It was a week before the wedding and It was the day of Lee’s bachelor party. He had told His best man, Trent that he didn’t want anything crazy just a night of boozing with the boys and no strippers.
Lee had only been with one woman, his fiancé, and he had wanted to keep it that way. Well that’s what he said when his friends brought it up. Sara has been everything he ever hoped for in someone to spend the rest of his life with.
Lee walked into his apartment, tired from all the last minute wedding errands, ready to take a nap so he’d be refreshed for the night’s festivities. He stripped off his shirt and headed for the bedroom.
He pushed open the door and stood frozen to see [a woman bent over a massage table. Long curly blonde hair hung down the back of her short black dress. Her hair almost reached the hem of the dress, which rode up her hips to expose a black thong accentuating full hips and a round ass. Her black heels made her long toned legs tighten. ](
She heard him at the door and turned her head but kept her body in place. Lee could’ve sworn she even pushed out her ass a little more when she caught sight of him.
“Hi. You must be Lee. I’m Cheyanne. I’m almost done setting up here. Why don’t you strip down while I finish up here.” She said turning back to the table to smooth out the sheet.
“Strip?” Was all he could manage at that moment. A mix of confusion and a little bit of excitement showing on his face.
“Yes there’s a towel you can use right there,” she pointed to a chair in the corner, “just go to the bathroom and come back, hon.”
Lee’s brain kicking back into gear he said, “Oh I’m sorry but this is not what I wanted. You can tell Trent that I refused services and that he shouldn’t ask for a refund.”
“Trent? Who’s Trent? Sara sent me over to make sure you’re relaxed and rested before the big party tonight. Bachelor party she said, I think.”
“S-Sara sent you? My fiancé Sara? No, no, no. That can’t be right. Can it?” Shock then hope boiled in him. What was she trying to say worth this gesture?
“Yes, Sara your fiancé. Don’t go letting your head wonder too far there. This is just a massage.” She said with a small smirk about her face.
“Now go to the bathroom, take everything off and wrap that towel around your waist. Then come back and lie face down.”
“Oh.” A trace of disappointment in his voice and he walked out grabbing the towel.
Lee slapped his face as he looked in the mirror at himself. “You idiot. You’re supposed to get married in a week. Why would you ruin it now? How can I ruin it? That’s not what that lady is here for anyways.”
He kept arguing with himself as he stripped out of his jeans and boxers and wrapped the towel about his face. He looked at himself in the mirror again and took a deep breath.
“Just relax and enjoy your massage. I’m sure Sara paid good money for a home visit.”
He walked out the door and back to the bedroom. Cheyanne sat up and gestured for him to lie down on the table.
“Are there any sensitive areas or problem areas that I should be aware of before I get started?”
“No sensitive areas, but my lower back has been giving me some issues lately. Might just be the stress of all this wedding stuff.”
“Ok I’ll make sure to pay extra attention there. Just relax and let me know if the pressure ever gets to be too much for you.”
Cheyanne pumped some lotion into her hands and began working it into Lee’s back. Cheyanne’s fingers were strong and firm working out knots in his shoulders and back that he didn’t know he had.
After only a few minutes there was a knock on the bedroom door and Lee looked up. It was Sara. She was dressed in loose grey cotton shorts and a tight white tank.
“Hey there Lee. You guys just get started? Just wanted to stop by to see everything was going alright here.”
“Yeah it’s only been a couple of minutes.” He said then did a double take as he saw hard nipples poking through her top.
Sara seeing his notice of her, gave back a devilish grin.
“Is she not wearing a bra? That’s not like her at all.” He said to himself in a barely audible whisper.
“Oh don’t mind me. I just want to watch. Maybe I can pick up a few pointers for later.” Sara said putting a little more emphasis on the word pointers.
Lee’s ears pricked at the insinuation in Sara’s words and feels the blood flowing from his head to the other.
“Baseball. Two outs, runners on second and third. Need this hit to drive them both home for the win. Mmm driving two home. Oh shit.”
Lee’s cock was beginning to harden making it uncomfortable but not moving, so as not to give himself away, thankful that he was at least on his stomach so the two of them couldn’t see.
“I don’t have a problem with it. But I hope you don’t learn everything. I don’t want to lose business to you.” Cheyanne said as she laughed.
“Ha. No I’ll only have one customer that will be using my services.” Sara said as she moved to the chair directly behind Lee, giving her a fantastic view between his legs and under his towel.
Cheyanne continued on Lee’s back and glided her thumbs down along his spine to the top of his ass moving the towel down in the process. She did it a few more times moving lower with each time. Soon the top half of his crack was exposed.
Lee wanted to object but didn’t hear complaints from Sara so kept his mouth shut not wanting to draw attention to how awkward he was feeling. Then he felt two thumbs on the meaty part of the top of his ass begin to knead and move up to his lower back.
He tensed a bit at the touch and Cheyanne’s hands lifted.
“Try not tense up, please. It makes it harder for me to work out the knots. The reason your lower back is tense is because everything below is tense so I need to work on them too.” Cheyanne said laying a comforting hand on this lower back.
Hearing only silence from Sara, Lee decided that this was probably normal and if Sara was ok, he should be too.
“Ok I’m sorry please continue.” Tension eases out of his body as he exhaled.
A few more minutes and Cheyanne moved to the bottom of the table and lifted a foot, bending his leg at the knee and spreading his legs slightly. He felt his foot resting on bare skin and fingers gliding down the back of his calf.
The pain as she ran her fingers through the knot in his calf distracted him from the fact that the towel wasn’t hiding much of his lower half.
Sara licked her lips, enjoying the view she was now getting. She flashed a look up at Cheyanne and there eyes met. Cheyanne gave her a quick wink and a smile before turning back to her task at hand.
After she was done with both calves, she added a few pumps of more lotion and ran her fingers up the sides and back of Lee’s thigh. She ran them up higher than Lee was expecting and her finger tips brushed against his bare balls.
His first instinct was to object but stayed as relaxed as he could trying to brush it off as an accident. But then it kept happening every time she’d slide up his leg. He was getting nervous now, unsure of what to do and the uncomfortable feeling of his cock growing hard under him again.
Lee bared through both legs, as Cheyanne teased her fingertips on his balls. “Oh god. Sara is going to flip if she knew what was going on right now.” He thought.
But he couldn’t be more wrong. Sara saw all that was going on and her reaction to it all was anything but angry. Her hand had slid up her thigh under her shorts and were tracing her moistening lips.
Cheyanne looked back and caught Sat a’s eyes then shook her head slowly telling Anna to stop what she was doing. Sara flushed and nodded her understanding. Her hand slowly moved out from under her shorts and up to her lips, licking the faint traces of slick off her fingertips.
Cheyanne smiled at Sara and turned her attention back to Lee. She moved back to the top of the table by his arms. Smooth gliding hands worked up and down them giving Lee a reprieve.
Lee relaxed his mind thinking the danger had passed. The uncomfortable feeling under him eased a bit as he focused on the soothing feeling in his arms.
“Ok I’m all done on this side. Turn over and lie on your back.”
Shocked, Lee lifted his head in protest. “Um, no need for that. You did a great job already.”
Lee was scared of a repeat of what happened on his stomach only this time there’d be no way to hide it. Sara has paid for this service but his reactions to this might make her call off the wedding.
“Nonsense. I was already paid and I do not cheat my customers.” Cheyanne said.
“Cmon sweetie just do as she says. You don’t want to waste my money now do you.” Sara urged.
Lee reluctantly agreed and turned over carefully to make sure the towel remained covering him.
Cheyanne gently pressed fingertips on the temples of Lee’s head and circled them about. She glides thumbs across his eyebrows. Lee relaxed some feeling tension easing away.
Cheyanne’s hands moved deftly along his cheeks and jaws. Her hands felt soothing as her hands massages his scalp. Then he felt a warm presence above his face as her hands moved to his chest. His eyes snapped open to find soft breasts swaying back and forth above him as Cheyanne ran her hands up and down his lotioned chest.
Lee quickly closed his eyes feeling that familiar rush of blood headed down his body. There was a tingling in his balls as he felt an oncoming hard on. His thoughts raced to the geometry class he had in high school, racking his brain for the equations of finding the angles of triangles and other shapes. This seemed to be working for the moment.
Little did Lee know though, his cock had visibly twitched under the towel and both women had seen it happening. They looked at each other knowing they both saw it. Cheyanne’s eyebrows raised when she saw Anna bite her lip in excitement.
Cheyanne leaned in further reaching her hands to the top of Lee’s stomach and her breasts grazed Lee’s face.
Lee’s concentration was instantly broken feeling soft breast upon his cheeks. He swore he could even feel hardened nipples too. This was too much for him and just like that his cock was standing at full attention. He felt the edge of the towel climb up his thigh and resisted moving his hands to cover up his hard on.
He closed his eyes again praying for a miracle. Hoping that somehow both women’s attention was somewhere else. He was preparing himself for The imminent outburst from Sara.
But nothing could be heard. Just the whirring of the air conditioning. “Oh god please just let me get through this.” Lee kept repeating in his head.
Sara clenched her hands on her thighs, white knuckled. She too was doing all she could not to act right then. She had already been given a warning and did not want Cheyanne to stop because of her.
Cheyanne smirked, clearly happy with the reactions she was getting from the couple. “Soon.” She mouthed to Sara.
Cheyanne stood up resting her hands on Lee’s shoulders and looked down and waited for him to look up. Once their eyes met she flicked her eyes towards his stiffened crotch and looked back down smiling. “Oh Sara. Do you mind coming here? I have a big problem I need your help with.”
Lee tried to sit up at Cheyanne’s words but Cheyanne leaned her weight on to him, holding in place.
“Wait, I..” Lee started but Cheyanne shushed him and his mouth closed.
“Sure thing. I can lend a hand.” Sara said as she stood up and winked at Cheyanne adding a little more emphasis on “hand”.
“Good. Well you see this problem happens sometimes. I work all the knots out of the body but then it gets pushed to a localized area.” Cheyanne said walking around tot he side of the table, all the while sliding a firm hand along Lee’s chest and stomach, making sure he stayed where he was.
“You see here,” Cheyanne gestured to Lee’s cock still barely covered by the towel, “all the tension has gathered here. For working out the tension here, a hand by itself isn’t going to be enough. We’ll need to use a combination of methods.”
“What the fuck is going on?!” Lee whispered to himself confused, excited and nervous.
“I’m not a masseuse. I don’t know any methods of massage like you do.” Sara said.
“Don’t worry. I’ll walk you through. First let’s get rid of this towel so we can really dive in.” Cheyanne said and pulled the towel off laying it over Lee’s face.
A hand was on Lee’s chest before he could sit up.
“I need you to stay still Lee. This is a delicate process and it takes awhile to complete.” Cheyanne said
She turned back to Sara smiling, seeing the desire in her eyes. “I know first instinct is to go directly to the source and work on it, but we need to work on the neighboring areas first. Here why don’t you follow my lead.”
Cheyanne reached out her hand and Anna laid hers into Cheyanne’s. Cheyanne guided Anna to Lee’s full balls. Hand over Sara’s she began massaging one.
“Good just like that. I’ll do the other one.”
Lee felt two hands gently rolling his balls through their fingers. Each felt different, Sara’s soft and gentle while Cheyanne was firmer and moving quicker. He was struggling to keep his legs from twitching about. He didn’t know why he was so easily cowed into following Cheyanne’s directions, but was equally ignorant as to why Anna was also following along.
“That’s good Sara. Now the next step. Place your hand here.” Cheyanne slipped a strap off of her shoulder exposing [a hard pink nipple, pressed in between to metal balls. ]( Cheyanne rubbed her finger on the tip, indicating where she wanted Sara.
Sara pinched the nipple between thumb and forefinger. She rolled it through her fingers with a slight pressure not wanting to hurt Cheyanne.
“Add more pressure. That’s too soft to really feel.”
Sara squeezed and a moan escaped Cheyanne.
“Mmm. Yes perfect.” Cheyanne’s eyes closed as her head inclined.
Lee was confused. He hadn’t felt anything other than the two hands on his balls. His vision still obscured by the towel on his face. He really wanted to see what was going on right now.
Cheyanne trailed her free hand around the base of Lee’s cock. “Now run your tongue here but don’t stop working your hands and follow my lead.”
Cheyanne bent down with Sara matching her tongue on the other side of Anna’s. They both circled and Cheyanne stopped when she reached the bottom of Lee’s cock and ran her tongue up his shaft.
Sara followed along keeping her eyes on Cheyanne’s up they went until they were just below Lee’s head. Eyes locked, Cheyanne swished her tongue slowly left to right then right to left.
Swirling her tongue up mimicking Cheyanne’s tongue, Sara’s tip brushed against Cheyanne’s. Cheyanne moved in closer using Lee’s head to push her tongue back into her mouth, lips widened her mouth was covering half of his head when the two women’s lips met.
Cheyanne tilted her head and closed her eyes, slipping a tongue atop Lee’s head and into Sara’s mouth. Sara followed along and their tongues wrestled with one another working their way around Lee’s head.
Lee was struggling to hold still and his will to throw off the towel and look up at what they were doing to him was on the verge of breaking.
Cheyanne searched for Sara’s hand on her nipple still and pulled it off relishing it as Anna held tight before it slipped off. Not stopping their tongues, Cheyanne pushed Sara’s hand under them and wrapped it around a saliva soaked cock. Both hands moved in unison up and down Lee’s shaft.
Not even a minute later moans were heard from under the towel on Lee’s face. “Oh god.”
Both sets of eyes snapped open at the sound of Lee’s voice. Cheyanne instantly stood up and stopped Anna’s hand from moving.
“Oh no. This is much too fast, Sara. If the tension is released to quick, there could be dire consequences.” Cheyanne said and gave Sara an evil smirk. “Be a good boy and stay right there Lee. I need to discuss with Sara what our next steps to handle this issue.”
Cheyanne pulled her strap back on to her shoulder and kicked off her heels as she headed to the bed. She crooked her finger towards Sara, telling her to follow. [Cheyanne hopped onto the bed and laid down putting her feet on the headboard and looked up. ]( Cheyanne bit her finger and Sara followed. Sara bent over so her mouth was hovering Cheyanne’s but eyes focused on the toned smooth legs. She was already on the edge wondering what Cheyanne had planned for her.
Cheyanne reaches a hand up, running it up Sara’s inner thigh to just below the hem of her shorts, then rotated her hand to have fingers lightly brush the edge of Sara’s plump lips.
“Lee is so obedient. Most men would have gotten up and tried to impose their dominance over the situation. But look at him. He’s just lying there still like a good little boy. Should we tell him to come join us already?” Cheyanne whispered while she slipped a fingertips between Sara’s wet lips.
Sara didn’t even look back, her eyes were closed as she focused on Cheyanne’s fingers slipping in and out of her. Sara exhaled loudly through her noise, trying to keep her moans from coming out.
“I’ll take that as a no then.” Cheyanne said, sliding two fingers into Sara now. Cheyanne hooked her fingers to put a little more pressure along the inside wall, moving it in and out, then circling it about.
Sara’s breath quickened, her arms straightened and tensed trying to hold herself up. She could feel a hand grasp her hair behind her head and pull down. Her lips were met with Cheyanne’s tongue splitting them in search for Sara’s tongue. Anna obliged and snaked her tongue around Cheyanne’s.
Anna sucked on Cheyanne’s tongue to muffle her moans, as Cheyanne picked up the pace and pressure of her fingers.
Lee laid there hearing bits and pieces of what was going on around him. He swore he heard them on the bed and that someone was breathing hard. Was that a moan he heard? He begun questioning himself. Oh how he wanted to know what was going on. Was his wife to be having sex with Cheyanne the masseuse? He just lay there so unsure of himself so unsure of the situation. His body was as frozen in indecision, as his cock was with desire.
“Hey Lee, it’s Trent. Open up man. I know it’s early but i figure you and I could pregame it while the game’s on.”
The two women froze in place, eyeing each other.
“Did you plan this too?” Cheyanne questioned Sara.
“No I didn’t and I’d rather he not be included either. Maybe if we ignore him he’ll go away.” Sara whispered.
But to their great misfortune Trent knocked loudly again and yelled, “ Cmon man. I seen your truck in the garage. I know you’re here. Wake your ass up and let me in.”
“Dammit.” Sara swore.
“Don’t worry about it. If you’d like we can continue this at my place or yours.” Cheyanne suggested.
Sara was tempted but ultimately resisted. “No. I want to but I wanted to share you with Lee. I want this to be something we did together.”
“Ok.” Cheyanne said disappointment shown across her face.
Sara saw it on Cheyanne’s face and got a delicious idea to have both aching for a continuation tonight. She climbed up the massage table and straddled Lee. His cock was pressing against her soaked pussy through her loose grey cotton shorts. She leaned in pressing her hard nipples against his bare chest, her mouth close to his towel covered ear.
“Make sure you drink a lot of water when you’re out with the boys tonight. Cheyanne and I will be back when you come home and we’re going to play a game. Want to know what it’s called?” Sara said quietly but loud enough for Cheyanne to here.
Cheyanne raised an eyebrow to that, intrigued in where this was going.
Lee nodded under the towel. His cock was aching with need as Anna pressed harder on to it.
“Guess who’s pussy it is. You can only guess by feel. If you win, the prize is you get to play this game much more frequently.” She lifted her hips from his cock and reached back pulling her shorts to her side and moved back down.
Lee’s cock slid into her soaked pussy with little resistance. Sara slowly slid all the way down and let out a moan and bounced up and down a few times before Trent began pounding on the door once more.
“Oh I guess that’s all the hint I can give you.” Sara said and swung a leg over and hopped off the table.
She leaned in again and whispered, “We’re going to play this game tonight whether you coherent enough to enjoy it or not. But if you’re sleeping you automatically lose and I really want you to win.”
Cheyanne came out of her trance when Sara came by to give her a kiss on the cheek and feeling Sara’s hand pull hers up to her mouth and gave them a little kiss too.
“I’ll call you when it’s time to come over. Why don’t you wait for me in the living room.” Sara said and turned back to Lee. “You should clean up and get ready for tonight, honey.”
Sara grabbed her coat and headed out. She went to the door and let Trent in.
“He’s all yours, Trent. Make sure he doesn’t get too crazy tonight huh.” Then both women left without another word.
Trent watched them leave. Confused as what was going on he opened his mouth in to ask but quickly shut his mouth and shook his head. “No way what I’m thinking happened. Sara isn’t the type, right?” He wondered to himself.
He walked to the kitchen and but the booze in the fridge and sat down on the couch. As he sat he kept coming up with more questions and thinking he’d grill Lee until he knew the truth.
I want to thank my new friends u/daxandcheyanne for providing inspiration for this new story. If you have a chance, please check them out.
Again please let me know any criticisms you may have, good or bad. Hopefully all good ?
[Part 2](
[Part 3](
[Part 4](
Who is Anna???