[MF]My first time visiting a brothel!

D**on’t forget to message me your specific questions.**


Hey guys, I know some of you are interested in visiting brothels, strip clubs, and venues like those, and you message me asking me about this kind of experience. Therefore, I thought this thread would appeal to you. If you aren’t, then that’s cool; ignore this thread since I didn’t make it for you. Be on the lookout for our other threads on self-help. We have a wide fanbase of guys with different interests and goals.


This visit was a few years ago when my uncle took me to a brothel in Latin America. I don’t want to go into specifics, but most brothels over there are somewhat similar; therefore, if you saw one, you can have an idea of what others look.

My background, I grew up in a non-practicing catholic family. My family is very laid back when it comes to sex. I know of my families in our circle who straight-up paid for a pro for their son. For instance, my best friend lost his virginity to a small-time actress.

From my experience in Catholic, unlike Protestant culture, there’s no such concept as an “emotional connection.” Therefore, there is less stigmatization when it comes to paying for sex.

**My Visit**

At around this time, I was watching American Pie and got interested in losing my virginity before I went to college. My uncle was very into whoremongering and would go to brothels or strip clubs with his own money. He’s free to do whatever he wants as he is living life on his terms. I asked him to take me, and he agreed. Unlike in American or British culture in Latin America, there are, in fact, more male role models.

I wore a turquoise hoody and blue jeans, and I went there around 8 pm. My uncle drove me in his car. I had hung out with my uncle before and went to rock concerts, so going to this venue was not a big deal.

Before, I got my ticket from a clerk who gave me some condoms. I would say that the people there practice safe sex for the most part since everyone is required to use condoms, and most girls get regular medical checks.

Once I got in, it was exactly like a strip club. You have the girls in skimpy clothing. That night was heaven and hell party, and some girls were dressed as angels and others like demons. The girls were looking insanely. Ironically, a few months later, there would be a heaven and hell party in my American liberal arts college. However, the guys there didn’t get laid. You see, in America, the girls get to be empowered by the guys aren’t. If they ever got a chance to go to a brothel, they would definitely have a blast.

My uncle went to get a couple of beers for himself. Meanwhile, I walked around and started to talk to girls. The girls there were exactly like the girls from the strip club(I will write a series on strippers). I got myself talking to the girls. I really like this Colombian girl. I spoke to her briefly and told her I was interested in her service. She said, “Sure,” and we went to her room together. I used the ticket I had bought earlier to pay for her. The sessions were about 30m. To compare the experience, I would say that it was very similar to the Writing Center. When you go to the writing center you pick the girl you like and then she takes you to a private room where only you and she can be there, it was precisely the same.

**Breakdown(Colombian Girl)**

We went into the room. It was dark, with a purple light on the desk. The girl started undressing, and I started undressing. She was charming and thin. If she didn’t work there, it would have been hard to tell if she was a working girl or not. She had dark hair, freckles, and dark eyes. She started to put on the condom with her mouth(lots of hookers do this), and she gave me a blowjob. The blowjob was terrific, and I tried not to cum from it. After a while, she got on top of me and started riding me. Most of the sessions are supposed to last for 30m so after I came inside the condom, we were done. We might have given each other a quick peck kiss before leaving.

After I got out of the room, my uncle tapped me on the shoulder and told me, “You are a man now.”

**How did I feel during my visit?**

It felt good; the sex was pleasurable and fun. It did not feel “robotic” like the puritans say. The girl was a pro, and her job and has tons of experience.

**Did you catch any STDs, pregnancy scares, or drama?**

Zero. Most of this is made up BS. You have a higher risk of catching STDs from having sex raw with a girl from a nightclub with a girl who is a professional and takes care of her health. I also always used condoms and never practice any unsafe practices.

**How did it impact me?**

I didn’t have any fear, anxiety, or thirstiness for girls. In fact, a few months after my experience. I went to my American liberal arts college for the first time. Over there, I asked a cute, brunette girl from my class out, and she agreed. We went out to have breakfast together and get to know each other. She actually had a boyfriend who looked at us from a distance.

**Did I become addicted or obsessed with sex or girls?**

The opposite happened. When you have access to something, then you tend to focus much less on it. This is similar to American or Canadian girls who have a lot of access to sex and tend to lose interest in it and value other things like money much more. Meanwhile, the people who have less access to it become obsessed with it and can only talk and think about it.


Don’t forget to follow us at [r/Crimsonpill](https://www.reddit.com/r/Crimsonpill). In general, I wanted to share my experience since there’s a lot of misunderstanding and mischaracterization when it comes to this topic, especially in Purifemism America. Especially from outsiders like Roosh, who have ZERO experience in this topic yet talk a lot about it. The next time I went to a brothel was a few months later with a bunch of friends for a birthday celebration. Again it was “boys being boys” concept going on. Ironically, most of my friends had girlfriends or were in long term relationships and were not hooker addicts, drug addicts, or weirdos.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ei8azs/mfmy_first_time_visiting_a_brothel