The Literal Girl Next Door [FM]

Sorry it’s a bit long but it’s all true! I omitted a couple things for anonymity’s sake but otherwise it’s pretty spot on. Move to ********* if you want a quick read. Typed on my phone. Apologies for grammar. Hope you enjoy!

My parents were perhaps more surprised than I when I walked out with that shiny new drivers license. I had procrastinated until my 18th Birthday unlike most of my other friends who were driving at 16. Instead of handing me the keys, I was congratulated and then directed to the backseat for a lecture on defensive driving and the importance of leaving a safe distance between other cars. I listened intently hoping that my respectful behavior would grant the possibility of car freedom later that day. We shared a celebratory family dinner and as we neared the end of dessert my Dad reluctantly handed me the keys.

I remember hugging my parents, grabbing my purse, and whisking down the stairs toward the garage. I had just enough time to meet some of my girlfriends for frozen yogurt and still make it back before curfew. Carefully, I opened the garage door, went through all appropriate checks, shifted the car into reverse, and felt my first few moments of actual freedom! What I didn’t account for was my next door neighbor’s SUV parked close to the edge of our driveway. My foot was a bit too heavy on the gas pedal and I flew out of the driveway bounding over the curb into our sleepy cul-de-sac and straight into my neighbor’s bumper. I had managed to scrape every driver-side-inch of my parents’ sedan across the rear bumper of my neighbor’s SUV. This had to have been the record for the worst first solo drive ever… I hadn’t even made it onto a proper street!

I froze for a couple seconds, readjusted the car, and calmly pulled back into the garage. I sat there and quietly sobbed about what to do. I got out to assess the damage to the family car and found a jagged line of bumper rubbings across both driver-side doors and subsequent panels. Surprisingly the bumper marks were easy enough to wipe off with a rag, save a few small indents. Silent tears streamed down my cheeks as I walked to the street to have a look at the neighbor’s parked SUV. Jeff was our good looking, next door neighbor that my girlfriends and I always giggled about. He was far too old for us but he was attractive with a handsome jawline, dark blue eyes, and messy brown hair. He had a lot of confidence but in a very laid-back way.

The automotive paint was thankfully untouched but the bumper itself was clearly scraped from one end clear across to the other. My heart sank as I turned to walk up his driveway. I timidly knocked on the front door with my eyes barely able to look up from my own shoelaces. There was no answer so I rang the doorbell. Still nothing. Standing uncomfortably in front of his house I remember a thousand thoughts flying through my mind and I knew that my newly acquired license was about to become a worthless commodity, locked away in my parent’s desk for an eternity. There was a dim light on around the side of the house so I walked back to see if I could find him. “Hello! Is anyone there?” I called out. I could hear some tinkering sounds and realized that Jeff was in his garage.

“Hi, Jeff… It’s me, redditthrowaway, your neighbor.” The tinkering became quieter and the side door to his garage pushed open. Before I could even get a word out my stream of tears turned into a cascading sob. I covered my face and I just stood there awkwardly crying. He asked if I was hurt and I shook my head no. I took a deep breath and did my best to compose myself. “I just got my license today. And, I am so sorry but I… I backed into your car. I have some savings and will pay for the damage…” and then I was back to sobbing.

He walked toward me and gave me a loose hug, which was more of a shoulder pat with ample distance between our bodies. He said not to worry and that it was all going to be okay. My tears slowed down a bit and we turned to walk together down his driveway toward his SUV. I could hear him chuckle a little as he kneeled down by his bumper. I had definitely left quite a mark. He ushered me over and after a little bit more time he stood all the way back up. “Redditthrowaway, I’m pretty sure the bumper already had some damage before tonight. This will be between us so don’t worry about it but please just be a more attentive driver in the future.” I was absolutely floored and told him that I couldn’t accept that. I knew his bumper was fine beforehand and I told him that I really wanted to cover the costs. I remember him putting his hand up, smiling silently, and walking back to his garage.

A Couple of Years Later –

Summer break from college kicked off and a professor had given me a great lead on an internship near my hometown. I moved back to my parent’s home and I ended up working for a well known tech company as a Summer intern. I was on a team of roughly 50 people and I was one of only two women on the team — so that was an interesting aspect itself. I white-lied from the get go that I had a boyfriend. I wanted to prove myself in the limited time I had there and I didn’t want to be bothered with temptation because, goodness gracious, there was a TON of temptation everywhere I looked, haha.

After a couple of weeks the lead on our team invited me to join him for a higher-level meeting. I would just be attending to take notes for him but I was excited for the opportunity nonetheless. I made sure to dress a little nicer than a typical “tech casual” day. I wore tightish black jeans, a pair of mid-height heels, a cream buttoned blouse, and a fitted black jacket. (I actually still have that jacket! A fun keepsake to remind me of him…) I had shoulder length dark brown hair, petite figure, 34D, green eyes and my always annoyingly fair complexion. One day I shall have a tan!

Nervously, I remember walking in with my co-worker and taking the seat next to him. He was chatting away with some guys sitting opposite us and I pulled out my laptop to prep for my note-taking. I was excited to be included but felt freakishly young and I definitely felt the eyes on me. Not at all in a creepy way but in a “the only boobs present” at the table way, hah!

We were about five minutes into the meeting and all of the sudden I felt a hand gently land on my shoulder. Taken off guard I looked up. “What in the world?” I remember thinking. It was the next door neighbor, Jeff. I hadn’t known that he worked for the same company? Someone else was mid-presentation so Jeff and I exchanged smiles and he continued on to find an open seat.

I tried ever so hard to stay focused on my duties but I kept glancing over at him. Quiet confidence gets me every time and he just oozed it. He had a striped collared shirt, and a navy jacket. I can’t remember anything else about him that day except that his understated sexiness was ruining my note-taking! I remember crossing my legs tighter trying to forget the warm sensation happening between my legs.

After the meeting concluded Jeff came over to say hello. I introduced him to my co-worker explaining that we were neighbors, and Jeff embarrassingly inquired if my driving skills had improved while I was away at college. I laughed and assured him that I was much safer on the road versus back in high school. My co-worker had to take off quickly for another meeting and Jeff offered to walk me back to my building. Clearly, he was much too old for me — I had just turned 21, he was just shy of 40, and the major “avoid at all costs” factor for me was that he’d watched me grow up… That felt cringeworthy to me. I told myself that I could enjoy his sexiness from across the property line and that was it.

A couple of weeks passed and Summer was coming to an end. It was a Saturday and my parents were out for the day and my only plan was to be in my pajamas and relax. I was feeling a little bit hungry so I decided to head upstairs to see what was in the fridge. Our front doors were frosted glass paneled and were positioned on the side of the home which directly faced Jeff’s. As I passed by the glass doors I could make out his silhouette working on landscaping in his yard. I remember seeing his arm go up in a brief wave and I returned the wave but continued onward to the kitchen. Much to my annoyance there was nothing much in the refrigerator so it’d require putting on some real clothing and heading out for a bite to eat. On my way back downstairs I paused at the landing and made a decision that I probably shouldn’t have. I opened the front door and asked Jeff if he’d care to join me for a quick, neighborly dinner.

I changed into jeans and a t-shirt and pulled my hair up into a bun. He insisted on driving, I can only imagine why — hah! We ended up at a local Thai joint. We talked about some of the crazy co-workers we knew in common, some of his projects, travel, my plans to return to college the following month, and so on. We had a couple drinks each and time just flew by. Around 9pm I received a text message from my Mom saying that they had arrived home and were heading to bed soon. Since my car was there she assumed that I was in my room… I hadn’t thought explaining this through so I just replied to her, “Good Night!” I told Jeff that we should probably get going. As easy going as my parents were I didn’t think they’d be happy to know I was out with the neighbor — especially one so close in age to themselves!

As we pulled up the street he placed his hand on my mid-thigh ever so lightly and thanked me for a great evening. I was about to respond when he quickly yelled for me to get down. My parents were not in bed but they were actually sitting on the deck having a drink together! I unbuckled my seatbelt and crouched as low as I possibly could in the footwell. Jeff casually drove by, straight up the driveway, and directly into his garage. My heart was pounding and once the garage door closed I climbed back up to the seat and looked at him bewildered. We both started to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation (or perhaps he was laughing because he had a young, literal girl next door, captive for a bit!)


He opened a bottle of wine and we climbed on the couch watching tv together. In fact, I remember it was a show called Cash Cab where this comedian drove a cab around New York City and offered his passengers the opportunity to try and win cash by correctly answering trivia questions. We had one glass of wine followed by a second, and suddenly we were cozied up next to each other laughing hysterically at the show. He was reclined behind me and my head was supported by his chest. I could feel his cock hardening under my ass and I started to push back against him. One of his hands started to reach around my breasts and the other went straight for the crotch of my jeans. I shuddered and turned my body over to face his. We started to kiss passionately and pieces of clothings started to come off.

My shirt, pants, and bra were first to go but I left my panties on. I helped him remove his shirt and I climbed up into his lap. With his pants still on I began gyrating in his lap. My panties were visibly wet as one of his hands rubbed me and the other was exploring my breasts. I climbed off of his lap and helped him out of his pants and boxers. He had a really nice cock. Not too big, not too small, great thickness — honestly it was absolutely perfect.

I hopped down to my knees on the floor and asked him if he was okay with me blowing him. He seemed more than okay with the idea. I held the base of his cock in my right hand and began gently licking him. I swirled around the head one direction and back the other way. I opened wider and worked him incrementally in and out of my mouth. He closed his eyes and gently started bucking himself further down my throat. He gripped the back of my neck and started pushing me down a bit more forcefully than I’d experienced before. Because of the angle of the couch it was actually working out pretty well and we were both really getting really into it.

I needed a quick breather so I looked up at him and he let go of my neck. I began licking all over him and he spread his legs so I moved lower. I licked his balls and gently sucked them, I moved toward his taint and he was making some pretty happy sounds. I started to work my way back up to his cock but the sounds decreased a bit so I stopped my upward motion and headed back South. The closer I got to his anus the more into it he got. I hadn’t tried it before and the wine had absolutely kicked in so I decided to go for it.

His cock was in my right hand and I simultaneously jacked him off and tongued his asshole to the same beat/motion. His whole body was convulsing and I kept going with it. About a minute later he said he was going to cum. He wanted to see the cum go into my mouth so I moved back to my knees and he stood over me. He came like a madman all over my tongue and when he was done I swallowed it in front of him. He looked like he was going to pass out from kinky-bliss. I had a little bit of cum left on my lip that he swiped with his index finger and I licked and sucked it off.

The evening was so hot and dirty and I couldn’t believe that I just blew my neighbor in quite possibly the kinkiest version of a blowjob that I’d ever been part of.

It was well past midnight and I should’ve been home hours ago — so despite being super horny I threw my clothes back on, quickly finished my remaining sips of wine, kissed Jeff good night, and quietly slipped out the side door.

I crossed to my parent’s property and walked to the back sliding doors near my bedroom. I was hoping that by some chance they’d be left unlocked but no such luck. I had my house key but that only worked in the front doors which beeped each time they were opened. I remembered back to high school when my sister and I would attempt (I say attempt because it was only successful once without being caught) going through a window on the other side of the house. I said a quick prayer and to my luck I was able to remove the screen and the lock was not in place. I hoisted myself inside scraping a hole in my jeans on the way in. I locked the window and tip-toed to my room.

The remaining few weeks before school started again were some of the craziest sexual escapades I’d ever had. Jeff and I kept everything a secret both at work and at home. He actually proposed to me at one point (While I was in the shower, hah! I gave the ring back but took the compliment to mean that it was also some of the best sex he’d ever had too.) There wasn’t really a way that we could work in the long-term. We absolutely enjoyed every minute of each other during the time that we had though. I had goals and dreams that ultimately took me far away from my hometown and he was mid-career and not looking to move. My parents sold the home a couple years later, and for their sake, I hope they were none the wiser.

Anyway, it’s super late here and I can tell the quality of my writing is continually going downhill the more tired I become. ;) Until next time!



  1. Haha! Fucking hot story, very well-written! Hmmm, so you ate his ass eh? I like how kinky you Hope you post more!

  2. I must say, a very fun and exciting read from start to finish (I happily read the whole thing) but when I looked back up I did notice that the ***** that you promised was missing from within the text!

  3. so well written, I love this!! Hopefully you have many more stories to tell because you’ve got a great talent for writing

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