A camping trip with my sister’s friends really opened me up part 1 [MF] [FF]

A couple weeks ago my sister (Liz) invited me to go camping with her a few of her friends. There was Danny, Jami, and Liz’s recent ex boyfriend Mike. They were still dating when the trip was planned. But they were still getting along okay so they both went on the trip.

My sister was kind of bringing me as backup because the friend group had kind of taken Mike’s side in the breakup. I didn’t know a lot of the details at the time.

The plan was three nights out in the woods. Two tents. Lots of booze and drugs.

I’m a senior in high school, named Alyse, 18 yo, and this was by far the most sexually charged experience I’ve ever been on. Every single person in this friend group very clearly wanted to fuck each other. Same sexes included. They were all 19 or 20, 1st or 2nd years at college.

I’m short, brunette, pretty boring looking in my opinion but honestly I do have huge tits and a big fat ass. I’m not overweight tho, I’ve been told I have good proportions. Only ever had sex with one guy before this story. And fooled around with a couple girls at a sleepover lol.

My older sister, not that it really matters to the story but, she’s taller than me, also brunette, smaller frame though. Looks more model like while I look like a typical tik tok thot lol.

Mike is pretty muscular. Blonde, clean shaven. And a little taller than me.

Danny is y’all, black, kind of a dad bod but really hot, and short hair.

And Jami is this fiery red head with small tits but a really nice ass. And she always wears outfits that show off her stomach or midriff which is perfect. Even for this camping trip where it’s so cold outside lol.

ANYWAYS, the first night was mostly uneventful for me. I was going to sleep in my sisters tent and the other three in the other tent, but after the drinks started flowing, Liz gave me a look that said I should not be in her tent that night. I thought I’d be safe in Jami and Danny’s tent because they weren’t really flirting or anything. I was wrong lmao.

I ended up really close to Jami and Danny was on the other side of the tent. Then we heard my sister and mike moaning, groaning, skin slapping. Guess Liz is into the whole daddy thing lol. I guess that turned on Jami because she moved over to me and started touching me. She kissed my neck then whispered, “Do you like girls?”

I told her I did but wasn’t really feeling it tonight. As mentioned I’m overall pretty innocent and hadn’t drinken enough or done any drugs to get my inhibitions this low lol. She said she understood, then rolled over to Danny. Within a minute she was riding his cock slowly under his sleeping bag. At this point I did start to get a little turned on. And my sister has quieted down a bit lol.

I found myself touching myself, and Danny noticed too. He pulled the sleeping bag off and got Jami going a little faster. He lifted her up so I could see his enormous cock. I winked and then rolled over. I wasn’t trying to escalate that any further. After a few more minutes I heard Jami sucking him off, then sounded like he came in her mouth. She crawled back over to her sleeping bag and passed out. I heard mike finish, then I heard them arguing a little, then at some point I managed to fall asleep.

And I woke up to the sound of Jami sucking Danny off again. I decided to step out of the tent. Mike was standing outside just kind of looking into the wilderness, naked. He has a nice firm ass. When he heard me come out, he put his robe back on then turned and smiled.

“Sorry if we were a bit much last night.”

“Oh I went straight to sleep,” I lied.

Eventually Jami came out, already wearing a sexy outfit of jeans, and tank top, and a cool hiking coat. She winked at me and I blew her a kiss. I think she blushed.

Later in the day we all went for a hike. Eventually, I was hanging back from the group as I’m not much of an outdoorsy person. Danny dropped back and walked with me in silence for a while. Finally he said, “you probably could’ve joined in last night if you wanted to.”

I giggled and said, “yeah. That would’ve been too much for me though. I was already having to listen to my sister fuck.”

“Oh right. That probably wasn’t as hot for you as it was for me and Jami.”

“Your cock is nice though.”

He smiled and gave my ass a playful pat, then caught back up with the group.

At the top of the “mountain” we actually had service and I saw that the night before Jami had drunkenly been trying to get me to go into the tent with her. I was starting to feel like everyone on this trip except my sister wanted to fuck me.

When we got back from the hike it was already dark. Everyone started setting up for dinner. At some point, Mike slipped off. I wasn’t sure where. I was feeling gross and sweaty, and I had noticed this camp site had a shared shower. I was sure it would be gross and spider infested but figured I’d give it a try.

It was a short walk from our area. I had brought a bikini just in case, so I took that with me to wear for the shower. I heard that one was on as I approached the building. Steam was pouring out of the building when I opened the door. When I walked in I barely made out that it was Mike showering. He turned when I walked in and I saw his cock. It was hard. Now I understood why it was so hard for my sister to resist him. I smiled and apologized. I turned to leave.

“Hey no it’s fine! I’ll turn around, I’m almost done.”

I started undressing. I made sure he didn’t look at me when I was naked. Then I slipped on my bikini. I turned on a shower and let him know it was fine now. He seemed surprised and then disappointed when he turned around.

“Really? Showering in a swimsuit? While I’ve got my cock out and everything?”

“I didn’t ask for that.”

“I don’t see you complaining about it either.”

He had me there. I took the free second to take a nice long look at his dick. It was pretty long, not the longest I’d seen, but the thickest by far. I felt like it would split me wide open.

“Fine. Fair is fair.”

I undid the tie for my top and let my tits out, then pulled off the bottoms. I instinctively ran my finger over my pussy then turned around and kept showering.

“Damn,” he said. “Your body is way better than your sister’s.” That should’ve annoyed me but something about it was so hot. I wasn’t really used to being admired by guys like him. I don’t know why I said it, but I said, “you were already hard when I came in. Who were you thinking about?”

“Doesn’t matter. I’m thinking about you now.”

I looked over my shoulder and saw him stroking his thick cock. He asked if it was okay. I told him he could look, but not touch. He moved closer to me, jerking hard. He ended up leaning against the wall right next to me, just stroking that glorious cock. I gave him a show, lathering my tits and rubbing my pussy. He started to grunt and I could tell he was close. I got really close to him and said “go ahead.” He came hard, all over my wet stomach. Before it dripped down onto my pussy I stepped back into the shower and let it wash off my body.

“I’d be happy to return the favor. Or more.” He said. I noticed he was still mostly hard.

I just shook my head no. “You need to go, and don’t go back to camp until your hair is dry. If my sister finds out we even saw each other naked, this trip is gonna go sideways fast.”

He smiled, did a little playful bow, then stepped out of the shower to dry off get dressed and leave.

I didn’t stay much longer, and ended up beating him back to camp by a lot. I guess he went for a walk to finish drying. When I arrived at our camp a fire was burning, hot dogs were grilling, and three incredibly cute girls had joined our group. They were all early twenties and cousins, there on a family reunion but looking for some people their age (who had booze and drugs.) Jami and Danny naturally welcomed these cuties into our group.

Before I knew it I was chatting with the oldest of the group, Melody. She was taller than me, blonde, actually Jami said she looked like Liz. That made me feel weird about how much I wanted this girls face between my legs. I hadmuch more to drink that night than the night before. When it was really late, Jami went into the tent with one of the cousins and Danny. Lucky guy. Mike had come back and was hitting on the last cousins but she wasn’t into it. He ended up retreating into the tent and Liz wasn’t far behind him. The three of us were left, and Melody’s cousin (Anna) said she was tired. Melody invited me back to their tent. Anna rolled her eyes and said, “don’t you think it will be weird if you fuck her in the tent will me there”

Me and Melody laughed and I blushed. When neither of us denied our desires, Anna just shook her head and walked off. When she was out of side, melody just dropped to her knees and ripped my pants down. She gave me the best head I’ve ever had. I orgasmed, for the first time except for masturbating! I told her that and she said that was too bad.

I told her I was 18 and not that experienced. She gasped and told me she was 27. Much older than I’d previously thought. At that point she felt weird about continuing so we just kept chatting and occasionally kissing a little. After probably half an hour, the cousin who’d gone into the tent with Danny and Jami came out.

“Have a good time, Bella?”

Bella sighed and shook her head yes. Melody kissed my cheek then left with Bella. I went into our tent to see Jami and Danny naked and already passed out in each other’s arms. I went to sleep, weirdly frustrated but also satisfied.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/efsyxh/a_camping_trip_with_my_sisters_friends_really


  1. Trying my look you said you’ve got big tits and big fat ass, my brain can’t picture it and I love asses, you’ll either say no or yes, don’t ask and you won’t get

  2. Super nice story !
    Also (don’t get mad people) why are the ones that ask for pictures get down voted?

  3. There are a lot of fake stories here written by men but this one should win the most written by a man – award

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