He Mistook Her for a Shy Girl. Part 2: The Slippery Slope. [Mf] [Voy] [Mast]

In case you missed it: [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/enlgbn/he_mistook_her_for_a_shy_girl_mforalcheat)

**Part 2:**

It was two weeks since their previous encounter and things appeared to have returned to relative normality. Chris had initially feared the worst, now he knew what Chloe was capable of. Yet, the imminent threat of repercussions for his careless actions seemed to have subsided, despite his gut telling him that he hadn’t entirely been let off the hook.

Chloe had not been in the house without his daughter, Jess, there too, so there had not been chance Chris to talk privately. There certainly had been no way to get hold of Chloe’s phone number without arousing Jess’s suspicions. Chloe was all too aware and in control of her little game. She sensed his weakness and his role in this game was to be exploited for her pleasure.

Chloe was happy to play the innocent college girl, all smiles and pleasantries in front of the family, but in the fleeting moments they were alone, or if their eyes met, she would bite her lip, suck wantonly on her finger or playfully fondle one of her breasts. Each action would prompt that illicit feeling from deep within him.

It had affected his relationships with his family. He now regarded, Tammy – his wife, through unsatisfied eyes and the sex between them, while still physically fulfilling was fuelled by thoughts of Chloe and her unparalleled body and filthy talk. With his daughter, Jess, he was more paranoid, fearful of what she had discussed with her best friend. And in the past two weeks it seemed like they were only bonding closer.

One night Chloe joined them for a takeaway and they all sat at the bench table in the well-appointed family kitchen. Chris’s wife, Tammy, sat next to him whilst the girls were sat opposite. The mood was jovial and they joked about this and that, but Chris could tell that something was afoot. He never let his gaze linger too long on Chloe, her eyes just told too much. They spoke of confidence and deviousness – the spider princess, weaving her web.

Occasionally the conversation allowed her to work in some subtle innuendo, which she would follow up with a brush of her foot up the back of his calf – the action itself masked by the shared laughter at the table. Once, as Tammy got up to retrieve another bottle of wine from the fridge, she thrust her foot into his groin and wiggled her toes – she was brazen beyond belief. At the end of the meal as they shared the task of washing up, she fleetingly cupped his far from flaccid penis.

“Mmm thought so…” she quipped, satisfied that she was the cause and effect.

His daughter, Jess, was also a fine young woman. Her ringlets of shoulder length red hair, which she had inherited from her mother, framed a pretty pear shaped face and a winning smile. She was short, but athletic, with sturdy well-defined legs, borne from her love of running and cycling. Despite this, her confidence in her own appearance was generally low and Chris was certain this was why she stuck so closely to Chloe – who although on the face of it, seemed shy, always managed to hold herself in any situation. Chris knew without question that her shyness only ran so deep.

The calculated teasing continued – although Chloe was clever enough to pick her moments. One evening Jess & Chloe were going out clubbing, a rare occurrence for them. Chris was agog as they got tottered through the living room dressed in heels and short dresses – faces full of make up. While Jess rummaged for her car keys in the hallway, Chris couldn’t resist a quick scan of Chloe’s outfit as she checked her lipstick in the living room mirror. But he was made to pay, as Chloe lifted her dress to reveal her shapely bare bottom.

“No knickers,” she whispered tempestuously, “Jess too,” she added with a raised eyebrow.

Chris felt aroused and sick simultaneously. He did not want his own daughter being added to sordid images in his head.

In hindsight it was a dumb thing to give Chloe more opportunities to play with his emotions, but the endgame was not clear to him when he seized the opportunity to secure Chloe’s number from Jess’s unlocked phone. At the time he was just satisfied he had managed to extract it without having to ask Jess face to face. His aim was to find out Chloe’s motivation and and put a stop to it.

Their first meeting was arranged in two short text messages:

*Chloe we need to talk and clear the air. Hoping we can discuss as adults. You choose where and when, somewhere private please.*

*Mr J, I thought you’d find it hard to resist getting in touch. Yes, let’s talk. American Diner, its empty during the day. 3pm Weds. x*

The wraparound booths in the diner provided the covertness that Chris desired. He dressed to go unnoticed – in old jeans and a hoodie, whereas Chloe’s clothing was far from subtle: she was effectively a French maid without the apron. Sheer black tights with a noticeable rear seam, ran the length of her long legs disappearing under a black leather skirt that stopped mid-thigh. Her tight white blouse was buttoned barely above her bra, which itself only offered up her cleavage into easier view. Her lips were glossed in shimmering red whilst her blond streaked hair was tied up in loosely pinned bun – your classic femme fatale.

“I owe you an apology Chloe,” Chris started, hoping to defuse situation. “I think I led you on – I am sorry, it shouldn’t have happened.”

“But you’re glad it did?”

“It made sense for that hour we were together, but I did not think it through at all. It was… purely instinct.” He surveyed the empty diner once more before continuing. “I’m not into playing games Chloe, this is people’s feelings we’re dealing with. Please…. I need you tone it down…. You and Jess are great friends and I want that to continue.”

“Jess and I are closer than you think Mr J. You can’t split us up if that’s what you are implying?”

“Not at all… my family comes first, that’s all,” Chris confirmed.

“Unless you get chance to fuck a 20 year old eh?”

“No Chloe – no more of this – what is it you’re after anyway?”

“I’m not *after* anything… Let’s just say you’re my little study into the male psyche. I’m not here to break up your perfect little family Chris… I’ll soon get bored and move on.” A uncomfortable silence broke out in the booth.

She leaned back against the padded seat, smoothing out her blouse, “You like the outfit then?”

“Sure it’s… nice. But it isn’t *you* Chloe. The way you dress usually is fine.”

Her blues eyes shot him a knowing glance, “Ah, so you prefer me to look a bit younger… I get you.”

He gathered his phone and wallet from the table, “I said no games, Chloe. You picked the wrong person to study.”

“Don’t drop out before my final exam!” she retorted. This was swiftly followed up a forceful kiss planted on his cheek, leaving a ring of scarlet lipstick. Chris scowled at her as he made his way to the bathroom to remove the evidence. The meeting was over.

That night he lay in bed unable to sleep – Tammy snoring gently at his side. He was recounting the days events and the failed attempt to curb Chloe’s behaviour. It seemed like she was second-guessing his every move. Whatever this endgame was – the final exam – it didn’t seem to him like he had any option but to play along.

A message ping rang clear from his phone. He fumbled to silence it but instead knocked it noisily onto the floor.

“What the heck Chris,” Tammy mumbled, but then turned over and went back to sleep.

Chris picked up the phone… the sender was ‘12345’ – the random contact name he had assigned as an alias for Chloe. Multiple pictures were attached, but he couldn’t see a preview until he opened the message proper. A full half an hour passed before he dared to open it.

There were four pictures:

The first was Chloe, taken from floor level looking up. She was in the same outfit from earlier, minus the tights but rocking some gloss black heels with dainty ankle straps. The angle allowed a full length view of her stunning legs and a glimpse of bright red lacy underwear beneath her skirt. The second photo captured her from navel to knee. Her legs spread wide open, her hand resting atop those same skimpy red panties with her first two fingers outstretched, poised to tease the folds of her labia clearly outlined underneath the silky wrapping. Chris instinctively began to massage his aching balls, as he flicked between the images.

The third was an unexpectedly out of place – a normal selfie of Jess and Chloe. Happy smiling, innocent young college girls – taking at some unknown leafy location. His cock, by now at half mast, tensed uncomfortably. The fourth image was also a selfie, this time it again showed Chloe, her mouth clasped about a perky breast, her hands gripping the unknown female around the abdomen. Chris’s focus had entirely been on Chloe, until he noticed the unmistakable flowing red curls of Jess’s hair protruding into shot. *Fuck…*

Chris fell into a fitful sleep following the quietest, yet most tortuous wank he had ever had.

[To be continued…]

***There is more to come from Chris and the little temptress, Chloe – in Part 3: Raising the Stakes***

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/eo2uyf/he_mistook_her_for_a_shy_girl_part_2_the_slippery


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