No Sex Just me [M] doing some mathematical calling BS

Hi All,

Long time lurker, hopefully now that I actually made an account, will start becoming a contributor although sharing my sex life will be a snore.

Some people like calling BS – “oh the story is not true, oh your did not last 6 hours with 10 girls even though you are a virgin” BS:ing has the additional benefit of getting others to feel bad about themselves. And I too, especially given this particular sub is supposed to be about true stuff

OK so what is my first beef. the classic **I am average “only 7 inches”** . REALLY??? 7 inches is not average it is quite impressive. Just checked a few sites, and 5 inches is average. And REALLY are you actually 7 inches.? And you figure by adding “only” you are not really bragging right?

And now something I have only seen people write the last few years, I am average length – **but I have a lot of girth about 7 inches.** Yes,there is a bit of a math nerd in me. I needed to see what 7″ girth is – since half the guys in this sub are 7″ around. Well I decided to do it visually. Here is a picture of 7″ girth, and the bottom of a cup that I have ripped out here – is 7″ [My 7″]( and an echo Dot and staple remover in the image for scale. I have watched a decent amount of porn and maybe can remember 1 or 2 crazy examples of that girth.

So either I am projecting my “tiny”ness on the rest of the world – or some people needs to learn the difference between inches an cm.

My other beef, and I admit this is based on my small sample group, is **squirting**. It could just be that the one person in my life I have had sex with and the 3-4 others who I messed around with were not “squirt”ers, but I never even heard of that concept before maybe 10 years ago. It could be I am just out of touch with the new world of sex but can’t imagine that then numbers given here are anywhere near real world.

OK Probably made enough enemies for my first post. and maybe I will soon share some of my vanilla/awkward life. Like in my only attempt to have sex with someone besides my wife, I ejaculated while a hooker in Amsterdam was chubbing me up. So it may not be sexy, but maybe it will make you feel better about yourself :).
