Forgive (m)e (f)ather, for I have sinned… Pt 1.

Not a bone in Gwen’s body was religious at all. Organized religion went against everything she knew and felt, however, somehow her mother had dragged her to a midnight mass on Christmas eve. *Why am I here… I’m never agreeing to this again…* She pouted as she thought about her netflix and wine waiting at home, while mother sat beside her blissfully unaware. The room began to fall silent as a man took his place behind the podium. He had wide shoulders under his robe, salt and pepper hair and a stubbly face. *At least I get to look at something appealing while I listen to this droll…* He began mass by leading the congregation in prayer. That was where Gwen began to tune out. She tuned back in while the choir was singing. They were amazing and brought tears to her eyes. *Ok fine, it’s not totally horrible…*

The priest closed mass and everyone got to their feet. Her mother of course wouldnt let Gwen just run away, she wanted to introduce her to some of the clergy. *Let’s get on with it…* They shared pleasantries and well-wishes with most of the clergy, and finally they were last in line to meet the priest. *thank God…* As they inched closer, Gwen got to take the priest in in more detail. His eyes were a deep amber, his hands were big and worn, his smile made his eyes crinkle and all she could wonder was what was under that robe. She was starting to feel a feeling… *Not now you slut! Always wanting what you can’t have!* Gwen stepped up with her mother for her turn. The priest took her hand in both his hands and kissed them. He patted her hand and explained that he’d heard much about her and was glad she had finally made an appearance. Gwen was speechless – for once. His aura was electric. He asked her the last time she had confessed.. *never?* She stumbled out some form of a sentence, but he didn’t accept. He insisted on a confession before she left the building. *Fuck!* After many tries at a rebuttal, the priest _insisted_. Her mother had driven herself and decided to head home not knowing how long Gwen’s laundry list of confessions would take. Gwen was nervous suddenly. The church was huge and dark and silent. The priest led Gwen to the confessional booth; he still had one of her hands in his, she couldnt get out of this. *I wonder what those hands would feel like wrapped around my neck…* As they arrived to the confessional booth he turned her to face him. Staring deeply into her eyes, he explained how confession worked. She was feeling sheepish about the whole thing. *How did we get here??* He slid the curtain open and motioned for her to enter. She cautiously took a step in and tried to get settled. He slid the curtain across and she heard him get into his side. *oh my God, oh my God* Gwen was in complete darkness and feeling a mixture of fear and indecent thoughts. *Stop thinking about fucking a priest! God will hear you!* The window between them slid open with a sharp sound. Gwen almost yelped. *Calm down you silly twit!* After what seemed like an eternity, the silhouetted man prompted her to begin. “Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been ten years since my last confession.” Gwen confessed to stealing fruit at the grocery store, to flipping off another driver, and to drinking too much. The priest paused before speaking, then asked if Gwen was married to which Gwen answered no. The priest asked Gwen if she knew that masturbation was a sin… her jaw dropped. He asked her when the last time was that she had sinned in that way. *This morning… five times* She told him sometime in the last couple months. “Are you sorry for your sins, Gwen?” he asked. “Yes father, I’m so very sorry,” she replied and actually kind of meant it. “For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. Ephesians 5:23. Gwen, women were created for man. Your body is not yours to use for your own pleasure, but for mine.” *Did he just….* “It’s time for your penance. You must sanctify your sin by repeating the act now, for me to consider.” She was stunned into silence. Her heart beating out of her chest and her pussy throbbing to the same rhythm. She must have heard him wrong. “I want you to pull up your skirt and touch your panties. Are they wet or dry?” She followed his instruction in absolute shock that this was happening. How many times did she fantasize about this while going to an all girls Catholic school. “They’re wet father, soaking wet,” she said while stroking herself over her panties. “Pull them aside, my child. I want to hear exactly how you sin.” Gwen watched the silhouette while she reached down to move her panties. She was breathing deeply as she stroked her clit. She then slid two fingers inside herself and a moan escaped her lips. The sound her body was making from finger fucking herself was turning her on even more. She could hear him panting but didn’t know what to say. She pushed herself over the edge, her body shaking from the pleasure. “Kneel.” *What?* “Kneel,” he commanded with a voice that engulfed her in this tiny box. She found the kneeling bench and got down on her knees. She was expecting to be led in prayer, all that followed was silence. Suddenly the curtain slid open and the priest was standing there looking down at her. “Give me your hands.” She offered them above her head while looking down in shame. He took them and after considering the dwarfed hands inside his, he began to kiss them. The kissing turned into licking and sucking, tasting her. He place her hands on his chest and slid them down to his cock. He looked down at her, “I expect you back to confess in one week. Remember that your body was made for my pleasure, and my pleasure alone.” “Yes father,” she uttered. And just like that, he disappeared into the darkness. *I guess I’ll see you in one week…”



  1. Damn girl let’s hear part 2 . I knew those kneeling benches were good for something lol ..

  2. Proverbs 23; 27.
    A whore is a bottomless pit; a loose woman can get you in deep trouble fast.

  3. I love the story, but I’ll be the formatting Nazi: please throw in paragraph breaks where suitable. It’s very hard to read the big paragraph.

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