[MF] My FWB wants me to play as a Daddy Dom for her, and I did. — Part 2

I didn’t finished my encountered with her Yesterday . For the context and build up, you can read [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/eo38y3/mf_my_fwb_wants_me_to_play_as_a_daddy_dom_for_her/) of the story.

(TLDR : We work at a same company . We have sex regularly since about 5-6 months ago. She ask me to act as her Dom. )


**From last part of the story :**

*”Turn around. Face down to the floor ass up in the air. Spread those legs apart and Keep your hands on the floor “*

*I love the way she bite her lips everytime she follow my orders. I think I can get used to that.*

*”Yes Daddy . . . ” She positioned herself the way I told her to. “Like this Daddy ?”*

*I didn’t answer her. I just start to pull her panties down to her knees. I use my index and middle finger to spread her pussy lips apart and just hold it there. The tension probably becomes too much for her. It doesn’t took long before she start pleading again.*

*”Daddy please . . . . Please don’t tease me like that” she said. She’s still using her breathy and dignified voice. The way that she usually use to speak at our office. I find it adorable that even in this position, she still unconsciously tried to take back the control that she’d lost to me.*

*She can’t see this, But I can’t help to smile when I hear that. I don’t want to give her reward to* [*early*](https://early.so/)*. So I start to Slowly push the tips of my finger into her pussy. Just the tips.*

*Not much. But enough to shut her mouth for a while and make her hips start shaking. She tried to move her hips backwards, hoping that It will make my fingers pushed in. But I know exactly what she’s doing, so I just pull my fingers away everytime she did that.*

*and this is probably the wettest I ever seen her. I would never had thought my usually dependable co-workers turn out to be a submissive slut like this. I guess you just cant judge people that easily.*

*and Of course. It’s not long before she started begging again.*

*”Daddy . . . please ?” Now her voice sounds soft and sweet. I think she knows exactly what I want for her. So I push my fingers deeper, halfway in. The way she whimpered as I did this really drove me to the edge.*


**Now the actual second part**

It is impossible for me to get any harder at this point. It’s too much. The way she act, the sound that she made when i tease her. My fingers are only halfway-in, I’m pretty sure she’s wetter that she’s ever been since our encounter. I guess psychological factors played a huge part on sex.

I decided to increase the intensity a little bit. Just a little bit. I want to see how she would react.

I started to swirl my fingers around. Feeling her pussy start to squeezed my fingers . She start to made a lot of unintelligible moans and her body start to shakes again. I’m sure she tried to said something. I’m just not sure she realized how it came out.

Until. . . . .

“FUCK ! JUST PUSH IT IN ALREADY !!” It really surprised me that she screams like that. I’m sure she did to. Because the Room became dead silent after she screamed. She lives in an apartment. I have to admit that It almost threw me off. But I still maintained my composure.

It seems that She’s start acting out and think that she can get what she wants. Like usual. So I took a long breath , just to let her know that I’m disappointing with her.

“I guess need to teach you a lesson.” I told her.

I start to slowly pull my fingers out from her pussy. Really slowly. Ignoring her pleads and whimper, begging me to keep them in.

Why ? I Just want her to know that this is happening. I want her to know that I would not tolerate that type behavior. I want her to understand that the only way she can get that pleasure is by following my rules.

She lead out a clear sounds of frustration when I took my fingers all the way out. But I decided to sit there. I don’t want to say anything. I want her to take her time to realize her mistake.

I’m not the screaming type, and she’s a smart girl. It doesn’t take her long too understand what I want from her.

“I’m sorry Daddy . . .” Her voice was sweet and sincere. I liked it. So I start to caress her pussy again with my fingers. She started whimpering again.

“Do you promise not to repeat that again ?” I don’t know why, but it too quiet a while before she answered. I don’t know what she’s thinking about. But I decided to wait. Either she follow my lead, or I stop. I made it extremely simple for her.

“Yes. I promise” . .

Did I just heard that right ? I slapped her ass. Hard. Once on each cheek. Definitely hard enough to made it sting for a while. She squealed , but still maintaining her position. Good.

“Repeat that again . . .” I keep caressing her pussy as I heard her took a deep breath. I think she understood what I want.

“Yes Daddy , . . . I promise” The way she said it, I’m not a talented enough writer to describe it. But it definitely made me want to torment her even more.

“Not so Difficult, Is it ?” I pushed my fingers again. All the way in this time, but I just kept them there. Not making any movement. Her body reacted the way I wanted it to be. She started thanking me between her moans. God I wanted to fuck her. But not yet. There is a proper time for everything.

I started to move my fingers in and out. Nice and slow. Deep thrusts each time. She is a good girl. She tried her best to maintain her position. But she has to let out her reaction somehow, right ? So she started saying things again.

“Fuck . . .fuck . . .it felt sooo good. . . .Don’t stop. . . .Please . . .Fuck . .. I beg you . . .please.”

I did that for about 5 minutes. She keep pleading and moaning for no reason. I Just keep slowly thrusting my fingers in and out. Pressuring my desire to just take out my cock and ravage her right there. Before eventually.

“Fuck . . .Daddy , May I cum please ? I can’t .”

There it is. I’m sure that will come eventually. I can’t really explain this. But if you ever be in my position, you will feel this weird rush of power when you heard your partner begging you to let her cum.

She could just Cum and get all the pleasure for herself. But she choose to hold herself and gave that control to you.

Fascinating , isn’t it ?

“No . . .” and I start to slowly pull my fingers out again. I can almost hear her heart fell into pieces. The way she whimper and begs after she heard that almost drove me to the edge.

But all the wait comes to this. In her perspective, she probably thought that she’s the one holding her pleasure for me. A selfish thought, but it’s understandable. There is now way she understand how hard it is for me to hold myself from just grabbing her hair and destroying that pussy right there.

I stood up and start to slowly unbuttoning my belt. I wanted her to hear it and start guessing what I’m about to do with it. I never belted her ass before, so I imagine she’s probably really scared of that possibility.

But that’s not what I have in mind for her. I lean forward and start to wrapped that belt around her neck. I made it tight. I want it to choke her every time I pull it from behind. She made no resistance at all as I did this. Judging from her breathing, I think It turn her on even more.

I positioned myself behind her, and started to unzipping my trouser. Letting out my rock hard cock and pointed it directly at her. I slowly touch her pussy with the tip of my cocks just to let her know what’s about to come.

“Oh God . . .” it’s almost unintelligible. But I can hear that from her mouth. I just stand in my position. I like it when she start to read my mind and say exactly what I want to hear.

“Please Fuck me Daddy . . . ”

“do you promise to keep being a good girl for me from now on ? ” I led those words sinked in. Still teasing her pussy with the tips of my cock. She is so wet.

She took her breath and replied

” Yes Daddy . . .I prom . . .ahhh . . .. Fuck !”

I couldn’t wait any longer. I start thrusting my hips back and fourth . I fucked her harder that I ever before. The sound of pounding flesh is the only thing that we can heard on that room.

It felt so fucking good. But I want more. I can’t exactly remember what I thought at that moment. But I do remember I started to behave like an animal. I am always consider myself calm and composed. But definitely not at that moment.

I tightened the grip of my belt and start to pull it backward. Making it look like a leash around her neck. I start smacking her ass as I fuck her harder. Telling her that she is going to be my whore from now on. Telling her that I will make sure this cock will be the only thing she can think about for the rest of the week . 10 minutes went by just like that. It was a blur. All the screaming, the sweat, the pounding. None of us were thinking straight.

“Fuck daddy. yes I’m your whore. Fuck. Can I cum ? Please . .. May i cum ? I can’t hold it anymore”

I can’t hold it too. It’s too much.

” Cum for me,” . . . .She pressed her hands against her mouth while screaming during her orgasm. It was loud.

Not that I can judge her. The grunts that i made sounds pretty disgusting too. I think we came together. My knees felt really weak for a moment so I just put my weight completely on her back for a couple of seconds.

i regained my consciousness before she did. Her living room floor was a mess. Fluids everywhere.

She didn’t say anything for a minute or so. Still burring her face on her hands, trying to take her breath.

“are you okay?” That’s was my first instinct. Because honestly, I’m not sure. It took a couple more minutes before she finally turn her face toward me. Her face were really red,and I’m pretty sure she cried.I pull her up so we’re both on our knees facing each other.

I’m still holding the belt that’s wrapped around her neck So I pull her face closer with it and started to kiss her.

I don’t know. I’m too dumb about this. I wanted to comfort her, but I did’t really want to know what to say .So i just did that.

It felt right.

We broke our kiss and decided to move to her room.

Our power dynamic was completely gone when we get there. It’s just me and her. She’s back to her usual self.

But she did more affectionate. Even more than usual.

We’re lying on our side, facing each other. I just put my hand on her cheek and caressing it with my thumb, and stay like that for god knows how long. I remember that it felt really comfortable. I don’t care if I spent all night doing that.

She start to kiss my hands and nibble it between her [lip](https://lips.It)s . I really like it. We didn’t really say anything. I think both of us understood that we don’t have to.

We stayed like that until we fell asleep.


I don’t know man. That’s it. We get work the next morning and acted like the whole thing never happened, and I’m extremely fine with it. I would be confused If she started acting like a submissive every time we interact.

I’m not a fan of the formality of BDSM relationship , I like it when people around me act like they really are. We can try to play a role for about 45 minutes, but that role stay within that time.

I had to admit that i always thought being called daddy during sex was extremely creepy. But I really enjoyed it. I guess you just have to figure a lot of things about yourself. I would probably did it again though. Probably more often on this point. It just felt that good.

I’m pretty sure we’re going to try more new things after this. I’ll probably write them down again if I think they’re good enough.

Many of you asked me to turn the stories into a certain way. I’m not going to do that man. I’m not your erotica writing monkey. Go write something on your own man,

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/eoecl3/mf_my_fwb_wants_me_to_play_as_a_daddy_dom_for_her

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