[MF] Dated a 23 year old virgin

For part of senior year of college I casually dated a 23 year old graduate student I’ll call “R”. It was her first year at my school and we were introduced through girls she met on a sports team she joined. She was kinda cute, wore glasses, short and a little chunky but athletic, huge tits. Dirty blonde hair she usually wore in a tight pony tail. Very smart. So….23 yo virgin. Her deal was, she wasn’t religious but she was freaked out by the prospect of an STD. She was going to wait for sex until marriage. We had one conversation early on about safe-sex, condoms, testing – she understood all that and still her mind was made up. Did not try to change it for her (would not have stopped her though!) Overall she was mostly (usually) a prude about sex in general which didn’t exactly match up well with a sex-obsessed pervert. Didn’t like to talk or joke about it even really. Said she had had a long-term boyfriend at one point who got tired of waiting (can’t really blame him). She had her good qualities but she turned out to be really selfish in the bedroom. And what little she did seemed like a chore to her. I respect someone not doing things they’re uncomfortable with, but I can also recognize someone who doesn’t give a fuck about their partners needs.

We didn’t see each other all that often, she was very committed to her graduate studies. Mostly weekends only, we did couply stuff like meals, movie theater, blockbuster video LOL. R wasn’t always very affectionate and not into PDA but we had our intimate moments. She was certainly into having HER body taken care of, kissed and caressed and poked and prodded. Since her pussy was cock-free, she seemed to like my fingers up there and came rather easily. Did not want me going down on her save for a few times she was drunk. When it came to returning the favor, she seemed to barely understand the concept. First few times together I got blue balls, then she found it in her heart to start jerking me off. Did I mention she was so grossed out by cum she did not want to use tissues and insisted on using an old shirt to make sure nothing got on her hands. A blowjob discussion came up at some point and she told me she had done it before and would when she was ready. Sigh. At this point you may be thinking many different things along the lines of why did I see her then if I was not cool with this, what a pussy/loser I am, what a complaining bitch etc. All fair. I could have moved on sooner no one was forcing me. TBH she was usually decent company, mostly good conversation – much smarter than the average girl at my school. This was not Harvard or Princeton LOL. Sometimes she got on my nerves. We would have probably made better platonic friends. In all of this, there were a few moments I think are interesting and worth relating.

One time fairly early on I was with her in her dorm room one evening. Yes, as a graduate student she lived on campus for some reason. This was not a suite style just a single room she shared with a roommate. We were hooking up on her bed, just kissing, fully clothed when roommate walks in. She was a foreign exchange student, all business, and she was aggravated I was there. She says to us I am going to sleep soon. I say no problem I’ll be leaving shortly, it was a rare school night we were hanging out. So I get off Rs bed and start to pull her comforter out from under her, she is looking at me like what am I doing. I cover her with it and sit back down on the edge of the bed. I say let me give you a quick massage before I go. With my right hand I start giving her a neck and shoulder massage. With my left hand, I unbutton her jeans and zip them down under the covers. R stares into my eyes and I’m fairly certain she is going to tell me to stop but lo and behold she doesn’t. Her roommate is at her desk on her side of the room checking emails. Her jeans are tight and I don’t have a lot of room to work but I have just enough to slide my middle finger in through the edge of her underwear and bury it. She starts breathing slow and heavy and continues to stare deep into my eyes. I’m still rubbing her shoulder and neck, meanwhile my other hand is twisting in and out as much as I can. After a rather short time she groans quietly, she’s got almost a pained look on her face and grabs my hand under the covers hard with her nails. She makes this noise that’s almost like a shout but with her mouth closed and she starts to shake softly as she orgasms. I gently remove my finger and hand and notice she’s broken the skin. Her roommate is oblivious or pretends not to notice and is now laying on her own bed. R’s lies there for a moment to calm down and I can hear her quietly zip up her pants. We get out of bed for her to walk me out, she whispers in my ear that was sooooooooooooooooooo good, I wish my roommate wasn’t here. You and me both I think to myself!

Then this came out of left field. Winter break arrived and we were both home for 3 weeks. Emailed sporadically over that time. I wasn’t even sure we would resume seeing each other. When I got back to campus I didn’t call right away. A few days later I was on campus in the evening for some reason and near her dorm. I dialed her buildings intercom and she was home. I asked if I should come up and say hello, she says yes and buzzes me in. She greets me with a smile and kiss at her door. Her roommate wasn’t there and I guess not coming any time soon. She closes and locks the door, then without saying a word walks over to her bed, faces away from me and pulls her yoga pants and underwear down to her ankles. Leans over her bed resting her head near the wall and pulls her cheeks apart. She does have a nice plump ass and cute asshole. I run over lickety split and kneel down to get a good look. She is a very clean girl, always smells nice, pussy lips are is a little beefy. I lean in and take a quick lick but I know what’s coming. Stop she says to that. What she wants is my fingers up her pussy so she can get off. I am happy to take care of her. I put some spit on my fingers and get right to work, first with one finger and eventually two. I’m kneeling and its a downward motion, digging in deep like for buried treasure. She is loving it and shaking her ass slightly side to side, and she cums in maybe 2 minutes letting out a moan and drenching my fingers. I leave them in there for a bit and slowly slide out. I push R on her bed and she’s giggling and all happy now. I sit down, unzip and pull my pants and underwear down to my ankles. If I waited for her to do it I’d still be waiting. She comes over and starts making out with me while she tugs on my cock. Eventually I lay back. I ask her how about that thing we talked about before (me getting my fucking dick sucked!!!!!!!) and she says “not now but soon, I promise”. Regardless I’m pretty revved up by what happened so this time she jerks me off pretty quickly. I’m quite sure she was happy about that. And not happy to admit this part but….she has nothing in her room she deems suitable for a cumrag, so we use tissues, and I have to hold them and catch my own fucking jizz! No one’s got a gun to my head but what the fuck! And when it’s clear I’m about to blow, at the very end, she tilts my joint towards me slightly, so just in case there is an unexpected Peter North moment it won’t touch her. When I’ve thrown out the jizz filled tissues I sit down and tell her that was unexpected. She smiles and says yeah it had been a while. I guess her pussy was backed up or whatever the equivalent is.

Now for the final (and perhaps saddest) story. We have plans to go to the movies on a Friday evening. My roommate is gone for the weekend. I don’t remember the exact circumstances but due to some kind of timing she is going to shower and change at my apartment for the first time. Now being a sick pervert, I am definitely going to do something while she is showering. But joining her in a hot shower for 2 I don’t picture her being up for that at all. So I will do something, but I don’t know what. R comes over, borrows a clean towel and heads into the bathroom with her bag of clothes and whatever. The bathroom is sink/vanity/mirror, next to it toilet, and past that the bathtub and shower. I wait about a minute and go in after her. Shes completely undressed but hasn’t gone in the shower yet. She turns around shocked and I grab her and kiss her. I’m half expecting her to be mad but she is into it. For some reason I decide to lift her up and place her onto the sink counter, so her ass is partially in the sink. When I do this the toiletries and shit we have along the back and edge of the sink crash down on the floor and make a ton of noise. This surprising display of passion ignites her and she kisses me back harder than ever. I take a boob in each hand and pinch and rub her nips. After a minute or two of this I pull her down and move her towards the bathtub and spin her to face me. I kneel down in front of her, my face close to her twat and she puts her hand to block me because she thinks I’m going to try eat her out. Instead, I grab her by the ankle and lift her right leg onto the top of the toilet seat. There is enough of the wall sticking out she can lean against so she won’t fall into the bathtub. She looks down at me with a a look of bewilderment. I swear to you I make a fist, extend my index finger and ferociously shove it straight up her cunt! “UGH” she lets out a loud grunt. It is in as far as it can go and I am still applying pressure. After a few seconds I pull it just out to the opening and right back up. Another grunt even louder. Repeat another 5 or 6 times and she screams aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at the top of her lungs, her legs are shaking and she’s almost losing her balance. Three more timed thusts while she’s coming and then I pull my digits out for good. I get up and grab her waist with both hands. Her face is red and she’s breathing heavy but it starts to normalize. She says “whew” and starts giggling. Tells me I am crazy and plants a few tender kisses on me then hugs me. After a minute I say do you want me to leave you alone to shower now and she says yes. I leave and wash my hands in the kitchen sink LOL. After her shower she comes out of the bathroom fully clothed and almost ready to go out. But she is still very hot and bothered. I am watching TV in on living room couch and she climbs on top of me nibbling and biting my ear, kissing my neck, my lips etc. Like the stud that I actually am not, I tell her you better not get me started or you’re going to need another shower. She tells me that was so hot, and I said ahh you liked that spontaneous shit huh and she says yep. I say we gotta go let’s resume this later. We actually had to go soon to see the movie I had already paid for through Moviefone or some shit LOL. She says something like it will be soooooo good for you later. Trust me if I was actually getting laid I would have skipped the movie or been late. She goes into the bathroom to finish getting ready and we head out.

We get back to my apartment after the movie and a bite to eat. For her, she’s been a lot more affectionate than usual. I am looking forward to what’s to come. At some point we head to the bedroom and we start to do our thing. Our clothes are off and she’s into everything, I even ate her pussy for a bit while she laid on her back. Next I am on my back, she’s rubbing my chest with one hand and jerking my cock with the other. Finally she decides it’s time for her to grace me with a blowjob. She scoots to the foot of the bed, turns to face me, and first issues a warning: “Do not….you know…” I say sure and she gets to work. And I gotta say, not half bad! I look up at her and her eyes are closed. I’m very average size and she is able to take almost all of it in and out, at a nice slow pace. She pauses several times to lick my balls and as she strokes the head with her hand. She’s doin fine and I am feeling swell. I do not tell her that I have never yet cum from a blowjob, because she doesn’t need any more excuses NOT to do it. She keeps going for a few minutes and I am getting into it, letting her know how good it feels, etc. She must have assumed I was close because she stops the blowjob and says can you please go get something – aka a cumrag to use for the mess that may eventually come. I hop off the bed but it’s pitch black in the room. I stumble around a bit and open my dresser drawer to look for something. But I want to make sure of what it is I’m about to jizz into. So I grab like 3 items in the dark and run to the bathroom and flick on the light. One of them is a sufficient choice. I hop back into bed and lay on my back again, expecting the cock sucking to promptly resume. I’ve been gone maybe a minute or two. I swear to god I cannot make this up…..She lays her head down next to me and says “I’m sorry…..the mood has kind of passed.” “NOT FOR ME IT HASN’T!!!!” I don’t say LOL. I think you can imagine how fucking disappointed I was and frankly disgusted. She was not too tired, she wasn’t feeling unwell, no headache, she just couldn’t be bothered to resume and did not GAF. I said it’s fine and just laid there with her for a bit. She told me a few times she was sorry and I said it was ok. I feel like in this situation there was no scenario in which me complaining or fighting leads to anything positive. So I kept quiet. But I realized then that was probably a wrap. We watched some TV for a bit and went to sleep and she left first thing in the morning.

In case anyone is curious, the breakup (if you can call it that) went like this. After this disappointing encounter I decided not to call her for a while and see what she did. I was always the one calling, making plans, etc. I can’t recall her ever calling me unless it was to return one of mine. So for the next 2 or maybe even 3 weeks I didn’t call her or run into her and as expected she didn’t call me. Then I saw her at the bar on the weekend and smiled a greeting but didn’t go over to talk. A little while later she comes over, she’s pissed and says you haven’t called me. And I say yeah, you haven’t called me either. There’s uncomfortable silence and I obnoxiously say why did you want to make plans with me? You have a phone. She storms off and we don’t speak again that night. I think the next evening one of the girls on her sports team comes over at the same bar (she’s not there) to do recon. She asks me what happened with me and R and I say nothing really we just didn’t seem be on the same wavelength some bullshit like that. Then the girl asks me “is this because R would not sleep with you.” Now I consider myself an extremely honest and forthcoming person but even I am not stupid enough to answer this question the wrong way. So I say no. Technically, that is not the ONLY reason LOL so I am not really lying. So the rest of the school year the two of us don’t speak other than polite greeting. By then I am starting to see a few other girls. I graduate and she still has 1 year of grad school left. All of a sudden in the fall she starts e-mailing me how weird it is to be back at school without me being on campus, how she hopes I’m settling in, how’s my career going etc. Am I coming up to visit, will she see me. I ignored them and then she started sending me IM’s through AOL Instant Messenger and I blocked her LOL! A friend who graduated with me saw her while visiting and she was asking about me, how I was doing, when was I visiting etc. I did visit once or twice that year but I never saw her again. Sometimes I wonder if she actually wound up waiting till marriage, or if she got married at all, if maybe she’s now a 44 year old virgin.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/em5mqk/mf_dated_a_23_year_old_virgin