After training for the last 20 months I finally got my wings.
I woke up kissed my wife good morning and we had our usual hot shower together where we usually engage in mutual masturbation. This morning it was special she allowed me to go down on her ,it was the first time in days I craved her …so much and as i am down there she beings to say “more more oh daddy ”
It was the first time she called me that and I was really turned on by this.
The alarm rang, I was late for my filght and I quickly put on my clothes and got to my car .
I arrive at the airport head to the airline office and have my first pre-flight briefing. The captain, Capt T
Is busy looking trough, not the charts but the list of stwedesses on the fight..
He remarks “all girls ,apart from the gay”
Sorry sir?
The filght “it’s all women and the gay man”
Ignoring his ….description of the male steward.
They should be here by now
It’s your first day right,?,its usual but they’re not too late.
The door opened, the girls came in
Throughout the whole briefing I realise one of the girls was looking at me the whole time, while I was checking her out
She was small breasted, and the uniform hugged her small figure plus she had her top two buttons unbuttoned all I wanted to see now was her butt and what she’ll look like naked.
When the briefing was over the crew and I had a little chat ,
She introduced herself as mei
Nice name I said.
After all our checks we strapped ourselves in
Capt T : listen kid those girls are a handful, if you want to do anything do it in secret.
“I am married sir hahahha”
Capt T , it’s more fun that way
Thankfully the chief steward came in ,and said” any pre filght drinks?”
Water please extra cold ,
Me too I replied.
Still right now all I can think of is mei ,and I cannot resist my urges
So midway into the filght she comes in and whispers to me “what do you want for your meal ?
Smelling her perfume I whisper back what do you have
She replies, “you can have me if you like”
And then says five minutes, aft galley
See ya I say
As the five minutes tick down, I think of all the ways of how I can fuck her brains out
And what she’ll taste like…..
I unbuckle myself out of the seat ,and say I’ll be back sir,
Capt T replies enjoy yourself, she’s a feisty one
A second of silence goes by
He adds ” I am not deaf you know..,just enjoy ”
I leave without saying a word I head to the gallery all the way at the back of the plane.
I ask her for a cup of water and slurp it up then I whisper, I’ll unlatch it
I head to the lavatory, untach the inner wall,used to accommodate elderly or wheelchair bound passengers.
She comes in from the other side and I grab her towards me just kissing her ,slowly unbuttoning her uniform, she sild out of it and hung it on the latch she then squatted and pulled out my dick and began to blow me, I enjoyed it and whispered
” who’s your daddy now?”
I pulled her up as she placed her hands on the door as I began to slowly put my dick into her and from slowly thrusting into her I began to increase the speed she let out loud moan ,so I took my tie ,rolled it up and placed it in her mouth.
Cupping her small breasts ,pulled her backwards towards me
Kissed her neck and I ask her for permission to est her pussy
She replied you better hurry, so I bent downwards and began to work my way up her legs kissing them ,her inner thighs and finally my main course some nice pussy
As I ate her out , she began to suckel on my fingers she says “you like Chinese pussy huh”
……I just continued ,the taste and that wetness was beyond this world.
Soon the “return to seat ” sign came on.
And to finish her off I fingered her till she …..
I gave her one last kiss. And closed the inner wall and latched it back
I got changed and returned to the filght deck .
When I got to the hotel that evening I found my wifes panties in my bag ,wet and moist
I gave them a wiff and then I realized the real true pussy for me ,my wifes .