Sexual [M]isadventure of a Teenager: The Discovery

Isn’t it amazing how your body changes when hormones begin to kick in? We all have been there. Come to think of it, discovering our sexuality is one of the most unique experiences for most of us. This story is about me first becoming aware of my sexuality.

I still remember feeling funny down there on numerous counts and not knowing why. I would have random erections forming a tent in my pants. I didn’t know what to do with it, wouldn’t care to hide it and make all else at home awkward. Watching hot girls dancing on MTV, I would casually take my hand down and play around with my boyish dick from the outside. I didn’t really understand why it got so big. It wasn’t always very convenient with my erection pressing hard against my shorts and sometimes the tension was painful. But with sexual changes comes the superpower of sexual curiosity to understand what to do with it. So, when no-one was watching, I would fondle my dick, press it with my fingers and get amazed at it becoming hard like a rock. I had already studied the concept of penis enlargement in biology at school, but to experience something so otherwise soft to become this hard was thrilling.

This one day, I was at home alone. Being hot with hormones, I wanted to explore the funny feeling I regularly have down there. So, I locked the house from inside, came to my bedroom and pulled my lower and underwear down. My penis was hard with excitement and I was enjoying the sensations. Not knowing what to do, I began to play around with it. I slapped it softly, moved it around in exaggerated motions using my hips and with my hands. I was making my dick fly around in all directions. Those motions stretched the foreskin in different ways and triggered pleasurable sensations throughout my body. My body was heating up. My mind was hazy. It was all very exciting and new for me.

In this heat, involuntarily, I held my penis head between the palm of both my hands (Mind you, it wasn’t the stroking motion we generally use for masturbating) and rubbed it to and fro for a second or two. This motion heightened the sensations and surprised me with how good I felt. Keen to feel the same again, I began rubbing my penis head between my palms vigorously. To and fro. Fast and faster. A tension was developing deep within. I was completely zoned out and all that existed at that moment was the sensation that was building up in my body. It became stronger by the moment and I could sense it traveling from deep inside the body towards my penis. What might have been 20 seconds felt like an eternity. And the next thing I know is watery fluid shooting out of my penis, and my body shaking and contracting by the force of the sensation. My mind went blank, my ears buzzed, and my body lay in heap on the bed. The unknown liquid had spurted all over my body and on the bedsheet. It was the most heightened and strongest experience of my life. The one which changed my life forever. I never knew that my body had the capability to make myself feel this good and I was extremely glad to have unlocked this capability.

‘Ting Tong’, rang the doorbell and I was shaken out of my ecstasy. I quickly cleaned the fluids, got dressed and opened the door. Mom was back. It was 1 pm in the afternoon and my Mom was intrigued to find me looking so exhausted and disheveled. As she entered the bedroom, she was taken aback by the strange smell. It was then that I realized how strong my fluids smelled. She didn’t say a word but I am sure she had an idea about what happened. This was my first experience with my sexuality. It was only later that I got to know about the concept of masturbation from my friends.

Share your own stories of how you discovered masturbation in the comments below.
