Whips and chains next door to [m]e.

I used to live in an old Victorian that had been converted to apartment housing in Philadelphia. There were ups and downs to that particular style of apartment- it felt a lot more like a house, which was really nice. Buuuut they definitely cut some corners when converting to apartments. One of which was that the walls were so thin that they’d rip if you looked at them too rough. Which absolutely meant that if someone on the other side was fucking, you’d know about it.

Turns out our neighbors were pretty heavily into BDSM, which we discovered while they were fucking loudly next door. The walls were thin enough that you could hear the whips through them, which was…something. There were times when this was hot, but honestly a lot of the time it was annoying: we were all students, and it’s frankly kind of a dick move to be going at it loud as fuck at 2 AM.

So one time, we gave them back a dose of their own medicine. They started up around midnight, screaming, moaning, and all manner of noises related to whips and probably some kind of swing or something. We were not into such things, but fucking is fucking, and it certainly is possible to do it loudly. We got right up against the wall and went at it. Hard. Screaming. Moaning. Yelling obscenities.

And you know what? They got louder. It went on like that for a little while, but I’ll be damned if we didn’t outlast them. So that was like a small victory.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/eng7yt/whips_and_chains_next_door_to_me