Strangers on a Train pt 4

Over the weekend they only talked a little. Micheal didn’t see her on the platform but he didn’t worry until the train was moving and she wasn’t next to him. He caught a glimpse of her as she walked past him a row and sat on the other side of the train.

‘Hey,’ he texted her, but she didn’t respond. He sighed and looked out the window, figuring she was feeling guilty, until he heard sniffling from her direction ‘You ok?’

He heard her stifle a sob. He grabbed his things and moved to sit next to her.

“Go away,” she managed to say, but didn’t look at him.

“What’s going on?” he asked, keeping his body turned towards her. “No need to share if you don’t want to.”

“Rough weekend and I don’t feel like I mean a damn thing to anyone,” Emily said, using a tissue to dab her tears away. “And I’d like to think I mean something to you but I feel like I don’t.”

“You do,” Micheal assured.

“Thank you,” Emily said.

“I enjoy talking with you,” Micheal said. “Sharing things with you and when you share things with me. You’re an intriguing, passionate, beautiful person.”

Emily smiled as fresh tears streamed down her cheeks.

“Curse you for making me cry this morning,” she said and she wiped them away. She rested her head on his shoulder for the train ride and they remained silent.

Micheal became increasingly busy at work and with the holidays coming up, his time was stretched thinner than usual. Emily was struggling with the lack of communication from him, even though they saw each other every day on the train. She didn’t feel like it was something she could bring up to him. She was doing her best to be understanding of his chaotic and demanding job and the fact that he did indeed have a wife.

When Micheal had to work from home, they talked even less and the next day was going to be one of those days.

‘Guess I’ll have to keep myself busy tomorrow,’ Emily texted as her chest ached.

‘I’ll still be online a bit,’ Micheal replied.

‘I don’t want to bug you,’ Emily texted. ‘Besides, it’s not like I’m that important.’

‘You are important :)’

‘I’m trying to not be dramatic, but it doesn’t really feel like it.’

‘That’s understandable.’

‘You are a man of few words.’

‘Not always. But lately I’ve been a man of overwhelming things to do every minute of every day.’

‘I know. I’m sorry.’

‘Don’t need to apologize.’

Emily did her best to keep herself distracted the next day as the train ride felt like hours instead of just one. She kept checking her phone, hoping to have a message from him, only to be disappointed. She felt herself bringing her guard back up which was the last thing she wanted to do, but she felt she didn’t have a choice. This whole situation was messy to begin with and if she let him break her heart, she would have no one to blame but herself.

The week of Christmas was a lonely one. Micheal was working remotely as he was already with family. Emily stared unfocused out the train window wishing she could have a conversation with him. Christmas Eve, both she and her husband got off work early so they could go to his grandmother’s on his mom’s side. This was the Christmas she dreaded the most. The only thing that made it better was that her best friend was there.

On the car ride there and throughout the night, Emily was happily surprised at how much Micheal was chatting with her. Although the chaos of unbehaved children made her anxious, his texts made her heart happy. She felt like maybe she was at least a little special to him. But as happy as she felt that day, she very quickly started to doubt it again as communication was limited the rest of the week with him working remotely and his wife being around.

Emily silently scolded herself for letting the situation have that much control over her. She knew she needed to pull it together. She just wanted him to want her the same way she wanted him, but she was almost certain he didn’t. She wanted this to be a relationship and she was sure he didn’t want that.

On their way to her in-laws for late Christmas, Emily texted one of her online friends for support in not texting him first, but she only made it half a day before she finally caved.

‘Hi,’ she texted meekly.

‘Good morning,’ Micheal replied

‘How are you?’

‘Good. Happy to be out running. You?’

‘Good. Disappointed in myself.’

‘Why is that?’

‘Because I can barely go half a day before I cave and text you.’

Emily waited a few minutes before texting again.

‘I have to ask you a question and I’m sorry if it’s too forward.’

‘Go for it.’

‘If you want this to be something, do you want this to be exclusive?’

‘I guess I haven’t really thought about it.’

‘Ok. I guess you have to decide if you want this to be something…’

Emily sighed. She hated not knowing what he wanted. Why she wanted to please him so much she didn’t know. Was she that desperate for his attention?

*Get a hold of yourself Emily. You cannot let him control you like this. You put yourself in this situation.*

Her husband and brother-in-law got some much needed bonding time over video games. Emily felt so detached from her husband that staying with her in-laws and pretending to be happy gave her a lot of anxiety. She decided to go up to their bedroom to write and be alone, away from the few people and several animals.

‘Good morning beautiful.’

Emily smiled and bit her lip. She loved when he texted that.

‘Good morning sexy.’

‘How are you?’

Micheal sent her a video of him stroking himself and dirty talking. Emily blushed fiercely and was glad she was alone in the bedroom.

‘I’m good. And maybe kind of horny after that ;)’

Emily wrote for a bit before going back to the message and watching the video again.

‘I seriously want to rip your clothes off and fuck you until I can’t anymore.’

She knew the weekends were less communicative so she went back to writing and eventually took a nap. Several hours later she was laying in bed, scrolling through reddit when Micheal finally replied.

‘Fuck that sounds like paradise.’

Emily smiled. She felt the warmth between her legs. How he affected her this much she had no idea, but she didn’t mind. She put some pillows behind her and pushed down her pants and panties.

Emily lightly touched herself, feeling how slick she had gotten. She had only done it a few times before, but she made a few short videos she could send to him. Then she focused on herself. She closed her eyes and ran her fingers down her slit, massaging her labia before touching her clit. She sighed as she started gentle circle motions and picturing what it would be like to fuck him again. She squeezed her breast, pressing harder and faster against her clit. Emily arched her back as she felt her orgasm building, her wetness dripping down to her ass.

“Fuck,” she moaned and she rocked against the bed before finally succumbing to her relief. She still gently rubbed as she came down from her orgasm. She sighed wishing it could have been him touching her instead.

Thankfully Emily had some extra time to use up before the end of the year and used it to take her mother to her check up. Micheal was still very busy but it was starting to wear on her. She did her best to swallow her frustration and not say anything. Finally, after several days of barely any communication Micheal texted her.

‘I’m sorry I’ve been so inconsistent lately. Personal and professional life have been busier than usual.’

‘It’s ok. I appreciate you saying that. It means a lot to me actually. I’m always here if you need to talk by the way.’

Emily finally felt better about their situation, but nothing could warn her for how shitty that week was about to get.


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