Summer’s Second Trip (NC, gang bang, bondage, BDSM, cum play, rope play, nipple torture)

(This is a different story but with the same character. I was very busy during the new years, and didn’t get to continue Summer’s story. So I figure I get her to another series of events, with the last one taking place a few years ago.)

*It had been two years since Summer’s ordeal. After a week of captivity, the captors had released our young Summer on the side of the road. She was treated, hospitalized and had undergone intensive therapy to overcome her trauma. Two years in and she was fine. Or so she told everyone.*

*Summer now works on an ocean liner. She finds that the mobility that comes with such a job allows her to remain anonymous. On land, she was the famous sex slave. Her name and face plastered all over the news. She had book deals. On open and international waters, no one in the past six months she’s been employed as a hotel manager on the cruise knew who she was. Perhaps they did, but they couldn’t care less. There was more fun to be had with alcohol and parties than rallying focus on a girl who was kidnapped.*

*Little did Summer know that the ocean does little to curb a man’s sexual aggravations.*


**Chapter 1 : The Andromeda Ascendant**

The Andromeda Ascendant, or as the crew likes to refer to as Andromeda, was an over-sized ship. It’s white painted hull did nothing to mask it’s sheer scale. 17 decks, 2 pools, 2 bars and 140 hotel rooms. The ocean liner boasted itself as one of the biggest ever built.

Summer takes care of the hotel there. She was now a manager with at least 14 souls working under her. At 5″5″, Summer had a voluptuous breast that was C cup, her areolas were dark pink, but her nipples were the pinkest there is. Summer’s nipples, fully erect, protruded almost half a centimeter out of her perky breasts. She was fit and toned. Her behind was well-formed. Summer had long dark hair, that she often had tied up in a bun. Physically, the only thing that her ordeal two years ago changed for her was her slightly larger muscles. She had worked out. She wanted to protect herself better.

On the day of the incident, Summer was wearing a rather revealing uniform. The hotel’s upper echelon insisted that the women on the ship be a bit more revealing for the sake of sales. It was tantamount to prostitution, Summer thought. But she needed the job. She wore a tight white blouse, and skin tight short maroon red skirt. She had her hair tied back in a bun, still. Her perky chests helped make her black laced bra easily visible.

***13.42 PM***

There was a loud commotion on the upper deck. Summer was in the bathroom. Within minutes she heard gunshots and screaming. The Andromeda had been on open water for the past four days, scheduled to dock at Cape Town in a couple of hours. She heard screams and cries. She knew what this had meant. There had been news circling about a pirate ship that evaded patrols last week. It had just struck another famous ocean liner, and kidnapped only women. Supposedly, they were kidnapped and sold on the black market as sex slaves. Sex slaves. The thought made her flinch. That was what she had gone through two years ago. She dripped. Summer looked down, embarrassed at herself for getting stimulated by such a dark past. She hadn’t moved at all since she heard the loud noises from the upper deck, as any movement may alert the pirates to her location. She didn’t even pull up her tight skirt and matching red g-string.

A few minutes later, the commotion grew silent. Cries grew quiet. She could only hear approaching footsteps. “Thank god”, she thought to herself. They must have left. She felt a flow of reprieve. She was safe.

Two loud thuds landed on her toilet stall’s door. She didn’t even hear the foot steps coming in the ladies’ bathroom. Another loud thud. She remained quiet.

Bang! The door slammed opened. She shuddered in fear. In front our half-naked Summer was a tall Hispanic man. He was wearing a white tank top and long cargo pants. He had a gun on his left hand, and a walkie-talkie on his right. He smiled.

In front of him sat a beautiful young woman. Her legs spread apart from sitting on the toilet. Her long thighs trembling in fear. Her red underwear on the floor. She was never putting them on again, he thought to himself. Her moist pussy lips gaping directly in front of him. Her curvy bare butt cheeks laid flat on the toilet seat.

She was so frightened she could not move.

“There is one more!”, he shouted into this communication device. “This is the best one yet.”, he sneered.
