The Violet Rose Society Part 5(Non consent/Slavery/NSFW/40K)

Fifth part of the violet rose series from [](

Its up on the site along with the other four parts, as always feedback is welcome.

This part contains depictions some my be uncomfortable reading so be warned.

Her Time Alone.

Chiana was back at the mine.

She could hear her heart beating heavily in her chest, her breathing heavy. She was in the rest area, standing in between the rows of bunk beds and their threadbare mattresses.

She looked down at herself, she had on the familiar semi worn brown rags that all of them were given to work in the mines hot cavern, her hair was once again covered with her favorite headwrap, flowing down her back slightly.

She heard the cheering of a large crowd.

Her head raised, and before her, in a large group with their backs to her, was all of her kin from the work crew. Men and women of varying ages, all cheering at something in front of them. The echo of their noise reverberating throughout the rest area.

She started to walk slowly forwards. Her heart started to beat harder it seemed, some of them looked back at her, smiling. Senrig, Alinti and others, smiling in a way that she had never seen them do before.

As she approached the outliers, they started to part for her, but the cheers and jeering continued. She got closer as more of them moved aside to make way for her. Her breathing was faster now.As she came to the front, she looked at the scene the crowd was cheering.

It was her, naked and sweating, on a rich scarlet colored bed, with four pale and emaciated figures all around her. One of them was furiously slamming between her legs, and the cock of the other was in her mouth. She was sucking on it fast and hard, a look of pure pleasure upon her face.

The four ‘men’ however, had only wide open mouths on their faces, they had no eyes or openings for their nostrils, the other two of the vile creatures were pleasuring themselves with what looked like sharp claws.

The other her began working them even harder, as all four of the creatures prepared to climax. The crowd around her roaring and goading.

The pale monsters all tilted their heads back, and just as they were about to release…

Her eyes opened.

She was lying down on the silk bed of her room in the estate. For a split second after waking from the nightmare, her rage and fury flooded her, but just as quickly the implant kicked in, soothing the fierce emotion and numbing her.

Chiana lay on her back, looking up at the decorated ceiling of the room she was given. On the nights that the group gave her a break from sex, she would be allowed to sleep here on her own.The large window to the room let in a fake moonlight from the holographic sky, as she lay there, she finally had time to think about the past few days, in an emotionally detached way.

‘So this is my life now. To be a plaything to a horde of Gamenite perverts. My own body, even my own mind, isn’t mine anymore.’

She tried to coax at least some emotions from the thought, even if it was misery. But all she got was a dopamine hit as another thought entered her head, titillating her.

‘I am nothing more than a plaything now! A toy to be used, a receptacle for my masters lusts… and I love it!’

Chiana knew that thought wasn’t really her own. She had far more respect for herself to ever think that way. All the while she was forced to work in that mine, along with the others, she never gave up her own mind, her own sense that she and the other Ymiri were more than just tools to smash rocks and shovel dirt into carts. In her veins was a legacy from a time when humanity was at its very height.Every Ymiri knew the stories of their creation, they were all told it by their elders, and those makers intended for her people to be inheritors. Not slaves of any fashion.

‘I might not be able to feel the conviction of these words anymore. But I know within myself that I am no mere slave, not in the mines, and not here in this perverted place.’

Another dopamine hit was coming, but this time, she concentrated, she forced her mind to remain silent as the false emotion passed over her. It was difficult, a part of her wanted to give in to it, to come up with some filthy thoughts to ride with the small high. But this time, she held out.

‘Could I learn to resist this?! Learn to build up a tolerance to it?!’

She kept herself calm, not wanting to stimulate the implant any further. Instead she had something else to think about, the ‘sharing party’ that the three groups had arranged tomorrow night.This time she allowed the implant to stimulate her, she’ll offer small amounts of mental resistance at first, before trying to push it more, take small steps at a time and try to build up her mental stamina. For now though she allowed her mind to think about the activities before she once again drifted into sleep.

Preparing Themselves.

Salek looked at himself in the full length mirror. His torso was bare apart from a thin purple toga cloth that covered his right pectoral. He wore nothing more than a small covering that cupped his genitals with a thin fabric, and of course his favorite fine boots.

‘I can’t wait to ride between that red haired nymphs legs!’

He felt a twinge in his groin, but he forced himself to focus on other matters. Leaving his room he strode downstairs to where the others were waiting with Chiana.

She looked stunning, all she had on where some nipple cups connected with flimsy velvet ribbons that connected to a thong that may as well not have been there. The main piece of her ‘outfit’ though, was the elaborate collar round her neck with the golden chained leash attached to it, of which Talonen was holding the other end of.

“We’ve been waiting for you!” He scowled at Salek as the other two giggled. “I want to get to Corrins estate before Berin does!”

“Why? Were not on a schedule are we?!”

“He just wants to make out that Berin and his entourage had pulled out!” Rhonir chimed in.

“Well?! Let’s get going then!” Salek opened the front entrance, and Chiana was led by Talonen to the waiting Carriage outside.

They did arrive before Berins group, but as they got out and greeted Corrin at the estate’s entrance, Salek could already see his carriage pulling into the paved front itself.

The three men and Zelunni climbed out. Like Chiana, the Rustwalkers body was barely clothed. Her large breasts were thinly covered in a decorated netting, her nipples could still be seen through it easily, and as the muscular woman approached Salek licked his lips as he stared at them.

“Your tanned pet is looking delicious tonight Ber. I trust you’ll be sharing her with all of us?!”

Berin and the other two men were similarly gazing at Chiana.“Of Course, and I’m sure that you will be as equally hospitable with your toy?!”

“If you have finished Gentlemen? Perhaps we can all get inside and begin the nights activities?!”

Corrin was standing before them all with Anwen by his side. The men all looked wide eyed at her. Wearing nothing more than a leather harness that travelled down the centre of her body, covering her before winding round her back. Corrin looked at the others with a smirk on his face.

“Shall we all?” He gestured towards the entrance as they made their way in.

The evening started with the ten men gathered within a large downstairs guest hall. The groups consumed alcoholic drinks and stimulant drugs meant prolong their ability to perform. They lounged on elaborate and comfy furniture while Chiana, Anwen and Zeluni all Danced seductively on a small platform in the center of the room to a servitor orchestras music.

Overhead lights rotated in multicolored hues across the room, and the main lightsource illuminated the women’s silhouettes as they ground their hips and moved with the music’s rhythms.All of the men were entranced by the show. Before performing, They had been told to go upstairs to a preparation room on the manors second floor. There servitors had coated all of their skin in a slightly glittered and scented oil to catch the light, and now, dancing under the luminator, their bodies glistened as the light bounced off of the flecks, and as the activity caused them to sweat, the room filled with an aroma designed to arouse and stimulate further.

This effect could be easily seen on all of the men present, some had removed their crotch coverings, erections on full display. Others shifted their own bodies toward the women provocatively, simulating sex acts to them.

Corrin placed down his chalice, moving toward the large rear entrance that led into the estates courtyard and play area.

The three women stopped dancing as the music died down, everyone paid attention to him.

“Gentlemen?! I think it’s time to play!

Playtime in the Courtyard.

Corrin had set up three large and elaborate red canopies in the open area, each one had a lavish pile of cushions spread across a large mattress, and within these three canopies a large orgy was underway.

The men had all mixed up amongst each other, so they would all get the chance to use all three of the women each.

Chiana’s eyes rolled in the back of her head as Berin was ravenously kissing her, The inside of her womanhood began to pulse slightly in anticipation. He moved down to her breasts. She moaned and her nipples swelled as he ran his tongue across one before moving to the other, Erastus and Jovan were both looming over her. Their silhouettes illuminated by the warm light from the gardens main lamp.Chiana heard the cheers and moans of pleasure coming from the other canopies. Berin stared into her eyes as he spoke through the translator mic to her.

“Open up to us! Let’s show you what real men can give!”

Chiana’s pulse quickened at the words, she spread her long legs wide as she felt the muscles in her sex contracting, opening herself up to them. Berins cock pulsed as he pushed himself between her legs.

She looked over at the frenzy that seemed to erupt in the canopy to her left, as Berin began his first thrusts into her, she saw one of zeluni’s tanned legs poking out of a pile of pale, naked men.


Chiana felt the first of the spasms as Berin grabbed her buttocks with both hands, squeezing and working them as his pounding became faster. Both he and Chiana began to moan in unison as she felt his cock starting to throb within her faster.

He head swung to the other side. There, in the other canopy, she saw Anwen, both her mouth and womanhood being used at the same time. Salek was slamming between her thighs as Talonen was thrusting his dick into her mouth as she sucked, all three were soaked in sweat.

Berin suddenly leaned back and Chiana moaned out, His pounding sped up more as his climax approached.

Chiana: “aaahhhhhh!!!”Berin: “aaahhhhhhh!!!”

His cock exploded inside of her, and her womanhood seemed to take on a life of its own, she tried to spread her legs even wider as her sex convulsed and spasmed, almost as if it was eager to drink in his seed as his own orgasm released it.

Erastus and Jovan both cheered him, patting him on the bare back as his slowly pulled out. Chianas sex convulsed as his dick left it, a thin stream of milky fluid leaked out.

Erastus took his turn next, grabbing both her now swollen and sensitive breasts as he plunged himself into her.Zeluni cried out in pleasure as the group of four with her played with her body, as Fishig was pounding her sex two other men were running their tongues across her muscles like a platter being licked clean of a rich cream. Her copper colored skin was covered in streaks of drool and red suction marks.Her eyes crossed as she roared out, the two men rapidly flicking their tongues all over her breasts, they both made lewd sounds through their lips as they licked and sucked on her darker colored nipples, as Fishig convulsed in his climax they both suddenly pulled their lips away with a smack, two large dark breasts shook wildly as they fell back into place.

“Mmmmm!! I love chocolate!, especially when its as firm as this!” Dominic’s eyes glinted as he smirked. He looked down at the tit he was sucking, his saliva flowed down its side.

The action continued throughout the night with small breaks in between. The men swapped between canopies several times as they sampled each of the Ymiri women in turn.

They all stood at the entrances to the canopies, looking in at the concubines. They were splayed out on the beds, breathing heavily and covered in sweat. The outsides of their mouths and womanhood all leaked streaks of semen and their bodies were covered in lip shaped suction marks.Corrin was the first to speak, the men all panting in exhaustion.

“My dick is pleading for mercy after that!” They all laughed in response to the quip.

“We have to make this a regular event!” Salek replied. “I’d like to do this all the time!”

“Indeed! We could even arrange swap nights maybe?!” Berin suggested.

They all mumbled in agreement to each other, but tiredness was getting the better of them all.

“Lets sleep with them! Part of the satisfaction of having a woman is waking up with them next to you!” Corrin looked over to Chiana.

“You’d know this how?” Salek asked. “Being with Chiana is the first time I’ve ever woken up in the same bed as a woman! Throne help me if I ever opened my eyes and my former wife was next to me!”

They all laughed at that remark, knowing full well the horror of such a thought of sleeping with one of their own women.

They all made their way to the Ymiri women. The closest ones embraced them, held them tightly, and down the eyes of a few of the men, tears were running as they faded into sleep.
