My Confusion [Part 9] [ BDSM] [MM] [MF]


Well, today is the day.
Its Saturday the time is three o’clock and I was in my room readying myself for the evening.
Hitting the shower I took my time to make certain I was clean and tidy.
I had placed a new blade in my razor I took my favorite shaving soap made by an English firm called
“Truefit and Hill”.
I loved this stuff, it’s expensive but worth it.
A tub will last six months and give you the best, closest shave you ever had.
After doing my face I shaved my cock and the entire pubic area.
The rest of my body was essentially hairless, only a bit on my chest this hair fell to a couple of swipes of the razor.

Out of the shower and dry. My hair combed and looking good, if I must say so.
Opening the small box that was part of the coaches present I removed the chastity device and began to fit it to myself.
First my balls were pulled through the ring followed by folding the cage upward enclosing my cock in its gold plated cage.
With a snick of the padlock closing it was done.
Looking into the mirror on the back of the door I turned and gave myself the once over.
Thinking damn, if I wasn’t me I would fuck myself.

Turning back to the closet I removed the tuxedo.
Taking my time I dressed slowly and with an eye towards perfection.
The last part was the cumber bun.
Remembering that the pleats faced upward hence the nickname “Crumb catcher”, I finished dressing.
Slipping the key to my chastity cage into my pocket, I stepped out of my room just as Paul was stepping out of the elevator.
Doing a double take he looked me over and shook his head saying,
“Damn you look great, if a tux can make someone as ugly look good I’ll have to get one for myself.
Now be a good boy and don’t stay out to late, you know how your mother and I worry about you.”
he said with a chuckle.

Going up two floors I stepped out of the elevator and down the hall to Allie’s room.
Knocking twice Allie’s roommate opened the door and greeted me with a wolf whistle.
“Holy shit Frank, you sure clean up good.
If you ever get tired of Allie give me a call.” She said fanning herself in a mock swoon as she called Allie out from the bathroom.
“Frank turn around and don’t look, I want this to be a surprise.”
Her roommate pushed me back into the hallway and from behind me covered my eyes with her hands.
“OK Allie, his eyes are covered and if you don’t get out here now I’m going to take him and keep him to myself. She said.
“OK Frank you can look now.” Allie said.
Uncovering my eyes, my jaw hit the floor.
Allie looked magnificent.
Dressed in a pure white gown with a single shoulder strap leaving the other shoulder uncovered.
The gown was reminiscent of a Greek toga.
If a toga were designed by the greatest designers in the world.
This was a woman through and through.
Throughout history wars were begun because of woman who looked like this.

Walking through the halls we encountered a few people who stopped in their tracks to gaze upon Allie as we strode past.
One couple even knelt in tribute as we passed, saying “We’re not worthy!”
Making our way to the exit we were subject to a round of applause from those we passed.
Fifteen minutes later our Uber driver dropped us at the coach’s door.
Waiting outside for the bell in the church tower to ring the four o’clock hour.
I raised the massive brass door knocker I waited for the last echo of the bells peal to pass as I dropped the knocker against the door.
Moments later Mistress Martha opened the door.
Upon seeing the two of us her reaction was very much like all those we passed in the dorm
“My God you two make a stunning couple.
Come in we are almost ready for the evenings festivity’s to begin.” Mistress Martha said.

Mistress Martha was dressed in her signature Victorian style dress.
A deep maroon in color with a wasp waist that flared out below to a wide skirt.
The front had a row of thirty buttons from the collar to the waist.
Above accentuated by a high collar of ruffles.
“Pet, when we went shopping for your gown I only saw it when you tried it on at the boutique.
I knew this was the perfect gown however on that day you weren’t done up to properly due justice to it.
Tonight is a different story altogether.
You look like a Greek Goddess!
Frank, you are going to have every woman here and not a few men fighting over you tonight.”
Patting me on my shoulder she ran her hand down my body until reaching my pelvis.
Cupping my crotch she felt the cage enclosing my cock.
“Poor Frank, you’re going to have a hard time tonight keeping from getting an erection.
I hope John won’t keep you locked up for too long.”

As Mistress Martha was talking the coach made his way down the staircase.
“Frank, Pet, it’s so good to see you both.
My, my you two do make a handsome couple.
Pet, I will leave you to your mistress,
Frank join me please in the kitchen.
Once we entered the kitchen the coach informed me what he wanted me to do as the guests arrived.
I was to stand with him and Mistress Martha and Pet as we greeted the guests.
Once the doors were shut Pet and I were to circulate among the guests serving champagne.

Leaving the kitchen we entered the massive main dining room the first thing that struck me was the three St Andrew’s crosses set across from each other on opposite sides of the table against the walls.
The table had been extended to its maximum length and a second table was set up in a “T” formation at one end.
The place settings were of antique china, the silverware polished to perfection.
There was seating for twenty five people.
Alongside each chair was a padded cushion on the floor for the subs to kneel upon next to their masters.

An hour later the guest began to arrive.
Opening the doors the first three Masters and their Sub’s entered the house.
While the Masters were dressed to the hilt their Subs were covered in a simple cloak.
These cloaks had been sent to each Master ahead of the gathering.
Beneath the cloaks the Subs were naked.
As the topcoats of the masters and the cloaks of their Subs were taken the subs fell in behind their masters as they were shown the accommodations.
Within the hour the last of the guests had arrived and the evening’s festivities had begun.

Following the coach down to the playroom we beheld a vast array of Masters and Subs in the midst of demonstrating various techniques of BDSM they had perfected.
Upon one of the St Andrews cross a young lady was bound butt outward.
While her Master used a twelve foot whip upon her backside.
At first glance I was horrified to witness this abuse.
Yet moments later I opened my eyes to what was really happening.
The whip did make contact with his Sub’s body but the impacts were of a low level.
Although it did leave marks the actual hits were mild and delivered with precision.
The whip’s motion was slow and if I might say so done in a most loving way.
The utmost care was taken to deliver the impact only to safe areas of her body.
Watching this I had hopes that one day I could stand in her place.
So taken with this display I leaned into the coach’s ear and asked him if sometime this evening I may be placed upon the cross and experience this Masters techniques.
With a nod of his head I had my answer.

“Frank we need to head upstairs to the dining room.
There are some preparations to be made.” He told me.
As we entered the dining room Mistress Martha and Pet were entering from another doorway.
Pet had shed her gown and stood naked before the cross.
The only thing she wore was her chastity belt.
Never had I seen so magnificent a woman as I saw tonight in Pet.
Mistress Martha began to affix Pet to one of the crosses.
While I was directed to the one directly opposite hers.
Removing my clothes the coach had me step up onto the cross where he affixed my wrists, legs and torso to the device.
Once bound another sub was ushered in to the room.
Also naked except a chastity belt.
This Sub had a full head covering on.
She was unable to see anything due to there being no eye holes in the hood.
It looked like the hood was made out of a stretchy material like Lycra.
This other girl was bound to her cross facing outward her hood left in place.

Looking at the new Sub I was struck with a feeling of recognition.
I know that body I thought to myself.
In seconds I was certain.
“Holy shit.” I said.
As these words left my lips the hooded head turned in my direction.
From behind the hood I heard.
“Mistress Martha who else is here?” Came from behind the hood.
My god it was her, it was Susan.
What the fuck is she doing here and bound to the cross?

Mistress Martha began explaining to the new sub in a voice that both Pet and I could hear.
I think she was doing this to calm my nerves as well as Susan’s.
“Now little one I told you all will be revealed in due time have patients.
I promised you a remarkable adventure and more orgasms then you can stand.
You came to me to learn what to become a proper Sub.
For the last two weeks you have grown remarkably.
When you approached Franks coach demanding an explanation as to Frank’s lack of communication,
he sent you to me.
When you came to visit me I was in the middle of a session with another Sub.
In an instant I knew you were utterly fascinated by what you saw.
It was your idea, was it not to explore this side of your psyche?
I took you in as one of my Subs and you have flourished in this roll.
When you came to me you were a frightened little girl.
Today you are far stronger then even you thought possible.
Now I am going to remove your hood.
You know that Frank is here and now is your chance to see him before the guests enter for dinner.”
She said.

Stepping up to the cross Mistress Martha unbuckled the hood and lifted it from Susan.
Her eyes squinting as they became used to the light after so long in the dark.
As she lifted her head and looked around the room her eyes first fell upon Pet, then myself.
“Hi Frank, fancy meeting you here!” She said.
“Hi yourself.” Was all I could manage in my state of surprise.

It was at that moment the Sub acting as the head waiter rang the bell signifying that dinner was ready.
Mistress Martha spoke to the three of us as the guests began to enter the room.
“OK I want the three of you silent unless spoken to, is that understood?”
“Yes Mistress” The three of us said in unison.

As each guest found the place cards indicating their seats, they settled in while their Sub’s knelt on the cushions provided for them.
As the last was seated a crew of naked Subs entered and began serving the soup and salad course.
I don’t know where they found so many Subs.
Each of them more beautiful and handsome then the last.
As the guests began their repast, compliments flew out to Mistress Martha and John.
Every so often a guest would feed their Sub’s from their plate.
With each tidbit of food handed to their subs each sub would lean in and kiss the hand that fed them.
The main course was a “Surf and Turf” style dish.
For each guest there was a lobster the size of a New Jersey along with a “Bone-in-Rib-eye.
Both of which were done to perfection.
Mistress Martha and John would step away from the table now and then to feed Pet, Susan and myself
from their plate.
The desert was “Crème Brulee”.
This was the first time I had the pleasure of this wonderful dish.
Never had I tasted anything so rich and delicious.

Throughout the repast the mood was joyful and raucous.
There were tales told of training and conquest.
Stories of how a master would teach or break a new sub.
Stories of comical moments where either the master or sub screwed up or did something that brought tears of laughter from all involved.
All in all it was a dinner party that would be remembered for years to come.

The meal concluded as Mistress Martha rang a gong near the door.
She invited the guests to join her and John in the main living room.
When all had made their way to the living room, three subs remained behind to release the three of us from our crosses.
Once we were down each of us spent a few minutes rubbing the circulation back into our arms and legs.
When we were ready the three subs that stayed behind affixed a collar around our necks, along with a leash that was about five feet long.
From the dining room the three of us were led out on our leashes to kneel at the feet of our Masters.
All the other Masters/Mistresses were arranged around the perimeter of the room waiting for something to happen.
What happened was Pet and I being taken to the center of the room where two sets of leather cuffs were lowered from the ceiling.
Both Pet and I were had the cuffs strapped around our wrists and then hoisted until we were nearly on our tip toes.
Mistress Martha and John stepped up and undid the chastity belts that held us captive.

“Ladies and gentleman, the two you see here are the property of this evening hosts.
Earlier this evening this young man was witness to Master Paul whipping his sub “Angel”.
Upon viewing this he expressed an interest in experiencing Master Paul’s techniques.
Master John being the generous sort he is has graciously consented to allow his sub this gift.
Master Paul if you are willing and ready.
Frank are you willing to turn yourself and your trust over to Master Paul?”
“Yes, I am.” I replied.
Never having been subject to another Dom I was understandably a bit nervous.
Master Paul stood about ten feet from me as I hung there.
Next Mistress Martha walked up and placed a blindfold across my eyes.

Silence was the order of the day.
Not a sound could be heard from those gathered around us.
I had imagined that I would be able to hear the whip as it made its journey towards me, I was wrong.
The first thing I felt was the whip wrap once around my torso before the tip impacted against my bottom.
The shock was immediate, while the pain was less than that of a sound spanking with a belt, it was unlike the belt in that the pain was focused to a pinpoint rather than across a wide area like the belt.
In my surprise I twisted away and emitted a groan.
From behind me I heard John ask.
“Are you OK, do you wish to continue?”
“Sir I am OK.
Please continue.”

John was correct, Master Paul was a true expert with his whip.
Each hit was well measured and placed with the utmost precision.
Never was the same spot hit twice, nor was there a hit that was greater than I could handle.
I’m not quite certain when it happened, I just know that at some point I began to feel an out of body experience.
The sting meant nothing, in fact I welcomed the next impact, the next place to receive the sharp sting.
Each sting was an abdication of myself to the Dom who had taken control of my being.

I heard Mistress Martha speaking to the onlookers.
“Pet is it your wish to partake in Master Paul’s whip?”
“Yes” She responded.
“NO, Pet please don’t do this.” I called out.
“Yes I do, I want to, I need to share this with you.
Besides it’s my choice.” Pet said.
“Mistress please make her stop!” I begged.
“It is her choice.
She does this of her own free will.” Mistress Martha said.
The sound of the whip striking Pet was almost more than I could bare.
Yet Pet kept her composure and never once complained or used her safe words.
Behind my blindfold tears were forming in my eyes.
Those tears were not brought forth from pain rather they came from deep within.
Pet was accepting the whip to share this moment in time with me.
What was she trying to prove?
If I hadn’t fallen in love with her prior to this I would be smitten here and now with this extraordinary girl.

Turning back to me Master Paul resumed his treatment on myself.
In total I endured another twenty lashes.
As I said before they were not very painful, just stinging enough that one will remember them for days to come.
When the blindfold was removed from our eyes Pet looked in my direction.
For the moment I was unable to face her.
Until she said.
“Frank, look at me.”
Turning my head Pet saw what I was trying to hide from her.
Those tears that fell upon my cheek.
“Allie, I love you.” Were the only words I could have uttered.
From the onlookers there was a collective sense of endorsement.
It seems the crowd knew all along that we were together in this.
Now and for all time to come.
Only then did it occur to me to look over at Susan.
I was expecting to see a look of dejection, however I was not only surprised but relieved to see upon her face a look of total acceptance.



  1. To my readers,
    Thank you for taking the time to read my stories.
    I welcome any feedback you may wish to send.
    If you have any ideas for future
    stories please let me know.

    Thank you.

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