My old roommate/best friend [M] wanted me so bad, is it bad that the best sex of my life was when I fucked his big dicked friend while he listened through the wall? [MF][M]

Ok so to set up my name is Anne, this story is about 5 years old, I was 27 at the time.

When I was 26 I got an offer for a new job that was a great opportunity that I couldn’t pass up, but I’d have to move from my hometown where I’d lived up until then, to a bigger city where I knew no one within like 500 miles. I didn’t have much money saved so I knew I’d need a roommate, and ended up finding one on a Facebook group for people like me who didn’t know anyone and needed a roommate. That’s where Jake comes in.

Jake was in a similar spot to me. He was 29, also moving from far away, and also knew no one. He was a nice, funny, normal guy, and we became best friends very quickly, since we got along and bonded over no having anyone else to hang out with ?

My first impression of him was that he was basically the kind of guy I’d recommend to a friend to date: total sweetheart, funny, a good time, and he was honestly pretty cute. It surprised me when, after a while of living together, I realized that he didn’t really mess around with girls much. By 3 or 4 months in, he hadn’t had a single girl over, and as far as I know he didn’t go on dates or anything. I’m pretty sure he was just too shy most of the time.

I was pretty wild at that time though. I was bringing back guys often. I always had fun talking about the guys with him the next day, rating them or how their dick game was or whatever. I didn’t really have any girlfriends those first few months so it was nice and kinda replaced the girl talk I used to have back in college with my friends about guys.

I never thought he’d be upset or jealous or anything. I knew he’d probably have fucked me if he had the chance cause he’s a guy and I’m a human woman and that’s pretty much all it takes I’m pretty sure ? and also because he’d told me he was an ass man and I have a big butt. I also did notice that when I’d be getting fucked loud, I’d sometimes hear the music or TV sound in his room go quiet, so I know he liked to listen sometimes, which kinda turned me on. This led to me kinda teasing him more, going more into details with my sex stories, and being louder when I’d hook up and he was home. It was funny seeing him squirm and try to play it cool ?

We both worked at jobs with a lot of people in their 20s, so we both made friends pretty quick through work. He became especially good friends with a guy named Aaron. Aaron was 28. He was overall honestly pretty average looking, but he was like 6’4” (that’s a guess) and had nice shoulders, which is always the first thing I look at, so I was pretty into him. He also had this cocky kind of attitude to him that turned me on for some reason.

Well one Friday night he was at our place just hanging out with Jake. They were playing video games out in the living room and I was being antisocial in my room and barely saw them all night. I ended up going to sleep at like 9 (I know, I’m lame, lol.)

A few hours pass and I wake up with a dry mouth. I looked at my phone and it was 1 am. I got up to go grab a water bottle from the kitchen.

I should mention that my sleeping clothes are not sexy, at all. I sleep in basketball shorts, they’re loose and go down past my knees, but whatever they’re comfortable.

Anyways it’s dark and I go to open the fridge to pull out the water, and while I’m in there, I heard a voice behind me

“The hell are you wearing?” it was Aaron, laying on the couch (The kitchen and living room in our place was just one big room.) I jumped since I did not know he was there. When I turned around he was laughing

“Jesus sorry I didn’t know you were sleeping here” I said, trying to play it off

“It’s all good” he laughed “I just didn’t recognize you at first” he teased me, sitting upright on the couch.

“Oh shut up” I said, jokingly. I grabbed a second water bottle and asked, “You thirsty?”

“Yeah thanks” he said, standing up from the couch. He was wearing greg sweatpants, and I could see that he was like half hard, and I could see the full outline. He must have caught me staring, though.

“Oh, you can just stare at that but I have to see you wearing those?” he nodded towards my shorts, laughing.

I rolled my eyes “Oh please” i said, “you wish”

“Oh you weren’t looking huh?” he said sarcastically, “look me in the eyes and tell me for real, that you weren’t staring”

I cracked a smile, I’m not a good liar and never have been. I glanced down again, it really was a big cock, even only half hard.

“Maybe I was” I said “so what?”

He smiled and walked closer, until we were face to face, as close as we possibly could have been without touching

“You like it already” he said, staring straight into my eyes. “It gets a lot better than this thought. I just need a little help”

He didn’t move at all, just stood right there, staring straight into my eyes. It’s hard to explain why it was so hot, but it was. I kept eye contact with him and slowly put my hand on his cock. I felt it get harder in a second. I smiled at him. I started lightly running my hand up and down his cock. He kissed me, lightly at first, but it turned into a sloppy makeout, with him groping me all over, and me grabbing the waistband of his sweatpants trying to get them off

I was able to pull away long enough to bend over and pull down his sweatpants, making his cock spring up. It was massive, one of the biggest I’ve seen. I took a step back and just stared at it.

“Fuck…” I said under my breath, biting my lip.

“Yeah?” he said with a smile

“It’s so thick” I told him “it’s.. perfect” I trailed off. I’ll admit I was playing it up for him but it really was thick.

“I know it is” he said. There’s that cocky attitude. “You were pretty rude earlier though.. not sure you deserve it” he said with a smile

“I’m sorry” I said “I just really want to suck it”

“I think you need to speak up and ask nicely” he said

“Aaron, please let me suck your cock.” I begged, loudly. “I need it”

“Strip” he said.

At this moment though, I looked over and saw that Jake’s bedroom door was cracked open. I was sure it was fully closed earlier. It was too dark to see in there, but he *had* to be peeking. I decided to tease him more.

“Anything for you” I said, turning to Aaron. I walked over to the wall between our two bedrooms in the living room, which was the only spot in the room Jake wouldn’t be able to see from his door. I slowly stripped off the t shirt, shorts, and panties I had on, purposely tossing the panties directly in front of Jakes door.

“Fuck..” Aaron whispered, basically the same as I had earlier. I turned and walked into my room, with him following me. I closed the door, got on my knees and starting sucking his cock.

I gave him the loudest blow job I possibly could, and then we fucked for like 20 minutes, with me moaning, begging, and just all around putting on a show the whole time. The thought of Jake on the other side of the wall listening to it all go down was so hot to me. We finished and collapsed into bed, and then alternated between sleeping, cuddling, and fucking a few more times throughout the night.

The next morning Aaron got up and left pretty early, luckily. When I finally got out of bed and went into the living room, Jake was there on the couch. I sat next to him

“Are you mad?” I just asked straight up

“What? No, why would I be?” he asked

“Well obviously you know what happened last night..” I trailed off

“It’s fine” he said “Just sucks I’m probably gonna get make fun of at work now”

“Why?” I asked

“Well they all know you have me in the friend zone” he said, kind of mumbling near the end

“Jake..” I started before he cut me off

”I’m glad we’re friends” he said “I just can’t get you out of my mind. I keep thinking maybe some day, when we’re not room mates, maybe..”

“Oh Jake..” I felt bad now. I didn’t want to be mean but I couldn’t get his hopes up. “No.. I care a lot about you but I just can’t see us that way, ever. I’m sorry. I can stop talking to Aaron and tone it down with the other guys I bring here. I didn’t know you felt this way.”

“No.. no I can’t hold you back” he said. “I’ll be fine.”

At that point we sat in silence for a while, neither of us sure what to say, until he broke the silence.

“I just can’t believe it really was as big as he always said it was.” he said, half laughing

“You looked out that crack in your door, didn’t you” I said, laughing with him

“I knew you noticed” he said, looking embarrassed. “I could tell when you went out of sight just before I got to see you naked”

“So sneaky” I lightly smacked his arm, laughing. “I did notice, and yes my body is for Aaron’s eyes only” I joked

“Well, him and every other guy you bring here” he pointed out, “It’s not exactly hard to get you naked.”

“Says the one guy who can’t” I said to him with a smile. As soon as I said it, it felt a little mean, but luckily he laughed.

From that morning on, things were a little different between us. Sex kind of became an unspoken topic. I never talked about hookups with him anymore, and he didn’t ask, even though I was still bringing guys over all the time and we both knew he was listening and probably jerking off to it.

I did keep hooking up with Aaron, though, and usually at our place too. It was a real thrill for some reason, fucking Jakes friend. Knowing it made him so jealous.

I also started to realize he would pretty much do what I asked most of the time at this point, which I tried not to take too much advantage of. I know i’m probably a horrible person for this, but it would turn me on like crazy when I’d call him in the morning to pick me up from a guy’s house I had hooked up with, or when he’d give me a ride to a booty call at night.

What happened a few months after the first night with Aaron was actually much, much hotter but actually left me feeling kinda guilty for Jake. Worth it though. That story will be another post probably tomorrow or something, I’ve written so much here already, lol.



  1. He is most likely enjoying being bossed around. I know it would turn me on if i took you to a booty call

  2. I aspire to be Aaron when I grow up. I’m 19. I want to be dominator, not the cuck. I feel really bad for Jake, he’s not only friendzoned, he’s also gotta hear her fuck other dudes.

    Feels bad.

    Not gonna lie, if I was Jake, I would have already moved out and started to hit the gym really hard so one day I could be that Aaron to another girl.

    I understand what you mean though, OP. The feeling of victory and cruel flaunting of your sexuality is quite satisfying, I can imagine. I don’t hold anything against you, I would probably do the same if I was a girl. See what I could get away with.

    But damn, poor Jake. ?

  3. Honestly this is pretty mean
    All you talked about in this post is tormenting this guy because it boosed your fucking Ego….

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