[MF] Skinny-Dipping

# DISCLAIMER: I write for my own enjoyment; this here is not so much a sex-story as a comedy that happens to contain sex. If that doesn’t appeal, please move on to a different thread – some people may find this one… frustrating.


‘Have you ever gone skinny dipping?’, *** asked. She was my girlfriend, a clever, kind, and strongly-built young lady of 23 years; she had wavy mid-length not-quite-black hair that she normally let hang free, and her eyes were hazel-green.

‘What do you think?’, I replied. We had met a little over two years earlier at the university we both attended in the USA, where my family had moved from Australia. We were each other’s first committed lovers.

‘Me neither. Would you like to?’. Our day-to-day tasks were done, our on-call period had ended, and we hadn’t yet decided what to do with the rest of the long summer day.

‘Maybe. Who with?’. I cocked an eyebrow teasingly. The day was beautiful, and the campground was virtually deserted, the visitors having headed off to enjoy the sunshine and the clear mountain air.

She wrinkled her nose and stuck out her tongue in annoyance.’Well, I would like to, and you’re invited if you want. I checked the map, and think there’s a good spot in the area. Head down that way and there should be a river; follow it east and it should eventually open up into a lake. That should have plenty of room to swim and-‘ she smiled and playfully shook her hips ‘-be far from any trails.’

We had gotten summer jobs as on-site groundskeepers at a remote campground, and a friend of hers had arranged it so that we were partnered together.The work was simple – keep the site clean, make sure visitors were paid up, resolve any questions or complaints, and generally be the government’s official presence in the area. It didn’t pay much, but in fairness it wasn’t asking much either. More than anything else, it gave us the chance to spend the break period hiking together in the mountains rather than returning to our families.

Thoroughly convinced, I let her lead the way along the off-trail route she had described. We came to the river, and followed it east along the bank, occasionally having to duck under trees or clamber over boulders. At one point we were forced to cross to the opposite bank by hopping from stone to stone. *** passed the journey talking about the features in the canyon walls and the difference between (to me) completely indistinguishable rocks – amateur geology was one of her many interests.

After a long hike the river valley opened up, and we hoisted ourselves atop a massive sun-warmed boulder to find ourselves looking out over the lake from the map. The water was crystal-clear.

We cautiously climbed our way down to a sunny spot near the shore, and looked out all along the forested banks. There was nobody around – we were in the middle of nowhere. Excellent.

We undressed each other with customary abandon. We pulled off one anothers’ shirts and tossed them away without looking; *** turned around for me to unfasten her bra. Freed, she came in for a kiss, and her naked chest pressed against mine as we took one another in our arms.

We swiftly returned to the matter at hand, unfastening our belts and dropping our jeans unceremoniously, kicking them aside before moving back in for another slightly longer makeout. The feel of her tongue in my mouth and the press of her naked body against mine had their usual effect, and as we pulled apart she mischievously reached down and gave me a quick squeeze before turning toward the water.

‘Shall we swim?’

We strode over to the water’s edge. *** glanced over.

‘On three? One… two… three!’



*** shuddered. Her shoulders were tense, her nipples were stiff, her skin covered in goosebumps. She tilted back her head and drew a sharp breath, which trembled as she slowly exhaled it through her mouth. Her eyes opened and trained on me.

She stood chest-deep in freezing water, shivering as icy droplets ran down her hair and fell in her face. I stood ankle deep and otherwise completely dry – I had taken a only single step forward and was already regretting some of my life choices. *** expressed her opinion by flicking a splash in my direction.

‘Bastard! What the hell!?”You never said to jump!”It was implied! Always easier to go in quickly!”Always? Think I’m having an easier time of it than you right now.”True. How brave. My gentleman. Are you coming in or not?”On my way, just give me a moment’. I slowly shuffled forward, the rising cold now biting into my calves.’Come on! I’m freezing over here! Don’t you want to warm me up?’

Damn it.


The cold punched me hard in the chest and threatened to steal my breath away. I gasped in shock upon surfacing and kicked back over to the shallower portion where *** stood. Finding the ground with painfully tingling feet, I rose halfway out of the water, and we desperately threw our arms around each other and pressed our bodies together to conserve our heat.

‘What do you think? Just once out to the middle and back again? We came all this way’, *** trembled.’Once, maybe. Not sure about more than that. I already can’t feel my toes’.’Neither can I’.


We did one lap out to the centre of the lake and then made a beeline for land. We hauled ourselves out of the water and sat on the shore, shivering uncontrollably. *** sighed, teeth chattering as she wrung out her now-straight blackish hair. ‘We don’t have any towels, do we?’ We hadn’t brought any, no.

Not wanting to soak into our clothes, or to admit defeat, we made do with sprawling out on the pebble-strewn shore.

After a moment, *** ticked just under my navel. ‘So, should we help each other heat up?”Don’t take it personally, but there’s no way I can do that right now’.’Ah’.

We had to content ourselves with holding each other tight and trusting the sun to work its magic. It eventually did – our skin dried off, full sensation returned to our limbs, and the shivering died away.

‘How are you feeling?’, I asked, upon noticing that her skin lay smooth again.’Better. And you?’.’Better’.


Our positioning was convenient – we hardly needed to move much. I pressed her down flat on her back and propped myself up on one elbow, dropping my mouth to meet hers and brushing the fingertips of my free hand up her side and down her arm. For a few seconds, I broke off and lowered my head to suck at her nearest nipple, while playing with her other one using my thumb and forefinger. On the way back up to her face, I made a quick stop to plant a couple kisses on the side of her neck.Her skin pricked up once more, even though we were now steadily heating up. At one point I dropped my free hand between her legs and began running a finger against her clitoris, though I didn’t dare do any more than that in case there was grit under my fingernails. It seemed to be enough for *** – she moaned softly in approval.

Having more than regained our earlier excitement, we looked around for a suitable surface that wasn’t made of dirt or sand or gravel. We decided on the boulders we’d passed by on our way to the shore. One of them was low to the ground and only gently sloped – we figured that was good enough.

*** hopped up and laid back against the stone, shifted her weight around to find the most comfortable position. I climbed up laid down next to her halfway on one side, my weight resting on my hip and arm. To make up for the stimulation we had lost on the way over from the shore, I cycled back through the standard agenda of working her clit, stroking her most sensitive areas, toying with her breasts, kissing her neck, nibbling at her ear.

She closed her eyes, and gradually started to breathe more and more deeply. A flush crept into her face. Her hips started to rock slowly and rhythmically. She reached out and tugged encouragingly at my free hip.

I got up onto my knees, and she spread her legs to make room for me as I repositioned myself between them. I placed an arm on the rock to either side of her chest and leaned over top of her. I brought my head down for a brief bit of additional makeout – as we kissed, instinct started to move my hips, running the bottom of my shaft along her labia and clit.

As we broke off, she reached a hand down from my face and gingerly took hold of me. She spread her legs wider still, slipped my tip between her labia and rubbed it back and forth, just barely inside of her, just enough for me to feel her inviting warmth. She bit her lip before grinning at me playfully.’Aah! Oh, you little tease’, I accused.’Mmm… hey, don’t call me that’. She released me, shifted both of her hands onto my hips, and gave a suggestive tug.

We both inhaled sharply as I entered her fully. I made a few slow, measured thrusts as she tilted her head back slightly and groaned, breathing deeply through her open mouth. She kept her hands on my hips as the tempo slowly built, and rocked her own hips in cooperation. I decided we were at the end of the warmup phase – *** looked down and watched impatiently as I slowly pulled out of her and then sat back up into a kneeling position. I reached over to one side…

‘Wait’. I froze, remembering something important.’What’s wrong? Did you hear something?”Nah. Did you bring along a condom?”No. Why…? Did you?”I don’t think so’

*** looked up at the sky and groaned. She slapped a hand down against the rock.’Damn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! Nnnnnn… do you know for sure you don’t have one? Maybe there’s a spare in our pockets.”Aren’t our pants back down by the shore?”Nnnnnnygh.’


‘No, nothing’, I concluded, tossing my jeans aside in frustration after thoroughly fishing through all my pockets. Twice.’Same here’.’Fuck. Every bloody time.’ Our arousal had faded into irritation.’We’re never going to learn’. She agreed, shaking her head.’So… what should we do now?”Hm.’ She pondered, and glanced up at the sky, which by this point had a slight tinge of pink. ‘Well… this is still a nice spot. It’ll be sunset soon. Would you like to watch it?”Sure. That sounds nice. In the meantime, you thirsty at all?’.’A bit, yeah. Do you have the water?”…’


We sat back atop the first huge boulder, admiring the view as the sun’s golden disc sank behind the distant mountaintops, its light reflecting on the mirror-like surface of the lake. I looked over and admired the view under my arm. *** had a perfectly-formed eagle feather, which I had found somewhere, stuck in her hair behind her ear; like most other things, she wore feathers remarkably well.

She sighed, her head resting on my shoulder.

‘I love you’.’I love you too’.

We sat like that for a while, enjoying the stillness.

She lifted her head from my shoulder. ‘Wait”What’s up?”It took us a while to get out here. If it’s sunset now…”Shit! I don’t suppose you happened to bring a torch…?’She hesitated, chuckled, and shook her head.’You know, sometimes I’m amazed we can dress ourselves’, she said, completely naked save for an eagle feather in her hair.


‘Hey, ***?”Hm?”Have you seen where my shirt got off to?’


The journey to the lake had been long to begin with. The trip back took twice as long – as the light faded, it became harder and harder to safely pick our way over the rocks and through the vegetation. While crossing to the other bank of the river, ***’s feet slipped while she hopped off the last stepstone. One foot hit dry land, but the other fell short and splashed ankle-deep. She shrieked as her boot filled with water.I nodded in sympathy as I reached out a hand to help her squelch up onto shore. There’s nothing worse than wet socks.


It was late at night when we arrived back at the campground – exactly how late was impossible to say, as we’d forgotten to bring along our phones. Apart from a small knot of people roasting something over the firepit of a distant pitch, the site was still – most had long since bedded down for the evening. We strolled over to our own pitch, which we had located in a central spot for convenient access to the entire site.

We fetched from the car all the crap we had forgotten. We got rehydrated, scarfed down some trail mix. *** turned her boots upside down and hung her sodden sock on a convenient tree limb.

Everything taken care of, we climbed into our tent and took off our daywear. We got comfortable on our doubled-up sleeping pad, and set an alarm for work the next day. We shared a long and deep goodnight kiss.

Then, we began to relieve one another of the day’s many pent-up frustrations.

We hadn’t bothered packing any nightwear.


The next day, a note was dropped in the campground letterbox. It was a noise complaint – apparently a couple somewhere had been loudly disturbing the peace late into the night.

The on-site groundskeepers hadn’t noticed any disturbance, but with keen investigative skills they managed to identify the guilty parties. Sympathetic to the culprits’ situation, the groundskeepers decided to give them a discreet and understanding talking-to, before quickly letting them off with a warning.

Embarrassed to have been overheard, the culprits agreed to pay more attention to keeping things down in future. To their credit, they kept their word admirably. At least, most of the time.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ejyvym/mf_skinnydipping