Unexpectedly Living Out a Fantasy on NYE [Group] [Long]

This ended up being a lot longer than I expected. I hope you take the time to appreciate the build up. I did mark where the sex starts. A quick overview of everyone involved, obviously names are changed, we are all in our mid twenties, 25-27:

I’m Adrian, an exceedingly average guy, just over six feet tall, 200 pounds, short brown hair, blue eyes, not out of shape but definitely not muscular either. Average length, just over 13 inches. Nah just kidding, I am just shy of 5.5 inches. At the time, I had not shaved my face for a couple of weeks so I had the beginnings of a solid beard.

My wife Meredith is naturally, the best looking of the group. Short (just short of five feet), straight brown hair, great curves with an incredible ass. Depending on the brand she is either a C or a D cup. All this with a cute face and nose makes me an incredibly lucky man.

Elle is fairly tall for a woman probably 5 foot 6 or 7. She has an active, outdoor job that keeps her in shape now and was a dancer for years giving her an athletic body. She has long brown hair that is kind of wavy and at least double D breasts.

Her fiancé Jon is a few inches shorter than me and probably weighs about the same or a little more. He is clean shaven with short brown hair. His length was a bit less than mine, probably almost exactly five inches but I did not measure.

Now, onto the actual story. Please cut me some slack this is my first time writing anything, let alone something like this and I am doing it as much for my own memory as for your reading pleasure.

I was pissed when my wife Meredith said that her best friend from school, Elle, wanted to come to our city with her fiancé so that we could go downtown to celebrate New Years. Being a holiday that I really don’t care about and being very introverted, the inconvenience of going around huge crowds for the night was not my idea of a good time. I don’t have any problem with Elle or Jon and have known them for a long time but would have preferred to just stay in and drink. Little did I know that the night would lead what I believed to be one of my most unattainable sexual fantasies, becoming a reality.

Eventually, the night comes around and Elle and Jon stop by our apartment before we head downtown. Elle gives me a hug to say hello, nothing out of the ordinary. We don’t live far from downtown and I wasn’t planning on having a good time (ie drinking much) so we have a couple of pregame drinks and then I drove us into the heart of the city and after a nightmarish time of parking we head to the first bar. A kind of cool place with old arcade games. It was a well known and popular spot so it was packed. As was the next place we tried. Nothing major really happened while we were out so I will skip ahead and say we were back at the apartment sometime before ten as we were all sick of the crowds.

The apartment complex in which I live has a central building with a nice hangout spot that has pool and ping pong. We decided to grab our drinks and head over there. It was late and a holiday so nobody else was using the space, nor was anyone in the small workout area below. At this point, nothing untoward has crossed my mind. The other three people in this story are all from a very conservative background. My wife became exponentially more sexual after we started fooling around when we were younger, but to my understanding, this had not happened to Elle or Jon.

After a couple of volleys on the ole pong table, Jon speaks up and says:

“How about we make this more interesting? Whenever a point is scored, whichever team did not score has to take a drink or complete a truth or dare. But you can’t choose drink or truth twice in a row.”

This had me shocked for a minute as Jon usually is the most shy and reserved person in any group, I guess that goes away when he starts drinking. Elle and I both kind of hesitate for a minute but then both say that we’re in. Meredith on the other hand is a lightweight when it comes to drinking and exceedingly shy. Eventually I tell her I’ll do any dares she doesn’t want to, and drink any drinks she doesn’t want. This gets her to, slightly begrudgingly, go along with it. I figured the dares would be pretty tame so really didn’t think much of it.

The first couple of volleys went as expected. None of us were too great at ping pong so they were over quickly and we had a couple drinks a piece, answered a couple of softball questions. Mostly about stories from the past, things we did in high school and college, Elle asked if I wear boxers or briefs, nothing too remarkable. Alcohol makes me much more confident and so when we won two points in a row they chose truth and I asked:

“What’s your favorite position?” Meredith playfully hit me. “I knew you would make this weird!”

Elle just laughed and said: “Doggy” without missing a beat. She never seemed to have a problem talking to me about things like this which I never understood given her kind of repressed past.

The dares were also simple, mostly involving taking different drinks, making Elle grab Meredith’s boobs (this played completely non sexually), someone was dared to eat something out of the common fridge downstairs, just little unremarkable dares that I have mostly forgotten.

We had been keeping track of the score this whole time and so I suggested that there be a consequence for losing the game overall (play to 21). After some discussion, we decided on having to take a 30 second cold shower in the locker room downstairs. We get back to the game. My wife is dared to flash me, so we then make Elle flash Jon. After this flashing, and with the shower hanging over everyone’s head, the feeling in the room kind of shifted, or maybe I was the only one thinking that. We played a few more points and they get another truth, I ask them both if they are clean shaven, genitally that is. One at a time they laugh and answer “No”.

As I said, we were all fairly bad at ping pong. However, Jon grew up with a table in his house and apparently used it from time to time. The final four points went very quickly to them meaning my wife and I lost. For the dare we just had to make out for fifteen seconds and the truth was to tell them if we ever use toys (we do). Now it was time to head downstairs for the shower. I grabbed a beer for myself to shotgun and a shot for my wife for liquid courage. I make sure the coast is clear and we head into the locker room. Once inside, we strip down to our underwear, with Elle and Jon watching, and stand in the shower before turning on the water.

“Ready?” I ask my wife, who proceeds to down her shot and says:

“Let’s get it over with.”

She undoes her bra facing away from the other two and drops her panties. She is fastidiously clean shaven but for now I’m the only one who gets to see that. Despite her shyness, it looks like she is still excited, her nipples are standing straight out and her pussy looks a little wet already. Meanwhile, I throw off my boxers, my erection standing at attention, turn on the cold water and pierce the beer with a bottle opener. As I’m chugging, the cold water helps my excitement calm a bit. Once I’m done the shotgun I look at Elle and see that she is looking right at me and my erection. Jon has his arm around her and is also smiling. Meredith turns around to see what is going on but continues to cover herself. With ten seconds left, Elle starts counting down. At five she grabs our clothes and moves them across the room.

Once she gets to zero I turn off the water and we do a walk of shame (pride?) across the locker room to get our clothes. Meredith kind of gives up covering herself and just tries to get dressed as quickly as possible. Once we are both dressed we look at the time, it is getting kind of close to midnight but since Meredith and I are sopping wet in already cold water we ask to stay in the common building a little longer to have a chance to dry. I then propose playing one more game of ping-pong

“Game to five, drink every lost point. Losers have to swap all their clothes for the walk back to the apartment.”

Jon says that works for him but Elle and Meredith protest quite a bit because they don’t want their clothes ruined. Eventually they say ok with the stipulation that:

“If your fat asses can’t easily fit into something then you just go without it.”

“Ok then, we all agree.” I say to the group.

We start playing, Meredith and I lose the first two points. Then suddenly we seem to flip a switch and come back for the fairly quick win. We high five then turn to Elle and Jon and say:

“Ok start changing.”

They look at each other, definitely hesitating and then simultaneously take off their shirts. Elle was wearing a plain black bra under her shirt. Then she reaches behind her, facing Jon, perpendicular to me, and undoes her bra, letting it fall down her arms and handing it to Jon. Her tits were perky with nipples standing out. As she put on Jon’s T-shirt they continue to stick out through the fabric. Next, she pulls down her leggings, revealing her lacy, though otherwise conservative, black panties and then goes over to help Jon with his belt, raising the tension just a bit more. She pulls down Jon’s pants, and then his boxers, he was also fully erect. Jon pulls Elle’s panties down but she uses his shirt to hide her pussy. I’m only able to get a quick glimpse and see that there is some hair but I can’t say for sure what it looks like before she has Jon’s boxers on. Jon decides to do her a favor and keeps her panties off but does pull her leggings on, they did not do much to hide his bulge. Now that they are fully dressed we head downstairs.

I again head out first and make sure that the way is clear and open the door to our apartment building to save time. I signal to the other three and they run across the road and into our building. Right as they get into the building, someone comes around the corner with their dog and gives us a sideways glance. We run up the stairs to our apartments where everything starts to heat up.

We get into the apartment and all break into laughter. Elle’s pants fall down as she laughs but she manages to grab the boxers before they also go.

“Ok let’s get the ball drop on, it’s happening soon.” Meredith says and then goes into the bedroom to change. I get the TV set up and then also head to the bedroom to change. As I open the door My wife’s amazing boobs are hanging out and she immediately gets shy and quickly puts on a white bra.

“Relax” I say “they’ve already seen us naked.”

“True” she responds “I still find it weird though.” And she laughs.

“I don’t” I say and strip naked with the door open.

I’m not sure if Elle and Jon were looking that way or not but I go to my dresser and grab dry boxers and gym clothes to put on. When we get to the living room, Jon and Elle have just finished getting their pants on and start trading shirts. I steal another glance at Elle’s boobs as she doesn’t really try to hide them.

The ball drops, we all cheers and then start to kiss our partners. During this prolonged kiss, my wife gropes me through my shorts and blood rushes into my dick. I grab her ass and boobs in return. When I opened my eyes I see that Jon and Elle are in a similar position. Soon enough, we all break our kisses. Meredith says to Jon and Elle:

“Ok I’ll get your bed ready.”

I pull out the bed from the sofa and Meredith puts on all the fixings. Once the bed is all made, we were just kind of sitting around talking and nursing our drinks. I was not ready for the night to be over. I had a feeling that we were on the very edge of the night being something that I always fantasized about without ever thinking could become a reality, it just needed one final push and I needed to figure out what that would be. If no one else was interested I suspected that they would have gone to sleep by now. Suddenly, the fog cleared from my mind and I had it. So I say to the group:

“I’m not ready for bed quite yet, who’s up for one more drinking game?” Once they had all said sure, I continued: “Ok, let’s play King’s Cup, regular rules with the addition of strip or dare. After we have finished what the card dictates, if it’s a red card you have to lose a piece of clothing, if it’s black then you have to complete a dare that comes from the person across from you.”

This time, there’s no hesitation, everyone says Ok almost immediately. So we put the King’s cup on the coffee table and all pour some of our drinks in. I shuffle the cards and splay them out on the bed that is now pulled out from the sofa.

To set the scene a little more, my wife and Elle are both in pajama pants and t shirts. Jon is in jeans and a t-shirt and I’m wearing gym shorts and a gym shirt. Everyone has underwear on and we establish that both girls are also wearing bras so Jon and I get to count our socks for stripping and the women do not.

“I’ll start” I say and draw my card, red ace.

So we do the waterfall and once the last person stops drinking I remove my socks. The next three cards were all red as well, both women took their shirts off and Jon also removed his socks. By this time, I don’t remember most of the specific cards that came up but I think for the most part I remember whether they were red or black. My next card was black so I get a dare. Elle dares me to motorboat my wife for five seconds. Done, no big deal. Meredith goes, red again, and loses her pajama pants. She is wearing simple, somewhat revealing purple and white, kind of tie dyed panties.

Elle’s turn she gets red again and also stands up to remove her pajama pants. Her black lace panties are now out again. Jon draws and gets black. Meredith thinks for a while on his dare and then says:

“Let Elle spank your bare ass three times.”

Jon kind of laughs, stands up, moons his fiancée and she spanks him, hard, three times. We all laugh pretty hard from the hand print they left. On my turn, I picked up a red card. I decided to be kind of funny so I, very uncoordinatedly, took off my boxers without taking off my shorts. Next, my wife draws a black card.

Jon looks at me and Elle and asks “Any suggestions or anything off limits? (He looks specifically at me as he says the second part)”

I respond: “whatever you want. Of course she can say no but that decision is hers.”

“Ok, well then kiss Elle for ten seconds.”

The two look at each other and then bring their lips together. As soon as they meet, they just stop, trying to make it as nonsexual as possible. Ten seconds later, they part. Next up, Elle loses her bra to a red card, leaving her with just her panties. After taking off her bra, she puts her hands over her tits and shakes them a bit, sarcastically, and then stops hiding them. Her nipples are clearly hard. Jon then also loses his top to a red card.

On my turn, I get a black card. Elle asks:

“Do you have whipped cream?” So I go to the fridge to check.

“You’re in luck, we do!” Elle starts laughing uncontrollably and through her laughs manages to get out:

“Spray it on your dick and have Meredith lick it off.” I was pretty excited somebody else was also pushing the envelope. I go back to the living room area, hand my wife the whipped cream, and pop my hard dick out of my shorts. She grabs it to hold it level and sprays the whipped cream on the top side. My wife then goes right into licking it off the top. Once that is clean she licks both sides and the bottom, and then puts it in her mouth as deep as she can to clean it off all the way. I really didn’t expect this and nearly busted right there.

She stood and gave me a devilish grin then proceeded to spray me in the face and chest with the whipped cream. We’re all laughing and having a great time. I say:

“Well I guess I’ll lose my shirt now since it needs to be cleaned.”

I take my shirt off and go throw it in the wash. When I get back to the circle, everyone is still laughing. I give Meredith a quick kiss and tell her that it’s her turn.

She gets another red card and looks embarrassed before we’ve even finished “busting a rhyme” like the card dictates. Once we’re done and whoever had drank, she grabs a pillow, puts it in front of her and takes her bra off without exposing anything. Elle makes a joking effort to grab the pillow but Meredith doesn’t let her.

Next up, I specifically remember what card was drawn by Elle. She drew a black jack, which meant it was a “Never have I ever” round. While I don’t remember any of the other statements that were made, I do clearly remember Elle leading off with:

“Never have I ever masturbated.” All the rest of us put a finger down. After we had gone through the round, I lost (won?) and had to drink but now I had to assign Elle’s dare.

“Just because of what you said before, I dare you to masturbate for one minute. Time starts when you do.”

She looked around at Meredith and Jon who both just kind of shrugged and laughed. Elle rolled her eyes a bit and put her hand under her panties while sitting cross legged. I don’t know if everyone else was staring but I know I was. I was definitely too drunk not to; I love watching my wife do this, so to see someone else doing it was an unexpected treat. Elle started off really tense as her hand slowly moved around under her panties. As time began to tick by, she sped up, her face became more red, her eyes closed, her legs opened up just a bit. Then, just as quick as it started, the minute was up.

“Ok moving on, your turn Jon” Elle said. Meredith was looking at Jon to take his turn soo grabbed the pillow from in front of her.

“Ow, my nipple!” She yelled at me and laughed as she grabbed her tit.

“Sorry” I said through chuckles, “I just figured that after Elle did that you could lose the pillow.”

“Fine” she sighed.

On Jon’s turn, he got another black card. My wife leans over to Elle and whispers something in her ear. Elle starts giggling (in case you can’t guess, she’s a giggly drunk), grabs the whipped cream, sprays it all over her tits, and Meredith (also now laughing uproariously), tells Jon to lick up all the whipped cream. Elle puffs out her chest and without hesitating he dives right in. He spends a good amount of time licking her nipples but does clean up all of the whipped cream.

For my turn, I got another black card. I was dared to streak to the end of the hall and back. I initially didn’t like this idea, not wanting to lose my apartment and all, but then it hit me. Our apartment is already at one end of the hall. So I get up, drop my shorts confidently and go to the door. I peak my head out to make sure the coast is clear, then step out. I step like I’m gonna run to the far end but instead turn and run the five or so feet to the near wall, touch the wall and run back to the room. At the door, I slip past the girls, hitting my erection against one or both of them. Once inside I start laughing and say:

“You never said which end of the hall”

“I think you know which end I meant” she laughs.

At this point I still haven’t put my shorts back on and am using my hands to hide my junk. In hindsight this was kind of pointless but at the time I know I did it. Meredith (who just enjoys seeing me embarrassed) and Elle are both saying that I can’t have my shorts back until I go all the way to the correct end of the hall. I say that I’m not willing to do that because I don’t want to get kicked out of the apartment. The women discuss it and decide:

“Fine, you don’t have to but you aren’t getting your shorts back. You have to stay naked.”

“Fair enough” I agree.

So we return to the circle, I’m naked, Meredith and Elle are in just their panties, and Jon has his pants and boxers on. It’s my wife’s turn now, she draws a black card. Jon seems unsure of what to tell her to do but eventually settles on:

“Turn around and have Elle spank YOUR ass three times.”

They both start laughing again as Meredith hesitantly turns around. She stays on all four fours with her ass in the air on display. It looked amazing so I pinched her ass before Elle started smacking it. Three solid smacks later and my wife looks a little flushed as she returns to the circle I know she likes being spanked so I’m not surprised that this got her kind of worked up. It’s at this point that I notice little wet spots on both my wife’s and Elle’s panties.

On Elle’s turn, she got a red card and so would be joining me naked. She stands up and, actively avoiding looking at everyone, quickly pulls her panties down. This time I am able to see her black bush is trimmed into a triangle, the point going towards her pussy. She is also definitely wet. She sits back down cross legged but puts her hands between her legs to cover herself.

Jon’s turn and he gets a red card. He stands up to remove his pants, and again Elle reaches over, undoes his belt, button, and zipper for him before he can even try to do it himself, and pulls them down. We all kind of laugh at this because Jon is surprised when she does it. Before I take my turn it occurs to me that I’m already naked, so I ask:

“If it’s a red card, what do I do? Do I get to choose someone else to strip or do I just treat it as dare?”

“Oh it’s definitely a dare” the group decides quickly. So I draw, and get black. Elle thinks for a second and says:

“It’s your turn now. Jerk off for a minute.”

“Alright” I say.

Then I slowly put my hand around my dick without looking at other people. This is definitely the first time doing this in front of anyone other than my wife so it takes some getting used to. It was exhilarating. As I stroked, I looked over at Elle, she is transfixed on my dick. She still has her hand between her legs but is definitely not moving them. My wife on the other hand seems to be very subtly moving one finger gently on her clit over her underwear.

Seeing this, I start to get really excited but then realize that I might be going a little too aggressively so I start backing off and go a little slower. I’m also avoiding looking to Jon on my right the whole time. Soon after, Elle tells me that the time is up.

“Good job” she says. “Thanks” I say and chuckle.

Up next, my wife gets a red.

“Oh nooooo” she cries out (not really a yell I just can’t find a good verb.)

She puts her head into her hands for a second. Then, Without getting up, and without picking up her head, she drops her hands to her waist, puts her thumbs in her waistband, and quickly slides her panties under her ass, over her knees and kicks them off, immediately closing her legs again. She buries her head in a hand again and doesn’t look up as Elle begins her turn.

She gets a red card. “So it’s a dare right?”

“That’s right. So I will say, 69.” Elle looks at me surprised.

“I’m not doing that with you!” She exclaims.

“Not with me, obviously I mean with Jon.” I respond immediately.

“Oh,” she says, and looks at Jon.

Neither of them says anything or really makes any indication that I remember. But then after looking at each other for a couple of seconds Elle gets up and signals Jon to stand up as well.


Jon gets up, Elle reaches over and puts her hands on his boxers. She says:

“Sorry, I guess you’ll be losing these a little early.” And proceeds to pull them down. His dick springs out.

“Ok, now lay down so we can do this dare.”

Jon lays down, his dick standing straight up in the air. Elle puts her feet on either side of her face and slowly lowers herself onto his face. They’re kind of diagonal to me so I am able to see that he starts licking her pussy once she is close enough. Once Elle leans forward to put his dick in her mouth I’m not able to see what he’s doing any longer. However, I am able to clear see Elle grab his dick and start sucking on the tip. She slowly puts more in her mouth turning her head as she goes down. She comes back up and starts picking up speed.

As they are going at it, I slowly move a bit closer to Meredith and put my hand between her legs. Initially, she tenses up until I find her clit. She is definitely wet but not soaked.

“Should we join them?” I inquire, loud enough that I’m sure Elle and Jon heard.

Elle stops sucking for a second, uses just her hand and looks over at us and then goes back at it, taking the full length.

“I don’t know.” Meredith responds sheepishly.

“C’mon, it’s the least we can do since they’re giving us a show is give them one in return.”

My wife loves to 69 so I was not all that surprised when she begrudgingly agreed. I lay down to let her get over me. For visualization, we’re on the opposite end of the bed from Elle and Jon, so not within arms reach. Meredith crawls over to me and starts by kissing me. My dick is really close to her pussy but it’s not time to fuck yet. Then she turns her body around and puts her pussy in my face. She puts my dick in her mouth and it feels amazing. I dive right into her pussy, wasting no time teasing her because of how wet she already is.

While I am eating her out, I start my mind starts to race wondering how far this is going to go. Meredith and I have never really discussed anything like this because I never thought it would be possible. I’m fairly certain that I’m the only one who’s ever thought about this situation so should I ask if we should establish the rules? But then I think that might kill the mood, so instead I decide that I will definitely not be the one to initiate swapping of any kind and will just make sure my wife is absolutely ok with anything I try to do with her.

As I finish thinking through this, way wife stops sucking my dick, she keeps her hand on it and jerks it a little bit. When we’re in 69 and she stops, it’s usually because she is about to cum. So I pick up the pace, moving my tongue to cover as much area as I can before focusing back in on her clit. After a few seconds of this, she starts to shudder and twitch, so I know it’s working. I keep going after her clit and she keeps tensing up and shuddering until she really starts shaking and then uses her thighs to keep me from reaching her clit anymore because she’s too sensitive. She slides off to one side and I pinch her ass. I look at her and ask:

“Can I get behind you?”

She doesn’t respond but gets on all fours, facing Elle and Jon. They seem to have taken a break from oral and are kind of lazily using their hands on each other now. I get up and kneel behind my wife. I line my dick up with her and slide it up and down her slit a couple of times before lining up with her pussy. I make eye contact with Elle as I slowly push inside Meredith, my wife lets out a moan. I start off slow and after a few thrusts I see that Elle is moving around, so I maintain my speed and watch as they get situated, my wife keeps making regular moans.

Elle turns around and moves down to align her pussy with Jon’s dick. She faces him as she slowly takes him inside of her and she also lets out a moan. She begins going up and down, Jon keeps his hands on her waist and she fondles her tits. I reach down and pinch Meredith’s nipple with one hand, keeping the other on her hip. As I watch them start to speed up I do as well.

Elle leans forward putting her hands on Jon’s chest and they bring their heads together to kiss. I keep pounding my wife as I hear her say:

“You’re gonna make me cum again.”

Obviously I don’t slow down when she says this. Elle leans back again giving a great view of her tits as well as allowing me to fully see Jon inside of her. She starts really bouncing hard and quivering. I think she came during this time but I can’t say for sure. Meanwhile, before I know it my wife is shaking uncontrollably and moving away from me because her pussy gets really sensitive when she cums. She rolls onto her side.

I give her a second as we both kind of watch Elle and Jon. Elle is still on top and they have slowed down a bit and are doing long, slow thrusts. It is clear that Elle is soaked and it is all over Jon’s dick. I reach over and help Meredith finish rolling over so that she is laying on her back. Then I get on top of her and line myself up to get back inside of her. I push in and slide in easily at this point. After just a couple of deep, slow thrusts, Elle lays down next to Meredith facing the other direction on her back. Jon climbs on top and starts pounding feverishly. It looks like he is trying to cum so I decide that I should probably do what I need to in order to get there as well. My wife is also looking like she is getting tired so I figure that it is about time.

For me to cum I find it helpful to not go very fast and instead focus on using the whole length of my dick. So this is what I do, I go out so just the tip remains inside my wife then deliberately go all the way back in as deep as I can. I grab her legs and put them on my shoulders so I can go deeper. Jon is pushing down Elle’s legs to put her in more of a split. This gives me a great view of her pussy and I can’t help but stare as she and Jon fuck.

I can clearly hear that both women are drenched, it’s an incredible sound. They’re laying next to each other on the bed but are not touching each other at all. Rather they both are running their hands over themselves and holding Jon or myself. Meredith squeezed her tits and pinched her nipples. Elle ran her hands through her bush, rubbed herself and bit and ran her hands up Jon’s torso.

I hear Jon start to breath heavier and pick up his pace. After a few seconds of this he lets out a groan, pulls out, and shoots his load onto Elle. There is a small amount that shoots all the way up to her tits and then rest is on her lower stomach and bush. The two kiss and then collapse onto the bed. They turn and start watching us directly. I start picking up the pace. Between their watching, my wife’s clear enjoyment, and her sounds of pleasure I can’t hold back any more. I grab my wife’s tit, push inside as far as I can and unload. At the same time my wife also starts to cum (she often does when I finish inside of her). I collapse on top of her and give her a kiss. Then we both roll over and look at Elle and Jon.

“So that was fun.” I say and we all chuckle. “I’m ready for bed now though.”

Everyone agrees and Meredith and I head to our bedroom and collapse into bed, still naked. I sleep great. In the morning, I’m the first one up and get dressed to go out and make breakfast. When I go out I see that Elle is still completely naked and asleep. I appreciate the view for a little while, making sure I have the image saved in my memory while not drunk, before starting the food. When she wakes up she says good morning, and walks to the bathroom still nude before she comes back and gets dressed. This ending the greatest sexual experience of my life…so far (hopefully).

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ementa/unexpectedly_living_out_a_fantasy_on_nye_group


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