Practical Sex-Ed, Ch 3 [M+F+] [Oral]

[Chapters 1 & 2](

## Chapter 3

“Ok, that concludes the female anatomy, now if you would be so kind Mr. Francis.”

Mr. Francis walked forward and slipped his shirt over his head. He wasn’t ripped, but he was well built. While all the boys kept their eyes on Ms. Callahan’s still exposed breasts and lamented that her skirt was still on, the girls had shifted their gaze to Mr. Francis.

The bulge in his pants was noticeable already, and as he slipped his jeans down it became even more prominent, a large tent in his boxers.

“Holy crap Mr. Francis has a boner too!” one of the boys let out

“Yes, I do.” he responded. “It is the normal response to arousal, and one of the main ways that males get aroused is visually.”

“Yes,” Ms. Callahan interjected, “Men are more visually stimulated, so having me topless here is bound to turn Mr. Francis on. This fact is also why men are much more likely to be addicted to pornography. For women, on the other hand, it is usually the emotional connection that is desired, so visuals alone are often insufficient to arouse us.”

Mr. Francis put a finger under the rim of his boxers and pushed them down, allowing his cock to bounce free. There was a collective gasp and squeal from the girls in the class, most had never seen a live penis before, some had never even seen a picture, only the cartoons in the book.

“Now this, as you all know, is a penis. It’s designed to be long and erect in order to penetrate the vagina; it has to be able to deposit the sperm within the woman. The semen is produced in the prostate, which you can’t see, and is stored in the scrotum, which you can. Now if any of you would like a closer look you may come up.”

The girls in the class rose, the boys stayed seated. They knew what an erect penis looked like, they all had them at that moment from the display provided by Ms. Callahan.

The first girl up was Stephanie, with her long red hair, pale complexion, and the long skirt typical of more conservative types. She had licked a woman’s vagina this morning, but approaching a man was different.

“Just feel it as you like Stephanie.” Mr. Francis responded, “There’s no rush.”

Stephanie stepped forward, looked up at Mr. Francis’ face, and then ran her hand down his stomach from his belly-button, tracing down past his penis to his scrotum. She took these in her hand, “Just don’t squeeze too tightly,” Mr. Francis advised.

Nodding her head Stephanie fondled the balls in her hand, feeling the hair and the wrinkles, then moved her hand up the shaft of her teacher’s cock. “It’s so… velvety. It’s like, hard, but also kinda soft at the same time.”

“Yes it is,” Mr. Francis responded, “We’ll be learning about oral sex later on, but as with Ms. Callahan you can run your tongue over it once to get a full idea; the tongue after-all has many more sense receptors than the hand.”

Stephanie knelt slightly in front of her teacher and placed the flat of her tongue on his left ball, then proceeded to lick up over his scrotum and up the length of his shaft to the head of his cock. As her tongue flicked off the top Mr. Francis resisted the strong urge to push himself up into her teenage mouth and hump her face till he came down her throat. She returned to her chair, proud of the fact that she’d now had her tongue on a penis.

One by one the girls in the class stroked his penis and gave it one strong lick from bottom to top, except for Annalee, who merely looked at it and moved on, intent on avoiding sinning as much as possible. One of the more flirty girls, a busty hispanic named Brianna, when her tongue reached the top opened her mouth and and took his cock full length in one swift motion; before he knew what was going on the girl had her nose against his stomach, his balls against her chin, and nine inches of cock down her throat. He could feel her throat muscles contracting around it and her tongue wiggling along the underside of his shaft. It took every ounce of willpower he had not to send his cum straight down her young gullet.

This time it was the teachers’ turns to be dumbfounded. Ms. Callahan was too startled to do anything at first, and before she could do anything Brianna got up from her knees, removed her teacher’s cock from her throat with a quick slurp, gave him a wink, and walked back to her seat, wiping the gobs of saliva from her chin as she did so.

The rest of the girls proceeded as normal. The blonde Randi did so with only the greatest reluctance.

How many guys could say that eleven teenage girls had licked their cocks. When they had finished Mr. Francis continued, “Alright, now we’ll go over personal hygiene, a key to making sex enjoyable for both partners is making sure you are both clean, inside and out.” The two teachers proceeded to explain douching and enemas and general showering and the need for using the restroom beforehand and then had the students put their instruction to use. Within an hour all the students were showered and fully cleaned.

“…Picking up from where we left off, as you’ve explored the genitals this morning you’ve already touched on an area known as foreplay. Who knows what foreplay is?”

Brianna raised her hand, “It’s what you do to warm yourself up for sex.”

“Basically, yes.” Mr. Francis responded, “It’s what you do to get yourself warmed up for sex. It can also be done on its own, and sometimes couples will simply engage in one form of foreplay – oral sex – and call it a night. Ms. Callahan and I will demonstrate for you. Would you do me the honor Ms. Callahan?” he turned towards her as he asked.

“Of course.” She replied. She walked over in front of Mr. Francis, placed a yoga mat on the floor and squatted down in front of him, her breasts pushing out of her cardigan and her skirt riding up to expose the perfect globes of her round ass, the squatting position causing her cheeks to naturally spread.

“The first thing you want to do when doing fellatio is to warm the male up. Now Mr. Francis is already quite warmed up from all of you nice young ladies, so I won’t spend long with that.” She licked around this balls for a moment and up and down his shaft.

“The key to good fellatio is rhythm and suction,” she said addressing the class once more, one hand still on his cock, “You want to bob your head so as to bring as much of the man’s penis as you can in and out of your mouth. While you’re doing this you’ll want to rub your tongue along his shaft and provide suction to intensify the feeling for him, like so.”

After a few more licks the opened her mouth and took him in. ‘It’s in my mouth’ she thought, ‘Sucking a guy’s penis in front of a bunch of teenagers, for education!’

Mr. Francis looked down at the young teacher and ran his hand through her short blonde hair, she looked up at him with her green eyes and smiled and she pulled up and went down again, filling her mouth with his member. It was a sight to behold, her breasts out between the sides of her cardigan, and best of all, he could see the two globes of her ass separated by the sumptuous valley of her crack jutting out from her skirt as she knelt.

“While you’re mouth is on the man’s penis you want to make sure that you’re also using your hands,” Ms. Callahan said taking a short break from sucking the cock, “You can fondle the scrotum, and you can also provide a jacking motion with your hand further down towards the base.”

She proceeded to demonstrate. Mr. Francis rolled his head back at the pleasure he was receiving. Looking out over the class the girl’s eyes were fixed on the sight of his cock being sucked by their teacher. Brianna’s brown eyes locked on his own and she licked her lips, his cock jolted at the added arousal.

Ms. Callahan felt the cock jerk in her mouth and hoped he wasn’t about to cum before the final demonstration. “If you want to provide extra stimulation to your man,” Ms. Callahan said removing the cock from her mouth again for a moment (much to David’s chagrin), “you can stimulate his prostate. This can be achieved by inserting a finger or two into his anus and rubbing downward.” As she spoke she ran a hand up under his leg, brushing along his inner thigh until her fingertips reached his anus, as her lips wrapped back around his sick Mr. Francis felt her finger push up into his anus. With her other hand she began supplementing her sucking with a jerking motion, her tongue now furiously massaging the underside of his cock.

He gave a light pat on the shoulder as the signal that he was getting close to cumming and she released his cock from her lips, leaned her head back, opened her mouth, and began furiously pumping her fist along his cock, waiting in anticipation of the cum which would shortly fill her mouth. “Now watch closely girls, so you know what to expect when a boy ejaculates on you.”

With her saliva providing a solid my lubrication she continued jacking her co-worker’s cock, mouth ready and tongue out. As David looked down into her eyes the sight of her looking up at him with that wanton mouth was too much. For a moment he thought of his wife and felt a brief tinge of guilt, but they’d agreed, and it was all strictly professional. He felt the orgasm welling up in his scrotum. He reached down and put one hand on his cock to give it the proper aim, straight towards the young teacher’s mouth and let the building pressure loose.

The first thick jet of his cum landed spot on the outstretched tongue in front of him, running down into the open mouth. The second hit higher, barely glancing her upper lip but continuing to the back of her throat. To get the full effect he gave a slight tug to his cock and the third struck her square between the eyes and began to run down her nose. One more glanced her tongue and fell onto her chin and the final he aimed down and sent in a glorious arc across her even more glorious breasts.

Ms. Callahan stayed squatting with her mouthful and faceful of cum as Mr. Francis squeezed and shook the last few drops out of his cock and into her mouth. She stayed there squatting with her mouth open, cum running down her nose, upper lip, and chin as Mr. Francis spoke, “As you can see, the sperm has hit three key points: the breasts, the face, and the mouth. That’s where you’ll usually find a man wants to cum after oral sex. Most of it has gone in her mouth, and it’s completely Ms. Callahan’s choice what she does with the semen in her mouth.”

With one deliberate motion Ms. Callahan closed he mouth and swallowed. “Mmmmmm, yummy.” Ms. Callahan said looking over at her class. “So that’s how you perform oral sex on a man. Once his semen is in your mouth you can choose to either swallow it or spit it out; as you can see, I prefer to swallow what I can, partially because men tend to find it attractive and partially because it makes for easier clean-up. You will also find that the man will sometimes prefer to ejaculate onto your face or your breasts, and while this desire is largely fueled by pornography there is little harm in it and it can help strengthen the bond between partners.”

“May I be excused?” One of the boys asked as he watched his gorgeous teacher squat there, pussy exposed between her bent legs, breasts out, and cum covering her face. “I… uh… need to use the restroom.”

“Do you need to use the restroom or do you need to ejaculate, Thomas?” Ms. Callahan asked.

“Uhhh… I… ummm, need to ejaculate.”

“Come up here then. This is a sex ed class. We can’t have you going and wasting valuable educational opportunities. This will actually serve as the perfect segue into our practical exercise portion.” Ms. Callahan replied.

It was somewhat difficult to take her seriously as an authority figure, squatting with cum on her face and breasts, but Thomas complied, walking up awkwardly with his tented shorts.

“Yes, you are plenty aroused. If you would kindly remove your penis from your shorts.”

Following her instructions Thomas unzipped his pants and pushed his erection through his fly. Here he stood, every high-schooler’s dream, cock out before his hot nude teacher.

Lightly she reached up and wrapped her hand around his young cock and stroked it a few times and then stood up. The butterflies in Thomas’ stomach crashed as he realized his teacher wasn’t going to suck him off, and the boys sighed as her ass was once again hidden by her skirt. “We will now move into the practical application portion of our class. Mr. Francis and I will pair you off by boy and girl, and one by one the girls will practice what I’ve demonstrated; don’t worry if it’s your first time, the rest of us will provide commentary and tips to help you along.”

One of the girls, Randi, raised her hand “But what if we like, ummm, don’t like… boys.”

“Our purposes here are strictly academic. You’re not being asked to enjoy it, but simply to learn from the experience. Sexuality is fluid, especially for girls, and you may find that your attractions change over time.”

The girl nodded her head reluctantly.

“But shouldn’t we only do that with our boyfriends?” asked another girl.

“Normally, yes,” the teacher replied, “but again our purposes here are academic. It is your responsibility to engage the act in an objective manner. Sexual acts do not require a romantic bond, if you would like to express yourself sexually to a friend or even to a stranger, that is your prerogative.”

“Since Thomas is ready to go he will be our first male to practice on.” Ms. Callahan continued. “Christine, since you sit behind him, you will be his partner.”

The whole class seating arrangement had been set as boy/girl since the beginning of the school year. Each student checked to see who their partner would be. James gave himself a fistpump realizing he would be with Brianna. Rick with Annalee, Jason with Randi, Scott with Stephanie, Robert with Katelyn, Seth with Emma, and so on around to Bryan and Bryn. Bryan sat mortified when he realized the pairing, his mouth went dry and his stomach turned. Bryn, looking back, quickly came to the same realization and Bryan could see that even her objectivity began to crack.

Bryn sent her hand rapidly, “Ms. Callahan, we need to trade partners on this row.”

“And why is that?” the teacher responded.

“The seating arrangement right now has me paired with Bryan.”

“And what is your objection Bryn?”

“Uhhh, we’re brother and sister, we’re not supposed to do that, it’s gross.” Bryn replied as if the answer were obvious.

“Is there something different about Bryan’s genitals from any other male’s?”

“…uh… no, I guess not… but…”

“So what is it that makes it objectionable?” Ms. Callahan interrupted.

“Ummm, it just is I guess.”

“Your feelings do point to some truth Bryn. There is actually a good scientific reason why a brother and a sister should not reproduce with one another. Doing so creates a much higher likelihood of birth defects, but is sex just about reproduction?”

“I guess not.”

“Correct. Sex is about much more than reproduction, so as long as Bryan does not impregnate you, then – objectively – there should be no issue. Like you said before, my anus is just skin like any other skin. Your brother’s penis is just a penis like any other penis. Just as we wouldn’t shame somebody for expressing themselves sexually with a friend or a stranger, the same applies for expressing ourselves sexually with a family member. Sexual expression is a way to heighten any relationship.” Ms. Callahan responded in the most matter-of-fact way she could, and the two siblings sank back into their seats in reluctant resolution.

If she were honest with herself she would have to admit that she too would have no desire to sleep with one of her siblings, and found the thought revolting, but she also realized that this may simply be due to her own acculturation. Part of the goal of this class was to provide a learning environment which did away with such cultural biases, so she had tried to respond as clinically as possible.

“What about us?” one of the boys in a back corner of the classroom – Kevin – had asked, “We don’t have partners.” Philip, Andrew, and Jacob all voiced their concern along with him..

“That is correct,” replied Ms. Callahan. “There are more boys than girls in the class, so the pairing cannot be one-to-one. Instead, each of you will join one of the other boys and their partner, so a few girls will get two boys to practice on.”

Kevin simply nodded. The thought of having one of the girls in his class suck his cock certainly excited him, but what he really wanted was Ms. Callahan herself, that sounded even better.

[To Be Continued…]



  1. Chapter 4 please. I get an erection almost instantly when I read these stories

  2. This story is so hot and arousing. Can’t wait to read next installment. The 3 chapters made me cum so hard

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