Cafe Au Laid [MF]

Cafe Au Laid

Mikaela sits down in one of the empty tables noticing how today seems a little unusual. It’s 9:45 in the morning and the usual crowd of commuters getting their daily fix seems to have dissipated like the morning dew on a hot sunny day. She brushes her blonde hair back, carefully tying it to a ponytail as she soaks her soft hands with the moisture left by the rain she walked through in this cold, but perfect Seattle morning.

She walks confidently to the counter vacillating between which drink she wants to get today: should she go with her usual order of the house drop with some steamed milk on the top or maybe try something new today – she’d been eyeing the store’s new pumpkin spice chai with oatmilk for a few weeks now. She stands still as she gazes on the rectangular chalkboard menu, her black lululemon leggings highlight her toned legs and accentuate her bottom while her white wool knit sweater drapes her upper body. She looked slender and strong but cozy.

She sits down and takes a sip from her drink. The velvety smooth milk plays around her tounge and leaves a slight foamy crust between the openings of her smooth pink lips. She opens the cup slowly and stares at her drink. You can tell that it’s freshly made – the milk still swirling around forming ever changing shapes. It’s almost exactly just what she wanted in this perfect fall morning.

And yet, something seemed off. She looks at her drink and knots her eyebrows together in confusion. Without giving a second thought, she takes her cup and walks to the barista; the warmth of the ceramic mug envelops her hands like a comfy wool glove.
The first thing she noticed about him was how much care he put into his work. The focus he put in was mesmerizing. His black eyes were lost in the task. She noticed his forearms, the lean, corded muscle moving and taking shape as shadow and light highlighted them while he moved and handled the cups. The way he moved – this constant back and forth between stations showed Mikaela the strength of his toned and taut upper body modestly contained behind a plain white and blue baseball shirt, jeans, and an apron. His short neatly trimmed hair and freshly shaved face told her everything she wanted to know about him before she even reached the counter.

“Sorry she says, this taste really good but it’s not what I ordered.” She says with a smile.

“Not a problem. How would you like me to re-make it?” he asks her with a voice so smooth and strong as the beverages he slung.

“A little stronger please.” Mikaela says her voice quibbled with a tinge of nervousness. “The milk was a little thin, and I wanted the cream to be a bit…thicker.” She almost couldn’t finish this last sentence as her cheeks warmly glowed, making her look even prettier.

To be honest, nothing was wrong with her drink. She just wanted to get a better look at him. And she found exactly what she was looking for: a bulge, slightly above his belly button that hinted the beginnings of an erection. It’s funny, the apron which was supposed to hide anything of this sort, only accentuated it.

“Anything else?” he asks.

The only thing she wanted was to know if he was interested in her and she definitely got a firm answer.

“No, thanks. That’s it for now.” Holding her smile, she tucks her elbows ever so slightly to her sides and relaxed her arms on the countertop, propping her chest up just a bit so that her breasts are staring at him front and center.

“Sorry, your name?” he asks. “I’ll call you as soon as it’s done.”

He struggled to look straight at her. It was bad enough getting hard in front of a customer but this pretty girl next-door was exactly his type. Blonde, tall, and the average next-door girl type of cute. Her hair neatly tied up on a ponytail but jagged bangs lending an edge to her soft, angelic face. Her shy smile belied something naughty behind those soft, glossy lips, and her skin, fair and rosy pink made her deep hazel eyes stand out.

He lowered his gaze and noticed that her breasts resting on top of the counter. Bundled by the warmth of her sweater, but he can tell that they were just the right size. He tried his best but his eyes couldn’t help but trace the contour of her cleavage underneath the form fitting chunky wool that covered them.

But that wasn’t all. He knew that this girl took care of herself. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see her legs. Toned, and sleek. He shouldn’t have looked as it just made his cock jump up a bit more.

He was trapped. He closed his eyes and let the blood flow between his legs, making his cock harder and feeling the semen pooling at its tip.
“Call Me Mika” she says. She looks at his name badge, neatly placed on the pocket of his shirt. “Thanks again… Henry.”

“Sounds great Mika, I’ll get to it right away and call you back shortly”.

Mika smiled at him and Henry blushed. He breathed out a sigh of relief as he struggled to regain his composure.

She walked back to her seat with a pep in her step and watched Henry make her coffee. She always loved watching a man at work.

He always liked girls like Mika but he never tried to do anything. They were always either taken or uninterested in Asian men. He tried to pursue them in the past but it always ended up in heartbreak, embarrassment, or boredom – of him that is. So whenever he runs into someone like Mika, he tried his best to handle it the only way he knew how. Straight and professional. The only thing that betrayed how he felt was the way he breathed when someone like Mika smiles at him. It was a silent sigh that hinted a longing that would never be answered. And with that, Henry sighed as he remade her drink exactly as she told him.

“Mika!” he calls. “Your drink is ready!”.

Mika heads over to the counter, unsure if she should say something. She gently squeezed the napkin in her pocket where she scribbled her number. Lost in thought, she held out her hand but her grip was nowhere present.

Her beverage, hot and freshly made fell right through her fingers. It hit the countertop at the right angle and shattered in front of her like a liquid bowling ball. Her entire front had been doused. Her soft knit off white sweater was now a dripping brown-beige and the unmistakable lines of liquid traced her legging like small rivulets spreading from a vast lake.

Instinctively, she headed to the bathroom. Confusion slowly gave way to embarrassment as she headed towards the all gender restroom that was common in all of the cafes in this progressive city. She barely heard Henry’s attempts to repeatedly apologize as she shut the door behind her.

The knocks, reverberated shortly after.

“Mika, are you okay?! I’m so sorry. I’ve got some towels for you.” each word in his apology dripped with remorse.
Mika opened the door, and quickly took them. She squeezes her hand, wringing the napkin from the remains of her coffee. Just like the napkin, her hope of making an impression was doused in embarrassment.

“Umm, Henry, I need some more.”

“I’ve got some in the storeroom but am not sure, would you mind just coming with me”?

“Sure thing.”

They go to the storeroom and Henry scans the shelves for the towels. He breathes out a sigh. He can’t find them, but knows they’re here somewhere. He stops and thinks, it’s probably in the closet at the back.
“Hey, I think they’re in the back.”

“I’ll come with you.”
Henry strides quickly. He hastily checks the disorganized equipment lying on the shelves, frantically tying to locate the towels. Mika, glances to the side, letting out a deep sigh. Her heart starts to throb inside her chest. She eyes the sack of coffee on the floor.

That’ll do she thought.

“I’m so sorry, I swear they were here, is there anything else…” he turns around to see Mika pull her sweater off, her hair bouncing on her shoulders, and its tips sofly landing on the scalloped edges on the front of her bra.

Can you help me take these off? She asks.

Henry’s froze in shock. But only for a moment. Without thinking, he Took a step in her direction and placed his arms around her. He gently bundled her hair and pressed his face against hers. Their lips finally melting together like two clouds colliding into each other.

This can’t be real. I’m dreaming. He thought as he slowly brought his hands along the small of her back, feeling up the small of her spine until it found the back of her bra straps.

This wasn’t his first time, and he deftly unhooked the fasteners. Mika’s bra fell softly on the floor as he marveled at her breasts, gently resting on her chest. They were definitely happy to see him.

Mika couldn’t take it anymore. She grabbed his pants, and took them off with ease.

He grabbed her by the hips, tossed her onto the sack of coffee beans, and pulled her leggings down. She didn’t wear any panties.

Mika Dug her hands around his shoulders, feeling its smooth curvatures as she kissed him harder. Henry responded in kind. He grabbed her hips and lifted her from the sack. He took her legs and wrapped them around his waist. He wanted to feel her breasts against his chest. All the while, Mika felt Henry’s abs tighten as he carried her. He felt the musculature of his arms tense up as he held her weight. Her heart raced and her head felt light. The excitement and anticipation made her more wet and he can feel his dick hard and throbbing just underneath her belly button.

“Put it in me.” She gasped. “Please”.

Henry was beside himself. He was convinced that he was trapped in some lucid dream and that he would wake up lying alone on his bed, heart racing and the groin area of his sheets soaked in semen.

The only thing that was soaked was his cock as she pushed herself ever so slightly from his embrace. This was not a dream.He let out a low moan of pleasure as she lowered herself into him, the juices of her soft, warm inside coating him. He lifted her hips and let her down, establishing a rhythm, allowing her to feel him fully.

Henry always fantasized about pushing a girl down against the stack of coffee beans in the storeroom. He let out a small smirk as he ended up sitting down on the stack of sacks letting her take the lead. He wanted her to have control of him. Allowing her to go as fast or as slow as she wants. He lost track of time as she rode him. Their eyes locked together, lost in the maelstrom of each other.

He pushed himself up, putting his elbows and forearms behind him so that he was just a breaths reach from her. At this angle, he could see her breasts bouncing up and down as she straddled and rode him. He felt her insides tense up and Mika gasps started to quicken, the pitch of her gasps getting higher.

She couldn’t fight it any longer. Henry felt so good. The room started to smell like cinnamon and coffee. She started to undulate faster, getting swept away in the haze of friction, heat, and pressure she felt. She was going to lose it and wanted him to feel him come inside her. She started to shake and her thighs started to tighten around him. She felt her her scalp tingle as her pussy started to grip his stick.

It was too much. Her gasps, and moans started to transform into the sounds that unraveled him. Even with his eyes closed, he couldn’t stop himself release and empty himself inside her. Desperately, he tried to lift her hips so that his cum wouldn’t go inside her. He feels the air for just a moment before plunging it back. He felt her pussy swallow him whole, lost in the moist, softness that was Mika.

And in that moment, Henry let out a primal sound. Unable to stop, he let himself go, the tip of his penis pulsing as his hot, viscous cum shot out, coating Mika’s insides.

Like a boulder rolling from a cliff into the sea, the glass shattered into a million pieces.

They lay on the sack. She was still inside of him and he felt her cock slowly slip out. Both of her lips were still quivering as Henry’s juice slowly leaked out of her. They held each other in silence for the next few minutes as the sound of coffee and conversation drowned them out.

The roar of a speeding motorcycle wakes her up from her reverie. Mika finds herself staring at her cup, the milk cloud slowly settling into a rich deep brown, a touch lighter than penut butter. She shakes her head and blows the stray blonde hair grazing the side of her face as she relives the events of yesterday. Hands warm from the freshly made tea, she can feel her cheeks radiating, a little embarrassed about what transpired in her head when she realized one important thing.

She was sopping wet and it was certainly not from any spills.

She looks up and sees him starting at her, mouth slightly open.

She stares across the room and their eyes lock together – but only for a moment. She calmly stands up, takes her things and slowly walks to him unwilling to break eye contact.
