[MF] Invited to sorority formal as a friend, turned into nice FWB fling

This is my first time writing anything like this. I’m not a regular follower and I realize this may not be so “gone wild” compared to some of what I see here. But it is a 100% real sex story that I remember fondly. Maybe some of you will enjoy it relate. Most of it I remember like it was yesterday. It’s quite long sorry.

OK straight up, always a loser with girls/women. Total pussy, zero game, not a player/stud/alpha male/stallion, shy with girls, self-conscious, you get the picture. Average looking at best. 6 ft tall decent at sports growing up but got chubby (about 215lbs) by HS – not muscle. Sci-Fi nerd/Metalhead. No prize looks wise but I have other good qualities, very intelligent, good sense of humor, and a strong moral compass. Always try to treat everyone with respect including women. Never a problem making friends and overall was respected/liked by most people in various social circles. As horny and as big a perv as the next teenage male (maybe more) but only hooked up with a few girls in high school and no sex. My core group of friends and I didn’t socialize with many girls during HS (shocker). On a side note I met a nice and very attractive woman in my late 20’s and am happily married with children now.

Lost my virginity early freshman year in college to a new/brief GF. Hooked up with/slept with a handful of girls over the first 3 years but less than my peers. I joined a fraternity 2nd semester freshman year and hung out but wasn’t a massive partier. We of course socialized with many sorority girls but sadly I did not hook up with any of them (yet). There were better looking guys who got a lot of attention from the hot ones and some average looking guys who were smooth/good game that also got laid a lot. A few sorority girls I frankly found very unattractive (again, I’m no prize) showed some interest now and then but as horny/perv/would have fucked anything as I was I didn’t go for it. I was young and naive but I always felt like that would be deceptive on my part and probably hurt someones feelings. Looking back these girls probably just wanted to fuck like anyone else but that was my mindset back then. There were also some opportunities where way too much drinking was involved and I always chose what I felt was right over getting laid – no regrets about that. Anyway over the course of nearly 3 years I got to know a lot of the girls and was friend-zoned by quite a few. Who knows maybe I had a shot with some of them but was too clueless. In addition to regular hangouts over the years I was invited to a number of sorority functions at bars, restaurants etc. as a friend. I found most of the girls were actually pretty nice/friendly and always had a good time, of course would have preferred to be getting pussy but what can you do.

Then out of nowhere towards the end of junior year one of the sorority girls I was pretty good friends approached me at the bar one evening and said “hey, want a date?”. A little embarrassed I asked what was up. She asks me if I would go to the sorority formal with Kelly as a friend. So this was a big year-end event at a nearby hotel where everyone gets dressed up, eats/drinks, dances, and apparently rent rooms in the hotel to fuck after. Kelly and I already knew each other, but not very well. I had met Kelly the very first week of school freshman year when I hooked up with one of her suite mates at a party and hung out there a few times after (no sex). She was a nice girl and I think overall I made a good impression even though I stopped seeing her suite mate a week or two later. She made comments that we were cute together etc., we chatted etc. She was one year ahead of me. Over the next two plus years we would say hello/goodbye and chat a bit at parties/bars but never talked much, weren’t in any classes together. I told the girl who asked sure I would go, why not? So she goes back to wherever she was and Kelly came by a little while later and we chatted, I said thank you for inviting me, it would be a nice time, she would drive etc. Spent some more time chatting and went our separate ways.

I was not really attracted to Kelly at first and would not have likely pursued her. She was almost as tall as me, overweight – not huge but more than a little chubby and had small tits. Somewhat pretty face, nice smile. Nice skin and nice color, I think she was spanish and sicilian. Very nice personality, easy going from what I knew. I did not have any reason to think she was interested in me at all other than as someone to take to the party. A few days later another pretty good friend in the same sorority asked me if I was going to the formal with Kelly. She had asked one of my frat brothers who was a onetime FWB of hers to go with her “as a friend only” also, and would we all want to split a room at the hotel. I teased her that yeah right she was going to be fucking my frat brother in the room – we were friends like that – she laughed and said no, gross not with other people in the room etc. So my frat brother/friend and I touch base about this and it’s a go. He did tease me was I going to fuck Kelly in the room? His tease was because she was not that attractive. I’ve always tried to be respectful like I said and was no prize myself, but reality this is how most guys this age talk and I’m not perfect either. I actually just said no, which I absolutely believed was the truth. TBH I had no idea what the sleeping situation would be, how many beds, floor/couch etc, the girls handled the room.

The event was a week or so away. A few days later I saw Kelly walking around town with a few of her sisters. Stopped to talk and found out they had come from getting tattoos. I asked her what she got and her sisters started giggling. One of them who I knew well said “don’t worry, you’ll see it”, laughing up a storm. Kelly just smiled with an amused look on her face, she said it was a butterfuly. A little more small talk and then we parted ways. At this point I’m thinking to myself hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm….they must be kidding right? Could this actually go down like that? I still thought 90% no, but I started to come around to the idea – if it happened why the fuck not?

The night of the event comes, the four of us drive to the hotel and check into the room. There are two double beds and a couch. The beds are on opposite side of the room so not that close to each other. Its a little awkward, the girls each put their overnight bag on a bed and the guys put their bags on the floor. The girls freshen up and we head downstairs to the event. It was a nice time. We all ate, we all drank, a fair amount but not too much. Had nice conversation most of the night. I don’t dance (loser) but she didn’t seem to mind, she was enjoying herself, enjoyed my sense of humor. It was all seemingly very platonic though. When the event is over one of the other guys at the event invites people to his room to hang out. It was about midnight I think. We head upstairs to our the room and each person goes into the bathroom separately to change out of their formal clothes. Still no one says anything about the sleeping arrangements. I put on pajama bottoms and a white undershirt. Kelly changes into some kind of nightgown or sleep shirt. It was not very revealing but it did show off her legs just a bit which looked pretty good surprisingly. I think this was the first time I had seen her outside of jeans or her long long formal dress. At this point I was thinking up to 50/50 something is going to go down. As an outside observer you may be screaming DUH but I really still had no idea what she was thinking at that point. We go to the other guys room there are a lot of people crammed in this little room same as ours. People sitting up on the beds, on chairs, on the floor. My friend and his date find a little room on one bed and Kelly and I do the same on a different bed. I sit up on the bed cross legged and she sits the same way behind me. Everyone’s relaxing, talking, having a good time, smoking cigarettes, a few bottles of liquor were passed around. Classy I know. I had some and was feeling good but not really drunk. Kelly declined, she was done for the night, but just a little buzzed from a few glasses of wine. Conversation switched back and forth between the entire group and side conversations. Kelly seemed to think I was really funny and was enjoying herself but also getting tired. Everyone was. The room is noisy and at some point Kelly keeps leaning into me (my back is to her) to hear what I’m saying. Eventually this leads to her placing her hands on my back as she leans in. Then this changes to rubbing, and now she’s giving me a massage. At this point even I am not that stupid, and I realize it’s on.

Everyone’s really getting tired now it’s around 1:30 so everyone heads back to their rooms. We get to ours and my friend runs to his date’s bed and jumps in. She plays it off like you’re sleeping here? OK fine……That kind of broke the ice for me also so I did the same thing. Kelly smiled at me playfully, no argument from her. The girls went to the bathroom area to get ready for bed. When Kelly comes back to the bed I get up and leave to get ready. My friend and I are both brushing our teeth in the wash room (separate from the bathroom with 2 sinks) and he whispers to me “Are you going to fuck Kelly???” this time I laugh and say I don’t know. Lights out. When I get back to bed Kelly is under the covers on her side facing off the bed. I get into bed under the covers facing her back. Its a double bed and neither of us are small so I’m basically right next to her. I start rubbing her back and returning the massage. She starts hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmming softly letting me know that she’s enjoying it. She smells nice, she feels nice, she is nice, we had a great time….at this point as you would expect I’ve got a raging hard-on pressing against her legs and butt. Average dick size just under 6″. After about 5 minutes I slide down the bed and my hands move down her back skipping her butt and moving down to her legs, up and down the back and front of them. She continues with the hmmmmmmmmming and I am having a hard time controlling my instict to go for her pussy right away. I could tell by the way she moved her legs open that she wanted it. But I am thinking it might be I dunno, odd to finger a girl you have never held hands with or kissed. So I slide back up and gently roll her on her back and we start making out. It was nice, but brief. I was interested in the pussy what can I say. I slid down a little bit and lifted up her sleep shirt. I put my hand on her crotch and started to rub outside her panties. She started to moan quietly, bent her legs up and spread wide. With my right index and middle finger I pushed her panties to the side and touched my thumb to her pussy hole. Wet as anything! Slipped it right in all the way to louder moaning – but she was trying to keep quiet. It was extremely wet but pretty tight at the same time. In an out and alternating with rubbing her clit with my thumb. Then after some time took away my other fingers, flipped my hand over and put my thumb back in, grabbing her ass with the rest of my hand like a bowling ball. Worked that around for a bit and slid my left hand up and under to fondle her tits. They were small with rock hard nipples. After a bit of this I pull off her underwear and slide back up. We’re making out and I go for broke on that twat with my hand, rubbing over her clit a lot with 2 fingers and only occasionally dipping in for a poke to re-wet my fingers. I can see this is what she likes. After a relatively short time (this whole thing has been maybe 20 minutes?) She digs her nails super hard onto my back, no girl had ever done that before and moans “ooooooooooooh” while her legs shook. I put the 2 fingers back in her pussy and it was more soaked than before so I knew she came.

At this point it was about 2am and we were both really tired. I did not wind up getting off that night sadly, but I didn’t blame her. I didn’t have a condom and not sure she would have wanted to actually fuck in the room with other people. Could have asked her, could have asked my friend if he had a condom, coulda/shoulda/woulda but I didn’t. Certainly would not have minded her sucking my cock for a bit. Anyways kiss a bit she’s exhausted but very happy, smiling, we go to sleep me facing her back my boner goes down and I drift in an out of sleep. Wasn’t all that comfortable on that little bed. Some time later I woke up with a hard on. This time I lift up her sleep shirt and run my hand all over her ass for a bit and pull her underwear (which she had put back on) into her crack so I could get a good feel of the cheek she’s not sleeping on. Pretty nice. She starts to wake up. I move the underwear out of the crack and my hand down the back. She lifts her leg allowing me good access to her pussy with my middle finger from behind. Again very wet instantly. Rub her clit with the same middle finger. She was enjoying it but was tired, I could tell she wasn’t going to come again. I came up and lay next to her, she put her hands down my pajamas and stroked me for a bit, but that wasn’t going to accomplish anything. After a bit we both went back to sleep. A few hours later some more brief fondling and that was it.

We all woke up the next morning and she had a big grin on her face. Everyone was happy but as we left there was nothing romantic between us, no kissing touching etc. None of us showered we all got dressed, packed up our shit and left. My friend and I took the girls out to breakfast to thank them for inviting us. When the girls went to the bathroom my friend told me he fucked his date 3x that night and he saw Kelly’s leg in the air while being fingered from behind LOL. Funny I never heard or saw anything he was doing but I wasn’t looking. When I was dropped off I got a kiss on the cheek from both girls and that was that. Naturally I beat off the second I got in my room. I figured I might hook up with and fuck Kelly in the future but wasn’t sure. The event was on a saturday, and I believe Wednesday of that week I got a prank phone call from a few girls including the one who said “you’ll see it” about her tattoo. Which I hadn’t actually seen since it was dark. It was something funny and vulgar, I played along, eventually Kelly came on and said call me sometime. I said I would but didn’t right away.

The weekend always started on Thursday since no one had classes on Friday. That Thursday Kelly and I met at the bar everyone went to and we hung out, talking and drinking some. Our fraternity house (I did not live there) was a few blocks away so at closing time (4am) a bunch of us headed back to hang out. I invited her back and she accepted. This is not anything she would normally do AFAIK, she just wanted to get laid and I was inadvertently making her work for it. After about an hour there it was beyond late and I offered to walk her home. By then the sun was starting to come up. She opened the door to her apartment and we walked in. I asked her if her roommates were there and she said they both went home for the weekend. I had already wasted enough time that night, so I kissed her and mauled her tits like an animal. She grinned. I told her to take off her shirt. She did plus bra but told me she hated her tits. I lied and told her they were cute. Truth be told they were not great but no one’s perfect least of all me. She said ok well I hate them. While we were standing I took some time massaging them, lucking and sucking them, I did not get the impression she cared for that all that much. Maybe she was self conscious, maybe it was me or maybe it was just not her thing. I got behind her and cupped her tits with my hands and walked her toward her bedroom. She laughed, I guess she thought I was actually funny. When we got to her bedroom I kicked off my shoes, kneeled down and unzipped and removed hers, unbuttoned and pulled down her jeans. My first time seeing her in the light she looked better than I expected, her skin was pretty tight, no cellulite on her ass and I was very much looking forward to hopefully fucking her. She wore regular white or maybe light pink panties, they were not sexy/thong nor were they granny. I saw the butterfly tattoo above her right asscheek. We kissed and got on her bed. I took off my shirt and then got rid of those pesky panties. She had a nice looking pussy and once again very very wet. Went to town with my hands all over her body and inside her. After a while she went to the end of the bed and unzipped my jeans and slid them off. Big smile on her face then she started to give me a blowjob with eye contact as I laid on my back. It felt nice, but I never came from a blowjob until I met my wife. I was enjoying myself though, after maybe 5 minutes she asked me if I wanted her to finish. I guess this is like a combination of are we going to do something else plus how long is this going to take lol. I told her that I didn’t finish from that. I pulled her to me and kissed a bit more while I played with her tits. Finally I asked her if she wanted to get a condom. YES, I didn’t have to ask twice. A feeling of joy swept over me and my cock. Yeah I was actually dumb enough to not bring a condom with me out to the bar, I thought she might be there, but yeah dumb. Luckily her roommate had some, she went to her roommates drawer and grabbed one. At long last at maybe 6am god knows I was going to get the pussy. I slapped on the condom, she laid down on her back and I slipped the cock in. Ahhhhh what a great feeling of a tight wet pussy. Nothing fancy this time, just missionary. She held her legs far apart so I could get as much of that pussy as possible, in and out at a steady pace. She looked up at me smiling the whole time. I looked down and told her it feels great and she said “I’m glad you like it”. I thought that was so fucking hot. Now maybe that’s not all that dirty but the previous girls I slept with never really said a word and a few were pretty uptight about sex. I fucked her for around 10 minutes and told her I am going to come soon. She said go ahead and I certainly did shortly thereafter, a really good one. I knew she hadn’t come this evening time but we were both very tired after being up all night. Cleaned up and we went to sleep for a few hours. She had a twin bed which sucked but we got a few hours maybe. When we got up she drove us to get a late breakfast and then back to my apartment.

So thus began our brief FWB situaiton which lasted until the end of the school year, only a few weeks away. I have no idea if this story is of interest to anyone, let me know. If it is, I have a few more nice experiences with her I can write about in part 2.

P.S. A few days after the formal I was hanging out with a group that included the other girl in our room, my female friend. Kelly wasn’t there not that it matters nor was my frat brother. One of her other sisters actually brought up how she fucked him in the room that night. She mostly had no shame (nor should she) but she says well it was completely unexpected. I laughed and called bullshit on her. She asked “why would I share a room if I intended to fuck him?” And I said clearly because if you got your own room it would have been obvious that the “just as a friend” was nonsense. Everyone laughed and she said basically admitted that was true.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ejo3us/mf_invited_to_sorority_formal_as_a_friend_turned