forward, not looking at me, and said directly, “Get under the blanket.”

I remember being a little shocked, definitely flustered, and so completely turned on. We hadn’t seen each other since Thanksgiving and I was really horny — and that uniform! Masturbation had been keeping me afloat at school but I definitely missed him. And, to be perfectly honest I missed all of this insanity… Whatever “this” even was. I waited patiently for an older couple, hand-in-hand, to pass by on their stroll. When they were a safe distance down the jogging path I climbed into the back and pulled the tailgate shut. It was trickier than I thought to close from the inside, but I managed to finally secure it. I laid down on my side with my knees tucked in, an elbow under head, and I pulled the dark gray blanket over me. Jeff reversed out of the parking lot and I did my best to brace myself with the motion of the drive.

We drove in silence, which was a little weird after not seeing each other for a while but it kind of added to the mystery of it all. I could hear Jeff’s steady breathing, the low buzz of whatever radio station was on, and his occasional chuckle (which was either based on something completely random or could have had something to do with the 21-year-old neighbor girl currently curled up in the back, hah!) We went up a little hill, which I recognized shortly thereafter as his driveway and we came to an abrupt stop with the garage door creaking to a slow close behind us. Before I could start to sit up he asked that I stay down.


He opened the tailgate and slowly pulled the blanket off of me. My God he looked so much hotter up close in that uniform. Staying on my back I started to slowly shimmy myself toward him. “Shhh…” he whispered and pointed to the far wall of his garage. “Your parents are outside in their front yard.” A small bit of panic crept over me and I tried to silently get out of the bed of the SUV. Jeff put his hands on my shoulders to hold me still and looked down at me with a greediness in his eye that I hadn’t seen before. I quietly teased him about feeling like I was prey that he’d just caught. (In hindsight it makes laugh now at how spot on my comment truly was!) It was clear he was turned on by my parents being just outside and since he was taking the lead I decided to go with it. Years later my stomach still hurts with a bit of guilt!

Jeff planted his hands around my hips and pulled me closer toward him. I covered my mouth so as not to make a peep and I remember feeling a flurry of excitement coarse through me. I remember the dim garage light shining down gave Jeff this soft, dark glow around him. I could hear the muffled voices of my parents and what sounded like the scraping of a rake or shovel of some sort while they were working outside. I was so conflicted, honestly a little creeped out with my parents close by, but looking up at Jeff in that sexy camouflaged uniform seemed to mask any bothersome thoughts.

He rolled my running shorts and underwear down to just above my knees, which pinned my legs together and he lifted my sports bra and light sweatshirt up to expose my breasts. I extended my arms and he helped lift the bra and sweatshirt over my head. He kissed my stomach and thighs and his hands worked their way to my breasts squeezing and kneading them. His hand grazed over my pussy and I remember biting hard into my lower lip to keep quiet. My back was starting to ache and I wanted my legs free of the rolled shorts/underwear-vice situation. I whispered to him that we should move inside the house. He shushed me again and in one swift motion flipped me over on my stomach with my ass sticking up. I remember gasping with a mixture of terror and joy. He pulled me down a little lower so that my new running shoes were grazing the garage floor and my upper body was laid flush with the interior of the car. I remember my face was slightly turned against the carpeted floor and Jeff’s camouflaged arm was really all I could really see. He began to grind into me with the uniform still intact. Not going to lie — I still think about this moment perhaps too frequently and we weren’t even having sex yet!

My toes kept lifting off the ground slightly as I could feel his hard cock rubbing through the camo pants against my ass. My shorts and underwear were still annoyingly rolled at my knee and I was dying to free my legs. I maneuvered around under his bodyweight and the shorts and underwear bundle dropped down around my ankles. He was making it tricky to kick them off while grinding into me but time was of the essence and the feeling of desperation to get them off and him inside of me was intense. I maneuvered again and finally had success. I spread my legs slightly while he kept grinding into the back of me.

Jeff wasn’t typically rough but I think the naughty excitement and pent up aggression (holidays can be stressful!) pulled something a bit more primal out of him that day. He must have lowered his pants as I felt his hard cock now free and pushing up against me. He entered hard into my pussy from behind and I was honestly taken aback. We’d had our fair share of incredible encounters together but just the feeling of him so forcefully diving into me like that was insane. I remember gasping loudly from the shock. One of his hands was near my shoulder and all of the sudden I remember my back arching up as he grabbed my ponytail. It kind of hurt but in that ‘it hurts so good’ way, hah.

A random cold metal strip was digging into my thigh but everything else he was doing felt so deliciously good that I ignored it. He pulled a little bit harder on my hair which caused me to arch even more. Typically I can feel an orgasm build, however this time there was no building — it just erupted out of nowhere. Waves of energy and pleasure spread through my body surprising both of us. A stifled moan started to escape from my mouth and my entire body was sent into a rolling spasm. Since I was more upright now he had let go of my pony tail and moved his hand over my mouth which caused me to shudder even more. I remember that was his breaking point and he started thrusting with deep unbridled force. He took his hand off of my mouth and pushed my upper body down to the bed of the SUV again. I remember feeling like a rag doll the way he was manhandling me that day! Typically he’d tell me when he was about to come but this time was different. Lost in lust, fury, or whatever he was feeling I just remember him gripping my hips and coming with such force that I felt like I was seeing his own stars.

We laid there for a bit each catching our breath with his bodyweight still pinning me down. Jeff pulled out of me and stood straight up. I slowly turned over onto my back to look up at him. Seeing his cheeks a dark shade of red, with a bit of sweat dripping down his brow, and the now unbuttoned, slightly crumpled uniform was intoxicating. He reached in and helped me out onto my feet. I remember feeling a little bit wobbly and he just kind of held me. It wasn’t a hug but more of an exhausted embrace as we were a bit intertwined standing together. I remember a little bit of cum started to drip down my inner-thighs, and although it felt pretty amazing, it was a reminder that we had to get going asap so he could drop me back off down the street.

Jeff started the car and I quickly rounded up my clothing and shakily pulled each item on. My underwear were already damp from before and now were becoming extra damp with his cum. I prayed that my underwear would hold up because I was in shorts and somehow had to walk back into my parents house looking half decent, haha. I looked down again and realized that my shorts were now in a state that I could not just walk/run down the street in. They were completely soaked through… I asked him to peek outside to see if my parents or any neighbors were still around. He looked and said it was clear. I was so short on time and I wanted to make it straight to my room to change before anyone could see. I thought about taking off my sweatshirt and tying it around my waist, but then I’d only be a in sports bra and shorts. My Dad would’ve killed me if he saw me like that! I decided to make a run for it. Jeff turned off the ignition, put his hand on my cheek, and we had a brief yet sweet kiss goodbye. I darted out of his garage and ran full speed across his grass, jumped over the low hedges that bordered our properties, and onto the stone staircase leading to my front door.

I nervously grasped the front door knob and pulled it open very slowly. The glass front doors opened onto a little wooden landing separating the upper and lower staircases. I glanced around and thankfully the coast was clear! I could hear my Mom in the kitchen and I hollered to let her know that I was home. I practically dove down the staircase to my bedroom. When my bedroom door was finally shut I remember feeling so freaking victorious. I changed out of my now very dirty clothes, cleaned up a bit, and into a long, casual floral dress with a little white sweater. I remember choosing the sweet look of the floral dress because it was so starkly the opposite of what my day had been so far, hah!

We spent the day visiting family and having a lovely time. My mind kept racing back to Jeff and the absolutely mind-blowing morning we’d had. Staying focused was tough that day. Finally it was time to head back home. My sister and I piled into the back seat and my parents sat in front with my Dad driving. I remember that we were just at the crest of the hill approaching our cul-de-sac when Jeff happened to pass by us going the opposite direction. Where I grew up it’s customary for neighbors to wave at each other in passing and I remember my Dad giving him a brief wave and Jeff giving a low wave and head nod back. I am fairly certain I held my breath to the point that my eyes were watering. It was truly the perfect crescendo to the nervousness, guilt, and fucking amazing sex of the day.

Sent from my iPhone



  1. Very very hot! More so that he came inside you! Did he do that often back during the summer? If not, it’s very arousing to think he missed you so much he couldnt help but empty himself in you.

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