Sex Games. Our Greek adventures Part V [Group]

Link to part IV:

It had been our last day on the island, on the next one, the four of us were no longer sharing a room, but rather, each couple had their own. It was actually nice, though somewhat sad, to be apart from them, even though they were literally right next door.

We both had a kitchen, but Mona and John had a nice big balcony, whereas Jen and I had just a small one, enough to go have a drink on for the two of us, but not for us four. As such, John’s and Mona’s was the place to hang out. They never even bothered locking the door, we were doing pop ins regularly. Nudity itself had become a complete non issue between the four of us. Once our burns died down, we frequented secluded beaches where it would only be the four of us, and we would let it all out. A couple times we went to legitimate nude beaches too. The sexual tension with that was gone, for all of us.

This one night, after we got home from one of those secluded beaches, Jenna and I walked over to their place. John was in shorts and a t-shirt, while Mona laid on the bed in pink panties and a loose grey shirt reading a book. I was wearing jeans and a dress shirt, while Jenna was wearing a loose floral pattern skirt, the kind that if a gust of wind hit her would fly up, and a skin tight, low cut white top, without a bra, pasties on her nipples instead. We were supposed to be going for dinner in town.

“Guys, you need to get ready, I’m starving.”

Mona set her book down and told us how she would be ready in two minutes, it was John who was taking forever ironing a shirt. She gave me a beer and Jenna and herself some wine while we waited. Pulled her shirt off, her tanned tits now almost matching the rest of her in colour, though still slightly more pale. She went into the bathroom and put on a little make up for a couple minutes, not bothering to close the door, walked out, put on a black bra and a tight yellow summer dress over it.

“See, ready,” she said.

We sat down on the bed waiting for John to finish up and get going, Mona lit a cigarette and asked us:

“So, you guys remember our talk the last day on the previous island?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“Well if we want to do anything we should probably start soon, we’re almost halfway through our trip.”

I had thought about it here and there, but now that we weren’t sharing a room, we’d usually get back from the town and split for the night, we hadn’t been hanging out so much after the fact, so nothing had materialized. I had always enjoyed the spontaneity of it, in general I was like that for everything, I tried to avoid planning.

“I don’t want to plan anything out, but, how about tonight, when we’re done in town, we come back here and keep on chilling a bit, and we’ll see where it goes?”

Everyone agreed, Mona and Jenna went to quickly buy some liquor, beer, and wine, while John finished up ironing. They walked in just as he was pulling his pants on, and we went to town.

After dinner we hit up a bar, then a slightly livelier bar. After a couple hours, we made our way back to the hotel and all went to their room. The alcohol had just given us a tiny buzz, loosened our lips a bit, not much else. Mona suggested we play a drinking game, and that quickly took us from buzzed to tipsy.

“Why don’t we make this game a little more interesting?” Jenna said.

“How?” Mona asked.

“Lets say, instead of just drinking, we turn it into a sexy game.”

Everyone agreed, though pointing out we stick to the rules from earlier. This was: no actual sex or kissing with anyone other than your spouse, anything oral was off the table for the time being, since we didn’t want to go too far too quick, and if anyone felt uncomfortable with anything, to say so immediately and we cease and desist that act. And lastly, when doing sexual things with anyone other than your spouse, to never be alone. This didn’t mean that I couldn’t be alone with Mona somewhere, just that if we were, we don’t do anything sexual, we all trusted one another enough.

We played a card game, and came up with an elaborate point system, every whatever points someone accumulated would be someone taking a shot, more points was something sexual, and we made up rules as we went, changing it to make it seem more fair/balanced.

We started off fairly tame, a few shots, feeling each other up through our clothes and what not, making conversation as we did, sometimes chit chat, sometimes flirtatious, sometimes discussing each other’s bodies. It wasn’t only the other’s spouse that was our target either, I cashed in some to feel Jenna’s tits through her shirt, with no bra and her little pasties covering her nipples, I was just able to feel the shape of them, John did similar to Mona, it was like we were back in high school and starting to fool around and experiment for the very first time.

“Okay, I’m cashing in these points now,” Jenna started “to….unbutton John’s shirt.”

John got out of his chair and Jenna walked toward him, she slowly undid each button, exposing his tanned chest and stomach before sitting down, barely a step away from each other, both of them enjoying it a great deal as Mona and I looked at them.

Mona was the next one to cash in points, and she wanted to take my jeans off. I walked to her, she remained sitting. She undid my belt, the top button, then the other four beneath it (no zipper on those jeans), her fingers pushing into my pubes and then my cock through my underwear. She reached behind and pulled my pants down, pulling my underwear down a few centimetres in the process, while feeling my ass through it. After I stepped out of my pants she stood up, she picked them up and tossed them inside.

“You won’t be needing those again for a while,” she said.

I sat back down and we continued to play. John was the next one.

“I’m gonna do a body shot off of Jenna’s ass.” He said, a big smile on his face. We all laughed for a second, it was the most creative one we’d had yet.

Jenna grabbed a slice of lemon and held it between her teeth, walked over to him, my view of her side as she faced her ass toward him. She bent over and lifted her skirt up. I knew she was wearing a black thong, presenting her near bare ass to my friend’s face. We were drinking tequila too, probably the best body shot. John licked her ass, slowly, as Mona and I watched, then put some salt on it, licking that off quickly and taking the tequila. Jenna stood up, her skirt dropping down and covering her again, turned around and bent down toward John’s face while he used his mouth to take the lemon from hers.

She sat down, crossed her legs.

“you better watch out, I’m going to get you back.” She said to John.

I was the next one to gather enough points, and followed in John’s footsteps, doing a body shot off Mona’s tit.

She dropped the top of her dress down, and undid her bra, I reached for it tosssed it inside on her bed, telling her how she won’t need that anymore either. She stayed sitting, and put a lemon between her teeth as I walked back to her in my boxer briefs. I bent down, slowly licked her left tit, tasting her skin, going left to right, stopping on her nipple, sucking on it for just a split second, feeling it stand up between my teeth.

“Jenna, I think these two don’t know what they’re getting in to.”

Ignoring her, I put some salt on her, looking at her tit with want, and licked it off her, took the shot, and used my mouth to take the lemon out of hers.

She pulled her dress back up, her erect nipple poking forward through it slightly now.

I’m sure they both had something great in their mind to get us back, but the cards weren’t going in their favour. John won enough points to go again next. He opted to do a body shot off of Jen’s tit.

She stayed seated this time, as she reached for the lemon and put it in her mouth. John walked over to her, his shirt still open, as she pulled her low cut top off to the side, letting her shoulder slide out, John peeled her pasty off, and licked her tit from bottom to top, across her little nipple. He put some salt on her, licked again, took the shot, and then the lemon out of her mouth. Both of them smiling ear to ear as he sat back down.

I won next, and decided to do a shot off of Mona’s stomach. She stayed seated, and just lifted her dress up to beneath her tits. And put the lemon in her mouth. I took my tongue to just above her pink panties, feeling some of the pubes that had started to grow in above as I ran my tongue up her stomach onto her belly button. The same with the salt before finally taking the lemon out of her teeth, overshooting a bit, my coordination already starting to go, our lips accidently brushing against each other.

We played another round of cards, and I won again.

“Seriously! This is a stupid game! When the fuck is it going to be our turn?!” Mona excaliamed, “you guys should let us have a turn!”

I just smiled and said “your ass now,”

She got up and bent over in front of me, lemon in her mouth, lifting her yellow dress a bit, her pink panties pulling tight, I reached forward and pulled them down to just above her knees. I licked her right on her crack, up the entire length, she giggled a bit and said how it tickled her, I then put the salt on, then licked it off again, sticking my tongue a bit deeper between her cheeks this time, before taking the shot, and the lemon out of her mouth.

John won next, and did a shot off of Jenna’s other tit, saying how it must be jealous.

Jenna won the next round.

“Fucking finally!” she said, “John, come here.” He walked over to her. She pulled his shirt off entirely, then his pants and boxers.

“Okay, now, go outside.”

“Like this?”

“Hell yes, go outside, and stay there for ten minutes, we’ll call you from the balcony when you can come back.

It…but….this isn’t even sexy…it’s just stupid.”

“Too bad, you guys could’ve been gentlemen and let us have a turn, now go.”

He looked to Mona in vain but she just indicated with her head he leave. He walked to the front door, looked around, and walked out. We went to the edge of the balcony and we saw his bare ass walk out, looking left and right to see if anyone was there. Jenna grabbed our camera and snapped up a few photos of him, laughing.

“You guys are assholes,” he yelled from the street to us.

We weren’t in a busy part of town, but odds were that someone would walk by at this time (around 2 now) heading home from a cafe. We waited five minutes, then we saw John cover himself, and try to hide behind a tree, a couple walked by him, staring at him in shock, stupid tourist, they must have been thinking. Jenna snapped up a few photos of him trying to hide, the three of us laughing.

“You can come up now!” Jenna yelled down. We saw as his cock bounced up and down while he ran into the building. Not 30 seconds later, he was sitting with us again, a beer and cigarette in his hand.

“That was evil.” He said.

We kept playing, Mona won next.

“What to do, what to do, what to do,” she said, looking at me, savouring the moment, “oh I know, since you’ve been so bad, you’re gonna get a spanking.” She looked at Jenna who nodded her agreement. I stood up, then she told me to stay there and she was going to take my seat, that way everyone could have a better view.

I bent over for her a little, expecting her to pull my underwear down for me, but felt nothing, I turned around and saw her shaking her head.

“No, no, you’ve been a naughty boy, so we’re going to treat you like one, you’re going to lay across my lap,” a mischievous smile across her face.

I felt my face burning up a little red, and I don’t embarass easily, but I was a little excited at the same time. Jenna and I had tried this before, but it didn’t have much of an effect on her so we didn’t any longer, though I did find it a bit enjoyable.

I laid down, torso on her lap, she pushed me up a bit so it was moreso my ass in her lap, and she pulled my underwear down. She started hitting me with her palms, hard from the start. It really was quite painful, I felt myself holding my breath in anticipation of the next sharp pain on my ass. I stifled back a few painful groans, feeling strangely turned on a bit. After a few minutes she stopped.

“I think you’ve learned your lesson,” she said, I stood up, pulling my underwear back on, my ass burning, and sat down in what had been her seat. I looked at her, she had a big mischievous smile on her face. I was a bit surprised she could be so controlling and enjoying it so much. But I guess people can surprise you.

Jenna won next, she opted to do a body shot off of John’s chest, saying how they need to catch up with the drinking. She licked his peck, while squeezing it with her hand, then licked the salt off, before finally taking the shot and lemon out of his mouth, John’s still flaccid cock pressing into her stomach as she did.

Mona won again after, she said she wanted to do a shot off of my ass.

“You know I’m hairy, right?”

“Naw, it’s cute, just get over here.” I went over to her and dropped my underwear to my knees. She indicated I lay down on her how I had moments ago, my bare cock rubbing against her thigh through her dress. She took the lemon from my mouth, licked me, starting on the inside of my crack and going out, slowly, I could practically feel my short hairs getting caught on her tongue. Then, squeezing my other cheek with her hand, put salt on me, then the lemon between my cheeks. She licked the salt off, I felt her nose dive into my cheek as she bit down on the lemon, I felt some of the juices squirt out onto my skin.

She gave a soft little pat on my ass, and, pulling my underwear back on, I took my seat again.

John won next, he decided he wants to bite Jenna’s ass. She walked over to him, and presented herself bent over how she did earlier. He pulled her thong down this time, to the floor. He put his hand on her ass and gave her a few bites on it. When it was all done, she put her thong back on.

Jenna won the next round, and said how she wanted to bite John’s chest. He walked over to her and she stood up, and started biting him, first on his pecks, then on his upper rib cage. I felt myself getting turned on more and more. They sat back down after a minute or so of that.

I won the next round, thought for a minute, looking at Mona, a little grin on her face as she waited in anticipation obviously knowing she would be my target.

“I think I want to, slap Mona with my cock,” I said, her grin growing a bit. I looked at John, “that cool with you?” he said yes, Jenna did too.

I walked over to her and pulled my cock out through the flap of my underwear, I had a bit of a chubby to start and just started moving it left and right into her cheeks as it grew, Mona keeping her eyes closed, laughing a bit. Once I reached full length I started smacking it down on her forehead, getting her eyes and nose a bit in the process, then atop her lips. I pulled back shortly, and tucked by cock back in.

Mona burst out laughing right after.

“I thought that was only in porn, does he do that to you?”

Jenna nodded, “He really likes it, sometimes my face, sometimes my ass, sometimes my tits. It turns him on a lot, I can feel his cock throbbing after.”

John won next.

“I want to cock smack Jenna’s ass.” He said, obviously having gotten the idea. Jenna turned around on her chair, bent over it while using her hands for support, and pulled her skirt up. John walked up to her, his cock already going up straight, and pulled her thong down again. He took his long cock and slapped both of her cheeks, landing one between them every so often. I saw Jenna grinning in front of him.

He finished up and sat back down.

“Did you like that?” Mona asked him. He shrugged.

“It’s okay, there’s other things I’d rather do I guess.”

We played a few more hands, but no one had enough points.

“I want to feel Nick’s cock again.” Mona said.

“Well, you don’t have enough points,” I pointed out.

“Fuck the game, it’s taking too long.”

I looked at Jenna and John, they gave us the okay. I got up and walked to Mona, I was flaccid at the moment, she took my underwear and pulled it down just enough to expose my dick and balls. She took it in her hands right in front of her face, and just started stroking it with both hands, going up and down my shaft, pleasure rising in me as she jerked me off, our partners watching. After a minute or so, she pulled my underwear back up and tapped my cock again through them.

“I’m not drunk enough,” Jenna said, “I want to do two body shots, one off you, one off John, at the same time.”

“Okay, how do you want to do this?” John said.

“Just stay there,” Jenna said, she walked over to him, sitting naked in his chair, and sat in his lap facing him, lifting her skirt up higher, putting just her thong between herself and him.

“Pour two shots, and take two lemons, and bring the salt,” she said to me.

I did as she told me, she took the lemons putting one in my mouth the other in John’s. She looked very focused.

“Okay, hand me the salt,” I did, and she took it in her right hand, then pulled me closer with it. She took her left hand and pulled my underwear down enough for my cock to come out, I was still hard from Mona jacking me off.

She licked John’s peck first, taking her time as she did, then put her mouth around my cock and went down to my base, then slowly went up again. Then she used the salt shaker to put it on us.

“Keep holding the shots, but get them ready,” she told me, I nodded, the lemon still in my mouth. She leaned her head down and slowly licked the salt of his chest, before taking the shot glass from my hand and downing it, then using her mouth to take the lemon from John’s teeth. She spat the lemon onto the ground and handed the glass to John, then put her full lips on my cock as she sucked the salt off of it, before taking the remaining shot glass and downing that one too, before I leaned down and she took the lemon from my mouth too.

“Okay, that should hit me soon enough.” She got up, her skirt falling back down, and sat down crossing her legs. I pulled my underwear back up, probably for the 15th time that night, and sat down again “Who’s next?” she asked.

“I think it’s time Mona gets a spanking,” I said, looking right at Mona.

Mona walked over to me without breaking eye contact, and stopped a pace from me.

“how I did it to you?” she asked.

I nodded. She got on my lap, her ass up facing toward me, I pulled her yellow dress up, then roughly yanked her pink panties down enough to expose her whole ass, I looked down at it and savoured the moment for a second. I started smacking her ass hard, after a few hits I could see it was already going red. She groaned in pain, I could feel her hand squeezing into the back of my thigh, while Jenna and John watched. I felt my cock start getting hard, and stopped shortly after. Mona stood up, pulled her dress down to cover herself again, then sat down in my lap, letting her underwear go down to the floor, just her yellow dress on now.

“Now what?” Mona said.

“Let me know if I’m going too far,” John said, “but remember how you fingered her in the hot tub? I’d like to do that to her.”

“If she’s okay with it then so am I,” I answered.

“You guys want a view?” she asked.

“Absolutely,” I answered.

Jenna got out of the chair, undid her skirt and set it on the chair, then bent over to pull her thong down, she leaned on the chair with her elbows, ass facing toward Mona and I, spreading her legs a bit. John walked up to her, his cock pointing up, he went to her left side, then used his left hand to pull her ass cheek to the side, he went down onto his knees and took his right hand, and slowly slipped his fingers inside of her, then moved them back and forth. Mona and I could hear her juices even from a couple metres away as his fingers moved inside her, more rapidly now, as Jenna started to moan. I felt my cock stiffening up, Mona feeling it through her dress, moving her ass up and down on me slightly. I put my hand on her knee, then ran it up her thigh underneath her dress. I used my other hand to lift her dress up above her waist, her bare ass now pressed up against me, only my underwear in the way, I reached between her legs and started rubbing between her coarse pubes, parting her wet lips, massaging and teasing her before I slipped a finger into her soaking pussy, as we watched John continue to finger my bent over wife.

“Okay,” John said, pulling his fingers out of her and squeezing her ass, “whoa, you guys are going at it too!” he said. They hadn’t even noticed us, too focused on what they were doing. I took my finger out of Mona and rested it on her thick pubes.

“So…I guess we just go from here?” Jenna said.

“I guess so,” Mona answered.

John lifted Jenna’s shirt off of her, exposing her tanned little tits. Still down on his knees, as he started sucking on one while he fondled the other, then changed it. I felt my cock growing longer poking Mona’s ass now as I resumed fingering her from behind. I pulled the top of her dress down with my free hand, exposing one of her tits as I started to play with it, squeezing it, rubbing her nipples.

Mona turned around to face me and took my shirt off, my hands coming off of her, straddling me a bit, my cock rock hard in my underwear. I pulled the top of her dress down more, exposing her other tit which I started to suck on while still squeezing the other one, running circles with my tongue, nibbling on her nipple, as she rubbed herself up and down my cock, soft little moans escaping her, as I felt her breath on my face, her juices starting to wet my underwear.

“guys, how far are we going tonight?” I asked.

“Let’s just use our hands,” John suggested. We agreed to that quickly, and decided to go inside. Mona walked inside, pulling her dress off completely, and laid down on the edge of the bed, spreading her legs, her tits portly tits still pointing up a bit, her washboard abs beneath them, and her thick bush between her legs. John and Jenna got on the bed just above us, her also laying down, her little tits, tanned as much as the rest of her, little nipples erect, her legs bent, covering up her pussy from my POV.

I took a finger and put it between Mona’s pussy lips, feeling her soaking wet juices covering it. I rubbed it back and forth, going over her hole, teasing her again while slightly stimulating her clit. I slid my finger into Mona, then another, feeling her insides, going back and forth with my fingers slowly, as I watched her face, her eyes looking down at my hand inside her. I started rubbing her ceiling in rapid motions, searching for her g spot, it took me a few minutes but I found it, and started stimulating it with my two fingers, as her body tensed, her moans growing deeper, turning to screams. I laid to her side and started sucking on her tit, squeezing it in my other hand as I rapidly continued to rub her g-spot, I heard her moans getting louder and louder. I slowed down, wanting to tease her and not wanting it to be over so quick.

I looked up at John and Jenna, he was fingering her again, his other hand on her little tit, squeezing it, while he focused on rubbing her clit, spreading her lips apart.

I kept going into Mona with my fingers, then decided to put a third one in, taking my wedding band off first. My cock was hard as hell now, watching Mona’s body tense. I started rubbing her clit with my other hand, looking at her pubes envelop my fingers, while I thrusted my right hand in and out of her. I felt her squirming, her hands flailing about in sharp motions, her moans now full out screams. I kept going for a minute or so, then felt my right hand and arm up to my elbow get covered in juices. Mona had squirted all over me. I pulled my hand out and lay down next to her, exhausted to be honest, as she panted beside me. I took my hand and rested it on her tit, my hard dick pressed up against her hip. I heard Jenna moaning just above me, I could tell she too, was close to orgasming. I felt her hand grab my shoulder, squeeze hard, after a few minutes, her grip tensed, I heard her let out a loud moan, then a sigh, then loosen her grip, she had finished.

“Holy fuck,” Mona said. Still panting a bit.

“Yeah,” Jenna agreed.

“I guess it’s your guys turn now,” She said, pushing herself onto her elbows, her little tits still close to her body beneath her.

We had hypothetically discussed cumming when we had the initial discussion. Both John and I were somewhat taken aback by having someone else’s jizz on our wives. I found now though, my arm being covered in Mona’s juices, I didn’t care so much.

“What about the cum guys?”

“I don’t care, just not face our mouth,”

“Cool, me too, so long as the girls are okay with it,”

Mona and Jenna both nodded their acknowledgement, just told us to warn them right before.

Mona sat up indicating for me to stand up in front of her. My hard cock right in front of her. She then slid back to the nightstand and pulled out some lube, Jenna was laying down, jacking off John above her, Mona squeezed some of the lube on his long dick before she made her way to me.

She sat at the edge of the bed, sitting up straight, her large perky tits right in line with my cock. As she started reaching for my cock I couldn’t resist smacking her tits with its head a few times, seeing them jiggle slightly. She laughed and grabbed me by my ass, pulled me closer, put the lube up and down my shaft, then start to gently stroke me up and down with one hand, as she gently massaged my balls with the other hand. She laid down on the bed, and I got on top of her. She was alternating, watching me, then my cock, as she stroked me, fondling my balls as she did, making sure her hands felt every little bit of both my dick and my balls.

I looked up at jenna she was working John with both hands, his long cock above her torso as she was laying in front of him, her triceps showing effort as she worked him, his face showing pleasure, a little red now, flushed from probably pleasure and effort.

Mona kept going on me, I felt my enjoyment rising, my moans going deeper and louder, as she continued to stroke my cock, the lube making a wet sound as she slid her hand up and down me, my hands squeezing both her tits. When I felt myself getting near finishing I told her. She sat up and kept working my dick pointing it down at her tits. I moaned loudly, shot out a few streams of cum, soaking her tanned tits, a long line landing in between them, another two on her right tit, a drop getting on the lower part of her neck. She pulled herself under me to get the last few drops of my jizz on her, these landing below her tits on her flat stomach.

She took her hands off my cock, them covered in a bit of cum too. I took it in my hand and used the tip of my dick to spread my warm jizz around her nipple.

She laughed “I knew that’s where you wanted to finish.” And slapped my ass before laying down.

We watched Jenna and John, she finished him off a little bit later with both hands going up and down his shaft, her laying beneath him, him squirting his jizz on her stomach and tits, as he moaned with pleasure, then laying down.

After a few minutes, Mona went to shower, followed by Jenna, John and I just wiped ourselves down with paper towels.

We sat down on the balcony again, all of us naked, and lit up a smoke and drank some sparkling water.

We talked about what had happened, everyone had enjoyed themselves, that was certain. As we exchanged our experiences and how it felt from varying points of view, what we did differently from their partner, what we didn’t like as much and what we did, how it made us feel to see our partners partaking in sexual acts with another person, right in front of us. We also decided that we weren’t going to stop there



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