25 Days of SEXmas – Black & White first 5 chapters (MF/FF/FFM) (torture/murder)(murder)(oral)(trigger warning)

*As a final Christmas present and a thank you for all the support I’ve received this month, I’m giving you a sneak preview of the first five chapters of my next project Black and White This story is about two assassins who use sex to get to their target.*

*Trigger Warning: There is a rape/murder woman is talked about and watched on a video. There are also scenes of people getting murdered during sex.*

Black sat on the target’s naked lap. Her long legs wrapped around him as his cock slid into her wet pussy. Black rocked her hips, taking the man deeper into her. He grunted with pleasure, cruelty squeezing her tits as he tried to fuck her tougher.

The target didn’t notice White slip out of the shadows. Reaching climax, the target closed his eyes as he twisted her tits even harder. In a flash, Black’s slender hands seized the man’s wrists in an iron grip, she pulled his hands away from her breasts. White crossed the floor and slipped the piano wire garrote around the target’s neck.

In less than two minutes, the target was dead. Black climbed off the man and efficiently retrieved her clothes, black thong, black lace bra and a black dress that barely covered her ass. The perfect disguise to ensure she got picked up by the target.

As Black dressed, White called Ian. “Contract 176-131 is complete. Target is terminated.” White ended the call without waiting for a reply.

Five minutes after they killed the man; Black and White walked out of the penthouse suite and down the back stairs. Going to their rented room, they stripped out of their clothes and put them in a barrel of acid. Ian has arranged the delivery of the barrel earlier that day anticipating their success.

Read Chapters 1-5 of Black & White [Here](https://rileyblackstone.com/2019/12/25/25-days-of-sexmas-december-25/). If you missed any of the 25 days of SEXmas read them [here](https://rileyblackstone.com/category/25-days-of-sexmas/)!

This is a rough draft, but feedback is GREATLY appreciated. Please let me know if you want me to write the rest of the book

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/efcc43/25_days_of_sexmas_black_white_first_5_chapters

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