[MF] Nice guy finished last. Passed on fucking young MILF

This one is absent or any actual sex, sorry, “MILF” might also be a tad of a stretch. Senior year of college my roommate and I had an apartment literally a block from the main street in town and all the bars. One weekend evening a sorority girl who had graduated came to visit and brought along her friend. Call the sorority girl C. I knew C a little bit and she was even closer with my roommate. Her friend was textbook butter face. No recollection of her name. Some of the details escape me but they ended up hanging out with me and my friends most of the night. I am average looking, overall a loser with girls but sometimes they do like my sense of humor. This girl certainly did and I could see her looking at me. I decided, yes she was fuckable and we started talking. I found out she had a kid back home, was not with the father yada yada. Everyone had had a lot to drink. At one point, the C comes over to me, she’s pretty lit also, and says smiling “don’t fuck my friend!” What are you supposed to say to that, so I basically said nothing. I don’t know if this was her being nosy, jealous, serious, joking or whatever.

Some time later (maybe an hour, can’t recall exactly) everyone is pretty hammered. I don’t know what Cs original plan was but her car is parked near the bar and no way she can drive. For whatever reason most of her sorority sisters have left. Somehow it was known that my roommate and I lived basically across the street and she asks if she and her friend can crash. We say no problem. We head over to the apartment. My roommate is close to blackout drunk and goes to pass out in his room. C, her friend and I hang out in the living room for a short time. C asks me if she can go lay down on my bed for a bit. I say I’ll pull out the couch for them. She says she’s not waiting and goes into my room leaving her friend and I alone. So I pull out the couch and get it ready for them. The girl lays down on it, and we start making out, a little titty grab, rubs my cock. I’m 99% sure this girl is DTF. But…..in the back of my mind is C’s warning, plus all of the alcohol everyone consumed. I am drunk but I still do have my wits. So….I don’t take it any further. I pass on the pussy. I just don’t need the problem of any accusations of lack of consent, etc. I get up and go into my bedroom. C gets up and goes into the living room and sleeps with her friend. The next morning everything is cool, her friend is smiling at me but nothing is spoken about it.

A few weeks later C returns to visit again by herself. At one point in the evening she asks me what happened with her friend and I say we made out briefly that’s it. She says yeah I heard. You did not want her? Now I am puzzled and I remind C exactly what she said – not to. She claims to have no recollection of that. She asks me why do you think we stayed at your apartment? Why do you think I excused myself to your room. My friend wanted to get laid…..she is like incredulous that I didn’t take the cues. I mean I guess there’s still the issue of the alcohol, but if I had known all along this was the plan I would have followed through. Never saw the friend again.

Sadly sometimes nice guys finish last, or in this case not at all…..

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ent014/mf_nice_guy_finished_last_passed_on_fucking_young


  1. No, you did everything right. There was no possible way you could have known unless they said something. Plus, everything is blurred when everyone’s drunk. Wayyyyy better to pass.

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