My [F] 50 second part of my confession

Part two of my story. Please see my post history for the opening story. I hope you all enjoy it and thank you all so much for the positive comments and messages. Xxx

We discussed it over and over again to be totally sure that what I was going to do wouldn’t have a negative effect on our marriage. Crossed every T and dotted every I, if I said I didn’t have any doubts I’d have been a liar.

I didn’t want to go back to the bar I’d met this guy at, just didn’t feel right if I’m honest and it was also a little too close to home. I couldn’t risk bumping into someone I knew.

Things went quiet for a while, neither of us knew how to escalate things short of visiting a sex club and that was a definite no no. We continued to watch porn together and it usually ended up with clips that involved a girl and two guys. There was just something about the situation the girl was in, maybe a feeling of helplessness and being controlled, or was it having two guys lust after her and being able to control them. I never really found out the honest answer to the question, just that as time went on I was attracted more and more to it.

Back in the summer we took our usual holiday. Every year we went with two friends, a girl I’d known since school and her husband who was very friendly with mine. This year however, they couldn’t make it which was such a pity…..although probably good news for my liver!!

I don’t know if any of you have visited the eastern coast of Italy along the Adriatic coast, but the towns and villages south of Bari are incredible. If you get chance please go and see them.

We’d booked into a beautiful hotel outside Polignano a Mare after a short drive along the coast where we made a note that we should retire here one day. Beautiful coastline, views and even better food.

We’ve been lucky enough to have a couple of holidays each year, but share different views on what we want to do. My husband would always want to go and explore the area, whereas I was quite happy lying by the pool with a G&T and this year was no different. After a couple of days soaking up the sunshine he was bored and headed off into the village to “see what the beer was like!”

I waved him off, grabbed my book and settled back into the sun lounger for a couple of hours. “Miss, can I fetch you a drink?” I had no idea waiter service was provided around the pool, but eagerly accepted the offer to save the long walk of maybe 30 metres to the bar!! I thanked the waiter when he returned who seemed to pause a little longer than he should have, maybe he wanted a tip but as I didn’t have my purse I just pulled my sunglasses back down and hoped he’d go away.

I sipped my drink and looked around after he’d left and something puzzled me. No one else was getting waiter service, they all made their way to the bar to fetch drinks. Maybe we’d booked a different package?

In the pool were a group of friends, I guess aged around 30 messing around and throwing a ball together which reminded me I was getting hot and should maybe go for a dip and cool down. I finished my drink and tucked my book under the lounger and made sure my phone was hidden under my towel.

“I can get you another drink if you like?” I stared at the guy who’d swam up from the group in the pool with another friend and rested against the side of it. It was my “waiter” friend. Bizarre things go through your head sometimes, my first thought was disappointment that I’d have to walk to get drinks from now on! “Thank you, but it’s a bit early for another one” I replied before feeling very nervous and isolated.

They were both very charming however, and we made small talk for a while. Neither of them were pushy or rude and clearly very respectful of a women on her own and after a while I was laughing and joking with them while they put me totally at ease.

To the other side of the pool, behind the wall that hid the steps up to the rooms I caught site of my husband coming back from his walk, he rounded the pool, approached my lounger and walked straight past me, making his way back towards the room. I made my excuses and left a short while after, concerned that he wasn’t happy with me talking to the two guys and I opened the door to our room nervously.

I was greeted to the biggest grin I’d ever seen as he sat outside on the balcony and I immediately felt better. “Why didn’t you stay at the pool?” I asked joining him on the other side of the table. He just shrugged. “You looked like you were having fun……I told you I was happy for you to do this, I’d have said if I’d changed my mind”

I did my makeup in the mirror in the room while my husband showered and couldn’t get the thoughts of earlier out of my mind, feelings of butterflies and nerves flickered in my chest and back as I did my lashes. “You’ll make me smudge them!” I laughed as his huge arms wrapped around my waist from behind and his chin rested on my shoulder. For a giant of a man he can be incredibly soft and gentle and the kiss on my cheek made me close my eyes. “If you want to do this you have my absolute blessing… do you feel if I wanted to watch?”

I dropped the brush on the dressing table and stared at him in the mirror “you’d want to do that?” He smiled, nodded and kissed me again. Almost never used words unless he had to.

That night we ate together and then made our way out onto the terrace where we’d sit and listen to the music whilst finishing the wine we’d taken with us from the table…..except he stopped, stooped to kiss my cheek and said “I’ll be back in an hour. Don’t leave the table other than to go to the bathroom”

I sat at the table not quite sure what I should do. Three quarters of a bottle of wine was going to be hard work, but I’m a girl who likes a challenge!

“Can we?” I looked up to see the two guys from earlier stood above me pointing at the chairs opposite me. I smiled and nodded and secretly wanted the ground to swallow me whole. We picked up where we left from earlier and as the effects of the wine took hold I felt myself start to relax, enjoying the company of two guys who’s English put my Italian to shame.

“Buongiorno”. He’d returned from his “walk” and dragged a chair from from the adjacent table, turned it so the back faced us and dropped himself into it. The colour drained from my two new friends faces and I honestly thought they were going to make a run for it.

“Oh. Ummm. This is my husband” I stammered and flashed him the look that would always bring him to his knees. They both stood up hastily muttering what I assume was an apology in Italian when my husband stood back up……which only frightened them more. “It’s ok guys…..take a seat. I don’t bite. Not very often anyway” he grinned

They sat down and he introduced himself properly and politely and the hand shakes made for a much nicer atmosphere.

The evening was a success, the two guys who I’ll call Alex and Leo, were very polite and respectful to both of us and we shared several drinks as the night wore on. Around 11 my husband suggested we went to the bar to see if they had my favourite bottle of wine, informing Alex and Leo that we’d be back in a moment and once at the bar he pulled me to the side wearing his serious face.

“It’s your choice but I like these two” he said bluntly and whilst I knew it was coming I had to stop my knees shaking. We went over our ground rules again, bought the wine and returned to the table.

“Why don’t we take this back to our room?” My husband said, standing up from his chair. A little eager look to each other and my new friends stood up quickly offering me their hands.

Back at the room we enjoyed the wine on the balcony until the early hours until my husband leant over the table, took my hand and kissed the back of it and said “why don’t you go and get ready for bed?”

In the bathroom I took a long look at myself in the mirror, changed into my pyjamas and I wondered if they were good enough? Nightwear has to be functional and comfy for me, I don’t own anything even remotely exotic. Simple plain white cotton pyjamas with a button up front and long baggy bottoms……it was all I had and there was no way I was going back out there in my underwear.

I took my time, from the mumbled voices I could hear through the door I knew he’d be telling them what was acceptable and what wasn’t and after cleaning my teeth I walked from the bathroom to the foot of the bed….. and just stood there.

Looking out to the balcony I could see the three of them stop talking and turn to look at me, the only light in the room was from the bathroom that threw themselves into the bedroom area, barely Illuminating it.

With a swift nod Alex and Leo stood up and my husband took one of their seats right in the doorway to the balcony, all I could see was his silhouette. Very slowly they walked to me and stood with either side of me as the three of us faced him sat outside. To say I was nervous was an understatement, my heart banged in my chest like I’d run a marathon, but I felt strangely excited at the same time. I took a deep breath and slowly closed my eyes.

Part three to follow soon, not sure if I should be stringing you all along for this amount of time, but I wanted you all to try and get a feeling for what went on. Apologies if you’re bored. ?



  1. Bored? Good God, not a chance! I’ve really enjoyed the groundwork and am looking forward to the next chapter!

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