[FM] Boyfriend’s father after Breakup

This was quite an undiscussable topic the past few years but ever since it got aired out and all it I thought it might make good gws material.

This happened a few years back with an ex of mine who I dated for almost a year. I was just starting to do some interesting things on reddit back then under another alias and that was my business until he found out about me sharing sexy pictures online. Worse was I was sending them to a “master” for approval at the time because it was new and fun and harmless.

I never showed my face nor said I love you or anything of that nature. It was just a online kink of mine that was just blossoming at the time. I wasn’t in love of flirting, I was obeying and helping his sub grow with certain kinds of bdsm photos him and other girls he knew submitted.

I don’t sound like girlfriend material at this point do I? I naively thought that emotionally if I was giving my all to my ex that I was being a good girl while satisfying something that I wanted to explore outside of him, my sexuality. He wasn’t keen on me having a sexual image on social media at all.

Things blew way out of control and we broke up that weekend. I waited until he was at school before I dropped by to pick up my things and that was when I ran into his dad. By then he had known about my online account and seen everything and me discovering that was super shocking and debilitating.

His dad was someone I would be super polite too but I always had a feeling he looked down on me. I always wondered if it was because I was asian or because I was a girl or both so I always kept a certain distance from him and never knew why. Now that I know I have a kind of attraction to men past their prime that I imagine lusting for me, he fit the bill. I was more scared of him at the time to realized that.

You can mainly ignore any attraction I had to him leading up to that day. He caught me looking for boxes to pack my things in and we got into my online habits and at first he was very reassuring in his own way and I thought he kind of got it and even promised to help me explain things to his son if I wanted.

I think at the time I was too hurt to entertain that path but I didn’t want him to think badly of me either because maybe we could still work as friends after. While during the packing his dad was on his iPad in between complimenting my pictures and asking me questions about myself.

When he got deeper with the questions I think he noticed the tension I felt and powered through them because I was answering things that I should have said he had no business knowing but I was like the opposite on the spectrum of in control and assertive.

I answered him like a dumb slut. “Do you like showing your naked body to strangers?’ *Nods*

“Your ass is quite nice is there any pictures of you I can see in your thong?” *Nods* logs into imgur account.

After scrolling for a bit he put it on the side table and glances down at my jeans.

“Are you wearing a thong right now?” *yes… “I want to see” I pulled the thong strap out of my jeans but he says to unzip my jeans and I remember the level of emotions I was feeling at that second. I wouldn’t be who I was if I didn’t turn around and let the man get a look at my butt with the jeans pulled halfway down my cheeks.

He says something on the lines of “let me help you take them off” and “those short shorts would look better on you anyways” and is physically using his leg to push the waist of my jeans out of my fingers and down to the ground in a bunch. I was held by his hand and made to step out of the jeans on the floor and moved around so he could look everywhere he wanted at my ass and thighs.

He was spanking me so much that I was against the wall bracing the door frame to keep standing. Tells me that I was wasted on his son or not good enough for his son or both before or after it’s all a jumble but he is telling me that HE can be the one to satisfy my unmet needs and he will prove it to me.

I was backing up into the hallway when he is telling me all kinds of things he knows I want. I think I already felt quite bad about myself because it didn’t take too much to break little by little by his words. He is asking me so many things all at once like if I want photos taken of me now, do you want to record this to your account. He is coming on super strong and I tell him I don’t think we should do it because that would make me a bad person and worse than I already felt. He backed off and I don’t know why but it was much easier than what I had expected the way he was getting more and more aggressive with me.

He leaves with his iPad into the dark living room and I finish packing completely overwhelmed as you can imagine and after I finish I was going to ask him to help me with the box up the stairs but he is with his pants down jacking it to whatever he is looking at in my imgur account.

He basically drops the line that sinks me. I could watch him masturbate, leave, or take a big dick today and in his own words, “$%W@## would have been nice to you I will treat you rougher than you have probably been treated” “Take your clothes off except your thong and suck my dick you slut”

I could have said that I ran out of there as fast as I could but then I wouldn’t be here posting if that happened.

I was only in my socks and thong wetting his dick not knowing and wondering “If that was it or was there much more for me that day”. I remembered thinking back to this question laughing, pitying, and unbelieving when:

He pressed my face to floor painfully tearing at my thong in a sharp angle while fucking me.

My upper back and ass cheeks scraping the greasy cement floor of his cold garage while he fucked me to record us in his surveillance camera system.

My nipples being clamped by him with makeshift things he pulled out of his workshop drawers while making me say things he wanted to hear me say.

Literally got cuts and bruises from his workshop space from kneeling and laying down in all kinds of angles for him.

I still remember the taste of metal filings on his finger as he stuffed them it into my mouth while fucking me.

Literal definition of being manhandled like a rag doll the way I was put to work for him. Either he didn’t know most of my cries of pain were from the environment hurting me or not he finished by grabbing so hard my already painful ass cheeks and lifting me towards the small wooden stairs from the garage to the mud room landing and used his foot to hold my shoulder down into the wooden step on a bad angle and ejaculated all over me. The pressure left a deep bruise line from shoulder to shoulder that lasted for over half a month.

I had lost one sock and my thong was partly ripped and chaffed my hips badly but I was shaking from the last of a few powerful orgasms after he made me rub myself off as he pissed on my body and then I was finally allowed to get up. He hosed me and the garage down before I realized I was home and he was telling me to answer his friend request.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/emexvd/fm_boyfriends_father_after_breakup


  1. That is the hottest thing you have ever written. And that is saying a lot.

  2. Sounds like this was a defining moment for you. Like this turned all your fantasies into things that could be real. The father~ish figure, the slut treatment, the use bordering on abuse, treating you like some toy with only one function, his satisfaction.

    Is it the moment that cinched it all together for you?

  3. Fuck that is hot as hell. The idea of seeing you in those positions is sexy as fuck

  4. i wonder how much these kind of requests of you can either be a “good girl or a slut right now” have triggered that thing in you. Similar thing happened with the tenants.

  5. He was actually pretty nice to you.

    If you fucked over my son like that I would have come down with far worse to show you what it is really like to be a little whore that wants to be used and abused.

  6. I agree with some here – he was much too gentle. I would have tied you up and bent you over a table with your legs spread open to be used. I would have called up some of my friends to come over and have their way with you too…

  7. Such a beautiful and sexy story. It sounds like you got treated the way a slut should by the father. He was right you were completely wasted on the son.

  8. Your sex stories and pictures are always a turn on. Keep it up, tiger. If you were my gf you’d be a cum dumpster for me, my friends, coworkers and much more. :)

  9. hm, I’m really into con-non-con so kept on reading but couldn’t help the feeling this was rather non-con?? I hope you are okay!

  10. TBH it’s your ex boyfriend I feel for. You were the worst girlfriend, and his father was the worst father.

  11. More power to you for writing this Love; it takes a lot to share such an intense experience, to bare these personal details to what amounts to familiar strangers at best – I applaud you for this much.

    It was many things; hot, concerning, enlightening, and most importantly – real. You could have edited the fuck out of the details but you kept them in there and that takes serious nerve. I will gladly friend you and hope to hear more from you, if you are up for it. Well done, thank you for sharing this with us. ❤️

  12. Would a gloryhole excite you not knowing who’s cock you suck and the possibility it’s someone you know dearly?

  13. Love your stories but I’m more visual, I need to see you get fucked like this.

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