Practical Sex-Ed, Ch 1 & 2

# Chapter 1

In her first couple years teaching the senior high honors Human Sexuality class Katie Callahan taught the curriculum exactly as it had been taught for some twenty or thirty years, showing the appropriate videos from the eighties and powerpoints provided by the school board to the students. The few pictures of actual anatomy were grainy pictures of the ugliest genitals to ever pose for a camera. The resources were obviously lacking. The videos never went into specific details of safe sex and intercourse. Rather, it explained the scientific reasons for sex. The male sperm enters the ovary to create a fetus and so on.

The students always had an abundance of questions after the presentation and Ms. Callahan always found it hard to answer these questions.

For instance when she did the class for the tenth grade a student asked “Why do people ever need to wear condoms like the video said? I thought the whole reason for sex was to make babies. I don’t understand?” Her name was Annalee and she was from an oddly conservative family for California, church-going types, and so Ms. Callahan wasn’t surprised that she was the one to ask the question. It was now two years later and Ms. Callahan was once again her teacher, this time for senior year. Most families were like Annalee’s at Angel Grove High. The school had been founded by hard conservative Christians as a private school wanting to protect their children from the evils of the world. It was a miracle that condoms were even mentioned in the older videos.

“Well, people like to have sex for fun sometimes and they don’t necessarily want to make babies,” Ms. Callahan would explain.

“What’s so fun about it?”

“Umm, well, it just feels really good. So people like it.”

“What does it feel like?”

Ms. Callahan always found these questions hard to answer. How can you explain the intense feeling of an orgasm to someone who has never had one? Other questions the students were to shy to ask aloud and so would write in the question box. ‘What does semen taste like?’ ‘What does a vagina taste like?’ ‘Is it ok if I like other girls?’ For some of the questions it was like trying to describe sight to a blind man. A few of the kids had probably had sex before, but many probably had not, living in the bubble they did.

This year, however, things were changing. Abstinence-only programs had obviously failed, as had simply handing out condoms and telling the kids to figure it out. What’s more, it was clear that most kids – boys and girls alike – were getting their information about sex from online porn. Studies had begun to show young men who were unable to get aroused with a physical woman due to their brain being trained to be aroused to digital images. Things had to change. Kids were seeing a live person nude for the first time in the midst of heated passion and it was only to be expected that they wouldn’t be thinking about condoms or safe sex.

To try and alleviate some of these issues, and being the progressive place that it was, San Francisco had decided that the government – via the school system – should be the one to educate children in this area, and to make sure they had a ‘fully’ practical understanding at the end of the program. Angel Grove had the privilege of being the pilot of the program.

The new system would be strictly scientifically backed and implemented, of course. The students would now be seeing a live man and woman naked in their classroom and have the ins-and-outs of sexual health explained to them in-depth. The class would consist of basic anatomy and the reproductive cycle, self-pleasure, foreplay, coitus, and safe sex (condoms, the pill, anal sex, surgeries, and so on).

It was only to be expected that many of the more prudish parents would object to the program, but both state and local courts had ruled that to refrain would be tantamount to neglect. The Supreme Court had yet to hear the appeal, but in the meantime the program was a go.

The teachers who would lead this class were selected with care, both for their professionalism and for their physical health.

Katie Callahan had been the female teacher assigned to the class. At 23 years old she was only a few years out of college with her teaching degree in biological science, and had been teaching at Angel Grove High School for both years of her career so far. The kids who had entered the high school as freshmen had gotten to know her well by now. Though she was largely oblivious to it, more than a few of the boys had crushes on her. She was easily the most attractive teacher there: short blonde hair, 5’7”, 109lbs, 36C’s, and the perfect hourglass figure. When she walked down the hallway all male eyes – and even some female – were on her heart-shaped ass.

David Francis had been the male teacher assigned to the class. Married with a loving wife and three children, a boy and two girls. His specialty wasn’t in science but in physical education, which together with Ms. Callahan’s knowledge made them a good pair for the class. Where Katie provided the theoretical insight David provided the practical, or at least that was the idea. As the PE teacher and a member of the military reserves Mr. Francis in solid physical condition; athletic, toned, and standing at 5’11” with thick dark hair.

The two teachers met for a planning meeting in the weeks leading up to the beginning of the class. They had their resources gathered: sample condoms, sample lubrication, vibrators, anal plugs, and enemas.

“So all the paperwork is done: STD Tests, Consent Forms, etc.” began Ms. Callahan. “We’ll begin the class by rehashing the basics. Male anatomy, with you. Female anatomy, with me. We’ll then move on to the self-pleasure portion, followed by foreplay. This will be followed by the coitus demonstrations, and then we’ll close with safe sex exercises. All pretty straightforward. Did I miss anything?”

“No, that about covers it.” David replied closing his binder. Katie had been detached and clinical throughout the discussions leading up to the class. David did his best to echo her professional tone but had begun to think that she was actually completely detached from her sexuality.

“Can I tell you something?” Katie said, her tone shifting “Actually I guess I need your professional opinion, judgement, that is. I need to know if my affect has been compromised. This is probably going to sound dumb to you as a married man, but I’m honestly a little turned on by the idea of being naked in front of all these students. I must be sick. When they first approached me about the idea I thought it was the most insane thing ever, but I’ve read the studies, and it’s legit, and so it just took some coming around psychologically, and I approached it purely clinically, you know, but now I’m worried about my professional objectivity being compromised. Does that make sense?”

“Yea, perfect sens…” David began before he was cut off.

“I mean, like, I’m going to have you inside my mouth, I’m going to be tasting your cum. I mean, I’ve tasted it before of course, but in an intimate setting. And you’ll be in my cunt, with them watching.” her breath was getting fasting “I’m going to have you inside my ass in front of a bunch of kids. I mean, they’re legally adults, but like at 18 you’re still basically a kid…. And they’re going to touch me, and so are you… you’re going to be in me… even in my ass. I’ve never even had a guy in there before. Why did I agree to this?” It was like it was just now hitting her what was actually going to take place in two short weeks. Her breathing was heavy, both from arousal and nervousness.

Up until this point the two teachers had avoided talking about the nitty-gritty of what was in store for them in such open terms, trying to keep it strictly professional and clinical. There was of course no denying that he too was completely turned on by this idea, he could feels his scrotum warming up and his penis twitch as Katie spoke; it’s not every day a married man has the guilt-free opportunity to have sex with a girl over ten years his junior and cum in every hole she has.

He always was something of an exhibitionist, which was one of the many reasons he had accepted when asked about helping out with the class. He would make love with his wife in the backyard of his house hoping that someone would peer out their window and see them. So being an exhibitionist helped, as did the idea of cumming down Katie’s throat, of feeling the warmth of her pussy and the tightness of her anus.

“It’s only natural to be aroused Katie,” David said, “We are mammals after-all. Nobody expects you to deny your body its emotions. How do you think I feel? Yours will actually be the first anus my dick has been in, if that’s at all comforting.”

Katie smiled, “That is a little comforting. We’ll wade new waters together I guess.” Her breathing was now slowing back down to a normal speed.

–Two weeks later–

The school bell rang and the last stragglers of the students came rushing into the classroom, there were always those few who waited till the last second to step in and take their seat. Ms. Callahan enjoyed teaching her senior class. There were twenty-one students in all, and she had had most of them for two years already. She felt they listened to her more attentively than they did many other teachers, probably since she was younger, only a handful of years older than most of them. Young teachers, she thought, were better at connecting with students.

For most of the students, however, it was her looks that they were connecting with, especially on the days when she would wear yoga pants – albeit covered by a long shirt for professionalism – or the thin grey cotton dress that seemed to cling to every curve of her buttocks when she walked. Today she went with the classic red plaid skirt with a white button-up and a tan cardigan for warmth. It seemed as if she was always cold and she wanted to be prepared. The skirt came just under midway down her thigh, so it was just tantalizingly short enough to constantly disappoint the boys in the class who so eagerly hoped to catch a glimpse of her panties when she reached for something high or leaned over. She had to admit that she knew she could sometimes feel their eyes stare at her perky round butt pushing out against her skirts or yoga pants.

After roll call Miss Callahan could feel some butterflies begin to flutter around her stomach. After closing the door Miss Callahan went to her chalkboard and wrote sex-ed in big letters at the top. “Ok, everyone, today we’re going to be beginning Sex Ed. You all probably had sex-ed class in grade school that went over the basics: the different biological systems and the reproduction system. This class goes beyond that basic overview and provides in-depth practical and scientifically sound instruction. This will include not only discussion but also demonstrations and hands-on activities. It is our hope that when you leave this class you will be fully prepared to be competent adults in your sexual lives.”

“Our?” one of the students asked.

“Yes, Mr. Francis will be joining us shortly. Sex Ed has both scientific and physical components, so we’ll be teaching the class in tandem.”

Right on cue Mr. Francis walked through the door and closed it behind him.

Mr. Francis took his position beside Ms. Callahan at the front of the class and she continued, “Welcome Mr. Francis, as I was saying, we will be beginning Sex Ed, and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding anything of this subject.” She smiled at her class. Some students blushed slightly. There was something about open talk of sex around teenagers that always brought out giggles and red faces.

“Are we going to see naked girls?” one of the boys asked, then a few others joining in laughter.

“Well yes, that is a necessary part of sex education. You have to learn what parts of the body are what are after all.” replied Miss Callahan

“She’s lying” another of the boys said, “It’s probs just that same grainy video with the hairy chick they showed last year.”

“As a matter of fact, you will actually be seeing both myself and Mr. Francis as a demonstration of human anatomy. One of our goals is to allow you to take a look at the human body in person.” The class erupted into a mixture of gasps and giggles, “Another goal is to help push your boundaries beyond some of the more backward-looking parts of our culture. All said and done, by the end of this class you should all be more open sexually, and you will have experience beyond many of your peers.” Some giggles continued, but when they saw that neither teacher was breaking composure their jaws began to drop and even the more talkative boys sat silent. They had entered unknown territory.

“Anymore questions before we begin?” Ms. Callahan asked. The class didn’t respond. They only looked onto the two teachers with bewilderment and eager anticipation.

“Ok, let’s get started then. We’ll be having various demonstrations and practical exercises in this class. These will be performed first by myself and Mr. Francis and then by you all. They will be in-depth, and will involve splitting into groups for observation and hands-on experience. This will become clearer as the class proceeds. The curriculum is designed for pairs, however it the numbers don’t quite work out for that, so we’ll see”

Over the next two hours Ms. Callahan and Mr. Francis rehashed the same basic sex ed that the students had heard many times over. Penis. Vagina. Sperm. Ovaries. Menstruation. Ovulation. Fertilization. Growth of the fetus and birth. The diagrams were newer, but they were still diagrams. As the class rounded into the third hour the students had begun to drift off, their attention waning and heads nodding, convinced that they had fallen for a clever ruse.

Most of the boys were half asleep when and didn’t notice when Ms. Callahan continued in the same tone she had been using to announce “We will now be leaving the theoretical portion of the class.” ‘Theoretical’ wasn’t a word that made ears perk up.

Ms. Callahan leaned back on her desk and slowly began to take her shoes and stockings off. She tried to keep her professional composure. She could feel a slight warmth developing in her nethers but tried to push it out of her mind. One of the few boys who hadn’t nodded off nudged another and pointed to the front, just in time to see their teacher pull her second stocking off.

Mixtures of confusion and awe began to register on the faces of the students as Mr. Francis removed his shoes and socks. The two took their places in front of the large desk.

“Our first demonstration will be of the female breast,” Ms. Callahan said as she began undoing the buttons of her shirt. The sleep that had been afflicting the boys suddenly vanished.

When it was fully unbuttoned she removed her shirt and cardigan. She was now standing in front of her class in just her bra. All eyes, Mr. Francis’ included, were squarely on her.

She kept her composure and continued, “Mr. Francis, would you mind doing the honors?” she asked, turning her back toward him.

# Chapter 2

Mr. Francis reached forward and took the back of the teacher’s bra in his hand and unfastened it, pushing the two straps down off of her shoulders. Finally Ms. Callahan cupped her bra and let it fall into her hands, two perfectly rounded breasts falling free, their small pink nipples stiffening in the cold.

The students gasped, the boys leaning forward in their seats. Many of the boys had never seen live breasts before.

“These,” she said cupping her firm and full breasts, “as you all know, are breasts, but I expect many of you have never seen them in real life on another person. Like all of you I have nipples, which stiffen when cold.” She began to squeeze her very perky nipples, “You may also have noticed that when you get aroused your nipples get hard and erect, this is normal.”

She moved to the first row of desks and stood in front of of the first desk. James, one of the shyer kids in the class, kept his eyes cast downward, not knowing if he was allowed to look.

“It’s ok James, you can look at them.” The boy looked up, eyes fixed on his teacher’s breasts now just above his face.

“Now one of the questions that gets asked more often is what a breast feels like, for some reason there’s the idea floating around that they should be extremely firm like a soft plastic or rubber.” She took one of James’ hands and placed on her left breast, the boys gasped once again. “What does it feel like James?”

For a moment the boy was frozen, but slowly began to squeeze the breast in his hand, to run his fingers over it. “It’s very soft, squishy… kinda… kinda like a water balloon but softer.” He managed to squeak out.

“Correct. Breasts are quite soft, and when natural have this nice jiggle, like mine do.”

One of the girls happened to glanced down at James’s basketball shorts, his hardening dick forming a sharp tent, “Oh my god Ms. Callahan he’s got a boner!” The other girls squealed and the boys laughed.

Ms. Callahan looked down and smiled, “It seems he does, which is only natural. Breasts are a key sexual zone of the female body and naturally cause sexual excitement in males.”

She proceeded to move from one desk to the next allowing each student to feel her breasts. Most of the girls, and even some of the boys, needed some encouragement. By the time she was three-quarters of the way through all the boys were leaning forward in their desk to minimize their erections; even at this point there was a certain shyness left in the air.

When she got to one of the boys – Rick – he asked one of the questions she was expecting, “Why are girl nipples so much more perky than boys’?” He was lightly moving his finger back and forth over one as he asked.

“Because the female nipple, unlike the male, is meant to be sucked on. If you were to try and get a male nipple properly in your mouth it might be somewhat difficult, but try how easy it is with mine.” She leaned over as she replied.

“You… you want me to put it in my mouth?”

“Yes, don’t worry, just don’t bite it.”

Taking one of his teacher’s breasts in his hand he guided her nipple to his mouth, touched his tongue against it, and then closed his lips around it. The rest of the students watched as sucked on their young teacher’s breast. His other hand moved up to her other breast and he fondled one as he sucked the other.

Ms. Callahan leaned back and Rick reluctantly let her succulent breast slip from his mouth with a distinctive popping sound. “See, they’re made just for that purpose. If I had recently had a child they would produce milk, but even as it is it provides great pleasure for the female when her nipples are stimulated.

After Rick was one of the girls, Whitney, who was abit of a tomboy – albeit a cute one with quite small breasts of her own – asked to try as well. As she suckled on her teacher’s breast she realized just how much she wish her own were this luscious.

The last two students in the final row of desk were Bryan and Bryn, a set of fraternal twins. Bryan had been trying extra hard to hide his erection. When Ms. Callahan came to him he merely reached up and brushed his hand against her breast before turning to look back down. Bryn, who also happened to be the brightest girl in the class, was trying her best to remain clinical; it was just another assignment, and so she reached up and felt her teacher’s breast and returned her hand down to her desk as if it she had just had a paper returned.

Returning back to the desk with just her plaid skirt on she picked up her cardigan and slipped it over her shoulders for warmth; her compromise to keep her breasts visible and herself from shivering.

Hopping up onto the desk she slowly lifted the front of her skirt, snagged the hem of her black panties, and began to slip them down her thighs. The entire room held their breath in anticipation, a pin dropping could have been heard with ease, and all eyes were focused on the area between Ms. Callahan’s legs.

‘This is it’ Katie thought to herself as her panties slipped down over her knees ‘I’m about to be fully naked in front of my students.’

One foot slipped through her panties, then the other, and then she hopped off and set her panties on the desk next to her shirt. Her skirt fell back into place shielding her shaven vagina from view once again, but only for a moment.

Sitting back down on the desk she leaned back and spread her legs wide enough for the class to gaze upon the glory of her pussy.

“This, of course, is my vagina,” she said running her index and middle finger on either side of her labia. “This is where babies come from. It is also the main area where the man inserts his penis when having sex. These folds are called the labia, and the hole itself is the vagina. Finally right up here at the top is a little bud called the clitoris. The clitoris provides most of the pleasure for a woman during sex, just like the glans of the male penis.”

Ms. Callahan began to rub her index and middle finger on either side of her clit. “This is what girls do to make themselves feel good,” she explained rubbing back and forth on her clit, “how many of you have done this before?”

A couple of the girls raised their hands. Masturbation was statistically lower amongst girls so this didn’t surprise her. “You’ll get most of your pleasure from rubbing your clitoris, but you can also get some mild pleasure by inserting one finger in the vagina like this. Some girls can get significant pleasure that way, but for most of us the clitoris is the primary route. Go ahead and try rubbing your own if you like.”

A few girls sheepishly put their hands into their pants, and slight moans of pleasure began to escape their lips.

“You’ll notice that as you rub it your vagina will begin to produce a milky lubrication, this is simply your body preparing itself for penetration. After doing this for a while it’s then a good idea to take you other hand and rub your clit.”

Bryan looked forward to the seat in front of him. There his sister sat with her back to him, but he could see that she had followed Ms. Callahan’s instructions. He thought about his sister there rubbing herself and could feel a weird warmth build in his scrotum.

She gave female students a few more moments to try fondling themselves and then continued, “This demonstration will probably work better if you all come up here, single file.” With the screeching of desks all the students got up and formed a line from the teacher’s desk around the side of the classroom.

James was up first again. His eyes were fixed on the crotch before him as a he moved forward and he could feel his mouth go dry, he felt as if he was in a dream. He didn’t realize he had been standing there for a solid minute until Ms. Callahan took his hand and guided it to her slit. Mechanically he slid his fingers up and down her labia.

“Try putting your fingers inside” Ms. Callahan advised. Still mechanically James took his index finger and pushed it through the folds and into his teacher’s vagina. Remembering Rick’s earlier question he mustered all his courage and tried to speak but the words got caught in the dryness at the back of his mouth, “Can I… uhmmm, I mean, I always wondered, ummmm, you know… what it tastes like.”

“That’s a good question” Ms. Callahan said “and a common one.” With that she reached one of her legs up and hooked it behind the boy’s head, pulling it down to her pussy. She was freshly showered so the musky smell was at a minimum. James planted a kiss on the top of her labia, then put out his tongue and licked it from top to bottom. Katie felt a tingle run through her crotch and up her abdomen.

“Just the one taste,” Ms. Callahan said, “we have a lot of students to get through.”

James reluctantly stepped back and the next student, Annalee, stepped forward. “My mom said that girls shouldn’t touch other girls there.” she said quietly, trying not to let the other students hear, “she says that it’s a sin.”

“Many cultures believed that in the past,” Ms. Callahan began, “But we’ve progressed a long way since then. Your mother is certainly entitled to her opinions, but you’re basically a grown woman now, and you can decide on your own.”

Gingerly Annalee placed her hand on Ms. Callahan’s labia, then leaned forward and gave one solid run of her tongue from bottom to top. Once again the electric warmth spread from Ms. Callahan’s crotch. A girl’s mouth had been on her vagina only once before, during a particularly rowdy night in college. Feigning bisexual attraction to other girls had seemed an easy way at the time to grab the attention of the boys, and one particular night when hanging out with her crush and some other friends some standard kissing and petting with another drunken girl had advanced to that girl’s tongue being in her vagina with a finger up her butt, bringing her a spasming orgasm within minutes. Her crush had ended up marrying that other girl. Katie had to admit that the other girl had shown more dedication to the cause.

Annalee quickly went back to her desk and sat down. The rest of the class filed through, one of the boys and a few of the girls had refused to touch her, but had simply glanced at her genitals and moved on, whether due to shyness, disgust, or simply being too shocked to really know what to do.

Bryan was one of the last, with his sister just behind him. Wishing his sister wasn’t there he quickly bent over and ran his tongue over Ms. Callahan’s labia and moved on, taking his seat. From there he watched Bryn walk forward and run her fingers over her teachers labia, making sure to rub the clitoris and then inserting two fingers into her vagina. Bryan was dumbfounded at the clinicality of his sister’s movements. Removing her hand his sister leaned her head down – lower than the other students – and placed her tongue directly onto her teacher’s anus, then moved her tongue up over her taint, her labia, and ending on her clit.

The sudden feeling on her anus sent a shudder through her body, the girl in college had not been so dedicated as to give her a rimjob; a tongue had just touched her anus for the first time, and it was the tongue of one of her female students. When Bryn noticed Ms. Callahan’s slight fluster she apologized “I’m sorry Ms. Callahan, I just wanted to make sure I got everything covered for the class.”

“It’s ok Bryn,” Katie responded, “That actually leads well into our final bit of anatomy, the anus. If you would stay here for just a moment you can help me.”

Ms. Callahan slid off the desk and turned around, placing her hands on the desk and leaning over slightly. “The final erogenous zone on the female body is the anus.” She lifted her skirt and bent further over, unveiling her perfectly rounded ass to the class.

“Now as you know, the anus is where your fecal matter comes out and can be quite dirty and filled with bacteria. It’s not a good idea to put your mouth to an anus under just any conditions.” Bryn began to redden as she thought she was getting in trouble.

Reaching back Ms. Callahan spread her asscheeks and continued, “But as you can see, mine is quite clean. So clean, in fact, that if you insert your finger in it will come out perfectly clean. If you wouldn’t mind Bryn.”

Realizing she wasn’t in trouble Bryn stepped forward again and placed the tip of her index finger against her teacher’s wrinkled sphincter, and then began to press. Bryan watched as his sister’s finger disappeared into his teacher’s ass: one knuckle, two, all the way up to the base.

Bryn could feel her teacher’s anus contracting around her finger. It was soft inside and as she bent her finger she could feel the skin of her colon. She slowly withdrew her finger and looked at it, completely clean, it didn’t even have a smell. She placed the finger into her mouth, no taste either.

Ms. Callahan had simply meant to spread her a cheeks as a demonstration of her cleanliness in order to lead into a discussion of hygiene, but before she could close her cheeks and turn around the young girl without asking had leaned down once again and pushed her tongue onto the hole her finger had just left.

Bryn’s tongue pushed into the hole and she felt her teacher’s sphincter contract. Ms. Callahan froze at the unexpected movement. Mr. Francis too was frozen in shock as he watched the blonde teen dive into his coworker’s bubbly butt.

Even though it seemed to last an eternity to everybody in the room, within a few seconds Bryn withdrew and stood back, “How can it not have a taste or smell?” she asked in genuine curiosity.

Ms. Callahan stood up, her skirt falling back over her ass (to the dismay of all the boys in the class, many of whom brazenly sat with the hands in their pants). “Ahem, uh, as I was about to say, with good hygiene even the anus can be quite clean when need-be. For this level of cleanliness an enema is required.”

As Ms. Callahan explained how an enema works Bryn returned to her seat with her fingers still in her mouth, each of which had been in one of her teacher’s holes. Bryan was dumbfounded. “What the heck was that?” he whispered to his sister.

His sister turned around “What?”

“THAT?!” he said in his most forceful whisper.

“It’s all just biology.” she said matter-of-factly, “The skin on her anus is no different than the skin anywhere else.” She then promptly turned around. Bryan knew better. Their parents had raised them in church. Their bodies were temples, and he could vaguely remember some command against sodomy and stuff with the butt. Maye something about it being unclean? But maybe they just didn’t have enemas and soap back then. Either way it also probably forbid licking a woman’s vagina somewhere and he had done that, so he guessed he couldn’t talk.



  1. This is a pretty good story. I’m actually turned on by this! Can’t wait for Chapter 3, or even Chapter 4.

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