My [F]riends had fun with me and now we don’t talk anymore

This all happened last year around July I think. I got off from a long day at work (I work as a waitress) and I just so happened to have taken the next few days off as vacation days. I was feeling stressed at the time as my dad was in the hospital, I wasn’t sleeping enough and I just wanted some time off. I get home and decide to unwind with some wine and TV when my friend calls, we’ll call him Jason. He wanted to know if I wanted to hangout and play some video games with him and my other friend Miles. I said sure why not, come on over.

I had always been a tomboy and “one of the boys” for the lack of putting it differently. I had a friends that were girls but I got along with guys better for the most part. So, I’m chilling and drinking my wine when Johnny and Miles show up. They come in all hyper and in a good mood. They have brought whiskey and beer and had been drinking. “I thought we were gonna have a gaming night?” I asked them and they said yeah we are and that they just wanted to drink some too. Cool, whatever I thought. It’s hard to play games when you’re getting progressively more buzzed, but I figured what the hell, might as well and did a shot with them and we all started playing Old Goldeneye as it’s are favorite.

The rules are whoever loses the match has to take a shot or drink. So, we’re playing a having a good time and drinking and it goes on for awhile until we’re all pretty drunk. Miles puts some music on and we’re all talking and laughing and Miles is cracking me up doing this stupid breakdance thing that makes him look stupid. “Come on and dance! Let’s boogie!” He says. I can’t stop laughing because he’s being such a clown. He grabs me by the hand and makes me “dance” if you could call it that. He does his breakdance thing and pulls me to the ground. We’re both incredibly drunk and laughing when he starts tickling me. This might be weird to some people but we’ve been friend for years and they’re like big brothers to me, so at the time it didn’t seem like anything else was going on other than goofing around.

He’s tickling me and Johnny comes over to us and gives Miles and me a shot of some 151 while we’re on the ground and “dancing”/tickling. All of the sudden Johnny starts tickling me too and now I feel the mood change a bit. I’ve got two of my best friends over me touching and tickling me and I’m starting too feel different. I’m getting turned on and little wet. Miles demeanor has changed too. He was tickling me fast and playfully and now he’s was slowed down is kind of rubbing all over my body. I lift
my neck up and start kissing him. We start making out pretty aggressively at this point. He takes his shirt off and I can see Johnny in my peripheral vision taking his pants down. All of this felt weird but I was too in the moment too stop.

Miles takes off my shirt and bra while Johnny comes over and puts his hard cock by my face. I start sucking it and Miles is starts taking my jeans and thong off. I’m sucking Johnny’s dick and he’s moaning like a zombie while Miles starts eating me out. I was so freaking wet and turned on. Johnny’s moaning like crazy and he looks weak like he’s going to pass out. Miles puts his cock in me and starts fucking me hard… so hard I couldn’t suck Johnny’s dick anymore because I was screaming so loud. He was fucking me hard on my carpet and I think I could already start to feel the burn. He pulls out and bends me over and tells Johnny to come and fuck me. So now he’s fucking me doggy while I suck Miles cock. We’re fucking this way for awhile and then he tries to put it in my ass. NOPE! No way that was happening. “Wtf? What are you doing?” I ask Johnny. “Oops sorry.” He said. I knew it was on purpose but oh well. We all start fucking again and maybe five minutes later Johnny sticks it in my ass and starts fucking me. I’m screaming in pain at this point and I’m yelling for him to stop. Miles yanks him off of me and yells wtf at him. Miles comes and asks me if I’m ok and I tell him yeah. He kisses me and then starts fucking me again until we both cum.

We all end up passing out a little later and when I wake up in the morning they’re both gone. I talked to Miles on the phone for the next month or so and we had plans of just meeting up and going to the movies with our other friends but it never ended up happening. He said him and Johnny got into a fight and they really weren’t on talking terms anymore. After that we texted less and less and then eventually stopped talking entirely. I think the last I talked to him was three months ago. I think we both feel awkward about it and are having a hard time knowing if we can be “friends” again if that makes sense.

Was it worth losing two friends over? No, I don’t think so. I think it’s just going to take time and we’ll eventually talk and hangout again



  1. That’s a real bummer that things went that way with the 3 of you… I hope you all can patch things up eventually

  2. What for? Move on, find new friends. I think they’ve proven they were never real friends to begin with, and that is perfectly fine. This simply means you don’t have to waste any more of your time with these two people who don’t truly appreciate you, and gives you much more time to spend with people who do.

  3. Well when your friend tries to rape your friend you stop talking to them and it gets awkward taking to the girl

  4. If you want to be friends with Miles, be honest. Acknowledge that it’s all awkward but you really value his friendship and would like to meet again, and encourage him to respond honestly either way. As for Johnny, he can go fuck himself.

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