The Violet Rose Society (Warhammer 40k adult fanfic,NSFW/NC/Coercion, first partand prologue)

The Following is the opening scene for a heavy adult themed story loosely set within the Warhammer 40’000 universe. The story contains depictions of sex slavery and coercive situations, and the full story will be heavily NSFW. All of part one can be read here [](

This part is a teaser, if you are interested then click to read the rest of the first part. As always feedback is welcome.. (Warning, its quite a long read!)

The Scheme Begins.

Prince Elian finally looked down to his desk, after nearly two years of preparation, two years of expensive bribes and favours turned in on, he finally realised that it was all in place.

He was really going through with it.

For the first time since he started, the magnitude of what he was planning finally hit him. Was this really worth it? Wouldn’t there be a more discreet way than this?!

His mind wandered back to his mother, her withered frame, a legacy of millenia of corrupted genetics, passed down along all the females of Gamenors noble bloodlines, condemning them to lives of frailty and weakness.

Sure, the base imperials of Gamenor didn’t suffer from it, even the pretenders who had the nerve to claim high heritage themselves, but their own blood wasn’t exactly of peak health, it was sullied with countless problems and mutations of its own.

Yes, this was the only option, it wasn’t just about lust…at least not for himself.

He got up from his desk, turning to the massive arched window behind him. It offered a spectacular view of the shipyard, and of the Genoxia.

At 14km long, it was twice the length of the legendary Imperator class capital ships of the wider Imperium, It was originally a Ymiri mining vessel before its capture during a joint effort of xeno’s mercenaries and Gamenor ‘Trader’ forces.

Prince Elian had commissioned it officially to carry on that duty under the Gamenor houses service, but he had it extensively modified internally. It was now a city sized palace, able to sustain and pamper a sizeable population for many centuries to come.

He looked over to the holo pict of his now late mother, Vevruthia. Her ugly and stern face seemed to chastise him even from beyond the grave. He smiled.

Yes, this is all worth it, for lust, and for the future of his bloodline.

He heard the loud tone of his offices chamber door. His mood brightened further when he looked at the surveillance screen and saw who it was.


The man who had made this all possible stepped in, chest pumped out and that ever warm smile upon his face, he opened his arms in greeting and Elian and his guest briskly hugged and patted one another on the backs.

“It’s good to see you Farros, the last few months have been too quiet around here!”

Both men chuckled, exchanging more pleasantries as the prince poured some malterwine from his cabinet for them.

“Are the others…on board with things?” Elian inquired, concern registering on his face briefly.

“All two hundred and fifty one members of the society are following through with us. They are on their way as we speak, and the Genoxia?”

The Prince gestured to the alcove, both men stood, gazing at the wondrous ship before them. On the outside it had only modest Imperial alterations, and looked every bit like the mining vessel it once was. Inside the vessels habitation district however, was a city sized playground of sprawling mansions and gardens, ready for its intended occupants use.

“And our….candidates?” Farro’s questioned further.

“Only the finest!” the prince replied, “I vetted their medicae reports myself, I think the society will be very pleased with my selections. 74 of the very best!”

“It’s a shame there couldn’t have been more, but that is more than enough.” Farros continued to look at the ship, admiring as his scheme came together.

“Any more would have caught the attention of the families scribes, the house seniors would have wanted to inspect the ship itself if too many slaves were requisitioned, especially with the ‘specifics’ we stipulated.”

Farros looked upon both their reflections in the glass, handsome features and toned forms all bought and paid for by the finest flesh sculptors the Gamenor Frontier had. All of the society had access to the same treatments, and he would have suffered no member to be anything less. His skin tingled in anticipation at what was coming.

“When do we disembark?” he asked

“A solar week from now.” Elian replied, “One week, and we will be free of all this!”
