Andy and Lane: Part 1 [MF]

Lane’s phone vibrated on the desk next to her. She wanted to look but it wasn’t technically her break yet and she had to get this report out. She eyed the phone, finishing up a patient file on her computer at the same time.


Ugh… it was only 10 am and she wasn’t off until 12:30 at the earliest. She’d sent him a playful text when she got was on her early break and he’d responded in stride, hinting exactly at the things he knew would distract her for the rest of the morning. Her break had gone by way too fast as they’d gone back and forth about how this and that would happen with this and that toy once she was set free and off work. But she had to concentrate and finish this week well. Her department had been overrun with requests for better reports from management since Monday but they had put their heads down, determined to beat expectations and finish more than what had been planned. But it had been a long week and they all needed a good weekend to clear their heads and blow off some steam. Lane’s coworkers had tried to rope her in for a Friday night outing but she knew she only wanted one thing and that was to disconnect from work a bit and reconnect with Andy before diving back into work. They lived together and so were in each other’s arms every night, but nothing beat a weekend set aside just for them. She’d tell the other girls she could get a late Sunday afternoon drink after she’d had her Friday night and Saturday with Andy…

The report filed she risked a quick look at her phone even though she wasn’t yet on her lunch break.

*“Friday baby… how are you feeling? Here’s a choice: hibernate Netflix mode to recover from your insane week, or let me take care of you all night long? You get to choose, it is almost Christmas you know…”*

Damn… that was tough. Sweatpants and Stranger Things sounded amazing… but being taken care of all night long? Tired as she was, Lane felt herself intrigued by this option, and suddenly warm to the idea…

She looked around quickly, the hall was quiet, a few patients waiting but nothing urgent. Technically she shouldn’t text while on the clock but all the team did it when there was a lull.

*“As much as I love chilling, I’m going to pull my queen card on this one. I’ll be home by 4pm and am going to jump in the shower, then I’m taking you up on your offer to take care of me all night long. Surprise me, shock me, fulfill me, I’m going to clear my “evening” and you can fill it with whatever you want. Oh and you know, the only gift better than your big hard cock would be two of them…”*

She hit send before she could stop herself. They were both confident in their desires and what they wanted in their relationship, but it still took courage for them to clearly say what they fantasized about sometimes. They were getting pretty good at it though… She blushed a little to herself, thinking of that last little line about two cocks… they’d never done anything like that, but it had come up in conversations. Lane loved a toy in her while she was taking care of Andy, it was almost like being in a threesome and she imagined in reality it would be much better than that toy…

*“See you tonight then, ready your senses.”*

Ready her senses? The intrigue level shot up a bit more as Lane pulled up another patient file. This would definitely motivate her to blast through what was left to pass the afternoon…

“Lane! Are you there?” Lane snapped out of her thoughts, her fork playing with the food on the plate in front of her. “Yea, sorry, was just thinking about some things that I need to do this weekend,” she lied. Her coworker sat back and continued explaining some issues she’d had with some patients that morning. Lane tried to follow but kept thinking about 4pm and when she’d be off and when she would “ready her senses” for whatever Andy had in store for her. She deserved it after this week and as much as she loved her coworkers and supported them as much as they supported her, she couldn’t wait to get out of there.

The rest of the afternoon passed quickly and Lane made her quick rounds to the different stations to do a final check-in and say goodbye to her colleagues.

“See you Sunday? Have fun tonight, I just need a bit of a disconnect with Andy to clear my head before Monday.”

“Have fun, Lane! Yea let’s try out that new bar Sunday afternoon,” they teased her.

She drove home through the early traffic, others having checked out early to try to benefit from the weekend and making her communute just a bit longer. But Lane didn’t mind, soon she’d be home and would kick these scrubs and get in something a million times more comfortable, with something sexy hidden underneath while she waited for Andy who would probably be home a bit later than her.

Lane tossed her keys on the shelf by the door and started for the bedroom, just tossing clothes as she went. It was the weekend and she was damn well going to enjoy it and clean up later. By the time she made it to their room her legs were bare and she was topless. Tossing everything in the general direction of the bed she stepped into the bathroom, admiring herself in the mirror, her bare skin and soft curves accentuated in the rays of the late afternoon light coming through the window. She cupped her breasts and inhaled deeply before stripping off her panties and taking in the view of her nude body. Andy would be pleased, she was tired, but felt great, and confident. Her senses were ready for him.

The week behind her, Lane stepped into the shower and treated herself to a long, hot, steamy shower, rinsing away the last memories of the stacks of patient reports she’d filed all the way up until she’d clocked out. The spray relaxed her body and warmed her to the core and she hoped her body wouldn’t cool down until late into the night with whatever Andy had planned for her… She closed her eyes and let her mind wander, thinking about what it might be. He was good at being a bit mysterious and making her anticipate what was coming and it could be one of numerous things he’d already surprised her with or something completely new. Lane could feel her heart rate picking up as scenes replayed themselves in her mind and she bit her lip and sighed as her hands traveled over her body, moving over her breasts and down between her legs. Warmth rose up in her from her touch and she wanted to stay and continue, follow these thoughts to their natural, pleasurable end, but she mustered up enough self-control to stop and turn off the shower, teasing herself just enough that she knew her body would be aching for Andy by the time he got home.

She stepped out of the shower and dried off, admiring herself again in the mirror, knowing that she could drive Andy crazy. Walking naked into their room, she thought about getting dressed and getting some stuff done but after the week she’d had she couldn’t be bothered and she’d have plenty of time over the weekend. Lane decided the bed was a better option and threw herself down on it, loving how great it felt to finally be off her feet, and put a Netflix show on the bedroom TV.

She must have dozed off because she awoke suddenly to the slam of the front door and footsteps approaching. Lane didn’t realize she was still naked until Andy was already at the doorway, eyes wide and a sheepish grin on his face finding her like that.

“Wow… you did get yourself ready, didn’t you? You look great…” he said, leaning in for a kiss. “Stay right there, I’ll be right back. Here…” Andy handed her a soft wrapped package, “Put this on and wait… oh and you should turn off Netflix, I’ll put some music on” And with that he disappeared back out of the room, closing the door on his way out. *What was he up to?*

She opened the small package and found an eye mask, functionally similar to the ones given out on airplanes, but this one made of a dark violet color and its interior side the softest velvet she’d ever felt. The tie straps were wide and long, not the cheap elastic of most eye masks. Lane rubbed the velvet on her cheek, drinking in its softness, she closed her eyes and ran it down her neck, shoulders, and down across her breasts, letting the smooth cloth move across her nipples.

Now that Andy was home, she let her body react to her anticipation and desire and she felt her core warming back up and her hips shifted slightly as she exhaled deeply to the softness on her skin.

*I better get this on, Andy could come back at any moment…*

She slipped the mask on, its cool touch relaxing her eyes, and waited, a hand idly caressing her breasts.

Land heard the door open and feet padding approaching slowly across the carpet, Andy was back… calm but rhythmic beats played on the Bluetooth speaker he carried into the room and she smelled the aroma of a scented candle fill the room. A hand touched her thigh and her leg twitched slightly from the touch.

“You’re not allowed to speak, Lane, and you can only move if I tell you,” his voice whispered in her ear.

She nodded silently, already feeling her heart beginning to beat harder and that warmth continuing to build.

Strong hands slick with warm oil began to massage her skin, starting at her feet and slowly working their way up her legs to her thighs, Lane sighed deeply and let her head fall to the side as the firm pressure worked its way closer and closer to her sex which she was sure was already wet, waiting for the touch to come. But it didn’t, Andy’s hands slid up her body, right alongside her lips, sending electricity through her body as they moved all the way up to her neck where they worked the sore muscles. The sensations worked down her shoulders, arms, and to the tips of her fingers before sliding back up to her neck and down her chest, pressing into her full breasts.

Lane let out a quiet moan, taking in the pleasure of Andy’s touch and moving her hand down between her legs to enhance his caresses but it was immediately pushed back. “No, you’re not allowed to touch yourself tonight, only receive, and remember, no speaking!” he reminded her.

She nodded and swallowed, various parts of her body now dying to be touched by his slow, firm movements. His hands continued all over her front from her shoulders down teasingly below her hips, and up back over her breasts, her nipples reacting from both the pleasurable touch and lack of it as her body longed for stimulation.

She could feel Andy’s body heat next to her now. He must be very close, leaning over her to caress her body. His leg brushed against her arm which was near the side of the bed, he must have undressed too… She tried to lean into him and feel more of his heat but was again pushed back.

“If you want this to stop then go right ahead on doing things like that…” his firm voice told her.

“No… please don’t stop, I’ll be good, I promise.” Lane said, biting her lip.

The torturous tease continued and she turned her head towards Andy and inhaled deeply, trying to concentrate on the fleeting pleasure and anticipate what was to come, her body trembling slightly. She imagined Andy would be hard by now, even without any stimulation, seeing her laid out like this, desperate for his touch, and the thought sent more waves of warmth and wet between her legs.

She felt Andy step away and heard a rustling in the dresser before the soft buzz of a vibrator turning on sent lightning up her spine. Lane loved toys and Andy loved using them on her… Some of their most exciting moments were when toys came into play… She tried to control her desire by working to identify which toy this was from the sound it was making. Before she could figure it out she felt it pass over her naked body, close enough to the skin to feel the air moving but not close enough to really feel it. Her body quivered again and goosebumps formed over her bare skin. This continued for a moment but not long enough to drive her completely crazy as she was rewarded by feeling it slowly slide down her stomach, lower and lower, until it was suddenly pressed firmly against her slit and pushing apart the warm skin. Lane cried out quietly in pleasure as it slid against her wet pussy, coating the tip as it circled around her vagina and then slid back upwards, causing her abs to tighten as the vibrations resounded through her.

All this time, the week, and this never-ending day had totally been worth the wait to lay back and accept the care of her man. The evening had only begun and she already felt like a new girl.

As Lane concentrated on the pleasure that she could feel was starting to build with intensity, she felt Andy’s heat press up against her arm on the edge of the bed. His bare legs brushed up her skin to her shoulder, dangerously close to her face. Her eyes covered, she conjured up an image of his hard, erect penis inches from her face. Damn, she wished she could take a peek and enjoy that sight before taking it and wrapping her lips around it…

His body pressed in closer as she imagined him leaning over her so he could reach her with the toy. The sound intensified and she felt the vibrations return to her skin, this time high on the inner side of her leg, just above her sex which she could feel becoming wetter and wetter. She tried to move her hips towards the toy but any time she moved, Andy would pull it away from her skin, teasing her trembling skin.

Lane felt heat and skin brush against her face as this continued, a little electric shock passed through her cheek and she bit her lip, desperately trying not to move and praying he would press in closer so she could smell and taste him… but instead, the comforting heat moved away from her as did the vibrator, although she could still hear it.

“Stay here, I’ll be right back,” Andy told her. “Don’t move a muscle, this will keep you company.”

Lane’s body twitched in pleasure and surprise as she felt him stand the vibrator up between her legs and let it lean against her. It sent waves through her as it leaned lightly on her skin and she dared not move for fear it would fall over.

Andy’s feet padded over to the bedroom door and she heard it close behind him. She closed her eyes under the soft mask and let herself slip into a trance… it wasn’t hard, intense pleasure she hoped would come later, but this light, consistent buzz was definitely taking her places and she felt the first gentle contractions of pleasure as her sex reacted to the toy.

Somewhere in the distance she heard the door reopen and close and Andy retake his place next to her.

“You can move your head now if you want, but that’s all… no hands.” he purred in her ear as the vibrator continued to take her further into this dream.

She felt his body move closer and she turned her face towards him, pressing up against his legs and balls.

*Mmmmm finally…*

She let her mouth and kisses wander over him as much as she could reach, barely close enough to reach the base of his cock…

*Wow, he was already really big… the anticipation must be getting to him too.*

“Did you get new cologne, sweetie? You smell amazing.”

Andy didn’t answer, but she felt him shift his body a bit lower and run his long length across her warm, wet lips. Lane opened her mouth a bit and ran her tongue over his tip as it went by.

*Damn, he was big and hard right now…*

She continued kissing and nibbling as his skin, trying to drive him crazy and tempt him back down towards her mouth. She really wanted to get that whole thing in her lips… Andy’s cock slid back and forth across her wet, pursed lips, her tongue coming out from time to time to tease him and keep him wet. Then Lane finally felt the movement slow, and his tip came to rest on her lips, pressing down slightly as if inviting her to open her mouth and take him in. She slowly opened her mouth, just enough to let him find the space to slide in slowly. She pressed her tongue up under the head of his cock as it slowly slid in and out, making sure he would be stimulated as much as possible to drive him crazy.

Lane wanted to use her hands too, and grab his shaft and balls while she sucked on that lovely head… but Andy still wouldn’t let her move, so she concentrated on just using her lips and tongue the best she could. She heard him let out a sigh out a low groan, deeper than usual, as she continued to build in intensity…

The vibrator clicked off and Lane’s pleasurable ascent froze in time momentarily. It didn’t fade away however, as she felt her muscles gently contract and twitch in anticipation of Andy’s fingers or another toy to continue the pleasure. She felt something press against her wet lips and it was her turn to let out a little cry of pleasure as its long, firm form slid into her easily. She thought it was a dildo, but she felt its warmth and then remembered how good Andy was with his finger. But as the shape penetrated her, sending pulsations of pleasure through her, moving deep in and out of she knew it could not be a finger. As she felt a leg push up against her during a particularly deep movement she heard Andy’s voice…

“Just enjoy baby… tonight you’re going to go somewhere new…”

… and realized that it was a cock… and that she already had one in her mouth. Lane’s heart started thudding in her chest even harder than it already was as she realized Andy had surprised her once again with one of their fantasies. They were not alone… and whoever else was there was there to make sure she got to where Andy wanted her to go. She felt a flash of nervousness, but let it slip away and made room for the feeling of excitement that came racing in reminding her of all the dreams she’d had of this very moment.

*Tonight was going to be amazing…*
