Maybe Hubby Should Have Used His Mouth for Something Else [MF][Teasing][Solo]

“You ready to cry on Sunday? ‘Cause Rodgers gonna fuck that ass as hard as I’m going to right now.” Henry said as he pressed hips tight into Maebe’s ass when she bent over to place the pot in the middle of the dining table.

Henry couldn’t resist himself seeing Maebe’s short flowing dress inch up. His eyes traced her legs covered in fishnet stockings all the way up to the barest hints of her plump cheeks, traces of black lace peeking between them. His mind raced back to the text she had sent him when he was at work that morning. [She was laid up on the kitchen counter, completely nude but for those black lace undies he loved so much. Her back was arched, chest pushing out firm round breasts. ](

Maebe had a vastly different idea of what was going to happen now. Yes she had felt the craving that morning that lasted until just this moment. Yes she still needed that craving to be satisfied, but Henry’s shit talking was too much already. All week, it had been non-stop and this was it, she had had enough.

Maebe turned around and extended an arm into Henry’s chest, pushing him back. Eyes narrowed, lips pursed, Maebe stared back at Henry, his face full of confusion, wondering why the sudden change.

“If you think that what you’re doing with your mouth is the way to get what you want, then you better rethink what you’re doing. I sent you that pic this morning hoping you’d catch the hint and use your mouth for something it’s better suited for.” Maebe said tersely.

“Ah, come on babe.” Henry said, arms trying to wrap around her, in an attempt to mollify her.

Maebe was having none of it though. She pushed his arms away and ducked below and moved past him. She kept moving away from him and said without turning back, “Don’t ‘come on’ me. Eat your dinner. I worked hard on it.”

Henry turned watching her walk away confounded as to what just transpired. “You not gonna eat with me.” He said to her back.

“I’m not hungry anymore. And clean up after yourself.” She finished as she walked into the bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

Maebe leaned back against the bedroom door. She exhaled slowly letting the anger flow out of her. At least she tried, but it boiled back up, frustrated with the entire situation. She had been looking forward to the evening, she had woken that morning with a yearning to feel Henry’s rough hands all over her, having him pull on her hips taking her hard from behind.

She had resisted all her urges to take her toys to satisfy herself and now she was left wanting it more than ever. Half of her wanted to walk out that room and take what she wanted from him at the dining table but the stronger half of her knew she couldn’t let him just say what he liked and still get what he wanted.

Maebe pushed herself from the door and stalked straight to her dresser where her bad dragon lay. She picked it up headed to the bathroom. As she walked she got a devilish idea.

Maebe turned the bathtub tap and held her hand under the faucet. Pleased with the temperature she put in the plug and stood up pulling her dress from her shoulders to let it drop to the floor. Then she hooked her thumbs to each side of her undies and pulled down, the middle clinging to her moistened lips. She left her stockings on and grabbed her phone.

[Maebe reached a foot to the far side of the tub, spreading her legs. She balanced herself and extended her arm, phone in hand and snapped a few pics. She looked through satisfied with one, she sent it to Henry with a following text: “You could’ve had this for dessert but you blew your chance.”](

Maebe knew he’d come rushing after seeing that but still not ready to give in, she walked to the door to lock it.

Seconds later there was a jiggle of the doorknob followed by a knock at the door and Henry shouted through the door, “Hey Mae. The, uh, door’s locked.”

Maebe just ignored Henry and set her phone on the counter and set it to record. [She grabbed the oil from one of the drawers and let out a good portion, rubbing it between her hands. Then applied the oil to her breasts, nipples perky at the thought of the tease she was giving Henry.](

Her anger from earlier completely gone now, replaced with mischievousness. She was going to make him suffer until she bent him to his will.

Satisfied with the vid, she edited a bit and sent it to Henry, wondering how long before he started pounding on the door again. She went to pick up Inky and applied the rest of the oil to him.

As she was sticking Inky to the floor, more pounding at the door came. “If you want some company, you’re gonna need to unlock the door.”

Maebe smiled to herself, knowing how bad he wanted her right now. She wanted him too but this was beginning to be too much fun, plus he still didn’t know what he did wrong and she couldn’t just let him off the hook that easily.

Still she said nothing and propped her phone into position and slid the tip of Inky between her lips. [Maebe lowered down and gasped as Inky spread her open, then let out a satisfied moan when it had filled her. Slowly she pushed up with her legs and cane back down. Then her pace quickened and waves of euphoria filled her, her lips pursed holding back moans, until she couldn’t. Loud moans echoed throughout the bathroom. Her hands went up to her hair pulling on it, leaning back slightly so the texture of Inky rubbed her inside wall.](

Henry’s ear was to the door the instant he heard Maebe moan. His thumb was rubbing the tip of his hardened cock through his pants. His hand moved from his cock to unbutton his pants, giving him just enough room to slide his hand in. He was stroking him self slowly, listening to Maebe through the door as her moans became louder and more intense.

“Maybe Mae wants me to play a game with her,” he thought. He pulled out his phone and dropped his pants. He recorded himself stroking slowly and sent it to her. Then put his ear back on the door anticipating to hear the doorknob unlock. But Maebe never stopped, in fact she sounded louder and more out of breath.

Maebe didn’t even notice the text that came. Her eyes were closed enjoying the feel of Inky, bouncing hard on it taking her frustrations and cravings out on it.

Minutes passed and only the loud moans of Maeb could be heard throughout the house. Henry was getting impatient and frustrated at the lack of acknowledgement. He looked at his phone and saw that she hadn’t even looked at his text yet. He pounded on the door, his desire through the roof. He was almost tempted to grab the lotion on top of the dresser drawer to satisfy the ache throbbing in his cock, but he refused knowing ecstasy was only a door away.

“This has gone far enough. Open that door.” Henry yelled angrily then his tone changed immediately.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to yell. I just. Please Mae. Let me in. I need you so bad right now.” Henry’s voice pleading now

Maebe heard the pounding and Henry’s anger followed by his begging. She knew he was flustered and it only pleased her more. As if a trigger, she felt the explosion coming and she bounced harder. Then like a balloon, she burst. “YES! YES! YES!” She yelled, her body went rigid, legs squeezing tight together.

Maebe’s breath was ragged when she lowered herself down onto Inky and leaned forward resting her weight on her arms. Slowly her body relaxed, taking in huge gulps of air. Her lips were sucked in, while her teeth bit down to hold them in place. She looked between her legs at the wet mess she had just made and a smile grew on her face from ear to ear.

Henry was beyond frustrated outside listening to Maebe come to completion without him, and him standing there with his erect cock still throbbing. He stalked off to the lotion and grabbed it before lying on the bed.

Maebe noticed the silence from outside and hit a button to stop recording then found the missed text from Henry. She bit her lip watching the video of Henry stroking his long hard cock.

Henry’s phone ring out with a text from Maebe and immediately stopped what he was doing hoping she was letting him in, but was sorely disappointed when he read, “If you want to replace Inky here, I would keep your hands off of your cock until I say you can.”

Henry opened the video to find Maebe bouncing hard on to her dildo. Now he knew exactly what she had been doing in there and was flustered to no end but he couldn’t stop watching with yearning and jealousy.

Maebe heard herself from the bedroom as Henry kept watching the video as she checked the temp of the bath again, finding it had cooled quite a bit while she was enjoying herself. She drained half the tub and turned the hot water tap and added bubble solution. She was going to take a nice long relaxing soak.

Henry replayed the video, making sure to hold his phone with two hands, lest one hand begin to stray. He thought surely once she was out of the bathroom and seen that he hadn’t touched himself, she would be willing to give him his reward for passing her test. He would keep replaying the video to ensure his cock would be at full attention for her.

Thirty minutes passed, when he finally heard the click of the lock on the door and as he thought she would, Maebe sauntered out with her hair pinned up and nothing more.

Henry licked his lips as he watched Maebe swing her hips with more emphasis than she normally did, causing her perfectly round breasts to bounce as she made her way to him. She made her way to the edge of the bed and quirked an eyebrow as she looked from his face to his fully erect cock.

Maebe licked her licked in hunger, wanting to swallow him whole, but when she looked back to Henry’s face, she notice the bottle of lotion on the night stand. She was sure he had stopped jerking off after her text, but all the same it steeled her resolve to keep the tease on. “No he is going to begging for me before I let him touch me.” She thought to herself as she put on her best pouty face.

“You couldn’t wait, could you?” She said, turning away from the bed and headed to the dresser.

Henry stunned at the accusation, wondering where she got that idea then turned back to where she had been looking and seeing the bottle of lotion. “Wait a minute. That’s not what it looks like. I stopped when I got your text.”

“Uh huh,” Maebe said trying to hold back her laughter, while she pulled out a pink lace thong. She bent over, straight legged and looped one foot in after the other and pulled it up higher than normal, knowing he was watching her.

Henry got out of bed and briskly paced his way her, trying to wrap his arms around her and sliding his cock between her legs. “I just didn’t put that bottle away. Come here and stop fighting your urges.”

But as soon as Maebe felt Henry’s touch she pushed back an arm into his chest without turning around. “There you go again, using that mouth to dry me up. I’ve been to easy on you, giving in to you at just a word or a touch. No if you want any piece of this body you need to work on seduction skills.”

Maebe still didn’t turn to face him knowing that if she saw his face, her wall would crack and she’d be smiling at him giving away her whole act. So she opened another drawer to pull out sheer pink lacy bra to match her thong and slid it on.

Henry took a step back utterly confused at what was going on. “What was she talking about?” He thought. They had both had voracious appetites that each other would act upon when given any chance but now she was saying only he acted upon them.

Hearing his silence, Maebe continued on. “All this shit talking about how the Packers were going to pound my Vikings this Sunday and how you’re gonna give me the same pounding, is not a turn on. And then seeing me upset you don’t even apologize for thinking I’ll just jump you because you have a hard on. Unh uh. Not today and def not until you make it up to me.”

“What?! That’s what you’re upset about? My god Mae. We do this every time they play.” Henry said incredulous.

“Yes you do. And guess what I’m tired of it.” Maebe said raising her voice, turning around using his nonchalant attitude to fuel her faux rage.

“You want to touch any of this, you better make it up to me.” She said staring daggers into him with hands on her hips.

Henry raised his hands in a placating gesture, “Ok. Ok. What do I need to do for you?”

Outwardly Maebe held a stern look, but inside she was jumping around with excitement, knowing she had him right where she wanted.

“First and foremost, you apologize right here and now on hands and knees and beg my forgiveness for all your shit talking.”

Henry hesitated then saw Maebe was staring at him with that quirked eyebrow. Her foot was tapping the floor in impatience as she nodded her head to the floor.

Henry rolled his eyes thinking she might be taking this a bit too far but he did as she asked and got on his knees.

“Please forgive me, Oh Merciful One.” He said sarcastically clutching his hands in front of him.

“Do it sincerely or you can just get yourself off from now on.” Maebe said leaning over to stare down on him.

“I’m sorry for shit talking. I didn’t mean to make you upset.” This time he was sincere in his apology.

“Ok good. Now Second, you are not to wear any Packers gear on Sunday, not even that putrid yellow and green and you are not to say another word about them.”

Henry just nodded, thinking that that was doable. He hadn’t remembered the last time he didn’t wear any Packers gear for game day but it seemed simple enough.

“Now this last one is the most important. You cannot cheer for the Packers on Sunday, in fact you need to cheer your heart out for my Vikings.”

At this Henry stood, “No way in hell. That’s crossing a line. There’s no way I’m doing that.”

This was exactly the response Maebe was expecting. She planned on it, knowing what was to come in the next couple of days would push him to the brink.

“Well I guess that’s not the only thing you won’t be doing then.” She said, turning away to put on the rest of her clothes, hiding the smile that grew on her face.

Henry bared his teeth in frustration, holding his mouth closed before he say something stupid to dig him further into a hole. He stalked out of the room and into the kitchen.

Maebe knew she should feel bad about what she was asking of him, but she couldn’t help grinning brightly. “This is gonna be fun.” She whispered to herself once Henry was out of the room.

Special thanks to u/maybeishouldntpostit for providing such lovely material for which to gather inspiration from. If you haven’t checked her out yet I highly suggest you do.

Again any criticism, negative and positive is welcome. Hope you enjoyed

[Part 2](

[Part 3](
