
Lay down. Skin slides across the sheets. Naked form, the most pure and natural. Fingertips trace eyes, nose, lips. A memory born, saved, imprinted on the mind, never to be forgotten. Eyes meet, gazing into the other. Gazing through the other. Words exchanged without a single sound. Soft breathing with the rise and fall of chests.

Lay down. Do not leave until the sun breaks through the window. Perhaps even then, do not leave. Stay and revel in the most pure and natural way. Bodies tangled. Pleasure, pain, all the same. Skin slides across skin. Each consumed by the other. Soft breathing not enough. Lungs filling faster and deeper. Eyes meet, the fire of desire recognized. Burning at the core.

Lay down. Disappear in the depths of indulgence. And yet, experience the highest of highs. That which cannot be fabricated by any other. That which will be sought after until laying down for the last time.



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